All Bets Are On (9 page)

Read All Bets Are On Online

Authors: Cynthia Cooke

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Demons & Devils, #Series

In other words, move on to Sabine. She certainly didn’t want him dating a woman who ran a charitable foundation, whether she was guilty or not. Not when Sabine was here to step back into his life. There would be a cold day in hell before that happened. Micro-managing him at work was one thing, but he would not let her dictate his personal life.

“Don’t worry, Mother, I’m on top of the Safe Haven situation.” And if he had his way, he’d be on top of Jaclyn, too.

Jaclyn watched Derek walk toward her, his
face full of dark clouds. He sat down and snapped his fingers. A waiter arrived at once.

“A scotch,” he barked.

Apparently whatever his mother had said to him had not made him happy. Or maybe it had been that woman with the possessive touch.

The waiter nodded and disappeared, then came back a few minutes later with Derek’s scotch.

“Is everything all right?” she asked, though clearly it wasn’t.

He looked at her, shadows racing through his vibrant blue eyes. Disconcerted, she blinked and looked again but they were gone. He reached across the table and held out his hand palm up. For a second, she was hesitant to put her hand in his. But she did, and the moment her skin touched his, she felt instantly better.

“I’m sorry. My mother and my sister can be fairly annoying at times. I’m afraid I let them get the better of me.”

“And that woman?” she asked, though she knew she had no right to. And she’d promised herself that she wouldn’t, but she did anyway.

“An old family friend back in town for a visit. You know what? Somehow we got off track. We are going to have fun tonight, and we are going to raise a lot of money for Safe Haven.”

“I like the sound of that,” she said, and took a deep pull off her wine.

“In fact, I think we need to make this night a little more interesting.” He smiled and a wicked gleam entered his eyes.

Instantly, thoughts of his hands on her body flooded her mind. She finished her wine and cleared her throat. “What do you have in mind?”

He leaned back in his chair looking almost predatory. “You want money for your foundation and I want a repeat of last night. I think there’s a way we can make both of these things happen.”

Jaclyn almost spewed her wine. She pressed her fist against her chest. “Are you kidding me?”

“You said you wanted honesty, didn’t you?” He smiled, the cocky arrogant smile of a man who always gets whatever he wants. And damn it if she didn’t want to give it to him.

She leaned forward. “I am not having sex with you every time I see you. What happened last night… That, that was an anomaly.” That’s not the kind of girl she was. Not the kind she wanted to be. Not even with him.

He slipped his hand to her thigh and she almost jumped out of her chair. “You want me,” he whispered.

“I don’t,” she countered. But it was a lie and they both knew it.

He scooted his chair closer to her. “Want to bet? Kiss me and say that again.”

“I won’t,” she insisted. She couldn’t, because if she did… She wouldn’t last an hour.

“Are you sure?” Suddenly his lips were inches from hers.

“Yes,” she whispered. She wouldn’t. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t hoping he would kiss her.

“How much money do I need to collect for you? Name your price,” he challenged, the warm timbre of his voice sending lust zinging through her.

“I can’t be bought,” she said, though her voice shook with false bravado. She could be bought, and they both knew it. What was worse, all he had to do was touch her, and she’d be lost.

He smiled, and to her horror she leaned in. Almost close enough for their lips to touch. “Everyone can be bought,” he whispered, then he pulled back, his gaze drifting over her shoulder. “Come on, let’s go.”

Relieved or disappointed? Had she dodged a bullet or was she missing out on another fabulous night? The truth was, she couldn’t be sure.

Chapter Fifteen

Derek held tight to Jaclyn as they danced. They’d
already made the rounds talking up her foundation to several investors, and now he wanted nothing more than to be alone with her. “What do you say we blow this joint?”

She looked up at him, her eyes searching his, trying to read his intentions.

“More ice cream?” he asked with a wink and a grin.

She paused. “How about coffee?”

“I know just the place.”

Ten minutes later, they were climbing into the back of the limo.

“This is just what I need,” she said, stretching out.

“Tired?” he asked, and hoped she wasn’t too tired.

“Exhausted. I don’t know how Trish does it. She’s the fundraising queen. I much prefer to wear my jeans and work with the kids.”

“I, for one, am glad I got to see you in that dress.” His eyes traveled over the swell of her breasts, pushed up and highlighted in shimmering gold.

“Consider it a one time deal.”

“Oh, I don’t know, I’d say you are pretty good at these things. In fact, I’m going to take a leap and say perhaps you should take over for Trish at these fundraising events.”

“Never!” She leaned her head back against the seat and closed her eyes. A few seconds later she opened them again and smiled. “Although I must admit, I brought in more in this one weekend than she has in the last few months.”

He would guess that Trish was bringing in a lot more than Jaclyn knew about. Certainly more than what was making it into the foundation’s bank accounts. “I rest my case.”

“But still, I couldn’t do it. Dressing up and asking for money. No matter how much the foundation needs it. There should be an easier way.”

“But this way you get to meet the movers and the shakers in the area.”

“True. If you like that sort of thing.”

“I like them a lot better with you on my arm.”

She didn’t respond, just looked at him for a long moment, before finally asking, “Why is that?”


“Why me?”

He caught a gleam of vulnerability in her eyes and felt an urge to pull her close. “You mean other than the fact that you’re drop dead gorgeous.”

“Yeah, that would be good.” Her voice dripped with skepticism. The woman really had no clue how beautiful she was. “You’re just trying to charm me now. Are you sure you don’t have another bet on the line?”

“Only one I tried to make with you. I like spending time with you because you’re real. You say what you feel, what you mean, and you don’t hold anything back.”

“And that’s a positive trait?”

“To me it is.” He was tired of games and manipulations. He wanted something real, but the sad truth was, he wasn’t going to have that with her. His mother’s directive burned in his pocket. Tomorrow morning, guilty or not, he would have to shut down her foundation, or find a good reason not to. A reason he couldn’t see at the moment. No, tonight was probably all they had. And she was tired and pulling away from him.

If he was going to do something he’d better do it soon.

Just this one time.

He took her hand in his and looked deeply in her eyes, projecting into her mind how much he wanted her. How good they were together. How much she wanted him, too. Not enough to force her to do anything, just enough to relax her guard so she understood he really desired her.

The limo pulled up in front of Morning Joes and parked. Before the chauffeur came around the car and opened the door, Jaclyn put her hand on his arm. “Would you like to come to my house for coffee instead?”

He hesitated. “Are you sure?”

She nodded. “We can curl up on the couch, start a fire, and I can change into something more comfortable.

He leaned in close to her, close enough to smell her exotic perfume. “But you look really sexy in that dress.”

She smiled. “Thank you for that, but the truth is, I can’t wait to get out of it.”

“And I can’t wait to see you out of it.”

Jaclyn led Derek up the walk to her home without a sing
le hesitation. Suddenly, she wanted to share more of her life with him. To get to know him better and for him to get to know her. As if she finally believed he could be more interested in just a one or two-night stand. That perhaps he really did like her for who she was on the inside. As a person. She still wasn’t entirely sure she could trust him, but for once she was willing to take the risk. To not run and to see what it could bring her. She opened the front door and Rufus came charging out, almost knocking them both over.

“Rufus!” She laughed. He gave her kisses and then ran straight for Derek. She had to admit, she liked the way he treated her dog. Greeting him with both hands, not afraid to get dog hair or dirt from Rufus’s paws on his clothes. A true sign of a genuine heart, in her book.

“Come on in,” she said to both of them as she walked into the house. She hit the switch to turn on the gas fireplace then walked into the kitchen. “What can I get you? Decaf or wine?”


“Red or white?”

“Red,” he said, and she pulled down a bottle off a shelf and opened it.

“Family?” he asked, perusing the picture of her and her mother on the mantle.


“Beautiful picture.”

She smiled. “Thanks. My mom passed when I was a teen.”


“Don’t be. I have Rufus.”

“And your foundation.” His lips drew down as he said the words.

“Exactly.” She handed him a glass. How was it that he knew her so well after such a short time? He just seemed to “get” her.

“Your dad?” he asked.

“Left us when I was young. Never saw him again.”


“Yeah, well, it was his loss.”

“That it was.”

They sat on the couch, sipping the wine. Making small talk about nothing and everything, and suddenly she was telling him about her mother. “She remarried but apparently he wasn’t good enough for her. She fell head-over-heels for my horse trainer, ran off with him, and left me and my step-father behind.”

Jaclyn could tell by the stricken look on his face that she’d said too much. “Sorry for over sharing.”

“No, it’s all right.” He took her hand in his. “Is that why you’re afraid of good looking men?”

“I’m not afraid. I just know better.”

“Well, I’m going to prove you wrong.”

“Are you?”

He squeezed her hand, making her feel all gooey inside. “Absolutely.”

She grinned. “It’s okay. It doesn’t matter with you.”

“Why not?”

“You’re really not that hot. I’m sure you are to some girls, just not to me.”

He laughed. “You are always so generous with the compliments.”

“It’s a gift. I think that’s why you like me.”

“Do you?” His gaze held hers. “Like me?”


His eyes, hooded with desire, looked at her like she was the only woman in the world. That was his gift. She knew that, and yet she couldn’t turn away.

“No bets this time?” she asked.

“Only that if you’ll let me, I’ll bet I can make sure you have a night you won’t soon forget.”

Heat rose up her chest and adrenaline shot through her at the salacious thoughts dancing through her mind. “That sure of yourself, huh?


And then his lips were on hers, covering, enticing, making her forget everything but the feel of him. His chest pressed into hers, his grip strong, holding her like he’d never let her go. She only hoped it was true. Hoped that this would last longer than just tonight. But there were no guarantees that she had a future with this man. All she could do was enjoy the here and now, and this time that was okay. She could protect herself, keep him at a distance, and not let him close enough to break her heart or destroy her life.

His fingers moved down her neck, making every inch of her tingle with anticipation. He smelled so damn good she just wanted to breathe him in. To forget everything but him and the way he was making her feel right at this moment. His hands moved to the straps on her gown, and he pushed them off her shoulders. His fingers moving over her breasts, holding, cupping, teasing.

He stood, pulling her to her feet, and unzipped the zipper at her back. Her gown puddled to the floor, and then she was up in his arms and he was walking through her house.

“Which way to the bedroom?”

“Straight down the hall, last room on the right.”

The way he held her, so effortless, cradled against his chest, she felt safe. She felt warm.

Oh, she wanted this man. Like she’d never wanted another.

Before she could think on it further, he was laying her on the bed. His lips kissing her breasts, his tongue flicking her hardened nipple, sucking from it until the exquisite pleasure had her back lifting up off the bed.

, she thought.
Please don’t stop
. He kissed her again, his tongue sparring with hers, filling her with such exquisite warmth she didn’t ever want to stop kissing this man. His hands moved down her belly, and she had to stop them. She had to take a breath. She had to think.


“What is it?” His voice was raspy with desire, and thick with impatience.

“We have to use a condom this time.”

Without saying a word, he leaned over the bed, where he’d dropped his pants, and rifled through them. A minute later he was handing it to her. “You want to do the honors?”

Tentatively she took the foil package. She didn’t want him to know how inexperienced she was. It had been a long time since she’d actually done the honors. She opened the packet, but as she looked down his gorgeous body, as she took him in her hand and felt him move beneath her touch, she realized she wasn’t ready to cover him up yet.

Instead, she bent over him and took his tip into her mouth. Surprised by her own brazenness, she licked and sucked just the tip of him and smiled as a groan escaped his lips. Feeling bolder, she continued to take him in deeper, until her lips were surrounding him, her mouth moving over him—up and down, in and out. Savoring his taste, she pulled all the way out then sucked gently at the tip, licking him, then took him back in as far as she could. She loved the taste of him, the feel of him, but even more than that, she loved his pleasure-filled, throaty sounds filling the room.

He was an amazing man. Beautiful. Strong. Virile. And she controlled him. It was a heady feeling. She moved faster and faster, stroking him with her tongue, easily able to feel what he enjoyed by the way he moved his fingers through her hair, gently guiding her. The beast tamed by the soft stroke of her tongue until the next thing she knew, she was on her back and he was pushing inside her. She gasped, then moaned with pleasure. Yes. Now. He filled her, thrusting faster and faster, heating her blood, and making her burn with exquisite fire. “Yes, Derek. Yes. Please!”

He pulled out and kissed her once more, slowing his pace and increasing her torment, the same way she’d tormented him. “You are an evil man,” she whispered, and grabbed him by the buttocks, wrapping her legs up around his waist and pulling him in deeper until she could feel all of him moving within her. He pushed against that sweet spot, creating an incredible friction until she was lost in the sensations surging inside her. With a final thrust he climaxed, taking her right along with him. Her body and mind exploded. Bright lights danced before her eyes and music filled her head as wave after wave swept through her. It was several minutes later when she finally came back to earth.

“You are amazing,” he whispered, and lay next to her, drawing her close.

She was still trying to catch her breath, waiting for her heartbeat to steady when tears leaked out the corners of her eyes.

“You’re crying?”

“I’m sorry. I’m emotional.” She swiped at her eyes, refusing to admit she might be happy. Sated. Relaxed. Fulfilled. And yes, maybe she’d just had the most incredible orgasm of her life. And maybe she was feeling just a little wonderful.

And then he was kissing her again.

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