An Unlucky Moon (5 page)

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Authors: Carrie Ann Ryan

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #General, #series, #Paranormal Romance, #Dante's Circle

Becca just seemed a bit clumsy, but he was okay with that. If anyone made fun of her for it, he’d rip their throats out. There were perks to being the Beta of the Nocturne Pack.

He sat and listened to the triad talk about their life together and how they were working things out. Apparently in the human realm, outside the confines of a Pack or Pride, ménages were taboo. He’d known this, of course, but he’d never seen the ramifications. Some people shunned Jamie for what fate had decided for her, but she took it in stride. She seemed much happier than the small wallflower he’d met in their cell within the demon games.

He remembered looking at her and thinking, for just a moment, it would be hell to kill her…then she’d spoken. She’d been stronger than he’d thought, and he’d known he had to protect her even if she wasn’t his protect.

He’d fought by her side within the games and watched as she’d taken down a full demon on her own.

Now she was in a relationship and bond that was stronger than most bonds out there. The true-half mating bond could withstand even the darkest of powers, and Hunter was glad Jamie had that.

He just needed to make sure he and Becca had the same chance. He’d never courted anyone before, let alone a human.

It would be tricky to figure out the best way of strategizing. He figured throwing her over his shoulder and taking her to his den would be out of the question. 

Too bad.

Hunter watched Becca move some more. Her long legs were sexy as hell in little shorts showcasing her ass. He narrowed his eyes at a man who couldn’t seem to pull his gaze from Becca’s body. His wolf rose to the surface, and he let a small growl out.

The man turned to him with wide eyes and lowered his gaze. Though humans couldn’t tell he was a wolf, they would instinctively know not to fuck with him…or his mate.

“Hunter, man, stop terrorizing the humans,” Balin said under his breath.

Hunter turned to the demon. “The man should learn his place. He has no right to stare at Becca like that.” He clenched his fists, his claws ready to fight for what was his.

“She works at a bar,” Balin explained. “This stuff happens, but she can take care of herself.”

“Plus Dante would kick the ass of anyone who bothered her.”

At the name of the dragon, Hunter shut his eyes, fighting for control. He didn’t say anything to the triad…couldn’t. He didn’t know what sort of relationship existed between Dante and Becca, but he knew he couldn’t take down a dragon no matter how strong he was. 

The dragon would have to back down on his own.

There was no room in his and Becca’s relationship for a third.

Their mating wasn’t like that.

“Hunter, you know Dante and Becca aren’t together, right?”

He looked at Jamie, who bit her lip. 

“They’re just friends. Almost like brother and sister. I promise.”

A small amount of relief slid through him, but until he heard those words from Becca, he wouldn’t be able to relax. This whole fate thing was seriously making him crazy. Yes, he was slightly manic from his time in hell, but fate was worse. He’d taken one look at Becca and known she was his.  It didn’t matter if there had been no feelings before that moment because the bond would be set.

He’d just have to learn about her and she him. That was the problem with mating a true half. Where others could mate when they wanted and take their time, the mating urge that came from meeting that one person who was meant for them urged them to move faster than they would normally.

Now he was working backward—learning and courting the person he
he’d spend the rest of his life with.

Becca walked over to him with a slight smile on her face. He breathed in her sweet scent, and his wolf relaxed at her presence, even though the mating urge rode him harder.

“I’m done with my shift now,” she said as she came to his side. “What did you want?”

He blinked, caught by her beauty. “I’ll walk you home, and we can talk.”

Yes, talking. Women liked that, right?

She cocked her head and frowned. “Just talking? Because I don’t know you.”

He nodded and tamped down the hurt at her words. He knew they didn’t know each other past that bond that wanted to form, but he would change that.

Then he’d bring her to his Pack.

Soon he found himself saying goodbye to the triad and glaring at the dragon who stood silently in the doorway. He’d have to deal with Dante later.

“Did you drive here?” Becca asked, looking around the parking lot.

 “My bike is over there.” He gestured to the black Harley and smiled.

She froze then looked up at him. “I usually walk or take the bus since I don’t have a car.”

He frowned. He didn’t like the idea that she would be near strangers and in danger. “Why don’t you need a car? I thought all humans did.”

She shrugged. “I’m saving for my…for the future, so I just walk. It’s not that far.”

“You can ride behind me home. I don’t want you alone.”

She narrowed her gaze. “We need to get one thing straight, okay? Just because you think I’m your mate and we have this…this connection or whatever, doesn’t give you the right to tell me what to do. I’ve been fine for over a decade alone, and I don’t need you telling me what to do.”

His wolf urged him to bring her into his arms and never let go, but he rebelled. “I’m not telling you what to do.”

She blinked.

“Okay, fine. I tried to tell you what to do. From now on, I’ll try to ask. Remember though, I’m a wolf, so it’s hard to turn off those tendencies.” For Becca though, he’d do anything.

They stood in the darkened parking lot alone but for the breeze. His cock strained at his jeans as she moved closer.

“I don’t understand any of this, Hunter.”

He nodded and took a risk, framing her face with his hands. She didn’t pull away, and he took it as a good sign. “I know. I’m trying to understand it all as well.”

“Why did you stay away so long? If what my friends are saying is true and we’re…we’re true halves, why did you leave?”

He would tell her everything soon, leaving no secret behind, but right now, he could only say the words that meant the most.

“I wasn’t worth it before. I needed to make myself worth you.”

She sucked on her lip then nodded. “That doesn’t tell me enough, but I know you’re trying. I don’t know what I want Hunter. I need choices.”

Fate hadn’t given them a choice, and he wouldn’t argue with what could be good for him, but he just nodded.

“I’ll do whatever you want. For always.”

“One step at a time, Hunter. I want to know who you are and why I feel this warmth within me every time you’re near. I didn’t grow up with any of this. I need time.”

He nodded then lowered his head, letting his lips rest gently on hers. She gasped, and he licked the seam of her mouth. She opened for him softly, her breath coming in short pants. He kissed her with a care he didn’t know he possessed.

He was a wolf, an animal, not someone who was used to gentleness, but for Becca, he’d be anything she needed.

He drowned in her sweet taste, relishing her submission. Finally, he pulled back, his wolf howling in pleasure. Her eyes had darkened, and her hard nipples brushed against his shirt.

“One step at a time, Becca. Anything you need.”

She smiled at him, and he knew he’d broken through that first step. 

Now he just needed to show her he could be hers.

And show the Pack that she was safe.

Easier said than done.

Chapter Four

Dante Bell watched his best friend walk out the door with the wolf that would be her mate. It wasn’t that he wanted Becca for himself, no, that was as far from the truth as anything. Sadly, jealousy ate at him because this fiery little friend, who couldn’t seem to stand in place without knocking something over, was well on her way to finding happiness.

Though he knew the two of them had more to deal with in their future than pretty words and heated looks, he was happy for them.

He was just fucking jealous.

It wasn’t as if he didn’t know who his true half—or halves as it were—was. He’d known their identity for years but hadn’t been able to do anything about it because there was always something in the way. Now he was starting to sound like that old fool Ambrose—something he sure as hell didn’t want to be.

When the gods had decided his human friends needed a jolt, he’d watched as they’d been struck by lightning and their lives changed forever. He’d been forced to stand by and do his best to protect them, though he hadn’t known who he was fighting. He
didn’t know who he was fighting, or whether, frankly, there was something to fight. He’d stand by his friends and their mates as they found them and protect them from whatever came—even from each other.

Now he was, again, on the sidelines, waiting and praying that it would all come together so he could claim the two who’d haunted his dreams as his own.

As it was, Nadie was in pain because he couldn’t act on what he knew they both needed—
. He couldn’t complete the bond, though, because it wouldn’t be enough, not without their third.

And it was fucking hard to complete the mating if he didn’t know where their third was.

So now, because of the way the lighting worked, he was forced to watch Nadie’s energy and strength drain away because he couldn’t bond with her. If the girls hadn’t been struck by lightning in the first place, Nadie wouldn’t be in pain. Sure, she’d have remained human for the rest of her life, but he’d have used their true half mating bond to make her as immortal as he. Now he had to stand by and watch her in pain because they didn’t have their third…because he’d let their third walk away to go on their own journey. Of course he’d done all he could to find their third and take away Nadie’s pain, but there was only so much he could do.

He took her pain deep inside his body when he could, leaving his body weakened. For some reason, whenever he took the pain from her, it magnified within him tenfold. Though she sometimes left him feeling just a bit stronger, afterward, he was forced to curl up in a ball and regain his strength. He was a fucking dragon, but there was nothing he could do for the pain and weakness.

There was also no way he’d force Nadie to deal with that—or even a small piece of that—on her own.

So now, because he couldn’t do anything to protect her other than trying to help where he could, he was creating a divide between the two of them.

He knew they had only so much more time. Soon that divide would be too great for either of them to conquer.

He just hoped it wouldn’t be too late.


“So how was it?”

Becca rolled her eyes at Faith’s words since she knew her friend couldn’t see her over the phone. She wouldn’t have been in the mood to deal with her friend’s attitude if the other woman could see her.

“How was what?” she asked.

“The kiss! Damn, Becca, stop stringing me along. I saw how hot that wolf boy was. Did you see the way he smoldered? Yes, smoldered. Who knew that happened outside of movies or books? Hell, if you don’t want him, I’ll take him for a ride.”

“Back off, Faith. He’s not for you,” Becca snapped.

Faith cackled over the line. Cackled. She knew her friend, like the rest of the girls, would one day turn into another supernatural creature, and Becca was pretty sure Faith would be a witch, considering she already had the laugh down.

“Touchy, aren’t we?” Faith teased. “So I guess the dude can kiss. Good for him. I hope you didn’t sleep with him right away though.”

“Fuck off, Faith.”

“You’re making me cranky over here, but I love you. Plus, if you’d slept with him, we’d all be hearing about your new powers. I can’t wait to see what you turn into.”

Becca wasn’t sure she
to know and told Faith as much.

“Becs, you’re in pain, and it’s because you found Hunter and aren’t mated. We’ve seen Jamie and Lily go through this, and we’re
Nadie go through it.”

“I know that, hon. I know that the gods and fate and whatever want me and Hunter together, but I don’t like not having a choice.”

“I know what you mean. I see Lily and Jamie happy and loopy in love, but that doesn’t mean it will be the same for us.”

Becca rolled her eyes. “Thanks for that confidence.”

“Anything you need, babe.”

“You suck.”

“No, not at the moment. I’ve been single for too long.”

Becca chuckled and gagged into the phone. “I totally don’t need to know that.”

“What? You started it.”

“You’re a dork, but I love you anyway. Really, though, I don’t know what to do.”

Faith sighed. “Do what you want, Becs, but know that sometimes you just have to work with what fate deals you. Don’t run away from something that could be good because you’re fighting the system.”

“I’m going to remind you of this conversation when you find your mate.”

Her friend snorted. “Gods, that’s gonna suck. Everyone is going to come at me with my own words.”

“Hurts, don’t it?”

“Shut it,
. Really, though, take it slow with Hunter and find out who he is beyond that bond you’re feeling, or will feel. If the pain is too much, sleep with him.”

Becca rolled her eyes. “Really? Sleep with him? That’s your advice?”

Faith snorted. “What? It’s the best I can give. It’ll help you feel better, and you know sex relieves stress. Plus I know you had that whole connection with him after the storm with the djinn, so you feel something. This is the twenty-first century. Have fun. Have sex. I don’t know what fate will bring, but we’ll figure it out. I really don’t get the whole thing yet. If you don’t want to screw him, at least kiss him.”

“So kissing is okay?”

“With the way he kisses apparently, I’d say he’s more than okay.”

“That’s not what I mean, and you know it.” Hell, sometimes Faith got on something and never let it go, like a dog with a bone.

“Just go with it, Becca. He needs to atone for leaving you for a month, but considering where he’d been for the four years prior, I’m sure he has a ready excuse.”

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