Ascendants of Ancients Sovereign (Worlds of the Crystal Moon, Book 1) (104 page)

Read Ascendants of Ancients Sovereign (Worlds of the Crystal Moon, Book 1) Online

Authors: Phillip Jones

Tags: #Science Fiction, #midevial, #Fantasy

It was just after Late Bailem when Lasidious appeared. “I’m sure you watched the finding of the first piece of crystal with eagerness. I was impressed by how everything transpired,” he said, gloating.

Mieonus jumped into the conversation. “So am I. I thought for sure, when I left that idiot barbarian’s throne room, there was not a chance for George to capture the first piece.”

Mosley snorted. “What do you expect? The leader of Brandor’s pack did all the work. The door was left wide open for George to walk in and take it. I have to say, the fighting between Brandor and the scorpions was most impressive to watch. No matter how I feel, George won the crystal without dispute.”

“It was also impressive to watch Shalee’s power,” Lasidious added. “I wish I knew what Bassorine did to allow her to grow so quickly.”

The wolf grinned.

Lasidious caught a glimpse of it. “You know something, don’t you? You know what Bassorine did, but you’re not going to tell me, are you?”

“You give me too much credit, Lasidious,” Mosley responded. “I don’t know any more than you, but it does make me happy to know I have a chess piece who can hold a candle to George.”

“Agreed,” Alistar chimed in. “It was sad to see Shalee’s friend pass. I’m sure this will set her back.”

Lasidious ignored Alistar’s sentiment. “Mosley, do you remember that I said there would be two pieces of the crystal placed on Grayham?”

“I do.”

“Do you also remember the Peak you and Bassorine appeared before Sam and Shalee in the temple?”

“I do.”

“Do you remember when Sam and Shalee said that three of them had appeared in the Temple of the Gods, and George had fallen through the floor?”

“What are you getting at, Lasidious?”

“Give me a moment. I’m getting there. Relax. I was about to ask, do you also remember that George was the one who picked up a piece of the crystal, causing the rest of the Crystal Moon to vanish?”

“I do, but what does this have to do with where you put...” Mosley stopped mid-sentence. After a moment, he laughed in his wolfish way. “You cannot be serious, Lasidious.” He looked at the Mischievous One. It was clear to both of the gods that the wolf had figured it out.

“What’s so funny, Mosley?” Alistar inquired, acting as if he did not already know. The God of the Harvest winked at Lasidious and smiled, careful not to allow the others to see the exchange.

Mosley responded, “I’m laughing at the irony. I have known where the second piece of the crystal was during this entire series of moments, but I had not put it together until now.”

“So where is it?” Mieonus snapped.

Mosley turned to look at the goddess. “Patience, Mieonus. Have patience. Lasidious said the crystal would be on Grayham, and it is. It has been with George during his journey.”

Mieonus’ team exploded with laughter while the other four members of Mosley’s team began swearing at the God of Mischief.

All Lasidious could do was stand at the head of the table and grin. He had expected a mixed reaction, and he was enjoying every moment of it.

George Meets the Serpent King

South of Bloodvain

George teleported to the vacation home of the Barbarian King, south of Bloodvain. As planned, the king’s scouts had brought the snakes to this secluded destination for their meeting. The Serpent King was told that George was the new monarch.

“You’re not what I expected,” Seth said in his hissing voice as he watched the human enter the cabin.

It took the mage a moment to gather his thoughts. He had never spoken with a snake before, and this particular one had a body over 40 paces long. His fangs were large, sharp, and intimidating. Seth’s cobra hood cast a shadow that made George quiver inside. However, the manipulator refused to show his weakness.

Seth hissed again. “Mussssst you ssssstare? Is there sssssomething wrong with you, human?”

George apologized. He moved to the fireplace and took a seat on the hearth. This home of Senchae’s was more of the same—mounted trophies everywhere in yet another stupid log cabin. The mage was thankful that none of the barbarian’s trophies involved a snake of any kind.

“I’m glad you were able to visit with me, Seth. You have a problem heading toward your kingdom. I wish to help.”

The snake slithered into a better position from which to converse. “What makesssss you think I need your help?”

Fellow soul ... to make the story easier to tell, I’m going to remove the Serpent King’s hiss. Just know that his hiss was annoying.

George smirked. “The island of the Scorpion King was attacked by Brandor. They’ll be headed your way soon. From what I know of your numbers, you can’t defend yourselves against Brandor’s legions, and you know I’m right.”

“Brandor’s army couldn’t get past the mares. I sense no serious threat to my serpent nation.”

Because of the snake’s hissing, George found himself leaning forward, impatiently waiting for each syllable to be spit out. It was as if the king had some sort of speech impediment.

“You’re wrong,” George retorted. “They have destroyed the mares.”

“You expect me to believe this? The mares are deadly. How did they perish?” The serpent adjusted his coils as he waited for the response.

George decided he would turn up the heat. “Look! I don’t give a rat’s ass if you believe me, Seth. I know I speak the truth. If you don’t want my help, leave, and don’t come back. You can perish like the scorpions and the mares.” He paused and softened his tone. “Do I need to show you before you’ll listen?”

“A safe question to ask, since it is impossible to execute.”

“Not impossible, Seth. I can take you to the island, if you’d like.” George stood from his seat and waited for the reply.

Seth studied the human’s face. “I have no strength for traveling this evening.”

George rolled his eyes. “I can take us there. You don’t need to move from the spot you’re coiled up in. Close your eyes, and we’ll go.”

Seth and his guard tightened their coils. “You expect me to close my eyes, human?” The rattle at the end of the Serpent King’s tail shook wildly. “Do you take me for a fool? You’re up to something.”

George had heard enough. He waved his hand and put magical bonds on Seth and his guard. “Look, you slimy bastard. If I had wanted to hurt you, I would’ve done it already, and there would be nothing that you could do to stop me. Do you want my help or not?” The mage waved his hand again and released only the snake’s tongue.

Seth tried with all his might to break George’s magic, but he could not move. After a while, he realized he could speak. “Release me, two legs, and I’ll accept your offer.”

George clapped his hands. “Send your guard from the room, and we’ll get going.”

Once Seth did as instructed, George waved his hand to release the guard. The snake slithered out the door to join the others outside.

“All you need to do is close your eyes. I’ll take care of the rest. When you open them, we’ll be on Scorpion Island.”

Still unnerved, Seth was slow to close his eyes. When he reopened them, he was astonished by his surroundings. “Magic has never been used on my coils. Are we truly on the island?”

“This is the place. I’ll release you. But you need to understand that I can do far greater magic than what you’ve experienced. I don’t want to be put in a position that would cause me to hurt you. I’m going to release you now.”

The Serpent King’s forked tongue shot out of his mouth. “I understand.”

George released his power and allowed the serpent to investigate the island’s southern shore. The scorpions’ bodies lay everywhere.

George looked at his map. The Serpent Kingdom was just south-southwest of their current position. He moved to the shore, created another ice raft and then called out to Seth. “When you’re done slithering around, let’s get going.”

Once on the other side of the lake, George spoke. “Okay, Seth, I’ve shown you that everything I said was true. If you trust me, I would like to create an alliance.”

“I trust your words, human.”

“Then, are we allies?”

“Yes, we’re allies.”

“Splendid. The moment has arrived for you to return home. You need to prepare for war. The Kingdom of Brandor will attack soon. The Barbarian Kingdom will come to your aid, but you will be at war before I can get my army here. Prepare a battle plan. You know your lands. Take advantage of this. Make Brandor’s army come to you. Fight them from inside your underground kingdom. Don’t fight them on the surface. You will lose the war if you do. My army will attack as soon as we arrive.”

“My kind will forever be in your debt. A victory over Brandor will mean freedom for my cousin, Farogwain.”

George had no idea what Seth was talking about, but he did not let his ignorance slow him down. “See what I mean, Seth? We need each other. You’re going to get your cousin back. How awesome is that?”

“You speak strange, King of Barbarians. Until we meet again in battle.”

George nodded and then closed his eyes. When he opened them, he was standing by his sleeping wife. He smiled as he looked at her peaceful beauty, and then he climbed in to take his place beside her. Soon, the mage was asleep.

I t was not long before Lasidious appeared in the mage’s dreams. George was glad to see the god, but angry since the dream of his baby girl was pleasant. Despite his annoyance, there were business matters that needed to be addressed. “Damn, Lasidious!” George snapped. “You interrupted a great dream about my Abbie.”

“I’m sorry, George, but I have news. You possess both pieces of the Crystal Moon on Grayham.”

“Huh! I was wondering why the crystal glowed when I put it in my pack. So ... the other one is in there as well?”

“It is. You’ve had it since your arrival. I’ve kept it hidden from you. When you get up and open your pack, you’ll see them both. Do you understand this will bring war to your doorstep?”

“I’ve already thought of that. When I snagged the first piece, Sam and Shalee were there. They know I have it. I figured this would force them to attack, but I’ve got other ideas. I’m going to bring the fight to the home of the Serpent King. I’ve already taken Seth to Scorpion Island to show him what Brandor is capable of. He’s willing to align his kingdom with Bloodvain. He thinks Brandor is going to attack.”

Lasidious’ eyes were filled with confusion. “I don’t see a reason why Brandor would attack Seth’s city. What am I missing? Why would Sam take his army anywhere other than Bloodvain?”

George chuckled. “If you knew what I know, everything would make sense. I have a plan, Lasidious, but it will require a small amount of help from you.”

“George, I’ve told you, I can’t help with any direct event that could change the balance of power.”

“I know, I know, I know. I don’t need your direct help. All I’m asking is that you get the gods together who were with you when I threatened Senchae with his son’s life and then take them to the Barbarian King’s throne room tomorrow night. I have a few things to say that they’ll find interesting. I’m sure you can do that without breaking any of your rules ... right?”

Lasidious smiled. “I sense a plan of genius. I’ll grant your request. May I know what the plan is?”

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