Ascending Darkness (Shattering the Darkness) (24 page)

Just then the buzzer to Nikko’s apartment goes off.

,” Breccan growls out and I can’t help but laugh a bit. “Are you laughing at me?” he asks, pulling back to look at me.

“No,” I shake my head, smiling, “just at your reaction.”

“Well, how do you like it?” he asks then covers my mouth with his.

His tongue instantly invades and sweeps throughout mine. His hands travel up my shirt
to pinch my nipples through my bra. I gasp in a breath and lift my arms up around his neck to hold on. I grind my body closer to his; my clit throbbing harder and wanting attention. Breccan moves my bra cups down and expertly rubs my nipples making me flood with moisture.

He pulls back his hands and steps away from me abruptly. I blink a few times and look around to find the reason why he stopped. When I see nothing I look back at him to see a huge smile across his face.

“How do you like it?” he asks with a raised brow.

“Well you little…” I say and run towards him, jumping at him.

He catches me, just as Bane lets out a deep bark, and I wrap my legs around his waist. His hand goes to my ass to hold me in place and then he walks us back out into the hall, Bane following close behind. I tug on his ponytail to tilt his head back then bring my mouth down on his. He continues to walk carrying us into the living room.

“Jesus, Christ. Do you two always have to act like newlyweds?” I hear Rich ask.

I come up for air and turn to see Rich, Brynn, Mya and Emma all sitting in the living room.

“Hey guys,” I wave at them.

Nikko’s living room is about as big as mine. He has a large sectional and a love seat, as well as a cuddler chair. Breccan walks over to it and sets me on my feet. He sits down and I sit down in front of him between his legs, Bane by our feet.

“So what’s going on?” Brynn asks and takes a strawberry from one of the trays on the
coffee table that Kara filled with all the food that Breccan and I brought over.

I lean forward and grab a banana muffin and say, “I’ll tell everyone at once.”

“Okay…” she eyes me speculatively and purses her lips off to the side. I try to smile at her reassuringly, but she just focuses harder on me trying to figure out what is going on.

“Mya’s new apartment is beautiful, don’t you guys think?” Kara asks after a bit to break up the silence.

“Absolutely,” Brynn turns to her and they begin to talk about further decorating of her apartment while the rest of us sit quietly.

The others may be listening, but all I can feel is the tension building between my shoulders. Breccan notices and starts to rub soothing circles along my back.

Within the next half hour everyone else shows up, joining in on the conversation about Mya’s apartment then switching topics to possibly redecorating
. That was an awkward moment, since only Nikko, Kara, Breccan and I apparently knew about it. I guess the others didn’t watch the news, because when we got here Nikko was watching the details of it to see what was being said.

They asked my opinion about some things and I could only make a non-committal sound as I fought back the tears. Hearing them talk about it made the reality of it all set in for me. I spent years perfecting that place and getting it running like a well-oiled machine. I put my heart and soul into decorating it.

From the pictures on the walls that I took from places all around the world, to picking each stone that made the bar. I spent months choosing every detail of the place; the floors, the fabrics that would set the tone and match the brick interior, the glasses, the plates, the sinks, the décor in the bathrooms…
fucking everything

And now it is only a pile of ashes…

Jesus Christ.

What the fuck am I supposed to do with it all?

“Harper?” Nikko says and I jerk my head to look at him, seeing him looking expectantly at me.

“Yeah?” I ask.

“You ready?” his voice is quiet and gentle; getting everyone’s attention better than if he had yelled.

,” I nod my head then look at everyone in the room. “
burned down this morning,” I say simply.


“Oh my God!”



“Harper, I’m so sorry.”

Everyone’s voices blend together as they shout out questions; looking at Nikko and me. I feel overwhelmed all of a sudden and my breaths start to come in short gasps; tears well my eyes and I bite my lip to hopefully keep them from spilling over.

“Shut the fuck up!” Breccan bellows, making me jump.

He leans forward closer to me so that he can see everyone better. The room goes silent and all eyes turn towards me; or more specifically, Breccan behind me.

“It happened, and we are going to answer some of your questions. But shouting them out is not making this any easier on Harper.” His hands rest on my shoulders and start to rub. “She has spent years building that business up. Pouring her heart and soul into it. And it’s awful shit, but what she has to tell you is a million fucking times worse.” He pauses and takes a deep breath, letting the silence linger a bit.

I stare absently out in front of me, not seeing anything, letting Breccan’s weight press against me; anchoring me to the present.

“I don’t agree with Harper’s decision to tell you what she is about to tell you,
” he continues, “but it’s her choice. It is my understanding that some of you know part of the story, but she, Nikko and I are the only ones who know the whole truth.” He drops his hands from my shoulders, bringing one around to grab mine, entwining our fingers together. “What is happening is serious and needs to be taken as such. Do not take lightly the gravity of this situation.”

Everyone is completely silent, staring at him. Taking this
seriously now. He squeezes my hand, silently giving me his support to tell everyone.

All of a sudden this seems like a very bad idea. Facing a group of people… about to tell them I was a whore…

“You can do this, dove,” he whispers into my ear, for only me to hear. “You were the victim. None of it was your fault, baby. This group of people love you and they will see it the same way I do. The same way Nikko does.” He moves our hands to my stomach and pulls me deep into him. “They know who you are.” He tightens his hold on me and lets out a slow deep breath. My eyes look to everyone in the room. My family. About to find out the awful truth about me. “I love you,” he whispers.


“You were a victim, even then.”

“He used all of it… everything you went through with Frank… He used it all against you.”

“You didn’t have all the facts, nor were you old enough to make a decision like that… something that life altering...”


His words echo through my head again; settling in my soul. My eyes close and I let his love wash over me; feeling it deep in my bones.

“I love you, too,” I barely breathe out for only him to hear and open my eyes.

I lean forward and look at each member of my family, focusing on Kara longer. She has made Nikko so happy. He has been seeing her secretly for months, I am pretty sure. Afraid to bring her around me for some reason. Perhaps because he didn’t want me to feel left out. Like everyone had moved on without me.

I am so happy he has her and she has him. He’s an amazing man. An amazing father to me and she has tried so hard fill a void I have never had.

A mother.

I don’t know how a mother is supposed to act, but I suppose she is a pretty damn good one for someone like me to have. She smiles encouragingly at me.

“I should have told you privately,” I tell her. She cocks her head to the side in confusion. “I’m sorry for that,” I say then look back to the room. “Many of you know that I keep a lot of things about myself private.” I pause as they all nod their heads. “And that has only hurt me, it turns out…” I look at Brynn and Avery and see their eyes tearing up already. Fuck, I can’t look at them if I am going to get through this. “My parents were murdered when I was a baby.” I hold my hand up to cut off their apologies. “It’s okay. I never knew them. Nikko did, though.

“I was kidnapped the night they were murdered and ended up in foster care. No one knew where I belonged. They knew my first name, because the babysitter that took me left a note telling my first name. No one knows why she ran, they think it was because she was possibly high when the cops showed up to inform her of my parent’s death. She ran out the back door, me in tow.

“My first few foster families were rough. I suppose all of them just are. But my last one…” I close my eyes. Breccan nuzzles his face into my neck and keeps it there, softly murmuring ‘I love you’. “The last foster home I was in, I went to when I was ten.” I take a deep breath avoiding everyone’s eyes. I can feel their sadness weigh down the room. “My foster father raped me for five years.” Quiet gasps and expletives fill the room. I hear a couple sobs, but don’t look up to see where they come from.

“I ran away when I was fifteen,” I continue, “and was then taken in by a man.” I clench my jaw, trying to keep the emotions that are choking me from coming through in my voice. “That man put me into prostitution.” Breccan brings his other arm around me and holds me tight. Tears build up in my eyes
, but I push them back. “I was there for four years, when Nikko had finally tracked me down.” I don’t go into details about that night, since I haven’t told Breccan and he deserves to know before everyone else.

“My parent’s had a lot of money,” I say. “Like. A. Lot. And Nikko gave me my inheritance and took care of me. Helped me get on my feet. We then travelled and eventually settled here.”

“Harper…” Mark says, his eyes filled with sadness.

“I know…” I make eye contact with each person. “I know what each one of you are thinking. Believe me. I finally understand the truth of it.” I squeeze Breccan’s hand. “Breccan has helped me understand,” I say. “And you don’t have to say anything. I’m still me and that doesn’t change. I’m just less closed off now.”

“Why…” Beth coughs, trying to clear her throat, and wipes her eyes, “Why are you telling us now? What changed?” she asks.

“Well, first of all,
did.” I look at her with a small smile, trying to convey, that I am fine now. “Breccan has helped me a lot. But most importantly because it is related to
being burnt down.”

“How?” Kole asks.

“Well… when I left that life… it wasn’t exactly on good terms,” I explain, “The man who was… well, my pimp… I guess you could say,” Jesus it sounds so crass.

“The man who forced her into that life,” Breccan interjects with a growl.

I close my eyes, his voice and anger flowing through me as if his feelings are my sixth sense.

“He is very unstable,” I continue. “I’ve been basically hiding here for the last decade, but when my picture was splashed everywhere with Breccan…”

“It was a national magazine,” Fiona says.

“And he has found you,” Rory adds.

“Why? What does he want?” Nick asks.

“Me,” I answer. “He wants me to pay for leaving that life. For getting out. And for the way I left,
” I see Mark about to speak and I am sure it is to ask me how I left, so I cut him off before he can, “which I will not tell you.” I look to Mya, “I’m sorry, sweetheart. But I’m pretty sure I am the reason your apartment was destroyed,” I say quietly.

“No, Harper,” she shakes her head, “
is. He did it. And why? Because he is a petulant child? What an asshole!” she exclaims slapping her hand down onto her leg.

“What does all of this have to do with the bar?” Emma asks.

“The bar was set on fire,” I answer her, closing my eyes.

“What the hell!” Avery exclaims.

“Oh my God!” a few more of the group say at the same time and I open my eyes.

“Nikko, Breccan and I are ninety nine percent sure it was him. Stevie,” I tell them.

“That’s his name?” Mya asks quietly.

“Yes,” I answer.

The silence that follows is deafening. I start to count my breaths… then Breccan’s…

Forty five…


“The reason,” Nikko
stands and breaks the silence.
Thank God
, “we are telling you this, is because, Stevie is obviously targeting people close to Harper to draw her out.”

“Jesus. Is this guy demented?” Kole asks.

“Unfortunately, yes,” Nikko answers walking around the room. “And sadistic,” he adds.

My stomach drops and my free hand moves to run across the scar that symbolizes the loss of my child, through my clothes. Breccan notices and covers his hand with mine.

Yes. He is most definitely sadistic.

“Breccan and I have had security following all of you,” he informs the room.

“What?” Fiona breathes out. She’s probably thinking of her daughter and I feel even worse. I have put them all in danger.

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