All I Want... Is You (18 page)

Read All I Want... Is You Online

Authors: Shakir Rashaan,Curtis Alexander Hamilton

“I wish I could, baby.” he replied, rubbing his eyes. I knew the jet lag was getting to him. “Omar’s mother wants me named as the prime suspect and his death ruled a homicide.”

“That’s crazy!” I quietly shouted, trying not to disturb the quietness in the house. “Even the M.E. said the death was most likely a suicide.”

“Yeah, but she’s not convinced of the facts and thinks that I killed him, although I can’t figure out for the life of me why she would think that.” Derrick shook his head. “This is a nightmare that I wish would end… soon.”

“Derrick, you and I both know it’s not your fault.” I sat in his lap to shield him from the laptop. “He took his own life. There was nothing you could have done.”

“But I deserted him, Cori!” he said, his eyes welling up with tears. “I left him alone. I wasn’t the friend that he needed. For God’s sake, he damn near tried to kill me before he blew himself away!”

“Derrick, you can’t beat yourself up like this.” I reassured him, rubbing the tears away from his face. “We’ll get through this, okay?”

“I didn’t want you to see me like this, baby.” he admitted, closing his eyes as he tried to shy away from looking at me. “My emotions have always been hard to control, and
I hate funerals!

“Okay, I need you to get up from this laptop now.” I ordered, pulling him to the bed so I could figure out if there was anything I could do to help.

I grabbed my phone as he got up to send a text message. The only thing I left on the message was,
he needs you… how soon can you get here?

As I watched him stretch out on the bed and lay on his stomach, I fought the initial urge to rape

him on the spot. Instead, I straddled the small of his back and began to knead and massage his back and shoulders, hearing a low growl escape from his lips as I worked him over.

I didn’t say anything; we just enjoyed the breeze coming from the ocean and the soothing sounds that emanated from the waves that crashed on the beach in the distance.

My phone chimed in to break the silence for a brief moment, and I smiled when I got the message back:
give me 24 hours.

After ten minutes of working out the tension in his body, Derrick finally began to loosen up and relax. “I know it wasn’t my fault, baby, but it still freaks me out to have to go through the process. I did some crazy shit when we were younger; some really dumb, crazy shit. Dealing with the cops on this level was something I would have never imagined.”

“It’s alright, baby, the cops will get things taken care of, and then we can move on to bigger and better things.” I whispered in his ear as I felt his breathing labor, which let me know he would be sound asleep soon.

I slipped off his back and slid to spoon against his chest, grinning uncontrollably as he slipped his arm to caress my hip.

“Thanks for ignoring me tonight, I really needed you,” he whispered, grabbing my hip and giving it a squeeze. “This week should be fun, if you can call work fun.”

I snuggled deeper against his body, feeling the warmth taking over, enjoying the cool breeze from the open window, and waiting patiently for the seduction of the sleep that would soon claim us. I couldn’t wait to see what the morning would bring, and more mornings to come.

Yes, it would be a fun week indeed, and in ways that I could not have imagined.



Toni, I didn’t know you were in town?”

It was a pleasant surprise to see Toni, but I thought that she was on location in Barbados on a shoot.

The look on Cori’s face tipped me off that something was in the mix, and I wasn’t in on it.

We’d been grinding pretty hard all week, with the girls in the studio doing their thing while the tracks were being laid, and when they weren’t in the studio, we were getting it in with the photo shoots. RP did me a solid and flew one of my favorite makeup artists in to take care of the hair and makeup, and she recruited some of the local stylists to help with all four of them. I couldn’t have asked for a better setup.

The engineers were so impressed with how the group handled the sessions that they finished everything two weeks earlier than they thought. They express couriered the discs back to Atlanta for the engineers there to put the polish on it ASAP.

That gave us a couple of days to de-tox and get ready for the flight back to the ATL.

I’d planned to do something special tonight, a private, sensual photo shoot, and let things take their natural course.

I guess I can wait until Toni was asleep in one of the other bedrooms to take care of that.

Not like she wouldn’t object to watching the shoot, of course.

“Well, I had to see about my favorite couple and all,” Toni smirked, which had Cori giggling.

Yeah, the conspiracy was in, and I wasn’t even an active participant.

“So, how are you two doing? How is the superstar life, Cori?” she asked.

“I feel like this was exactly where I needed to be.” Cori honestly replied, and even at nearly midnight, she was beaming and grinning the entire time.

I couldn’t stop smiling for her, either. Watching them in the studio earlier this week, I had a new found respect and admiration for what recording artists go through. As a group, they were just in sync, I don’t know how else to describe it.

I was in awe of it all, and the takes were smooth, as if they were waiting to prove that this was in them all along.

Now that things were done and settled, the whole vibe and atmosphere of the house changed, especially since everyone’s significant other managed to make it out to the left coast to enjoy the weekend.

I guess that’s why seeing Toni here with me and Cori was such an unexpected, albeit pleasant, surprise.

“Okay, Toni, seriously, I thought you were in Barbados doing that swimsuit shoot?” I had to get a straight answer out of either of them, one way or the other. “What brought you out here? Not that I’m complaining, but you know how I am, and the timeline isn’t fitting for me.”

Toni looked at Cori for a moment, and by the time she looked back at me, her eyes told me everything I needed to know. “Because your baby told me that my baby need me.”

I tried to find the wall because my balance faltered. I’d never heard the words come out of her mouth like that.

Definitely not like

Cori shook me out of the haze that I was in, smiling the entire time. “Yes, that’s what I said, baby. We both needed her. There’s something that we need to explore, and tonight is a perfect time to figure out exactly what it is between us… all of us.”



Watching Toni and Cori kissing turned me on.

I thought I was in the middle of one of my most intense fantasies, but my mind convinced me that this was definitely not a figment of my imagination.

I sat in a chair next to the bed, taking the whole scene in.

My best friend… my girlfriend… completely immersed in their own private sensual rendezvous.

There was no way in hell that I was going to disturb the connection that they were creating. In fact, it looked like it was stronger than that, which spawned more than a few questions in my head.

But I wasn’t going to ask them right at that moment.

Faintly in the background, I heard a mix of the waves in the distance with the lyrics to “No, No, No” from Destiny’s Child:


You’ll be sayin’

No, no, no, no, no

When it’s really

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

You’ll be sayin’

No, no, no, no, no

When it’s really

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes


That song began to mean a lot more in this moment than I ever gave it credit for.

I picked up my camera as they were undressing each other and just started clicking away. I knew they knew I was there, and they didn’t miss a beat, and I wasn’t about to dictate much just yet.

But I wasn’t saying no anymore.

Not tonight.

And probably not any other night.

I wasn’t about to lose out on something so right.

Every few moments, either Cori or Toni would look into the camera, give me a quick pouty look or wink, and then get back into the flow.

It was all I could do to keep from getting in the middle to take things to the next level of ménage.

The song only enhanced the passion of the moment, and the words being sung couldn’t have been more eerily perfect:


Boy, I know you want me

I can see it in your eyes

But you keep on frontin’

Won’t you say what’s on your mind?

Cause each and every time you’re near me

You give me signs

But when I ask you what’s the deal

You hold it all inside


“Come here, D.” I heard Cori say.

I put my camera down, only to realize that both of them were stark naked and looking at me as if they’d been waiting for me for at least the past few minutes.

I slipped onto the bed and they jumped on me immediately. Two pairs of hands trying to get to any spare inch of naked skin was intoxicating as hell.

“Touch her, Derrick,” Cori whispered to me over the music.

“What did you say?”

“I said, touch her, baby. It’s okay, I want her, too.”


“Baby, I want this, too. I’m not playing.” she caressed my face. Her touch was so warm, and I could smell a hint of her essence on her fingertips.

I wasn’t expecting this, I swear to God I wasn’t, but it flowed so well. It wasn’t forced, it wasn’t coerced, and I didn’t want to say anything to ruin the moment.

“Touch me, baby, please.” Toni insisted. “It’s been so long since you’ve touched me.”

I tried to let myself go and slid my fingers along her waist, feeling Toni’s hips and her ass as she moaned and grinded her hips against the palms of my hands.



When I walk up to you, baby

You seem so shy

What’s the problem, baby?

Never had a girl like I?

I can see right through you

And you know you wanna be mine

So get your act together

Cause you’re running out of time


“That’s it, baby… mmmmm, damn that feels so good.” Toni moaned.

Cori slipped between her legs, which surprised me that she moved to lick her pussy, only because I wanted to taste first. Toni was right; it had been six months since we’d been together sexually, right after Stacy left me.

Toni kissed me, sliding her hand down to my quickly growing length. The softness of her skin against my dick put me in another zone. I kissed her deeply, and Toni bit my lip and moaned loudly through the kiss, and I soon found out why her kisses became so intense so suddenly.

Damn, baby, lick my clit… yes, that’s it, right there!
” she quietly screamed, trying to avoid drawing any attention from the other people in the house. Cori and I found out the hard way that the acoustics were great and the walls were not the thickest on the planet.

Not that we cared all that much; we got an earful from Kyra and her girlfriend the night that she flew in to see her.

“Let it go, baby, she wants you to come for her,” I broke from the kiss to tell Toni, even more turned on by the sight of Cori enjoying her juices like she was a vintage wine that was recently opened to celebrate a grand occasion.

Cori focused a little more, which brought a pitch out of Toni that I had never heard before. She gripped my shaft tightly as I felt her body trembling from the climax that was coming over the horizon.

Oh my God, D, she’s gonna… I’m coming!!!
” Toni shouted.

I grabbed one of her hands, and Cori instinctively grabbed the other one, the two of us holding her down as the waves continued to crash onto the beach outside, competing with the waves

that flowed through her body as she continued to lick and lap away at Toni’s pussy.

Toni finally broke free, sliding to the side of the bed to try and catch her breath. She was still shaking from her orgasm, and Cori pounced on me before I could react.

Fuck me, baby. Now.
” she demanded, climbing on top of me before I could move to get a condom.

She kissed me hard, traces of Toni’s juices still slick on her lips. I met her aggression, licking the juices from her lips when I felt another pair of hands moving in on me with their own level of furor.

The next thing I felt was Toni’s legs straddling my face, grinding her lips against my tongue. I grabbed her hips to get my bearings, feeling Cori rotating and grinding her hips as she fucked me with an energy that I wasn’t sure I was prepared for.

Their voices were muffled, but I could make out through their screams and moans that they were glad that Toni was able to make it out after all.

God I needed this… lick it, D, come on baby… make me come again!
” I heard the muffled order coming between moans.

Oh God, Toni, he’s rubbing against my spot! Shit, he’s hitting my spot!
” Cori repeated over and over again. “
Damn, it’s so deep!

Give it to him, baby! Fuck him the way you’ve wanted to fuck him!
” Toni screamed, riding my tongue harder.

Hearing their muffled screams as they tore through me was music to my ears, and I didn’t care if I was sore in the morning or not. It was well worth the delicious torture that I endured right now.

I felt my wave beginning to crest, and I needed to hold out a little longer to try and let Cori know that I was coming.

My body had other ideas.

Cori, I’m coming!
” I growled loudly through my exclamation.

I dug my nails into her hips, and she immediately got up and started to stroke me with her hand.

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