An Unlucky Moon (4 page)

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Authors: Carrie Ann Ryan

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #General, #series, #Paranormal Romance, #Dante's Circle

Becca Quinn would be his mate—
his mate.

Now he just had to convince her of that.

Leaving for a month to let each other heal and work his way through the labyrinth of lies and betrayals within the Pack might not have been the best idea in retrospect. From what he knew of females, he was pretty sure leaving without any form of communication wasn’t the smartest thing.

He’d have to court Becca—something he had
idea how it worked or what it entailed. Maybe Ambrose and Balin would help him. Even in hell, the angel and demon had known how to make Jamie smile. Hunter was pretty sure Ambrose had messed something up before they’d gone to hell in the first place. Hunter took that to mean that if the eons-old warrior angel could make mistakes and come out of it okay, surely he could.


Hunter was the Beta of the Nocturne Pack, yet right at this moment, he didn’t know if he had the strength to face her. He’d never had a mate before, let alone a human one—or whatever Becca was. He wasn’t exactly sure, and the triad hadn’t exactly been forthcoming with details.

 Most wolves within his Pack mated other wolves. That was just the way of things. Wolves had one true mate—sometimes two if they were in a triad. That was it. Sure they could mate others and have children, but it wouldn’t be a true mating. All other supernaturals had the same idea of true bliss.

Finding one’s true half was a blessing.

A rare one.

The moment he’d stepped into that alley and had seen the red-haired goddess, he’d known she was the one for him. It had hit him like a freight train. Where most men would have thought it was crazy, Hunter had welcomed it.

He’d known she was his.

Now he just had to figure out what to do about it.

His Pack wanted him to mate—at least the ones who wanted him alive anyway. He had a true mate, but she wasn’t part of the Pack. Hunter knew this would be an issue, but he really didn’t care. All he wanted was the sweet-scented woman who drugged him like an elixir with her presence.

A human bumped into him and gave him a dirty look, presumably for standing in the middle of the sidewalk. He didn’t blame the human for being annoyed, so he blinked at him rather than growling. The human’s eyes widened, and fear seeped from him before he took off at a brisk pace in the other direction.

“Scaring people again?” Balin asked as he walked toward him from the parking lot. 

Hunter shrugged but nodded toward the demon who had become his friend. “I didn’t growl or bite him. I thought I was doing well.”

Balin shook his head and chuckled. “You were. I don’t really get it up here either.” Up here being the human realm rather than the hell realm that Balin had lived in for three hundred years. 

Though Hunter’s own Pack was dark, gritty, and slightly demented, he still preferred it to hell. 

Balin gave him an odd look then shook his head again. “We haven’t seen you in a while. Did you get things taken care of?”

Hunter thought back to the looks of pity and fear within his Pack. “Not fully, but I’ve been away long enough.”

“You’re not going to tell me what you needed to do, are you?”

“I can’t.” It was true. Though Balin had helped save Hunter’s life, he wasn’t Pack. Some secrets needed to remain within the confines of their own species—something the demon should understand.

“You’re here for Becca, aren’t you?” Balin crossed his large arms over his chest and glared. 

Not that Hunter knew exactly why the demon happened to be glaring, but it didn’t sit easy with him. Hunter’s hackles rose, but he toned them down. It was good that Becca had people to take care of her—even if the warnings were misplaced.

“Yes. She’s mine,” he answered simply.

Balin narrowed his eyes. “Remember that these women are not like those you know.” The demon looked around at the humans who were oblivious to the rising tension. “Let’s go inside. We can talk a little more freely there.”

“You’d stand in the way of a bond?”

Balin shook his head and led them to the front door. “No, but I will stand before her to ensure it’s what she wants. You left her high and dry and confused as hell a month ago. Don’t think you can just prowl in and think everything will be okay.”

Hunter frowned. “I know I will have to court her. I plan to ask you and your mates for help.”

Balin blinked, his hand on the door. “You’re going to ask for help? I thought you were an Alpha wolf.”

“I’m the Beta of my Pack, but I’m a dominant. That doesn’t mean I don’t know how to ask for help when it’s necessary. Becca isn’t of my Pack, and I want her to remain safe. Bringing her into my Pack right now would be dangerous without all the facts, and I don’t plan on forcing her to be with me.”

Balin snorted then opened the door, leading them into the bar. “You’re saying all the right things, but I have a feeling you’ll act all wolf and think she should bend for you.”

Hunter clenched his fists. “I’m not as enlightened as some. Fate made her for me, and the course has been set. I will not break from that.”

The sweet scent of mate and woman filled his nose, and he turned to see the goddess of his dreams. She’d put her curly red hair in a tangle on the top of her head so little ringlets fell down her neck. Those pieces seemed to beg for his touch, and he had to remember not to reach out to her just yet. Her long neck would be perfect for his tongue, as would her ample breasts. There were more than a handful, and he wanted to know the color of her nipples. 

Would they be a dusky rose or a dark red when he licked and sucked them so they became pointed peaks? Her waist was a tiny thing that flared out to hips that would be perfect for his hands as he gripped her, pummeling into her heat from behind. Her ass was perfect, not those small ones that women seemed to love, but with enough meat on her to make his mouth water. He couldn’t wait to see her naked and wondered if those freckles that dotted her nose were anywhere else. He had a feeling he’d love licking each and every one, learning her curves and her taste.

Those jade green eyes bored holes into him as they lit fire. She tapped her foot, then raised her chin. It seemed his mate wasn’t happy to see him. He’d known this would be the case, though the wolf within him seemed disappointed she didn’t immediately rush into his arms and declare her undying love and need.

No worries. That would come.

He ignored the other patrons as he strolled toward her. He knew he moved more like an animal than man, but he didn’t care. Becca would have to learn he was a wolf, not the man she might have dreamed of. 

Fate wouldn’t give him a mate who couldn’t accept the animal within him.

It had already been cruel enough.

He stood in front of her, their bodies a whisper apart. Her scent enraptured him, holding him close.

She tilted her head and blinked at him. “You’re back.”

Hell, her voice had a soft, husky quality that went straight to his balls. His cock strained at the zipper of his jeans, and his body broke out in a sweat. He didn’t usually wear a shirt unless, like now, he was in public because his body was naturally overheated and the wolf made his skin feel tight, itchy, and now he was regretting putting the damn thing on. The white button-down he had on now felt confining. He’d rolled up the sleeves so his forearms could breathe, the dark tan of his skin looking deeper against the white of his shirt, yet it didn’t help.

This woman made him want more and everything, yet he didn’t even know her.

That would change.


“I’m back,” he said, his voice more of a growl than the calm tone he’d meant to use. “I’ll always come back for you, my Becca.”

She rolled her eyes then moved to the side, as if trying to get around him. Well, there would be none of that. He moved with her, and she stopped, her chin rising.

“Move, Hunter. I have work to do.”

Hunter blinked and looked around the room. People stared at him as though he’d grown a second head—or had shifted into his wolf. Ambrose, Balin, and Jamie sat at the corner table with small smiles on their faces. Jamie even gave him a little finger wave, though Ambrose pulled her hand back to him then kissed her palm.

“I’ll help you then.” His only plan at this point was to ensure Becca’s safety and bring her into his life. He’d had to leave her for too long as it was because of his Pack and his own darkness. He’d stay by her side now no matter what—even if it meant serving beer and hot wings to men who shouldn’t be looking at his mate in that fashion.

On second thought, he’d enjoy working with Becca. Not only could he watch the way she moved, but now he could kill anyone who dared look at her.

His wolf growled in agreement.

Good. That was settled.

“Uh, Hunter, you’re growling,” Becca whispered as she put her hand on his chest.

He froze, his body going on alert at that slight touch.

“Do you not like when I do that?” It would bother him if she didn’t like his wolf, but he’d show her that she had nothing to fear.

She turned her head, her green eyes narrowing. “I don’t know what I feel about it, but that’s not the point. Stop doing it in public please. I don’t want you to get in trouble,” she whispered. 

Hunter leaned down as if to hear her better, though his senses were just fine to hear her from across the room.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered back. “I’ll help you today.”

She shook her head. “No, I don’t need you to.”

Hurt, he pulled back. It wasn’t about
. He wanted to help her to show he’d always be by her side like a good mate. Did she not understand that?

“I don’t know why you’re here, or why you stayed away for so long. I know we have things to talk about, and I’m not one of those girls to shun you because we can’t communicate. I really don’t know what’s going on, but right now, you need to go sit with Jamie and her men while I finish my shift.”

“You’re not telling me to go?” Hell, he sounded like a whiny teen from some angst-filled TV show rather than the Beta of the Nocturne Pack.

“I’m telling you to do what you want, like you’ve been doing, but if you want to talk to me, go sit with Jamie and her men.”

He nodded then risked her ire by tracing her cheek with his finger. She shuddered, and he inhaled her sweet scent, which held a hint of arousal.


Her left her standing frozen and walked to the back corner where Jamie, Ambrose, and Balin sat, smirks on their faces.

“Smooth,” Balin said then took a sip of his beer. “You sure know how to make the ladies swoon. Fuck!” He rubbed his side where Jamie had elbowed him, and Hunter snorted.

He sat down at the round table and took in his surroundings. He’d been too distracted by Becca to notice the bar, other than the people who could prove to be threats. The dragon hadn’t changed much in his bar since the last time Hunter had been there, but he’d at least cleaned up the debris from the fight.

His hands fisted as he remembered the pale form of his mate in his arms as she’d shuddered, taking what he’d thought to be her last breath.

“Hunter?” Jamie asked. “She’s fine. You don’t have to growl.”

He blinked away the memories and turned to Jamie. Like the rest of Becca’s friends, she was pleasing to the eye. Her brown hair and brown eyes might have seemed boring to some, but he knew the two men on either side of her thought she was the sexiest thing in the world. 

“Sorry,” he grumbled.

“Four years is a long time to not have to hide your abilities,” Ambrose said quietly. “It’s only been a few weeks since you’ve been back. You’re allowed to not be who you once were.”

That was an understatement.

“I’ve always been a wolf,” Hunter said, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’ve never been
. Will she accept that?”

He didn’t have to state who
was. It was blatantly obvious.

Jamie smiled. “I don’t think what you are will be a barrier. It’s
you are and what you do that matters. As long as you explain your absence and have a damn good reason for it, I’m sure you’ll come to an understanding.”

Coming out of the nightmares and trying to piece together his Pack seemed like decent reasons. He just hoped Becca agreed.

“So, you want to tell us what you’ve been up to?” Jamie asked.

Hunter shrugged. “What I said I’d be doing when I left. I needed to take care of my Pack before I could bring in my mate.”

Balin raised a brow. “And did you get everything taken care of?”

Hunter thought back to the council members and his aging Alpha but only shook his head. “Almost.”

Jamie narrowed her eyes. “You better not hurt our Becca. I might be small, but I pack a mighty punch.”

Hunter remembered the magic running through her veins and held himself back from bowing at her feet and baring his neck. She was a powerful djinn while he was only a lowly wolf in comparison.

“Don’t forget Faith, dear,” Ambrose said with a smile.

Who knew the warrior angel could smile so warmly?

“Wait. Faith?” he asked, genuinely confused. Yes, the woman he’d met seemed a bit abrasive, but he’d thought it had just been the tension of the brewing war at the time.

Balin shuddered dramatically and pulled Jamie to his side. “Let’s just say if you bother Becca in any way, Faith will be there to make sure you never do it again.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Really though, what could Faith do?

“I see that look, Hunter,” Ambrose said, a smile in his voice. “Don’t underestimate any of the lightning-struck. They were strong before the strike and are even stronger now.”

Jamie beamed at him then pulled the angel closer to her and their demon. “You are
getting lucky tonight,” she whispered.

Jealousy ate him at the words that were meant for just the three of them. He turned to watch Becca move. Though she usually moved with the grace of a dancer, sometimes she’d trip over thin air and curse under her breath. He loved the way she blushed when she tripped. He had to hold himself back a few times to keep from pulling her into his arms to make sure she was all right.

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