Ashwood Falls Volume Two (10 page)

It was Addyson’s doing. She had awakened something inside of him that went far beyond the urge to make her his.

He skidded to a halt when he saw her lying by a small stream. She was beautiful with her white coat dusted with black spots. He inched closer, careful not to startle her.

Her right ear twitched, but she didn’t look his way, although he did notice how her body tensed with each step he took. He knew that if he moved to fast, she’d bolt. It was her nature no matter what hell she’d lived through at the hands of Onyx.

He came to a stop inches from her back. She stayed utterly still except for her tail, which twitched from side to side, but not out of annoyance. No, there was anxiety laced in her scent.

Moving around her, he lay down beside her and nuzzled her neck and drew in her strawberry scent. Relief flooded him when she leaned into him, accepting him.

Taking a chance that he might regret, he shifted back to human form and whispered, “Shift for me.”

She shuddered then, with a flash of soft white light, she shifted. He peered down at her, meeting her violet gaze. She was beautiful. She had high cheekbones, and a slightly rounded face that made her look much younger than the average shifter, most of which appeared to be in their early to mid thirties.

Addyson looked to be in her late twenties, although her eyes held secrets and a darkness that no one should ever know.

Addyson reached up and touched her fingertips to his lips. It was a bold move for her, a move that he didn’t want to discourage. In fact he wanted her to know she didn’t need his permission to touch him, pet him, anytime she wanted.

She studied him for several moments before asking, “Where’s Will?”

“Alec is keeping him entertained.” He inched his face closer to hers until their lips brushed together. Her breath caught, but she didn’t pull away.

That was all the invitation he needed. He claimed her lips and was surprised she was ready for him, as if waiting for him to take charge. She opened her mouth, and he thrust his tongue inside, finding hers to dance with.

She threaded her fingers through his hair then fisted a handful to draw him closer.


She held a fire inside her that ignited the desire deep within him, the desire he’d thought had died until Addyson came into his life. He wanted her like he wanted no other.

He broke the kiss and rose over her. The violet in her eyes was so dark it made them almost black as she watched him cautiously. He kissed her nose then her chin and then her breastbone. She sucked in a breath, and he stilled.


She ran her fingers through his hair, letting her nails lightly scrap over his scrap. “I’m fine. It’s just...I’ve never...”

He pressed a kiss to her breast and said, “I’ll be gentle.” He moved his lips to her nipple and swiped his tongue over the tight bud.

“Keegan,” she said on a gasp.

He trailed his fingers down her belly to her sex and stopped to let her catch her breath. “Are you okay?” She nodded, but he wasn’t so sure. He could feel her anxiety and a hint of fear.

Slowly he dipped his fingers through her folds and groaned. “You’re so wet.”

She dug her nails into his bicep while he rubbed her clit in slow, circular movements.

“Too much?” he asked, not wanting to overload her senses.

“Yes, no. God, it feels good and a bit overwhelming.”

“Do you want me to stop?”

She held his gaze and said, “No, not yet.”

He bent down to capture her nipple between his teeth, causing her let out a cry of pleasure. He eased a finger inside her. She tensed for a moment then relaxed and started moving against him as he moved his finger in and out of her pussy.

God, she was so beautiful.

And all his.

His leopard growled in approval and nudged him to take her, claim her as their mate.

No, he couldn’t do that, not yet. Addyson would have to be eased into a mating. She also needed to fully understand what it meant to be mated to an alpha male as dominant as he was.

He slid a second finger inside her as he teased her nipple with his tongue. Her breathing came out in a gasp right before she cried out in release.

He lay down beside her and drew her into his arms and held her as the last shudder left her body. She laughed and said, “That was...”

He kissed her temple. “That was just a tease.”

She laughed again and then fell silent. He wanted to demand that she tell him what was going on inside that head of hers, but he reined in the urge.

Finally she spoke. “You didn’ weren’t satisfied.”

He squeezed her closer to him. “I’m fine. Pleasuring you is enough for now.”


He cut her off by biting down on her earlobe, which drew a squeak out of her. “No buts, Addy. Clear?”

She let out a breath, and he could hear the smile she tried to hide. “Yes, my Alpha.”

He pinched her hip and growled, “Don’t you forget it.”

Chapter 10

na jerked to the right and caught her sister, Sable, in the stomach with a shoulder and flipped her on her back. Sable landed with a grunt then started laughing.

“Well done, little sis.”

Ana straightened and smirked at her sister. “I got you that time.”

Sable held up her hand. Ana grabbed it and jerked her to a stand. “I was tired.”

Ana laughed. “Excuses, excuses.”

Ana walked over to the one of the benches positioned around the edges of the large gym, which was located in the middle of the Onyx den. After she sat, she grabbed her water bottle and took a drink as she watched Sable do the same.

Sable wasn’t her real sister. She was Ana’s adopted sister. Ana had known this all her life, although she never mentioned it out of fear of what her father would say. That was until today. She couldn’t get the man she’d helped in the woods out of her mind. Of course she knew he was the Alpha of Ashwood and supposedly her enemy, according to the stories her father had told her growing up.

Yet, the man—Keegan—was not a threat to her. She couldn’t understand how she knew that, but she did. Deep inside her soul, she sensed he would never harm her. No matter who she was and where she came from.

Sable sat beside her and leaned her shoulder against Ana’s. “What’s on your mind?”

Ana peered over at Sable and narrowed her eyes. “Am I really that easy to read?”

Sable shrugged. “No, but I know when something is bothering you.”

Ana smiled and looked around the empty gym. “Could we talk somewhere more private?” she asked in a low whisper, meant only for Sable to hear.

Sable stood, stretched her lean body, and said, “Come back to my place, and I’ll fix us dinner.”

Ana rose and followed her sister out of the gym and across the center of the den to the private section of living quarters for the senior officers. Sable’s apartment was at the end of the corridor that branched off from the others. Sable had told Ana that the space was designed for the Alpha of the Pack, but Felix refused to stay there. Why Ana didn’t know, but she’d guess it was because their father believed he was above anyone else.

No, the Alpha of Onyx stayed in a large cabin just outside the den. It was just one the many things that bugged Ana about her adopted father.

When they reached Sable’s door, Ana caught an all-too-familiar scent in the damp air of the cavern tunnel. Rich, spicy, and belonging to the one male who could break her heart.

Kieran Michaels rounded the corner, and he didn’t look pleased. His dark brows dipped to cause a crease in his forehead, and there was a tic in his jaw that indicated he was clenching his teeth. He looked deadly and hot as hell.

Kieran stopped a few feet from them and held Ana’s gaze as he spoke to Sable. “Two mutants were found dead an hour ago.”

Ana stilled, and her heart sank into her stomach. This would make the third time she had been caught outside the den. Each time before, Sable had stepped up and saved her from a beating from their father. Sable had always taken the punishment for Ana’s fuckups.

Sable growled low and said, “Kieran, why don’t you join us for an early dinner?”

Kieran snapped his gaze toward Sable and studied her for a long moment before he turned to go inside Sable’s apartment.

Once inside, Ana felt the tension fill the room. Kieran stood against the far wall with his arms crossed. Ana took a seat on the sofa and took a deep breath. “I killed the mutants,” she said softly.

Sable dropped into the chair across from her. “We know that. The problem is you can’t continue to do it. I don’t like the dumbass animals any more than you do.”

Kieran cleared his throat, forcing her to look at him. Damn. He knew she wasn’t alone in the forest. He most likely smelled Keegan on her. Kieran, after all, was a possessive male and had no issues with letting everyone know Ana was his.

“They creep me out and follow me. Besides, I don’t like the way they look at me.” She sat back on the sofa, refusing to meet Kieran’s stare. He wasn’t going to like what she told him next. “The first one I killed...touched me.”

Kieran’s growl rumbled through the room, making her peer up at him. His hands were fisted by his side and his mouth set in a hard line. “How did he touch you?”

“Does it matter? I killed him. None of them has messed with me since.”

Sable asked, “And what about the second one?”

Ana shrugged. “He saw me use my ability. I have to get out of the den and expend the energy buildup. I was afraid he’d tell father. Sable, you were the one who told me father can’t know about my gift to control the natural elements.”

Sable crossed her arms over her chest. “You are also not to be alone. It’s for you’re own safety.”

Kieran nodded in agreement with Sable. “What about today?”

She met his stare and said, “I saved a man’s life today.” He gave her a raised brow for her to continue. She took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. “I met the Elder of Ashwood.”

Sable jumped up from her seat and started pacing. “What did he say? Shit, this is bad.”

Kieran grabbed Sable’s upper arm as she passed by him, halting her. “We’ll deal with it.” He peered at Ana again. “Tell us what happened.”

Ana pursed her lips. Anger started to build inside her. They were hiding something from her. The two people she’d thought she could trust in this dysfunctional Pack had withheld information from her. It not only pissed her the hell off, but it hurt.

“I saved his life from the mutant, and now he owes me a favor.” She wasn’t going to tell them about his strange reaction to her. Keegan had seemed to recognize her, but that was impossible. She’d spent her whole life locked up inside the Onyx den.

Well, not actually locked up, but close enough in her opinion. She was forbidden to leave the secure walls of the mountain where the den was located.

Kieran growled. “Is that all he said? He owes you a favor?”


Sable sat beside her and took her hand. Ana’s pulse picked up, and dread filled her belly. Sable had kicked into mother mode. This couldn’t be good.

“There isn’t any easy way to say this but to just spit it out. Since you know you’re adopted, and you know of Felix’s twisted way of ruling the Pack...” Kieran let out a warning growl, but Sable didn’t flinch. She didn’t even acknowledge him. “Anyway, Keegan Andrews is your real father.”

Ana jerked her hands away from Sable and stood. Kieran moved closer to her, and she snapped her gaze to him, fury building inside her. “You knew this? Both of you. I knew there was something you weren’t telling me. Damn it. My whole life. I could have had a different life.”

Her head started to hurt. Images of Keegan in the forest fighting the mutant flashed in her mind. She’d felt a connection to him but didn’t know what it was. He wasn’t Pack. Yet, now they were saying he was her father.

She started to shake, and then Kieran’s warm, strong arms wrapped around her from behind. He pressed a kiss to her temple and whispered, “I’m a spy for the Ashwood Falls Packs.”

She sagged against him. “Why am I not surprised? What else are you two keeping from me?”

Sable sighed and sat back against the couch. “Nothing. You already know about the rebels and my involvement.”

Ana snorted. Sable wasn’t only involved; she was their freaking leader.

“Tell me everything. I have a right to know.”

Sable nodded. “You’ll only want to kill Father more than you already do.”

Ana smiled. “I don’t think that’s possible.”


eegan lay across the king-sized bed and watched Addyson step out of the bathroom. Water droplets rolled down her cheek to her neck and disappeared into the towel she’d wrapped around herself. He fought the urge to snatch the towel from her so he could watch the water continue its journey down her beautiful, slightly curvy body.

She lifted her violet gaze to him, and one side of her mouth lifted in a smirk. “What?”

He patted the bed. “Come here.”

“Oh, no. We are going to talk about Cate and Ana.”

He growled and rolled to lie on his back. He had agreed to let her help him decipher the vision she’d had to see if there were any truths in the theory that Cate had been controlled. “Where is that submissive cat?”

Addyson climbed on the bed and lay next to him. “She’s decided she likes playing with you.”

He turned his head to peer at her profile and realized she’d smiled more today than he’d ever seen her do. He’d have to make sure she continued to smile, always. “You’re beautiful when you smile, and when you’re mad.”

“Well, you mister, make me both happy and furious all at the same time.”

He chuckled and pulled her to lie across his chest. “I plan to do both for a very long time.”

Silence filled the room, and he waited for the ache in his chest to overpower his ability to think rationally. It never came. Instead, his leopard purred and rubbed against his chest where Addyson snuggled.

Of course the cat would. He’d already claimed her as his mate. The man was just now starting to accept it.

He kissed the top of her head. “So, Felix can control minds.”

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