Bad Boy (10 page)

Read Bad Boy Online

Authors: Jordan Silver

Chapter 20

next morning she was up early and raring to go, me not so much. It would be
embarrassing for me to admit that my young newly initiated wife had worn my ass
out. It was also safe to say I’d created an anal junkie. She’d experimented to
her heart’s content all night until my dick was rubbed raw. How she could be up
and ready only a few hours later I couldn’t fathom. I snapped open one
bloodshot eye to peep at her when she started pushing my shoulders. “Come on
Jake it’s time to get up the sun’s coming out.” Fuck she sounded wide awake and
I needed at least two more hours.

used my cock for her own pleasure all last night, it was getting so I was
wondering if I’d ever get inside her pussy again she just wanted it in the ass.
At about the fourth or fifth time I had to wrestle her onto her back and take
it. “It’s time to get back to my breeding program I’ll fuck your ass again
later.” She’d pouted but had given in easily enough when I started fucking into
her nice and hard. I guess she was happy enough with my efforts if her loud
screams and the nails scoring my back were any indication.

there she was ready to jump out of her skin with excitement. “Jake come on I
don’t want to miss anything.” What the fuck is there to miss? It’s a hole in
the ground that’s been there for fucking ever and nobody knows how it fucking
got there? What the fuck? “Not yet baby I need another half an hour.” When she
looked like she was going to protest I snagged her around her middle and pulled
her down beside me. Turning to my side I threw one leg over her hip and my arm
under her breasts holding her in place. That might not have been such a good
idea after all. One whiff of her scent and my boy went on the alert.

started twitching her ass against my growing hardness and I bit into her neck
to make her stop. “Cut it out.” She held still for all of five seconds before
she started up again. “Fuck, fine.” I pulled her top leg over my hip and opened
her up for my touch. She was bare beneath my shirt that she’d filched to sleep
in. All that expensive lingerie and she’d ended up in my old tee anyway which
was fine by me. I knew what was underneath and that’s what had my cock putting
up a very valiant fight even though she’d tried to destroy him last night. I
tested her pussy with my fingers, kind of like testing the waters so to speak.
She hummed and pushed back against me. I dipped them lower and entered her
liquid heat while teasing her clit with my thumb. “Hmm Jake…” Her ass rubbed up
and down the length of my cock while I fingered her. “Pull on your nipple
baby.” Her hand flew to obey as her body picked up speed. Pulling my fingers
out of her I slid down until I reached her legs. Scissoring them over my head I
opened her up and licked her wet pussy from slit to clit. Her hand came down to
grab hold of my hair as she tried pulling me harder into her pussy. She was
smothering my ass but I didn’t care, she tasted so fucking good it was almost
worth it. I couldn’t open her with my hand because I was using it to stroke my
cock, using the pre cum to ease some of the sting from the soreness. Then I got
an idea. “Turn around.” I had her turn to face me still on her side. “Suck.” I
fed her my morning wood while diving back into her pussy attacking her clit
with my teeth and tongue. “Hmmm.” It was my turn to hum as she licked around my
cock head teasingly before sucking me into her mouth. Her tongue felt cool and
soothing against the heat of my cock as I thrust back and forth gently into her
mouth. “Pull off.” She took a few more swipes with her tongue before letting me
go. “Lay flat on your stomach.” She hurried to obey probably thinking I was
coming for that ass again but I had other ideas. Climbing over her I teased her
opening with my engorged cock head before slipping in. When I was about halfway
in I slammed the rest home and she lifted off the mattress. “Stay.” I held
still, flexing the muscles in my ass and thighs making my cock twitch inside
her. Planting my hands flat on the bed beside her I started deep stroking into
her. “Jake…” She sounded almost afraid. “I know, you can feel me more this way,
it’s okay I need this.” She twisted the sheets in her hands and held on. “Don’t
I want you to lay there and take it.” I pulled
out and slammed in again, she tried pushing back for more cock and I clamped
down on her neck with my teeth until she settled down again. Lifting my back
slightly away and arching my hips sent me deeper on my next stroke. “Ouch…” I
didn’t stop moving at her cry of pain I knew it would hurt a little from this
angle, but I did ease up a little. “Hurt?” She was grabbing the fuck out of the
sheets and gritting her teeth. “Yes…but…feels…good.” She was my good girl and
held still while I fucked her until I told her she could move. The only reason
I’d told her not to was because I knew if she’d moved her ass the way she does,
the way that makes her pussy give my cock a workout, it would’ve been over
before it begun. I growled like a beast as I came inside her clutching pussy
and fell on her back fighting for my next breath. “You’re killing me love.” She
wiggled her ass beneath me and grinned.
Too much fucking
energy in this one.


joined the other hundred assholes on the train that takes you through the
grotto. Then she wanted to take the helicopter ride. Next it was the damn
donkey that looked like it would topple over under my weight. Love sure can
make a man do strange things. She wanted to go up to the overlook and dragged
my ass behind her. I didn’t see the big deal we’d already seen it from the
copter but this was her show, I was just there for ballast and to keep assholes
at bay.

was wearing some too tight jeans and had tied her tee shirt at her waist; huh.
I don’t recall
that fashion statement but it
was too late to do anything about it now. Her ass in those jeans was like a
magnet, which meant the men attached or otherwise were drawn. Some of them
didn’t even notice me standing there until I crowded her and gave them the fuck
off glare. She soon caught on to my antics and thought that shit was funny. She
wouldn’t find it so funny if I threw one of the fucks over the rail. The third
time it happened I whispered in her ear. “When we get back to the room you’re
gonna pay for this little wardrobe mishap.”

Chapter 21

let her drag me all over William’s Junction for the next two days. After the
crater there really wasn’t much else to see. “Babe you had your choice of
anywhere in the world, why not Greece or Paris?” I thought that’s where all
women wanted to go, the fuck I know. She was lying on my chest in bed the night
before our departure. We were both tired from trying to see all of Arizona in
one shot. We’d ended up in Sedona for the scenery, which if you ask me was a
better deal. That at least had been a nice two-hour ride through beautiful
country. Now she’s telling me her next stop of choice on our little honeymoon.

wanted to see home first, there’re lots of things to see right here then we can
go to those places later.” Okay that made sense, but her next choice was
Yellowstone in Wyoming a good ten or eleven hours away. When I suggested Yosemite,
which was basically a stone’s throw from where we were she said she didn’t want
to go there because they’d had an outbreak the year before. Fair enough. At
least she was breaking out of her shell more and more with each mile.

don’t know if it’s the desert air or what but she’s wild. Every night as soon
as we got back to the room she went on the attack. I no longer had to be the
one taking her down because more often than not she was the one with her hand
on my cock, teasing the shit out of me through my jeans. I also think we’d
taken care of her little fashion rebellion. I don’t think she’d be trying that
shit again anytime soon. I’d kept my word and spanked her ass that night. That,
followed by her hardest fuck to date with no cuddle time after had shown her
the error of her ways. Though watching her tearstained sad face was almost more
than I could take. I’d come close to folding but in the end I held tough, until
she fell asleep anyway and her pitiful sniffles had me turning to her and drawing
her into my arms. I’m pretty sure she’s going to be spoilt the rest of her
life, the trick is to not let her know that.

didn’t see half the shit they promised at Yellowstone except a bear which I
wasn’t interested in, but she loved it. She took a million pictures between the
two places half of which was apparently for Andrew. I hadn’t heard his name
a the
night before it was time to head back
home. It was only halfway through her obviously well practiced speech that I
realized they’d planned it that way. I was lifting her on and off my cock as
she rode up and down in my lap. She’d sucked my cock until it was hard enough
to hang shit on to dry. Then she’d teased the ever living shit out of me with
her pussy as she sat on my face. In mid stroke I stopped all
she was halfway down on my rod. She might’ve started this as a game but she was
all in now. Her nipples were pebble hard, her skin was flushed and her eyes
were damn near rolling back in her head.

I’m willing to give my woman any fucking thing is this world without
qualification, but the one thing I won’t do is play fucking games. “Jake
what…why’d you stop?” She tried forcing the issue by moving her hips roughly
but I held her still between my hands. “What’re you doing?” She looked down at
my question with her eyes still glazed over with lust. I guess it was going to
take her a while to figure out she’d fucked up and the game had changed. “What
do you mean?” Still no clue, her only interest was in the hard meat stuffed
inside her little pussy, too bad for her that shit was coming to a sudden
unplanned end. I hadn’t lost interest, I don’t think that shit was even
possible where she was concerned but I was beyond pissed. “Who taught you to
use sex to get what you want out of me?” I guess the harsh timbre in my voice
alerted her to the danger and she finally wised up.

lifted her off my dick; her guilty look was answer enough for me. “Jake I’m
sorry I didn’t mean anything by it.” She scrambled off the bed to follow me but
I slammed and locked the bathroom door. A nice cold shower should take care of
my needs just fine I didn’t even want to finish in my hand. I never thought I’d
be this fucking pissed at her in our whole life together and here it is just a
few weeks in and already she’s found something to piss me off royally. I let
the cold water do its job which wasn’t as easy as I’d thought it would be.
Imagining her pussy for the last three years didn’t come close to being locked
inside it so I had that working against me.

left the bathroom and without saying a word got dressed and headed for the
door. “Jake where’re you going?” I didn’t answer just took both keys and left.
I needed to clear my head and she needed to think about what the fuck she’d
done wrong. I’m not too interested in what some talk show guru or afternoon TV
nosy fuck says that’s’ just one man or woman’s opinion. Dr. Dick can go fuck
himself and who the fuck ever else spends an hour each day telling people how
the fuck to live their lives can join him. I’d be fucked if
letting them and their manipulative bullshit run my shit. I’ll take every TV
out the fucking house first if I find out that’s where she learned that shit. I
know she didn’t learn it from my mom and she damn sure didn’t learn it from
hers. I guess I should be happy that she wasn’t acting like she’d brought any
of what she’d grown up with into our relationship but right now I was too
pissed to see the bright side of shit.

team doesn’t work against itself. What the fuck kinda sense does that make?
She’d been working her way around to telling me that they wanted Linda and
Andrew to have the condo until she got on her feet again and to get her out of
the neighborhood that they’d decided was too dangerous. Okay fine, Mindy liked
it at the house more than she liked it there alone anyway. The place was paid
off so Linda wouldn’t have to pay rent which I’m sure would be a huge help for
a single mom on her own. So far so good though I wasn’t sure what Mindy was
going to do when her boy Dylan came out a few months later like they’d planned.
I guess they’d squared that shit with mom which was fine by me. They’re adults,
she has an engagement ring on her finger, it’s
all good
As long as mom’s fine I’m cool.

I am not cool with is the way she’d chosen to try to get me to agree. If she’d
known me better she would’ve known two things. First, that I never stopped
thinking about little Andrew and the shit life his
sperm donor had relegated him to when he walked. No security blanket, a woman
and child need that shit. I was always gonna do something about the situation.
And two her scheme was the surest way to get me to say no to whatever the fuck
it is she wanted. I can’t make my man Andrew pay for her stupidity though so
have to come up with something else. It’s a
good thing we were leaving because it would be fucked to fuck up her honeymoon.
Not what you want your woman looking back and remembering, but then again she’d
brought this shit on herself. Trying to manipulate me with pussy, did women
really think all men were saps? Let’s see how well she does without my dick in
her belly. Fuck she’s fucking with my breeding program.

I got back to the room she was still sniffling in her sleep, serves her ass
right. I stripped and climbed into bed behind her turning my back. She felt the
indentation and woke up. “Jake.” I pretended not to hear her so she tapped my
shoulder, I know she didn’t know what the fuck she was doing with that shit but
she was going to learn this lesson once and for all. “Don’t.” I shrugged her
off and settled in for some sleep, my dick could calm the fuck down too because
the only thing he was feeling for the next little while was my hand. Suck it up
buddy we’ve got a woman to train. Her soft weeping tore at me but I held firm,
the next few days on the road was going to be hell. Having her wrapped around
me for hours usually left me ravenous for her by the end of the day, now I’m
gonna have to find a way to combat that shit.

turned off my mike and the headphones with it the next morning when we climbed
on the bike. All through breakfast she’d looked like a lost puppy and my heart
hurt so fucking bad I thought it would stop on me but each time I thought of
giving in and saying fuck it I remembered her riding my dick and all the while
plotting to use it against me. That put an end to that shit quickly. For the
next two days every time she tried to talk I’d shut her down until she caught
on and left my ass for at least the next few hours. But women are a tenacious
bunch so she never stopped trying.

were home a few hours before the others were due and I left her to go do her
thing while I headed to my home office. The last hour or so on the bike with
her little hands clutching at me were torture, sleeping next to her each night
without fucking was more so, why the fuck was I doing this again? I checked my
messages because I knew my guys wouldn’t leave my ass alone for three months,
but unless they called with something urgent they were fucked. It was just a
lot of bullshit chatter and from the way every last one of them spoke I knew
they were doing it behind each other’s backs; children. I saw her come into the
room out the corner of my eye and thought she was just coming to state her case
again until her voice had me picking up my head. She sounded almost scared.

what’s this?” I looked up at her and my heart stopped. Getting up from behind
my desk as slowly as possible I started making my way towards her when all I
wanted to do was run and snatch her away from the danger. “Baby look at me.”
Her eyes flew to mine.” No don’t shake, hold your breath, good girl…don’t look
down keep your eyes on mine.”

“I know baby it’s okay I
love you, just keep looking into my eyes. Remember how we had to wait for
almost an hour for that damn geyser to shoot?” I kept talking to keep her mind
off of what the fuck was going on. Why did it feel like it took a mile to reach
her instead of just a few steps? As soon was I was close enough I put my hand
under hers and slowly took the bomb. “Go outside baby, open the backdoor for me
and then go as far away towards the side of the house.” She started shaking and
didn’t want to leave me. “It’s okay sweetheart I’ll be right there.” I walked
as carefully as I could out the room and down the stairs. From my quick glance
I saw that it was crude, homemade most likely. I couldn’t stop to think who
just yet had to get this shit out of the house first.

did as I asked and I walked out the back and placed it on the grass looking
around for something to cover it. I didn’t have the necessary tools needed to
either detonate or break it down. It wasn’t on a timer that much was obvious
but I didn’t know what I was dealing with and wasn’t going to chance it. I
found an old bucket and put it over it before pulling my phone and heading
around front to get her. “Hector, I need you guys at my place with the bomb kit

“What the fuck?”

“We’ll talk when you get
here hurry, my wife is scared out her fucking mind move.” I hung up with him
and went to get her.

‘ere baby it’s okay.” She was shaking like a leaf, I wonder if whoever did this
knew their days on the earth had just come to a swift end? It must be fucked to
know you’re gonna die soon at the hands of a madman. “Where’d you find it
sweetheart?” She was so close it was almost as if she was trying to crawl into
my skin. “It was under my pillow, I went to change the sheets and I move the
pillows first and…”
A hard painful motherfucking death.

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