Angels In Red (26 page)

Read Angels In Red Online

Authors: Adelle Laudan

Jenna paused and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.

“You okay?”

She nodded. “Let’s just get this over with.”

“Remember, if he tries anything, press that button.”

Jenna rose on tiptoe and kissed his cheek before he opened the door and ushered her inside.  Sunlight shone down the barren hallway, sending a shiver of unease up his spine. Suddenly, the door marked ‘Office’ opened and Daniel stepped out.

“I thought I heard a car pull up outside.” His gaze shifted about nervously.

Charles forced a calm exterior. “Good morning, Daniel.” He clenched his jaw and offered his hand, noting the relief in his eyes at the gesture.
Don’t be so sure, asshole…I know everything.

Daniel eagerly shook his hand. “It’s good to see you again.”

Jenna openly cringed as Daniel put a hand to the small of her back. “Let’s go in and have a talk about your sister.”

Charles spoke up. “I think I’ll go see if I can find a cup of coffee.” He didn’t wait for a response, giving her a knowing glance before walking toward the delicious aromas coming from the kitchen. A medley of tomatoes, garlic and peppers set his stomach growling.

He walked through the kitchen’s swinging doors to find three women in pale blue and white uniforms in various stages of cooking. A woman with raven-black hair looked up from chopping onions. Moisture filled her chocolate-brown eyes, and he swallowed hard as she smiled at him.

“Can I help you?”

Charles found himself smiling back, entranced by her slight European accent. “I was told I might find a cup of coffee here.” He moved closer. “The name’s Charles Wylder. I came with Jenna to see her sister, Angel.”

“Oh, Ms. Jenna. Please sit.”

“Thank you. I’m sorry, but I didn’t catch your name.”

She wiped her hands on her apron, her cheeks flushing. “
, my name is Twyla Amaro.”

He shook her small, delicate hand. “It’s very nice to meet you, Twyla. That’s a beautiful name.”

She lowered her lashes. “
, I was born
all’ alba...oh, ‘scusa
…at twilight
. That’s where my mother made the name.”

He smiled at the pink tinge to her cheeks from mixing Italian with English. It had been a very long time since he’d felt an attraction to a woman. “Would you care to join me for a cup?”

The two women behind her giggled behind their hands as Twyla turned. “Is it okay with you if I take my break a little early?”

The older woman shooed her away. “Go on with ya.”

Twyla poured two cups and led him out to the dining room, to a small table along a wall of windows where horses grazed literally a stone’s throw away.

“This really is a beautiful place.”

“Yes, it is.” She kept her long lashes lowered.

“Daniel is pretty particular about appearances, isn’t he?”

Charles caught the fleeting look of disapproval in her expression. “I guess so.” She shrugged and feigned interest in her cup.

“How long have you worked here?” he asked casually, not wanting her to feel interrogated about her boss.

“Almost five years. Is everything okay with Angel?”

He briefly explained the situation. “She is having a hard time processing a sister.”

“I think most would be a little shocked.”

“Yes, I suppose so. Anyhow, Daniel called this morning and asked Jenna to come to the ranch and talk.”

“Where is she now?” Twyla looked around the room and out the window.

“She’s with Daniel in his office.”

Her expressive eyes widened. “Alone?”

The worry in her tone had him straightening in his seat. “Is that a problem?”

Twyla’s face reddened; she quickly stood. “No, I mean...‘scusa. I really need to go back working”

Charles stood and put his hands on her shoulders. “Have I upset you?”

“I don’t think I am to talk about this.”

She scurried away before he had a chance to say anything more. He’d definitely find a way to smooth things over with her
—getting to know the beautiful Twyla Amaro a little better would just have to wait—but right now, he needed to make sure Jenna was okay. 


Chapter Twenty-


Jenna’s patience grew thin. Daniel took an
phone call seconds after the door closed behind them, several minutes ago. He now stood at the window with his back to her, speaking in hushed tones, laughing every now and then.

Enough is enough.
Jenna stood and cleared her throat noisily. “Excuse me, Daniel? I don’t mean to interrupt.”

He turned and glared at her, his hand over the mouth piece. “Didn’t I say this is an important phone call? What part of that don’t you understand?”

Her jaw dropped, and her temper flared. “Pardon me? It was
who called me out here. Surely you can continue your conversation after ours.”

He shook his head. “I’m sorry, doll,” he said into the phone, “but it seems my next appointment is being a little selfish. Let me take care of her, and I’ll call you right back.”

Doll? He’s talking to one of his lady friends? That’s what is so important?
She struggled to keep her cool.

Daniel stormed over to his desk and sat in his chair. “You know, Jenna, the world doesn’t revolve around you and your sister.”

She frowned. “Why are you treating me like this? You’d be wise to remember it’s not too late for me to back out on the funding promised you.”

“Go ahead and do what you got to do. The only ones you’ll be depriving are your sister and the other residents. Besides, you made it very clear how you feel about me the last time you were here. How do you expect me to act?”

Oh my God, talk about the world revolving around you. It’s all about his bruised ego. He can’t handle the fact there’s a woman who isn’t attracted to him.

“I think if anyone has a reason to be upset, it’s me.”

A knock interrupted them. As he went and opened the door, his entire demeanor miraculously transformed to the nice guy she had first thought he was.

“Charles, you have good timing. I was just going to share the good news with Jenna.”

Daniel shot her a warning look before returning to his desk. It took everything in her not to jump up and give her anger and frustration free rein in front of Charles. She kept her mouth shut for Angel’s sake, and her sister’s sake alone.

Charles settled in a seat beside her. He kept his gaze diverted from looking anyone in the eyes. His jaw clenched and unclenched, telling her there was more going on than just wanting to throttle the Ranch CEO.

“I have something exciting to report. Angel has finally come to fully understand you are her sister.”

Jenna muffled a squeal into her hands, everything else pushed to the wayside by the good news. At least she hoped it was good news.

“Is she happy about it?” Charles asked.

“I think so, but she is being very guarded. She seems a little scared, like maybe she’s afraid to have a relationship with you for fear she’ll lose you like she did your mother.”

“Nobody said the transition was going to be an easy one.”
Jack’s words put things in perspective.

“I can understand that. Do you think she’d want to see me today?” Jenna purposely kept her gaze diverted. What she really wanted to do was run out of the office in search of her sister.

He leaned back in his chair. “Angel has been seeing the resident psychologist the past few days. Dr. Gilmore feels it’s a little too soon. The reason I brought you here is to find out if you’d be willing to sit down for a session with the doctor and your sister.”

“Yes, of course I’m willing. Name the time and place and I’ll be there.”
He could easily have asked me over the phone. What is his ulterior motive for wanting to see me in person?

“Good, I’ll talk to the doctor and set something up.”

Charles was first to stand and shake Daniel’s hand. “Thank you. Do you think I could use your facilities before we head out?”

“Of course.” He nodded toward the restroom door.

The second they were left alone, Daniel rounded his desk to stand beside her.

“You would be wise to remember I am your only link to Angel. I will do everything I can to bring the two of you together in return for the donation. But don’t put me in a position to sever all ties with her,” he whispered assertively.

Jenna opened her mouth to speak, but snapped it shut when Charles returned. She snatched up her purse and strode across the room, forcing a smile. “Thank you. I look forward to seeing Angel again.” She left the office without waiting for Charles, not stopping until she was outside.

With a deep, steadying breath, she willed her heart beat to normal, hardly able to believe what transpired. If she told Charles there would be no holding him back, and she couldn’t chance jeopardizing a relationship with her sister. As much as she hated it, she’d have to play by Daniel’s rules, at least for now. She needed to find tangible proof Daniel wasn’t the man he pretended to be.

...and then there’s the issue of his association with Howard Meed.

I have to see her
. Jack never had such an overwhelming desire to see someone.

The two students who watched over the dogs before agreed to come out after the pups were taken care of for the night. Unfortunately, they could only stay until the following afternoon.

He was pushing his luck driving over the speed limit, but the mountain roads were quiet, and he couldn’t shake the intense need to be with Jenna. The two and a half hour drive took a little less than two hours before he pulled onto the estate grounds.

Only the housekeeper knew to expect him. He didn’t want to get Jenna’s hopes up and have his plans fall through. Edna opened the front door before he reached it, her housecoat buttoned up under her chin and a scarf of some kind covering curlers in her hair. She put a finger to her lips and stood aside for him to enter. Jack winked at her while slipping out of his boots. He took them with him as he mounted the stairs to Jenna’s bedroom.

Once at her door, he stepped in and closed the door behind him. His pulse raced as his eyes adjusted to her darkened room. Moonlight illuminated Jenna’s still form on the bed. He knew he’d missed her, but not until that moment did he realize how much.

Jack reached her bedside and gazed upon her. Her beautiful hair fanned the pillow like a halo.

My beautiful snow angel

He watched her sleep peacefully as he undressed.  Moving slowly so as not to startle her awake, he slipped between the sheets and inched over to her. He paused briefly to inhale her sweet scent before lightly pulling her hair back and kissing her neck.

Jenna stirred from sleep. She awoke with a sharp intake of breath as a body pressed against her back. She jerked her head to peer back over her shoulder; her confusion quickly turned to surprise

“Jack? Is it really you?”

He shifted so she could turn over.

“Yes, it’s me.”

His body returned to hers, erasing the space between them as he cupped the sides of her face in a kiss so sweet it brought tears to his eyes.

“How did you get away?” She withdrew enough to look him in the eyes. “What about the dogs?”

“We can talk about all that in the morning. I had to come and make sure you’re okay. I can’t explain how, but I had such an overwhelming sense something was wrong.”

“Oh, Jack.” Her voice cracked. “I was planning a surprise visit to see you. You are
what I need.”

Jack reclaimed her mouth. It wasn’t a slow, dreamy kiss, but a hungry one that left her panting. His fingers lightly traced the swell of her breasts, and he kissed the tears from her eyes.

“Please don’t cry, Jenna.”  He edged himself between her legs as his tongue explored her mouth, kissing her passionately.

My beautiful man.

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