Ascendants of Ancients Sovereign (Worlds of the Crystal Moon, Book 1) (84 page)

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Authors: Phillip Jones

Tags: #Science Fiction, #midevial, #Fantasy

The king’s face softened. “Did he say why?”

Sam grinned. “Of course. He admired you for your military mind. He admired you for your strength and honor. He told me of the things you did as children. I believe he could have had no finer friend than you. If Justin was in your place, he would be just as devastated, and I would tell him what I’m about to tell you now. Be strong and honor the fallen. Celebrate Justin’s life, and have the bards write and sing songs to eternalize his memory. He would do the same if fate was reversed.”

“You’re right, Sam. I shall honor Justin and hold my head high. Thank you for your counsel. When I pass, Aaron could not have a finer advisor.”

“Thank you. It will be an honor to serve Aaron.” Sam responded. He then walked with Keldwin to the room where Justin’s body was laying. Until now, Sam had not realized the situation he was in. The king had all but said he was going to command Aaron to make him his advisor. Sam would become the second most powerful man in the kingdom. He shook his head.
This is happening way too fast. A one in a billion opportunity and it’s happening to me. Mosley, where are you when I need you? I know something’s not right around here.

The king would not allow the morticians to prod, knowing Justin would not have wanted to be torn apart to satisfy their need for answers.

After a while, Sam encouraged the king to leave the arena. He reminded Keldwin that there was 1 Peak of his tournament left. Even though the general had passed, Justin had still won his battle. Sam could think of no better way to honor the general than to have his Passing Ceremony in the arena Graywind loved so much.

Keldwin liked the idea and called his slaves. He ordered them to spread word throughout the city that the ceremony to honor the general would be held after Late Bailem. The slaves scattered.

Sam walked the king to his carriage and comforted Keldwin during the ride back to the castle. He was exhausted when he entered his room, and Shalee was waiting. They embraced. But they avoided talking and went to bed.

When Late Bailem arrived the next night, the arena was filled with royalty, nobles, and the members of the Senate. The adoring fans of the general filled what was left of the seats.

Two hundred of the king’s personal guards lined up in four formations around the platform at the center of the arena. The king entered, followed by Aaron, Sam, Shalee, Helga, BJ, Michael, and a few other officers who had made it back from their assignments.

Keldwin led Sam and Aaron to the top of the platform to stand next to the general’s body. They took turns saying goodbye and touched the warrior’s sword before they left Keldwin alone with Justin’s corpse.

The king knew the general would not want words to be spoken. He would honor his friend this way for one last moment. He bent over to kiss Justin’s forehead and then lit the fire before he descended the stairs.

The arena sat in silence as the blaze consumed the structure. No one was allowed to leave until the flames subsided. This was the Kingdom of Brandor’s way of showing respect, and the dying of the fire signified the ascension of the general’s soul.

The next Peak, Sam was brought into the throne room and sworn into the General Absolute’s position until Keldwin passed. Michael returned to the position of second in command, and Sam sent word for his officers to return to Brandor immediately. Observing Keldwin’s demeanor, Sam knew the king did not have many Peaks left to live, and it would not be long before he was advising Aaron.

have passed since Sam sent slaves to retrieve his officers throughout the kingdom. They have returned. The senators who remained in the city after learning of their king’s failing health have been directed to the throne room with the officers of the army. The king is weak and wants to make an announcement before passing. What he will say to his men is of utmost importance. The king has spent much of the last 2 Peaks working on the details of passing his crown to Aaron.

is hiding in the castle, waiting for the perfect moment to kill the prince. He was sitting in the corner of the throne room, with his mask on to hide his presence when he learned of the king’s failing health. Keldwin told his subjects where he wanted his viewing to be held. The way the king described how his casket would be placed was the perfect set-up for Double D.

kissed Athena goodbye and teleported back to Gessler to meet with Kepler. He is napping in his room at The Bloody Trough, waiting for the jaguar and his brothers to enter through the window.

is only 40 Peaks of Bailem from giving birth. She sat the elven witch family down to have a long conversation about how they are wearing on her nerves. They have promised to change their attitudes because of this stern talk.

is going to attend the passing of Keldwin’s crown and wants to ensure the transition of power is perceived as supported by the gods. His team has also decided to take an interest in this event, and they are now en route.

The gods know Double D is in the city, and they are curious. Although they cannot intervene, they want to show their support of the king’s decision to turn his crown over to the prince before he passes.

plans to entice the Serpent King, Seth, to visit George in the city of Bloodvain. He knows George is now only 7 Peaks from the Barbarian King’s city.

is training harder than ever. His mind has not been able to rest.

remain until the people harvest their crops across the Kingdom of Brandor. The oversized harvest wagons are finished, and the barns are complete. Sam has dispatched part of the king’s fleet to the coastal cities to wait for the wagons to arrive with their cargo.

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