A Question of Love (4 page)

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Authors: Gwen Kirkwood

I suppose you keep clothes here as well then? I wondered how you travelled so light. Most women need two suitcases even for an overnight stay.’

That tells me a lot about the kind of women you choose for company.’ She grinned impishly. `Half my wardrobe is here. The shabby half. My mother and sister disown me in the clothes I wear when I’m here. You’re welcome to do the same,’ she with an airy wave of her arm.

I can't picture you ever looking shabby. I’m beginning to think you are two personalities in the same skin, Roseanne Fairfax, like a chameleon. I’m looking forward to getting to know the other side of you. I suspect my uncle is not the only one with a forceful personality.’

I doubt if you’ll approve of this side of me any more than my mother does but frankly I don’t give a damn.’ She gave him a steady look and he couldn't miss the challenging gleam in her green eyes. His heart beats quickened. She was letting him know she was her own person. `I come here to relax, recharge my batteries,’ she added, `and I enjoy myself.’

Do I detect a warning?’

f you try to interfere, or tell tales when we're back in the offices, then yes. I have an image to maintain when I'm at work.’

Will there be any tales to tell after we have spent the weekend together, do you suppose?’

I told you, I'm only here for the day, or until tomorrow morning at most.’

Macintyre was crossing the farmyard on his way to the milking parlour when they arrived. He stopped and stared at the unfamiliar sports car. Roseanne climbed out.

Well! Hello lassie.’ The lined, leathery face creased in a smile. `Mrs Lennox said you werenae coming down the next two weekends. She said you’d be busy moving house.’

Yes, I ought to be, but I’m going back to start packing tomorrow. I came down to introduce Mr Kershaw’s nephew from Australia.’ She turned, beckoning Euan forward.

Macintyre shook Euan’s hand vigorously. `I’m pleased to meet any kin o’ Mr Kershaw’s.’ He pushed back his cap and scratched his head, frowning slightly, then his brow cleared. `Aye, I remember now. I saw ye once when ye were a wee nipper about this size.’ He held his hand two feet from the ground. His blue eyes inspected Euan. `Your mother brought ye. Mr Kershaw had only just bought Ashburn. She wanted to see it before she went back to Australia to join your father.’

I don’t remember that,’ Euan said.

Ye’ve never been back until now?’

No, I’m afraid I haven’t.’

Mistress Lennox isna here. She will be vexed to miss ye.’

None of us knew Mr Kennedy was coming to Scotland, Jock, not even Uncle K.’ Roseanne said. `Anyway Mrs Lennox deserved a break and Euan will be here for three months so he may be down at Ashburn again.’ She glanced at Euan and he saw the laughter in her eyes. `Unless we scunner him with one visit to the Scottish countryside of course.’

Och, surely not,’ Jock said, cocking an eyebrow at Euan.

Scunner?’ Euan asked.

`It’s a good Scottish word. It means if we m
ake you dislike things so much you’ll not want to come back.’ Roseanne explained with a grin.

I tell William ye’ll be exercising Bella in the morning before ye leave?’ Jock asked, with a quizzical look.

Yes, please do that Jock. I’ll be out by seven as usual in case he wants to exercise Saturn at the same time. Now I’m going to change into my old clothes. Do you want to see the house or shall I leave you with Jock, Mr Kennedy?’

I’d like Jock to show me round if he has time? I can see the house later.’ He caught her arm as she turned away. `And you know damned well my name is Euan, and that applies to everyone around here,’ he added, looking Jock in the eye.

Whatever ye say, laddie. We dinna stand on ceremony. I’ll introduce ye to Eric our tractor man, and Donald who helps with anything and everything.’

I’ll leave you to it then,’ Roseanne said and turned to walk to the house, unaware that two pairs of appreciative male eyes followed her all the way.

Aye, she’s a fine lassie, an’ no mistake,’ Jock said, grinning knowingly as he noted Euan's admiring gaze. `She’ll make a grand wife for some man.’

I believe there’s one in the wings?’ Euan remarked casually.

In the wings, eh? Aye well a man might need wings to catch Miss Roseanne. I havena heard o’ her being swept off her feet yet though. She’ll need a man wi’ more than milk in his veins if he’s to match the fire in hers I reckon.’

he left Jock Macintyre to get on with his milking, Euan made sure he understood Roseanne's routine of riding before breakfast.

And is Saturn my uncle’s horse?’ he asked Jock.

He is. If William isna here she exercises him too when your uncle canna come down. They often ride together though. Saturn takes a wee bit o’ handling,’ he added, guessing Euan’s intention.

I think I shall manage him,’ Euan assured him, `though it’s some time since I’ve ridden so I expect I shall pay for the pleasure with some stiff joints,’ he grinned.

Aye. I take it ye’ll be riding with Rosie in the morning then?’

Yes, but I’d like to surprise her. She has me down as a townie but she doesn’t know the half of it yet.’

Ah, like that is it? Well good luck to ye. I’ll tell William to keep out of the way o’ the stables in the morning.’

Does he usually saddle up for Roseanne?’

Och no, she’s done that herself since she could reach her pony’s back standing on her wee toes, and she grooms them afterwards. Her grandfather made sure o’ that. He brought her up to do things right, even if it did mean hard work.’


Roseanne was surprised to find Euan already in the stables when she went down the following morning. He whistled involuntarily when he turned and saw her.

Stylishly shabby, I’d say!’ His eyes travelled unashamedly from her bright yellow polo shirt down to the cream jodhpurs. She was not skinny and the material stretched and curved in all the right places. She raised her eyebrows at his slow perusal and willed herself not to blush. Men had eyed her up before now but there was something different about Euan Kennedy and she was not so sure she could deal with him as easily as she usually did. Her hair was no longer coiled around her head. It hung down her back, held in place by a clasp which fitted neatly below her riding hat when she pulled it on.

Mine’s a little big,’ he said. `Is it my uncle’s?’

Ye-es. You intend to ride then? Saturn is not for a novice,’ she added anxiously. Whether she was worried about the horse or him Euan couldn’t tell; he suspected her concern was mainly for the horse.

We did a bit of riding at boarding school,’ he said, deliberately understating the rigorous lessons they had suffered from an unsympathetic master. Neither did he tell her he had spent some of the school holidays with his best friend, riding with Bob's father and Uncle rounding up the cattle. He remembered the exhilaration and freedom with a feeling of nostalgia. Since his school days he had enjoyed only occasional rides, in the same way that he had taken part in golf, swimming, polo or tennis – all to fit in with clients who wanted to discuss business while taking time for their hobbies. He didn’t claim to be an expert in all these things but he had made an effort to attain reasonable standards, quickly realising it was important. Many valuable business agreements had been reached during shared leisure activities.

watched him carefully as he mounted the spirited Saturn. Bella was quite spirited herself but she was more easily handled than the larger black horse.

You lead the way and I’ll follow until I get my bearings,’ Euan said.

All right, if you’re sure. Shout out though if you’re having trouble.’

Will do,’ Euan said, biting back a smile, knowing that his biggest problem would be keeping his eyes off that neat rear of hers in the stretchy cream material. Most women he knew would have expected compliments on their appearance but Roseanne seemed oblivious to her own attractions. His eyes glinted. He intended to make the most of being away from the curious eyes of the Kershaw offices and the wagging tongues in the processing plant. At first they walked slowly along a narrow bridle path but Roseanne seemed satisfied with his handling of the big black horse and as the path widened she broke into a canter. Eventually they came to a grassy meadow beside the river.

We’ll ride across the meadow today while there’s no cattle in and the grass is still short. We don’t trample over it when it grows longer for silage.’

Where do you take the horses for a good gallop if not in here then?’

At the far side where the river loops there’s a little bridge. Usually William and I cross over and let them have a gallop to the top of the hill, then canter down the other side where it’s not so steep and come round in a circle.’

We’ll do that then. I think this fellow needs a gallop.’

We’ll gallop to the bridge and I’ll wait for you there, see how you feel about going further?’

Fine,’ he said solemnly. He kept Saturn in check behind her but it was clear the horse was used to leading.

What do you think? Want to turn back?’ Roseanne asked as she brought Bella to a gentle halt.

Could we gallop to the top for Saturn’s sake?’ he said with a show of humility. `The last one to reach the top pays a forfeit. How about that?’ Roseanne’s eyes widened then sparkled. `All right. Let’s go.’

clattered across the bridge to where the ground was bare. The horses were obviously used to having their heads on this stretch and for the first half of the hill Euan held Saturn in check, then he let him have his way and they surged forward. Roseanne gasped. Euan had seemed competent enough but he hadn’t sounded as confident as all that. She spurred Bella on but she knew once Saturn was ahead she would never catch him up. At the top Euan sprang from the saddle beneath a clump of trees, grinning triumphantly.

That was wonderful!’ He had a most attractive smile with his white even teeth and the crinkles around his eyes. Roseanne wondered why she hadn’t paid attention before. She slid to the ground beside him.

I’ll tether the horses for a minute or two,’ he suggested, `While I get a look at the view and…’ his eyes met and held hers; she couldn’t miss the wicked gleam even before he added, `and claim my forfeit of course.’

F-forfeit?’ Roseanne heard herself stammering like a schoolgirl. She’d forgotten about the forfeit. She hadn’t expected to be the one to pay.

`We had a deal
. Remember?’

What sort of forfeit had you in mind?’ Roseanne asked determined to keep her voice even.

Depends what’s on offer?’

I’ll cook you a big breakfast before we leave,’ she suggested, knowing they would both be ready for that anyway.

Mmm, or you could agree to stay until tomorrow morning?’

I can’t do that,’ she protested. `I did warn you. I’ll get William to drive me to the train and you can stay…’

`That wouldn’t be any fun.’

`I didn’t realize fun was what you had in mind when you insisted you wanted to see Ashburn. Anyway I must get back so you’ll have to settle for something else,’ Roseanne said firmly, aware of the laughter in his eyes and the way they moved over her and came to rest on her face. This was a very different man to the one who had arrogantly taken over Mr Kershaw’s office a week ago and whom she had managed to treat with icy disdain since the moment he arrived.

It’ll have to be a kiss then.’

stared at him, then she shrugged. Oh well there was nothing to a kiss. He was probably letting her off lightly. She let out a breath she hadn’t known she was holding. Better get it over. She stepped forward and reached up to plant a kiss on his cheek, but his arms swiftly fastened around her, pressing her close to the whole hard length of him. She gasped.

I said a kiss,’ he growled softly, `not a peck like an old woman.’

I…’ His mouth came down on hers, silencing whatever words she might have uttered. Her lips were already parted in speech and he took full advantage, moving gently against them, parting them further, taking her by surprise. He deepened the kiss, holding her closer as he did so, one hand cradling her neatly rounded rear. She felt powerless to resist. It was a shock to realise she didn't want to stop. Robinia often teased her about being an ice maiden but she didn’t feel so cool now with the blood coursing through her veins.

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