Bad Boy (13 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver


roared my bike down the drive and parked before running up the steps. Just as I
expected my house was full of people. I saw my little sneak trying to slip away
while the others smiled and acted like they were supposed to be there with
their shit. “Take it next door ladies.” Jacqueline peeped around the corner at
me and I gave her my you’re gonna get it look. “You, find a chair and park it.”
I pointed a finger at her; she rolled her eyes but had the good sense to obey
me. “Son we’re almost done, it doesn’t make sense to move everything over there
now…” Mom was putting the finishing touches on an egg or some shit. Melissa was
sitting Indian fashion on the floor doing the same while Linda and Mindy were
putting eggs in baskets. “Here babe I think these are the last…oh shit.” You’ve
got to be shitting me. My new brother in law of three months headed back into
the kitchen with his basket of, I guess more eggs. What a sap, my sister has
that poor man so whipped it’s embarrassing; he’s young yet, he’ll learn. “Get
it moving people, mom you should know better, she has to stay off her feet.”
They all started talking at once, my wife my mom and hers were the loudest of
the bunch. “Son it’s okay women have been having babies since the beginning of

weren’t mine, she is. The doc said off her feet, beat it she doesn’t need this
…” I had to pull my shit in because my man Andrew was
watching my every move and Melissa’s little demon
all ears
“Melissa would you mind getting your criminal in training off my stereo?
What the fu…what’s he putting in there?” The kid is a true menace, he got way
more of his mother than Jason that’s for sure. Makes me wonder what mine’s
gonna be like. My heart lurched in my chest and I looked over at her. I’m so
fucking happy it’s not to be believed. Everything I’d ever wanted was mine and
it had turned out better than anything I could’ve
. I walked over to where she
was now sitting and rubbed her cheek with my thumb. “Hello Mrs. Summers.” She
smiled and rubbed her cheek into my palm. “Hello husband.” Room full of people
or not I bent my head to her and kissed her long and hard until the peanut
gallery started oohing and
like a bunch of
fifth graders. “You really want to do this baby?”

Jake it’s fun and I’m not doing too much I promise.” I turned back to the room
at large who’d already started getting their shit together to head out. “Okay
you can all stay. I’ll be in my office if you need me baby.”


left her a few hours later and I ran her a bath to relax in while I took care
of dinner. The mothers had offered to take over that little task for us but I’d
wanted to do it, I liked taking care of my woman. She got to carry the kid the
least I could do is help out around here. After I’d made sure she’d had enough
to eat it was time to relax with a movie or something. “I just wanna go to
bed.” I knew it, all that running around bullshit wore her out. I didn’t let
her know that I was pissed the fuck off just helped her up and back up the

with me Jake I wanna cuddle.” I kicked off my shoes and climbed in with her
wrapping my arm around her middle so I could feel little man practicing his
gymnastics. “How’s he doing in
baby?” She
covered my hand with hers and squeezed. “He’s asleep he had a long day.” I knew
what she was after when she pushed her tight ass against my cock, which was
already sniffing around for some action. It never fails, just one look at her
and I’m ready to fuck. I lifted my hand to her nipple and played my thumb over
it until it was hard before rubbing her tummy and moving lower to her pussy
through the silk panties. Easing my fingers under the waistband I teased her
clit until it was soft and slippery beneath my hand. It was an easy slip from
there to the hole that hid all my treasure. I fingered her while rubbing my
cock against her ass. “Raise your hips baby.” I helped her off with her underwear
before pushing my jeans down my thighs. “Lift your leg as high as you can
love.” She lifted her legs up and back opening herself up for my cock which I
slipped inside her easily. “Fuck, paradise.” She was hotter than usual these
days and my cock loved it. I held still and played with her tits until she
started pushing back harder letting me know that she was ready to fuck. I slid
in and out of her while latching onto her skin with my teeth. “How is your
pussy tighter fuck?” She was like a hot vice strangling my cock as I used all
my self control not to thrust into her too hard. “Faster Jake I’m almost
there…right there right there.” Shit I know that tone my dick was in for a
workout. I got to my knees so I could better control my strokes and with my hand
on her hip pulled her on and off my cock. “I wanna move Jake.” Without waiting
for an answer she pulled off and got on her knees. I had no choice but to fuck
her doggie style the way she likes. When she tried arching her back too deep I
had to take control again. “No baby don’t do that.” I put my hand under the
bulge of her tummy to hold her up and in place for my cock as it slid in and
out of her. “Cum baby fuck.” I was so close to the edge but I knew she’d get
snippy if I didn’t get her off even though she uses my left over hard for a
little extra. She reached down pass my hand for her clit and was soon squeezing
around me. I emptied inside her with a loud growl and held still while she
fucked herself on my still hard cock.


was beat and so was she so we went to bed early that night. I’ve been sleeping
rather light these days because I knew her time was close and I didn’t want to
miss anything. I felt my son tightening up in her womb a minute before she
jumped up in bed. “Jake.” I was up and getting dressed before she was finished
calling my name. “I know baby I felt him.” I helped her get dressed while
clearing my mind of everything but what was at hand. I recited every fucking
thing I’d learned in that fucked up class as I put her feet in her shoes. I
called the doctor and then my mom and hers. She hadn’t made a peep so far, in
fact she was acting like business as usual as she walked over to her packed
bag. “Leave that baby I’ve got it.” I grabbed her and the bag and took her down
the stairs and into the garage where my truck was. Mom, Mindy and Dylan pulled
out behind us and followed us to the hospital.

started breathing heavy and clutching her stomach and I felt my first brush of
fear. Don’t lose your shit
she needs you for this.
I sped through the streets and felt no shame in using the siren to get through
the few late night drivers and pass red lights.

hospital staff was waiting for us with a chair but I picked her up myself.
“Jake…” Shit she was scared which was to be expected. “It’s gonna be fine baby
I’m right here.” I have to say the nurses were on their game. They helped me
out a lot when I became all thumbs and couldn’t remember shit that I was
supposed to do. She kept a death grip on my hand the whole time that they were
prepping her until it was time to go to delivery.

doctor was way too chirpy for me while my fucking wife was screaming in pain.
Her talk about dilations and centimeters went right the fuck over my head. “You
wanna tame it down a little? She’s in pain telling her how good she’s doing
isn’t fucking helping. And why aren’t the drugs working?” I had a long list of
grievances as my wife was in stirrups screaming her lungs out and digging holes
in my wrist. The doc pretty much just laughed me off as she went about her
business. I kept my eyes on hers whispering to her the whole time, keeping her
as calm as I could. “He’s almost here baby just push for me.” She kept her eyes
on mine, sweat running down her face, her hair plastered to her head and she was
still the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. “I can’t wait to see him at your
breast, can’t wait till he takes his first steps.” I kept talking about
anything that came to mind just to take her mind off the pain I was sure she
was feeling.

see his head, one more big push and we’ll meet your son.” I looked down at the
doc’s voice and back to Jacqueline. “Go see him Jake.”

“No I’m not leaving you,
now push.” I heard that little scream of outrage and my face broke into the
biggest grin. He was raising hell already and he wasn’t even a minute old yet.
They cleaned him up and placed him on her chest and the love just overwhelmed
My whole world right here.
I kissed both their
heads and sent up a prayer of thanks for the two of them. “Thank you precious
girl he’s perfect, you’re perfect.”



may find the author @

[email protected]


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Lyon’s Heart

The Lyon Trilogy




Jordan Silver is the author
of thirty-five and counting novels. Thank you for reading and I hope you




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