All I Want... Is You (21 page)

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Authors: Shakir Rashaan,Curtis Alexander Hamilton

“I hope your lawyer is good, love, because she’s going to need to perform a miracle or two once it’s all said and done.” I tried to put as much bravado in my voice as I could, but the problem with taking that stance was the uncertainty that was hidden behind it.

If I was wrong… it would change everything.

I needed some air, and I wanted to get some work done to take my mind off. So I headed to the RP building, thinking that maybe a couple of hours work might clear my head.

A couple of hours turned into nearly two in the morning, trying to finish
’s marketing project.

After the mess with Stacy, I needed to sink my teeth into getting the project done. There were some ideas that I wanted to toy around with for the Internet buzz.

Thankfully, having the ability to work in the RP building after hours was a perk that I loved the most. The building was quiet, and I could get some work done in peace and solitude. I did my best work that way.

I sent a text to Cori and Toni, letting them both know that I would be in the studio, just in case one – or both of them – wanted to stop by to help me relax a little more.

Yeah, I’m definitely enjoying being spoiled by two women that were into each other as much as they were into me.

A bruh could get used to this shit.

I got the text back from Toni about twenty minutes later, telling me that she might stop by after hanging out at the club, and Cori texted that she was still in the studio with the group finishing up another track, but she would meet me at home.

I was good with both of those plans. I needed to release some tension.

As I studied the images in front of me, my mind started to roam a little bit, into territory that I didn’t want to delve into, but being tired at a late hour and trying to work was a recipe for insanity.

In my mind, I looked forward to a summer vacation with my girls, probably in some Caribbean location, preferably at a nude only beach or something like that. I wanted as little clothing as possible to be worn, day or night, and just indulge in the decadence and sensuality that they would help create.

The thoughts were so exquisitely intoxicating that I struggled with my focus on what I needed to do.

A power nap might do the trick so I could get back into the mix and then head home to get sum before going to sleep. I didn’t have to be anywhere the next day, so I could sleep in and be lazy for a change.

My cell phone chimed as I put my head down on the desk in front of the computer. I didn’t care who it was at that point, I would get back to them after I had gotten my twenty minute nap in.

Besides, I might enjoy the feeling of being awakened by something – or someone – pleasant.



Being kissed while half asleep
was one of the sexiest things in the world to me

Toni knew that I loved that shit, and she did it often when we were together and I’d fallen asleep after fucking.

Since I knew that she would be dropping by to see me, there was no need to jerk awake or get my bearings to figure out what was going on.

I let myself go, enjoying the kiss, trying to get a feel for Toni’s lips, opening my mouth to feel her tongue slide inside.

Damn you feel good, baby
, I thought to myself.
God, I needed this.

She climbed on top of me and started to grind against my crotch. I was glad that I wore sweatpants for easy access, and even more turned on that my baby was wearing no underwear under her skirt.

“I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.” she said, kissing me deeply.

“Mmmm, you just had me earlier this week, baby,” I teased, starting to wake out of my grogginess. “I missed you, too.”

Just as she was about to reach for my dick to slide on top for the ride of her life, I heard someone yell, breaking the spell that my baby had on me.

There was only one problem.

It wasn’t my baby that had the spell on me.

“You have three seconds to get off my baby, Tina.” Toni gritted her teeth as she stood in the doorway, watching. “I should have known you were up to something when you swiped my phone when you thought I wasn’t looking.”

I panicked, quickly focusing on the image of Tina above me, half-naked, with her lipstick smeared and her hair tousled from the brief moment of passion that we almost shared.

I tried to slide from under Tina, but I didn’t realize how exhausted I was, and even though she was light under normal circumstances, she felt like a sack of stones. I tried to regain some strength in my arms, but Tina seemed intent on not moving from where she was.

Before Tina could say another word in protest, Toni snatched her by her hair and threw her across the floor, quickly standing over her like a boxer daring her opponent to get up so she could really put the beat down on her.

“Toni, baby, I… it’s not what—“

“Don’t worry, baby, I got this.” Toni cut me off, directing her attention toward Tina. “Care to explain, bitch?”

“You had to ruin it, didn’t you, trick?” Tina scoffed, barely budging from her spot under Toni. “All you had to do was let me have what I wanted, and you could have his trifling ass afterward. You always ruin shit, Toni. Damn.”


The next thing I focused on once my vision cleared was Tina holding her eye and Toni coming close to hitting her again. Her fist was balled tightly and shaking as if she had real intentions of hurting her.

Toni roughly pulled Tina from where she sat on the floor, digging her nails in to Tina’s shoulder, causing her to scream out in pain.

She forced Tina to look in her eyes to get her point across with all the force of a Mike Tyson knockout.

“If you don’t want your father finding out about you breaking your curfew when your ass was supposed to be on campus at school being a good little girl, you might want to find the quickest way back, do you understand me?” Toni warned. “If you think I’m bluffing, I have a video you might be interested in seeing.”

Tina’s eyes narrowed, “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Oh yes I would, girlie.” Toni sneered at her. “And it’s enough to ruin your pristine image in your daddy’s eyes. Now, get out of here before I decide not to be so charitable.”

Tina ran out in tears, leaving me and Toni alone in the studio and a completely shocked look on my face.

“Relax, baby, and let me explain.” she started, sitting in the same spot that Tina had occupied. “The girls and I were hanging out at Club Esso for the set that V-103 usually does so that I could get
single on the floor so the set could get jumping.

“I saw Tina and her crew show up, and she called herself trying to holla for a minute after she saw me coming off the dance floor.”

“So how did she know I was here?” I asked, trying to get my mind to work quickly.

“The little trick took my cell phone when I wasn’t looking.” Toni said, shaking her head at it all. “By the time I realized it was gone, she claimed it fell out of my purse and she was putting it back.”

“So it wasn’t you flirting with me before I passed out at the computer.” I deducted, closing my eyes and putting my head down. “I must have really been out of it to not realize it was you.”

“Baby, relax, I’m here, and I got here before something could really go down, okay?” Toni kissed me to settle me down. “I told Cori that we would be at your house in about twenty minutes, so, you wanna go so we can take care of our baby, please?”



I sat in the doctor’s office with Cori,
waiting for the nurse to call me back to give my DNA sample.

The past few days have been nerve-racking to say the least.

First, there was the mess with Tina that could have gotten me into some serious trouble.

Now, I have to deal with this stupid shit.

The lawyer that I was referred to told me that she couldn’t represent me because it would be a conflict of interests on her end. The truth of the matter was that when she met with me and she saw Toni and Cori sitting with me to get the details, she saw the writing on the wall and realized there would be no real “perks” that her girlfriend told her about.

Not everyone can flow with my program, and I was fully aware of that, but it was still my program, and more importantly, my relationships, and I was more interested in getting out of the bullshit that I was in, not trying to score another piece of ass that would have willingly given it up to me anyway.

I hate simple women.

After leaving her office, Toni made a few calls and we finally hooked up with Kelli; she’s one of the ladies in the legal department at RP that had been trying to get at her for the longest time. She backed off for a little while when she found out that fish wasn’t the only thing on the menu and there was no way she was going to change Toni’s mind about that fact.

We talked about the options and the risks of those options. She was on board with the amniocentesis angle to keep from waiting the full term, but she did caution that the risks to the baby would be enough that Stacy’s lawyer might file a motion to have the procedure blocked.

The looks on all of our faces suggested that we could have cared less because we didn’t wholly believe that the baby was mine to begin with.

The conversation between Kelli and Stacy’s attorney was contentious, to put it mildly. She kept the line open and on speakerphone so we could hear the conversation and you could hear her attorney trying to come up with every possible roadblock imaginable when it came to doing the test.

The thing that kept bothering me was that I’d heard that voice before, but I couldn’t place my finger on where I knew her voice from.

They went back and forth for about ten minutes before Kelli made it clear that if the test was not done that she would go to the judge in the morning to file a motion to dismiss the suit entirely.

After a brief silence on the other end, her attorney relented, explaining that the location would be at Stacy’s doctor’s office, and that we could have witnesses to attest to the validity of the test, to avoid any “impropriety” as she explained.

So, here we were.

I tried to find ways to occupy my time, and even with Cori there with me, my anxiety level wouldn’t drop all that much.

“It’s just a formality, baby, don’t worry, okay?” Cori tried to calm me, but my fingers wouldn’t stop shaking. “After we do this, it will only be a matter of weeks and we’ll know the truth.”

Yeah, the truth.

I wasn’t sure what the truth was any more.

In my mind, I trusted my instincts that I had been careful the entire time that we’d been intimate.

Even in Antigua.

That one time the entire week that we were on vacation (well, she was on vacation; I was on a

photo shoot) was the only slip-up throughout the whole three years that we were together.

She wasn’t about to fuck me up for the hell of it.

My life was moving at a positive pace, and it was going well – extremely well – and she was not about to derail all of that because it suits her needs.

I hate selfish women… and yeah, I know what you may be thinking, but at least I’m honest about the fact that I’m greedy as hell.

I can be many things, but self-centered is damn sure not one of them.

The nurse finally made her way to the front area to call me back to give the DNA sample. “Mr. Morrow, I will take your sample now.”

I kissed Cori on the cheek and asked, “I’ll be out in a few. Will you still be here when I get back?”

She mockingly looked at her watch and smartly replied, “Unless I have an awards show to attend in the next hour or so, I doubt I’ll be gone when you are done. I’ll be here, baby… always.”



It only took a few minutes for the swab
sample to be collected, but the nurse suddenly became more concerned with the commotion that the receptionist had to handle.

After quickly finishing up and rushing to the front, I could understand why she was concerned.

My current girlfriend and my ex-girlfriend were in the midst of a very heated argument. They were face to face and toe to toe, and thankfully there were no punches thrown, but that might have been due to the reality that Stacy was pregnant.

Otherwise, I believe we would have been witnessing Armageddon right then.

I pulled Cori away from Stacy as she shouted, “
You wish you could still have him, you conniving ass trick!

You might need to be worried more about what’s gonna happen after we get out of court, bitch!
” Stacy shouted back as she was being forcibly held at bay by the receptionist. “
I got enough to deal with carrying this baby to worry about your insecurities!

“Ms. Kent, please control yourself.” the nurse cautioned her as she helped to restrain her. “This is not good for the baby for you to get riled up like this.”

“Yes, Ms. Kent, calm your fucking nerves.” Cori seethed through her words, still trying to break free from me. “You didn’t need to be here for this anyway, but you just had to find whatever excuse to be here to see
man, didn’t you?”

“Alright, calm down, baby.” I told Cori as I pinned her against the wall to get her to focus. “She’s not worth the trouble. She’s doing this to get in your head, and you’re bigger than that.”

“Yeah, I’ll say she’s bigger than me alright, and I’m pregnant.” Stacy smirked as she popped off her insult. “I didn’t know you liked them that thick, Derrick; had I known, I would have worked out a little more to put the curves on for you.”

“I think you’ve caused enough trouble just by being here, Stacy.” I quickly swung to face her, catching her and the other women off-guard. “I think you need to leave… or better yet, we’re already done here, so we’ll get out of here before I do or say something I won’t regret.”

I took Cori by the hand and began to head out of the office, ignoring the insults that Stacy hurled at me.

We got to the truck, and it was obvious that she was emotionally worn out from dealing with Stacy like that. “Baby, I’m sorry about all that, I didn’t know she would just pop up like that. I understand if you need some time to relax from all that bullshit.”

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