9781631055577NiKohsChosenMichaelsNC (13 page)

you act like OkVei.” The slight scolding tone from his housekeeper had him
looking up in a guilty fashion.

they’re so good.” His mouth full, he noticed the smile in her eyes.

iShe shook her head, then placed the bowl of soup in front
of him and returned to the kitchen.

take it everything went well at your mother’s?” GiNae’s soft voice near his
shoulder caused him to look up as she placed the steaming platter near him.

swallowed. “Yes, it did. I’ve already reported to my
superior, so I can devote the rest of the evening to you.” He smiled. “Will you
join me, or are you not ready for that step yet?”

I will remain in the kitchen. I told you, this will not happen. I be
seech you, NiKoh, let this pass.” She spun and returned to
the kitchen.

It doesn’t work like that, little one.

call me that!

so she was still angry about it. NiKoh decided to keep eating. “How is SkiRee
liking his new home?”

is not quite
housetrained, after all, and has
discovered a fondness for chewing my pillow.” GiNae’s anger seemed to subside,
though he observed her stabbing at her food. “I need to bring home some toys
tomorrow. I may even take him with me, so he doesn’t destroy my roo
m. When is the pen expected to be finished?”

tomorrow. The workers needed your approval for the size and placement. Since
you found it satisfactory, I will contact them in the morning to continue.”


fell. NiKoh looked up to s
ee a silent battle waging
between mother and daughter. With a huff, GiNae picked up her plate and entered
the dining room.

I join you? My mother says I am being rude.”

glanced at Vishe, then back at the copper flush creeping over GiNae’s cheeks.
o back in the kitchen, where you are more
comfortable. ViShe, may I see you for a moment?” He wiped his mouth and stood.

entered the dining room. NiKoh closed the door and spoke in a low tone.

know you are trying to show support, but this also
be forced, ViShe. She is resistant, and frankly, so am I at the moment. I know
you want what’s best for her, but remember, this has to happen when she’s
ready. I am in no rush, so let’s slow down and let nature take its course.”

understand. I kno
w you are lonely, NiKoh, and thought
maybe…” Powder blue stained her neck as she clutched her white apron.

It’s all right, and I appreciate your concern.” NiKoh smiled and reopened the
door. He took his seat again and finished eating, then adjourne
d to the living room to read.

NiKoh? I am ready to speak to you again.
determined voice rang in his head.

NiKoh closed his book.
you feel more comfortable in my living room or my office?

Mother has retired for the evening. The
ng room is fine.

placed his book on a table and knelt in front of the fireplace to stir the
dying embers. GiNae appeared, approaching with hesitation. He smiled and
offered some wine.

thank you.” She seated herself in front of the fire. “This fee
ls nice.”

like a nice fire to relax by in the evenings.” He smiled and poured himself a
goblet of his favorite wine, then sat across from her. “Your mother was only
trying to show her support of you earlier.”

know. Thank you for getting her to back o
ff.” The
firelight danced across GiNae’s soft features, causing her green eyes to glow.
“I’ve spoken with both my friend RaKel and my mother, and there is a way out of
this. All you have to do, NiKoh, is go before the elders and ask for a special
ion, and all this will cease.”

tried to remain composed, but her earnestness, along with her determination to
stop the inevitable, was too much. He felt the laughter build, no matter how he
tried to quell it, but to no avail. “I’m so sorry, GiNae. Fo
rgive me,” he managed before the urge overtook him.

is with you? All you do is laugh at me. I’m serious, NiKoh! Won’t anyone take
me seriously?” Her rage fueled his laughter, and as she stood to storm off, he
lunged, catching her by the arm.

ry,” he gasped. “Please, sit. Let me explain.”

far, all I understand is I seem to humor you.” She shook free, but sat back
down, crossing her arms over her small bosom.

coughed, trying to get his laughter under control. “I’m not trying to anger y
ou, really I’m not. It’s just there seems to be a
misunderstanding here.”

mother is never wrong.”

right, she isn’t. Let me see if I get this straight. You want me to go before
the elders, and get them to agree we aren’t compatible, so you will,
what? Stop going through Maturity? Or is there someone
else you have your eye on for your Chosen?” NiKoh nearly laughed when he saw
the horrified expression on her face.

mean…these dreams, visions, whatever, will
? Even if the dispensation is

shrugged, holding up his hands. “I have no control over my subconscious, and
neither do you. The dreams are a part of the Maturity process, GiNae.” He
picked up his goblet and sipped.

stood up. “Great. Just great. So everybody goes t

nodded. “Afraid so. Most, ah, enjoy the process.”

made a gagging sound. “So how long before you—or we—can get our dispensation?”

depends.” NiKoh stood up and went into his office, then returned with his
computer pad. “Mu

Som has
begun, so most likely at the end of this season, if your mind is still made

it will be.” GiNae warmed her hands at the fireplace. “I tethered SkiRee
outside for a few moments. I’d better go bring him in.” She turned around.

d night, GiNae.” He watched her retreat into the kitchen,
then turned back to his book.


* * *


coursed down GiNae’s face as she untied the makeshift leash from around
SkiRee’s neck and the doorknob. The
licked her face when she cuddled him a
nd returned to her room.

a mess.” She flopped on her bed and recounted the conversation she’d had with
NiKoh. “Twelve weeks! Can you imagine? ‘Some actually enjoy the process.’ Ugh.”
She mimicked NiKoh’s words. “I see nothing enjoyable about
dreaming of a man old enough to be your father touching you
or kissing you. Bleh. Now if it was JaFrie-no, he’s too stuck on himself. Who
else do I know with dark purple hair?” With a sigh, she rolled to her back.
SkiRee pounced on her, and she stroked the
copper ears. “I need to get some sleep.” GiNae exchanged her clothing for her
nightdress, then settled the animal in his box and climbed beneath the covers
after dimming the lights.


A feather soft kiss brushed her lips.
“Sweet GiNae…you find my touc
h so repulsive?”

Shivers traveled down her spine. “No,
that was actually nice. Kiss me again.”

“Certainly.” She felt the tip of his
tongue trace her upper lip. “Open for me, sweetness.”

Opening her mouth, she trembled as his
tongue tangled with hers, his l
ips more demanding.
Strangely, she answered in kind, exploring the inside of his mouth, and licking
the teeth she encountered.

The cool brush of soft cotton against
her breasts took her by surprise.

“My nightgown!”

“Shhh…remember this?”

She panted, wantin
g his warmth back. Suddenly, his lips were on hers again,
and so was the warmth of a furry chest against her nipples.

“Oh yes.” She relaxed, savoring the
closeness. “I like this,” she mumbled against his lips.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” he
sucking her tongue into his mouth with a

She answered by doing the same to his,
feeling his arm move around her shoulders to hold her closer.

“May I touch you?” She touched his
cheek, felt the faint sandpapery stubble.

“Of course.” He continued to
kiss her as her hand traveled across the contour of his
shoulder down to the planes of his chest.

She closed her eyes and imagined what
his naked chest looked like as she explored, then her eyes flew open when she
encountered a hard nub. She pulled her han
d away,
then touched it again, and heard him groan. Experimenting, she circled it with
a fingertip, then lightly tugged it between her index and thumb.

“Does that feel okay?”

“Yes. Remember when I did this?” She
felt a hand on her small breast, his fingers
the nipple, imitating her actions.

“Oh!” She arched her back, pushing
against his palm.

“That’s how it makes me feel also.”
Wetness covered her other nipple, and waves of pleasure filled her body.

“Don’t stop.” Her fingers found his
other nipple
and she gave it the same attention as
the first.

His lips moved from one breast to the
other, drawing circles and suckling the underside. She made no move to stop him
as he continued to her ribs.

Soon she felt his lips hover near the
edge of her panties,
felt his palm cup the juncture
of her thighs. “Stop,” she whispered.

His palm gave a light squeeze, then his
lips returned to her breasts.

“You taste so sweet. I feel your
excitement rising, sweet GiNae, and would like nothing more to show you what
your b
ody is capable of feeling.” His palm skimmed
the side of her hips. “Men and women are made to complement each other. Where
you’re soft, I am hard. Your body hides its secrets, mine are out in plain
sight. When you feel curious, I will be happy to share mor
e with you. But for now…” His hand captured hers and led it
downward. GiNae gasped when her fingers encountered a large mass.

“Are you ill? Do you have a growth?”

“Shhh…this is proof of my desire for
you. My ‘growth’ stems from your loveliness, the softnes
s of your skin, the delicate taste of your breasts. How I long to sample
them again.”
tongue slid into her mouth again and she clung to him, his words sending a
strange feeling coursing through her body. It was the same feeling she’d felt
when her frie
nd ZuChe described the dreams she’d been
having with BeJei, and when she’d found a particular passage in one of the
older girl’s books which told in detail of two people mating. Is this what
being with a man is all about? This funny feeling of wanting some
but not exactly sure
what she needed?

His hands moved to her breasts again,
squeezing and lightly pinching her nipples. His lower body moved against hers.
Maybe it would feel better if she opened her legs? They were beginning to
cramp. She stretched
them toward each side of the
bed, rotating her ankles.

“Oh yes, gi’che’lo’vey.” She could tell
he smiled. “Much better.” His lips found her breast and suckled, his lower body
now cradled by hers.

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