A Special Kind of Love (7 page)

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Authors: Tamara Hoffa

bet you’re a great teacher.”

you. I hope I am. I try to make my classes interesting and fun. I’m really
looking forward to teaching here in Gaines. I know it will be different than
Chicago and I’m looking forward to the smaller classes and hopefully more
parent cooperation.”

this is a small community and people will definitely participate. I don’t know
if cooperate is exactly the right term. But stick their noses in your
business, that
they will do for sure.”

snuggled down into her covers. She was getting tired, but she wasn’t ready to
end their conversation.

mentioned your mother and your sister today. What about the rest of your

dad died when I was a kid. I have a brother, Jed. He lives in Cheyenne. Mom has
a huge family, so I have tons of aunts and uncles and cousins. You’ll probably
meet most of them at the dance. How about you? Do you have any brothers or

I’m an only child. My mom and dad live in Illinois. They are really the only
family I have left.”

made you decide to move so far away from them? I can’t imagine moving away from
my mom and all the rest of my clan.”

How much should she tell him?
If they were going to have a relationship she wanted to start out on the right
foot, but talking about her move was hard.

wasn’t an easy decision. Aaron and I needed a fresh start. I love my parents,
but they have had a hard time accepting Aaron’s illness. My mom tries, but my
dad… he’s from a different time. He doesn’t believe in mental illness. I know
that sounds strange, but it’s just how he is. He thinks I should just
Aaron be normal. John, my
ex-husband, left because he couldn’t deal with Aaron either. He was embarrassed
to have a son that was different. I just felt we would be better off away from
people that should love and accept him and don’t. Aaron is the most important
thing in my life. I want him to have as happy and normal a life as possible,
and I want that too. Maybe you should think about that before we pursue this
thing between us any further. I am a package deal and I come with a lot of
baggage. I haven’t let a lot of people into my life in the last several years.
I don’t want to get hurt.”

would never hurt you on purpose, Sharon. I hope you know that. I don’t know
where this thing between us will go. I know where I want it to go, but only
time will tell. Believe
I understand that you and
Aaron are a set. I really like your son. I know what it’s like to be different.
I’m a Native American in a
world. You might think in today’s society that wouldn’t be much of a stigma,
but you’d be wrong. People always judge, and not always fairly. I know what
it’s like to have people look at you as different or less, just because of
or what you are. I would never judge you and Aaron that

sorry you’ve had to deal with prejudices too, Tanner. You’re
I guess maybe we have more in common than I thought.
heavy talk for tonight.
Tell me what I should wear to the dance? Is it

laughed. “You can wear anything you want. People come in everything from jeans
to dresses. If you wanted to wear a dress you would make me a happy man. I’ve
been dying to see those sexy legs of yours.”

just like that all Sharon’s stress dissolved. How did this man always seem to
know just the right thing to say? She smiled, thinking she might have a
sundress in the closet that would be just the ticket.

see what I can do.” She glanced at the clock.

didn’t realize how late it was. I really need to get some sleep. Aaron will be
up at six and I’ll be dragging my tail.”

of me?”

Tanner.” She hung up the phone and smiled. She would probably do just that.

week before the dance flew by. The nightly calls from Tanner continued, and
they were the highlight of her day. They talked about anything and everything,
and Sharon felt like she had known him all her life. She’d never believed in
love at first sight, but from the moment she and Tanner had met, she’d felt a
Is it love?
It might just
be. All she knew for sure was that he made her
When she talked to him, she felt special.
It was a really great feeling.

Thursday morning, the fourth of July.
The dance was tonight and Sharon was
nervous and excited and terrified about meeting Tanner’s family. Would they
like her? Would they accept Aaron? Tanner seemed so certain they would, but she
had experience with this and he didn’t. People always seemed to disappoint. But,
Tanner hadn’t. He was more than she had expected, so maybe he was right and his
welcome them.

was wound up. Fourth of July wasn’t an easy holiday for him. He loved the
parades and the fireworks, but the noise and people could be a problem.

kiddo, how are you doing this fine morning?” Sharon asked as he walked into the

want to make Irish soda bread to take to the dance.”

shook her head. She should be used to his not answering her questions, but…

I guess we can do that. How about some breakfast first?”

just eat a protein bar while I cook. I want to make it now. Where is my

sighed. There was no arguing with Aaron when he had his mind set on something.

cookbooks are in the cabinet to the left of the stove.”

walked to the cabinet and pulled out his
for Pioneers
cookbook. It was his favorite. It had all natural recipes that
he could modify to his vegetarian guidelines. Aaron was actually a better cook
than she was. With a recipe, he could make anything.

pulled out flour, butter, baking powder, bowls and
Sharon got him a protein bar, and set the oven to preheat.

leave you to the bread making. I’m going to go get ready. Tanner is picking us
up at twelve thirty for the parade. Do not put the bread in the oven. Call me
and I will do it.”



looked up, “Yes, ma’am.”

ma’am, what?”

won’t put the dough in the oven. I will call you.”

nodded. “Okay, love you.”

on measuring and mixing, he seemed to talk to the spoon. “Love you too.”

headed into the bedroom to shower and dress.

stepped into the bathroom.
Her favorite room in the house.
It was the reason she had chosen this house. The master bath was a large room
with a deep garden tub in the corner and a separate shower stall. Decorated in
shades of mint green and pale pink, the large space held a built in dressing
table, with a gilt-edged mirror and a padded seat. It was decadent, and she
loved it.

she stripped off her pajamas, she caught sight of herself in the oval mirror.
She stopped and gave her reflection an assessing look. She knew she was a few
pounds—well more than a few—overweight, but she wasn’t fat.
Just extra curvy.
She turned her back to the mirror and
looked at her
. Not too shabby,
her butt was still firm and round. Her legs, though short, were shapely, with
well-defined calf muscles. If she wore a small heel today it would show them
off nicely. She faced the mirror again, sliding her hands up her body. Her
breasts sagged a little. She had breast fed Aaron and she was thirty after all,
but they were still okay. More than a handful, well, maybe not more than one of
Tanner’s hands. She watched a blush crawl across her face at thoughts of his
hands on her breasts. She closed her eyes and let the image wash over her.

she opened her eyes, the image in the mirror was an aroused woman. Her nipples
were hard and deep pink, her skin lightly flushed and moisture gathered between
her legs, glistening in her soft pubic hair. Resisting the urge to touch
herself, Sharon smiled and stepped into the shower. This was definitely going
to be a good day.


* * * *


precisely twelve fifteen her doorbell rang. Sharon smoothed her hands down her
hips, then over her hair to make sure it was still contained in her messy bun
and headed to the door. He was early. That was good, right? It meant he was as
anxious for their date as she was.

pulled the door open and her heart stuttered at the sight that met her eyes.
Tanner was just so handsome. Dressed in khaki shorts and a skintight
firefighter’s T-shirt, Tanner exuded testosterone. The black cotton was
stretched tight across his chest, outlining every muscle. She longed to run her
hands over that chest, preferably without the T-shirt in the way.

back to the present, her gaze rose to his face and she felt the telltale blush
warm her cheeks. His crooked grin said he had caught her checking him out.

He leaned forward and grazed her lips with a light kiss.

that man could kiss. Just a brush of the lips, like a butterflies wings across
her mouth and she was entranced.

The single word exhaled in a breathy whisper.

stepped back and gestured for him to enter.


* * * *


let his eyes roam over Sharon’s
as he followed her into the house. The sundress draped her lush body perfectly,
flowing softly over her curves and making his mouth water. The halter neckline
of the pale yellow dress, covered in exotic flowers of purples and pinks, exposed
her back to his view. He wanted to run his tongue down the line of her spine.
Who knew backs could be so sexy?

dragged his gaze from Sharon to look around her house. The house was neat and
clean, without being stark or sterile looking. Framed prints and family photos
decorated the walls. Colorful pillows rested on a mocha colored sofa, a large
recliner sat next to the sofa, all facing a large flat screen television.

overflowing bookshelves took up one whole wall of the room. He scanned the titles.
Quite an eclectic list, everything from the classics to Ellery Queen and John D.
MacDonald, but the majority appeared to be romance novels.

walked over to one of the photos on the wall, a picture of a slightly younger
Sharon with a stiff looking man, presumably her ex-husband, and a baby on her
lap. The baby was adorable, big blue eyes, chubby cheeks and curly blond hair.

picture, Aaron was a real cutie.”

you. He was a wonderful, sweet baby.” Sharon stepped up to his side and ran a
gentle finger across the infant’s rosy cheek.

if the mention of his name was his cue, Aaron came running into the room.

ready to go, Momma. Is it time? Can we go now?”

Aaron, how are you today?” Tanner asked.

looked at Tanner’s belt buckle. “What is that?” he asked pointing at the metal

looked at Sharon, she gave her head a small shake and shrugged her shoulders.

the fire department seal. Do you like it?”


wait a minute there. You don’t say a man’s belt buckle is ‘pretty’. It’s a
manly symbol of my calling.”

finally looked up to his face, his forehead furrowed and he shook his head.



will definitely keep me grounded. Won’t you, Aaron?”

looked at Sharon, his expression bewildered.

agree, Aaron, it is pretty.” She winked at Tanner.

felt heat crawl up his neck. He wasn’t sure if it was lust, because
, he liked this woman winking at
him, or embarrassment over all the attention to his waist line. If he wasn’t
careful they would both get an eyeful.

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