A Question of Trust (7 page)

Next time the onus would be on Maddie.


Chapter Four

Maddie wrapped the towel around her breasts and walked out of the bathroom. The water pressure had been lousy, leading to a very unsatisfying shower.

“Something worrying you?” Gabe lay naked on the bed, in the exact same position she’d left him in. On his back, with his arms spread wide and legs stretched in front of him. There was only one word to describe the look on his face. Replete.

She could have complained about the shower, blamed her unease on the water pressure, but that would be a lie. “It’s Connor,” she admitted. “The way he left the room. It isn’t right.” She’d watched him walk away as the last shudders of orgasm rippled through her body.

Maddie had never been more aroused. Watching Connor watching her and Gabe had been the single most erotic experience of her life. Yes, Gabe made her horny as hell, but Connor’s presence had increased her arousal a million fold. Had intensified the encounter to a point where even Gabe’s tiniest touch felt like a mini orgasm.

Connor had unbuttoned his jeans. She’d expected him to join them. Instead, as soon as Gabe had come, he’d walked away. Left them. In the middle of the most powerful sexual experience ever, Connor’s departure had created a gaping hole in her fulfillment.

He’d watched, he’d lusted, he’d enjoyed and he’d slipped away. It wasn’t right. The night was…incomplete. She was incomplete. She wanted more.
She wanted Connor

Gabe flipped onto his side, rested his head on his hand. “You would have preferred it if he’d stayed?”

Maddie began to lower her head, then stopped herself. She’d just fucked Gabe—used his cock to masturbate herself—in front of his best friend. Awkwardness hardly had a place in their relationship anymore. She’d crossed that line less than thirty minutes ago. Instead she looked directly at Gabe and nodded. “I would have preferred it if he’d joined us.”

Gabe said nothing, just gazed at her with a strange light in his eyes.

She walked over to the bed, sat on the edge next to him. “Does that make me a terrible person? Wanting him and wanting you at the same time?”

He trailed his free hand up her thigh. “No, baby. It makes you exciting. It makes you a sexy woman, with a healthy appetite for men.”

Her pussy tightened. “Not any men. Only you…and Connor.” She bit her lip. “You don’t resent me for wanting him? For wanting both of you?”

He shifted, showing her his rapidly growing dick. “Does it look like I resent you?”

Her heart lurched and her confidence grew a notch. “You like the idea of him fucking me, don’t you? You like it just as much as I do.” Moisture gathered between her legs.

Gabe’s eyes darkened. “Yeah, baby. I like it. A lot.” He pulled himself closer to her, and flicked her towel open. “I like what it does to you and I like what it does to me.” His finger found her drenched curls and slipped lower.

She moaned.

“He’s watched me fucking you,” he said, his gaze never wavering. “Now I want to watch him in action.”

Maddie’s chest stilled. Her breath caught in her throat.

He played with her clit, using her cream to moisten it. “Go to him, baby,” he whispered. “Go and find him and tell him what you want.”

Maddie nodded. Lack of air made her dizzy. Or was it his words? His permission to be with Connor? His finger drove her insane, bringing her blood to boiling point. “Only if you’re sure you’re okay with it.” As much as he’d teased, encouraged, she would not do this without Gabe’s absolute consent.

“I’m sure.” He nodded in affirmation, then slid his finger inside her. “But there is one thing you must understand. I am not okay with just standing back and watching. When Connor fucks you, I will be right there with you. With both of you. You going to be okay with that?”

Okay? The very thought made her weak. Her breath left her lungs in a whoosh. “More than okay,” she whispered. “I…I can’t wait.” She couldn’t. The Maddie sandwich was about to become a reality.

“Stand up,” Gabe told her as he withdrew his finger.

She got to her feet as he rolled even closer, so her pussy was inches from his face.

“Go to him, Maddie.” He leaned over and nuzzled her hip bone. “Go to him, and when he feels how aroused you are tell him it’s because of him, and it’s because of me.” And then he buried his head between her legs and licked her. He burrowed his tongue between her wet folds, and used it to fuck her.

Cream poured out of her, wetting his face, wetting her thighs. She called Gabe’s name, called Connor’s name, and Gabe pulled away. “Go now, baby, while I can still taste you in my mouth and you can still feel me on your lips.”

“Wh…what about you?” she stammered. Good grief, Gabe had never stopped before he’d seen her through to orgasm. Her pussy throbbed, desperate for release.

He sat up and tucked her towel around her breasts. “I’m going to shower. I’ll join you soon.” With that he walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him, leaving Maddie alone and aroused.

Connor had walked away and Gabe had walked away and she wanted them both.

There was only one thing to do.


Maddie stood outside Connor’s room staring at his closed door. She should be nervous. She should be shaky, but she wasn’t. She was needy, she was horny and she was hot as hell. Her pussy pulsed from Gabe’s tongue, her breasts tightened at the memory of Connor’s face as he eyed them. Her body hummed.

Not giving herself time to regret her actions, she tapped lightly on the door.

Eternity passed before she heard footsteps. The door opened.

Connor stood on the other side. Like her, he wore nothing but a towel. His was wrapped around his waist, leaving his upper torso bare. Water beaded on the whiskers on his chin, and dripped from his hair down his shoulder.

That would explain her crappy shower. She’d shared the water with Connor. Maddie’s breath caught in her throat. Next time, perhaps they could share the shower.

The towel fit snug against his waist, showing off his chest and arms. Connor was built like a runner, slim and hard. The same height as Gabe, but smaller, by far. Weight training had fully developed Gabe’s muscles, doubling their size at least. When Gabe moved, his muscle bulged. Connor on the other hand was all graceful lines and sleek angles.

He was lean and beautiful and for the first time, Maddie desired someone who did not dwarf her.


She had to swallow before speaking. Saliva had filled her mouth at the sight of his almost naked body. Images of white picket fences and white dresses filled her head again. “You know earlier, when you asked me the puzzle, about meeting a woman who had a boyfriend?” Her hands were damp and she wiped them on her towel. “I think I might have given you the wrong answer.”

He didn’t say anything, just stared at her with his penetrating gaze.

“I was too quick to answer. You didn’t give me enough information.” Was it just her, or did the temperature climb at least twenty degrees?

He raised an eyebrow. “What else do you need to know?”

Lord, even his voice turned her on. Smooth as scotch, and low as a rumble. “You said the man met a woman who made him hard as a rock. My question is…” She hesitated, bit her lip. This wasn’t so easy. “Is it just the woman who turns the man on, or is it the man’s friend as well?”

Connor gave a snort of laugher. “You want to know if Gabe gives me a hard-on?”

Maddie stood a little straighter. Yes, she wanted to know. Two men and one woman was one thing, but she did not feel capable of dealing with three-way dynamics. “I’m a selfish woman, Connor. I like the idea of you and Gabe together.” She liked the idea of Connor alone as well. Too much to give it further consideration in Gabe’s home. “But, uh, well, not with each other. Only with me.”

The amused glint in his piercing blue eyes vanished. “The only time Gabe gets me hard is when I watch him make love to another woman. A woman I want.”

“Could it be any woman?” Was she interchangeable? Were Gabe and Connor specific about wanting her, or could she just have been one of many contenders for the position?

“Right now, Maddie, it could only be you.”

Good answer, Maddie thought, but she needed to know more. “Have there been others? Other…Connor and Gabe sandwiches?”

Connor nodded slowly. “A few. Over the years.”

She liked his openness, his willingness to share. “Have there been other…threesomes for you? I mean apart from Gabe.”

This time he shook his head. “Gabe is the only person I trust enough to do this with. And if you ask him, he’ll say the same about me.”

That gave Maddie pause for thought. Why hadn’t she asked Gabe? Why had she waited until she was alone with her boyfriend’s friend before asking all of these questions? The answer eluded her, perhaps because Connor’s towel slipped lower on his hips, showing how the line of hair that led down from his navel led to far more interesting bits. She struggled to pull her gaze away, to look him in the eye.

“And after everyone you’ve shared, Gabe’s still your best friend?” Wasn’t there ever any jealousy or competition? What if the woman wanted one man more than the other? Or one of the men wanted the woman more than the other? What if one, or both of them, fell in love?

“That depends. Did Gabe send you here, or did you sneak away from him after he fell asleep?”

His question was asked in jest, but still Maddie frowned. “I’d never sneak away from him, Connor. Gabe knows where I am. He sent me to you because he knew I wanted to come.”

“Then yes.” He smiled. “He’s still my best friend.”

Oh, Lord. That smile. Surely he must know how deadly it was? “Then I’d like to change my answer.”

Connor went very still. “Go ahead, Maddie. A man desires a woman who happens to be his friend’s girlfriend. Tell me—what happens next?”

Maddie stepped into Connor’s room. Since he stood in the doorway, there wasn’t much space to move except very close to Connor. “The woman goes first to her boyfriend’s room, where she makes love to her boyfriend while the man watches.” The blush returned. Heat filled her cheeks as she acknowledged her own brazenness. “It arouses her beyond anything she’s ever experienced before, takes her to new heights of sexual awareness. But it’s not enough.”

They stood so near they almost touched. Almost, but Connor did not close the tiny gap between them. “It’s not?” he asked, and she almost whimpered because his breath stirred her hair and warmed her cheek.

“No,” she whispered. “Not by a long shot. At the exact moment the woman thinks the man is going to join them, he stuns her and leaves the room, leaving the woman…empty.”

“She wanted the man to join them?” His voice was rough, and his breath drove her slowly mad.

“You know she did.”

“So what happens next, Maddie?” He inched closer, close enough that the hair on his chest touched her towel.

The almost touch teased her, driving her nipples into hard peaks. “The woman goes to the man’s room.” She swallowed. “And she prays to God her boyfriend’s best friend wants her as much as he says he does.” Because, God help her, she wanted him. Perhaps more than she’d ever wanted her boyfriend.

“He does,” Connor rasped. “Believe me, sweetheart, he does.”

When his lips touched hers, she melted into him. His mouth seduced her, heated her, sucked her into his world. Again she had the overwhelming sensation that in Connor’s arms she was home. He felt right, familiar, as if this was where she was supposed to be.

He was slimmer than Gabe. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders was much easier. She could reach his neck with both hands, wind her fingers through his long, wheaten locks. With Gabe she had to content herself with holding his shoulders.

Connor drew his mouth away from hers, looked deep into her eyes and then groaned and kissed her again. And again. His kisses were long, intense, delicious. She wrapped herself around him like a kitten, winding her leg between his, twining her hand through his hair while the other stroked down his back. She couldn’t get enough of holding him, touching him, kissing him.

With Gabe fireworks erupted when their lips met. With Connor the world slowed down, narrowed. All that existed were the two of them. Together. Kissing, touching, being. Connor.

He moved to close the door, but she stopped him. “Leave it. For Gabe.”

Connor smiled. “For Gabe,” he agreed and kissed her again.

Gabe would have lifted her, carried her to the bed and told her in no uncertain terms what he intended to do with her. Connor continued to seduce her with his mouth until she was a boneless heap in his arms. Then he pulled away to stare deep into her eyes again.

“Madeline.” His voice was a gentle growl. “God, you’re beautiful.”

She saw the truth in the blue depth of his gaze. He believed it. He made her feel beautiful.

“You’re everything a woman should be.” He pressed soft, sweet kisses to her forehead and her eyelids. “Smart, funny, sexy.” He tilted her face up to his. “Beautiful.”

She kissed him before he finished speaking. His lips were fuller than Gabe’s, his mouth hotter. While Gabe tasted of sex and musk and man, Connor tasted of, well of homemade apple pie, with cinnamon and ice cream. Okay, and he tasted like sex and like man as well—just not the same man as Gabe.

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