500 Days (26 page)

Read 500 Days Online

Authors: Jessica Miller

Tags: #romance, #new author, #adult, #contemporary, #new adult

Then what are you waiting
for?” I reached over into my night stand for a condom. I slipped it
over my shaft and spread her legs wide. I kissed her prolonging
this moment for as long as I could. The tip just reached the
surface and she tried to move down so I was all the way in. I
stopped her, wanting to control this. If I let her have her way I
knew I wouldn’t last long. “Casper,” she breathed. “Stop teasing
me.” I smiled satisfied. She was begging me. There was a desperate
plea in her voice. I pushed her back, crushing my lips to hers and
slipping inside her all the way. She let out a small

She felt so good, better than I had expected
or remembered. She hooked her nails into my behind, pushing me into
her deeper and harder. I slipped in and out of her a few times,
kissing her intensely. I could feel her coming apart the more I
pushed inside of her. I needed to hurry her along or I would finish
before her. I leaned onto my elbow so I could reach in between us
with my other hand. I circled my fingers softly over her clit,
gradually applying pressure. Her nails dug into my shoulder with
each stroke. I could feel her build and knew she was about to go. I
quickly pressed myself on top of her and thrust in and out, harder,
building speed. She bit my shoulder to muffle her moans while I
buried my head in her hair. I cried out with the final thrust,
collapsed down on top of her and kissed her neck, before rolling

I tilted my head so I
could look at her. I waited until her breathing became a slow
steady rhythm and then I slipped my hand behind her neck and kissed
her lips tenderly. She smiled, her eyes were slightly dazed and
cheeks were flushed. “I’ll be right back.” I got up and disposed of
the condom in the bathroom. I relieved myself and then came back
out to an empty bed. I looked up to find her standing by the window
in all her naked glory. Most girls tried to cover themselves
afterwards, but not her. I was glad she didn’t. She had an amazing
body. I stood back just admiring her. She had
long legs
and a nice round behind. She was thicker in the middle but that
just made her more appealing. She was a real woman with curves that
I wanted to wrap my hands around and never let go. The tattoo of
the ivy that she had wrapped partially around her back and up both
sides gave her an edge, a dark side that she kept hidden
underneath, waiting for someone to unravel.

I could just stare at her forever, but not
wanting to risk getting caught; I snuck up behind her and slipped
my arms around her waist. I nestled my chin into the crook of her
neck. She settled back into me, sweeping her arms over mine. She
fit so comfortable in my arms as if we were tailor made for each
other. Despite how tall she was I still towered over her by at
least half a foot. She was the perfect height to hug, kiss, and
everything else I wanted to do to her. I pulled her back to bed
with me and snuggled up close to her. I held her tight to my chest
not wanting to ever let her go. I gently grazed her back until she
fell asleep and when I could feel the steady rise and fall of her
chest; I knew it was safe for me to close my eyes.

Chapter 12



I woke up feeling trapped. I was caught in a
tangle of limbs. I had an arm draped over my body and a head full
of dark, thick hair resting on my shoulder. What the hell did I

I looked around the room in hopes of
remembering something. The room was familiar. I’ve been here
before. I spotted the guitar case in the corner and then my dress
and a pair of jeans. The entire night came crashing back like a
riptide. I was in Casper’s room. I looked down at the naked man
strewn across my chest. I slept with Casper and I was currently
secured under his unforgiving grip. I covered my mouth and turned
my head. How much did I drink last night?

This was not good. How the hell was I going
to get myself out of this?

Damn it, I really screwed up. My eyes
shifted back to Casper who was sleeping soundly. I slid my legs out
from underneath his and then I carefully lifted his arm, praying I
wouldn’t wake him. I maneuvered my way out from under him. He
stirred. I froze. When I heard him start to snore again, I let out
a breath and snuck out of bed. Knowing it would take too long to
get my dress back on, I grabbed one of Casper’s t-shirts out of a
wash basket by the closet, not caring if it was clean or not. I
threw on the shirt and then found a pair of sweatpants and swiftly
pulled them over my legs. I gathered my clothes and purse as I
tiptoed my way out the door.

I text Declan, keeping my fingers crossed
that she would answer back. I panicked when I heard a doorknob
turn. I slowly spun my head and held my breath. It was Declan. She
looked at me curiously. “I need you to take me home,” I

Why are you in such a
rush to leave?” I pressed my hands to my lips for her to keep her
voice down and then I pointed for her to follow me into the living
room. She stopped when she saw the empty couch. “Where’s Casper?”
Her brows furrowed and she stuck her hands on her hips. I bit my
nails as her eyes searched my outfit. “You didn’t.”

I cringed under her accusing stare. “It was
an accident.”

What, your vagina just
happened to fall on his dick?”

No I was drunk and why
are you so mad at me anyway? You told me I should sleep with him
and get it over with.”

Yes, but now you’re
bailing which is not cool.”

I’m not bailing,” I
snapped, even though that’s exactly what I was doing.

Bullshit. This is what
you do. You sleep with a guy and then you sneak out on them in the
morning and I’m not going to let you do that to Casper.”

Are you f’in serious?
What is the big deal? I’m doing him a favor.”

No you’re not. I won’t
let you do this to him.”

When the hell did you
become team Casper?”

You’re on your own with
this one. I’m not going to give you a ride home and then explain to
him why you left. I’m not the one who is going to break his

What are you talking

Jesus Alex, are you
really that blind? Casper likes you.”

I laughed. “Declan be serious. The only
thing that Casper likes is the fact that I have tits and several
holes for him to stick his dick in.”

Spare me the

That’s not…” I shook my
head not liking where this conversation was going. “Casper does not
like me.”

Alex, think about it. You
actually believe he did all those things just to get you to forgive
him for a black eye he gave you over a week ago? What guy plans a
birthday party, pays to get her car cleaned, and dinner for her and
her family just to say I’m sorry? Christ Alex, he even dragged
Colton out at night to search for a stray cat in hopes of seeing
you smile.”

You knew about

Colton told me last
night. Do you get it now?”

You’re over thinking it.
Casper doesn’t like me.”

She threw her hands up in the air,
frustrated. “I give up.”

So you’ll take me

She laughed. “You got
yourself into this mess
you get yourself out.” She turned on her heel and

Declan,” I whisper
shouted. She ignored me. “You’re a horrible friend and a horrible
cousin.” She flicked her wrist as if to say whatever.

Great, how the hell was I going to get
myself out of this? I ran my fingers through my hair. Okay Alex,
think. I started to bite my nails nervously. There was no way
Declan was right. Casper didn’t like me. We were both drunk, it was
a mistake, and once he wakes up he’ll realize it too and we can go
back to insulting each other. Okay, no problem. I can handle this,
it was no big deal. I gave myself a mini pep talk and took a deep
breath before I turned around to walk back into Casper’s room. I
never made it past the living room. When I turned, I smacked right
into Casper’s bare chest. He caught me when I stumbled

Whoa, easy there.” I
instinctively took a step back. “You okay?”

I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear
nervously. “Yeah, you just startled me.”

Hungry?” he asked,
walking out into the kitchen.

No,” I replied. I
followed him. He opened the fridge and offered me some water. I
took it. Neither of us spoke for what felt like an

When I woke and saw you
gone, I thought maybe you snuck out on me.” Casper rested his
elbows on the small, granite island. When he looked up at me he
smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. I twisted his shirt in
my hands unsure how to answer. “So, you were trying to sneak out.”
He pushed back off the island. Even though he kept the smile I
could see disappointment in his eyes. “It’s okay. I shouldn’t be
surprised. It’s not the first time you gave me the

I looked at him confused.

Fool me once shame on
you. Fool me twice shame on me.”

What are you talking
about?” I thought maybe he was still drunk.

You really don’t know, do

I shook my head having no clue. He didn’t
say anything else. I decided to move this along. I didn’t know how
to say what I needed to without making it awkward. I wanted to be
honest so I went with the friend’s speech. “We’re friends,

He rubbed his chin, contemplating his next
words carefully. “I wouldn’t exactly call us friends.”

I leaned to the side annoyed. “Then how
about we give it a try?”

What would you call last
night then?”

That question I wasn’t exactly prepared to
answer. I didn’t know the reply. I went with the best response, one
I thought he would want to hear and wasn’t far from the truth. “Two
people who got really drunk and let things go further than they
should.” I looked up to see him swallow the lump in his throat.
“Look Cas, even though we bicker more than talk, I would consider
you a friend and I don’t want a drunken mistake to ruin what we

And what’s

A love, hate
relationship?” I joked, hoping to ease some of the

He looked perplexed, like he wasn’t sure how
to respond. He let out a small sigh. “Relax Alex, you take
everything so seriously. You’re acting like I’m looking for a
commitment. Trust me when I say I’m not that guy and even if I was
I wouldn’t date you.”

Why not?” I asked a
little offended.

You’re not my type,” he
winked. I laughed, giving him a playful shove. “I do like the
friend idea though.”


He nodded and I relaxed a little. “How about
we celebrate our new found friendship with breakfast?”

I don’t

Come on, you got to be
hungry. I certainly worked up an appetite.” He smiled, making my
cheeks flush hot.

I could eat,” I said,
rubbing my grumbling belly. “What you got?”

I was thinking more on
the lines of going out for breakfast.”

I lifted his baggy shirt. “I’m not really
dressed for breakfast and the only shoes I have with me are my
heels. They don’t really go good with sweats.”

Hmm, I suppose you’re
right.” He scratched his chin, thinking. “How about I run out quick
and get us something?”

You don’t have to do
that.” I pushed my hand on my stomach to mask the grumbling so he
wouldn’t feel bad.

I don’t want you to
starve because my roommates are too lazy to go to the grocery
store. There’s a place right down the street. Why don’t you hang
out with Lucky while I go get something that’s not been rotting in
the fridge for a month?”

I creased my brow. “Lucky?”


You named him

Yeah,” he said a little
bashfully and then cleared his throat, embarrassed. “The vet said
he was lucky I found him when I did. He could have been a lot worse
off. So I thought it was kind of fitting. You can change it if you
want. I just thought I should call him something besides ‘Damn

I couldn’t help it, I laughed. “No, I like
Lucky.” He smiled and I followed him back to his room. I tried not
to stare at his body or show my disappointment when he got dressed.
He caught me watching in the mirror and I quickly averted my eyes
and put my attention on Lucky. Once again I could feel my cheeks
get red.

I spent the next twenty minutes playing with
my new kitty until Casper returned. Then I joined him in the
kitchen. “I didn’t know what you liked so I got a bit of
everything.” He wasn’t kidding. There were eggs, pancakes, French
toast, waffles, bacon, and sausage. He poured me a glass of orange
juice and then took plates out of the cabinet and settled down in
front of me. “Dig in.” He handed me a plate.

I don’t know where to
start.” I loved breakfast food so I was in heaven. I started with
the French toast and then some eggs. Lucky was sitting in my lap
and he kept trying to sneak food off my plate. “I think someone
else is hungry.” Casper took out a saucer and placed it on the
counter and then poured some milk into it. Lucky purred like crazy
as his little tongue lapped up the milk. “Oh, wait.” I grabbed
Lucky and pulled him away from the milk making him meow at me. “Put
some water in the milk to dilute it. I heard straight milk isn’t
good for them.” I could tell Casper wasn’t a hundred percent
agreeable, but he did it anyway. Lucky clawed at me in excitement
to get back to his milk. Once he was settled I dug into my

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