Bad Boy (5 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver




Something was forming inside of me. It was hard
and sweet and hot and the pleasure pain of it was too much to put into words. I
thought I would die from it as he pounded away inside me, nothing had ever felt
this good. And then the most amazing thing happened. That ball had been forming
unfurled and I felt a burst of lust and love so strong I lost sight for just
that one moment in time. I clung to him biting into his neck the way I know he
likes as I felt the thumping of his cock inside my tummy. From his loud growl
and ‘fuck, fuck, fuck’ I knew he was cumming. It went on for a long time before
his body finally fell onto mine.

Chapter 10


When I could finally
feel my ass again I checked my watch. “We’ve got fifteen minutes to get cleaned
up and be somewhere.” I eased my still semi hard cock out of her. I’d like
nothing better than to stay here buried balls deep inside her for the rest of
the night but this was too important to put off. “Where’re we going again?” She
moved kind of gingerly as she crawled off the bed. I’m going to have to be more
careful with her, kinda ease her into taking my whole length I guess. “There’s
a judge waiting to marry us, I would ask if you were okay with that but you
don’t have a choice.” She flew at me again and hugged the shit out of my neck.
“Really Jake,

I hugged her and carried her to the bathroom for a quick cleanup. I’m sure this
wasn’t her idea of the perfect wedding, to be dressed in jeans and me in
leathers, but the deed was more important than the party. I figure somewhere in
the next fifty or sixty years she could have the wedding of her dreams, right
now I’m more interested in the marriage side of the deal. That piece of paper
that said she belongs to me. As long as I have that under my belt I can take on
all comers.

I let her wash my
cock since she seemed so fascinated by the barbell under the crown but when she
tried to climb me to force me inside her I held her off. “I’m not fucking you
with soap on my dick baby that can’t be good for your little pussy and besides
we don’t have time.” She gave me her sweet pout again and I rinsed us both off
and took her out of the shower while she kept running her hands all over me.
That shit felt good. I helped her back into her clothes because she was too
busy teasing my ass to distraction and then I got my shit back on, grabbed her
hand and went down to checkout.

We were at the
judge’s place on time and it took us less than ten minutes for her to become
solely and completely mine. Nothing in my life ever felt this fucking
fulfilling, not when I graduated top of my class in college, not when I was
given rule of my own division, nothing. This moment was the catalyst for what
would be my most important undertaking on the earth. My woman, I was now
responsible completely for her heart, her joys and her sorrows. Hopefully there
won’t be too much of the latter. “Let’s go baby I have to take you to see mom.”
I had to go introduce my wife to her new mother in law. My wife, fuck that felt
good, almost as good as her arm around my waist as we walked back outside. The
next few days were going to be a flurry of
had no intentions on spending anymore time in this hellhole than was absolutely


We got back on my
bike and headed back the way we came. Mom didn’t even know I was here only
Mindy knew, she’d been my partner in crime in this little scheme I had going.
I’d put a lot on her over the years. In the beginning when she’d told me that
my girl didn’t want to hear about me because it was too hard I’d wanted nothing
more than to come back here and take her. But I’d bided my time and stuck to my
long term plans hoping all the while that she could wait for me. Now she was
finally mine and nothing was going to take her away from me ever again.

We were two minutes
into the town limits when I heard the sirens. Fuck what now? I pulled over and
helped her off. “No matter what happens stay here, do not move.” The cruiser
pulled in behind us and stopped and out stepped a deputy. He looked vaguely
familiar but I couldn’t quite place him until he opened his mouth.

“I guess you don’t
learn so good do you boy? Come on Jackie get in the car.” Had he looked at her
with lust in his eyes the last time we’d met? I can’t remember, I’d been too
focused on her then but I saw it now. I remember the last time I’d seen him. It
was the night he’d shone a flashlight into the backseat of my car. I remember
he’d put his hands on her like he had every right. How he’d made her get into
the front of his cruiser. She’d begged me not to fight that night and even
though I’d wanted to, back then I’d been more about using my brain instead of
brawn. I knew I wouldn’t gain anything by going up against them. I was fresh
out of college and only a few months into my new career. Tonight though I
didn’t give a fuck, I picked that fucker up and threw him across the street.
Jacqueline called out to me but I stopped her with a raised hand. “Don’t move
remember?” She’d started to walk towards me. I walked over to him and stood
over his dazed form. He started mouthing off about what he was going to do to
me but I had just the thing to shut him up. Even though this was a two-bit town
in the middle of nowhere I’m sure they’d got the memo. I made sure of it.




Oh no not again, I
was too scared to even move, I’ve never seen anyone get thrown that far except
on TV. I was sure this was not going to turn out good. Jake pulled something
from under his shirt. I couldn’t see what it was because it was dark. I know it
wasn’t a gun because it was hanging from a chain around his neck, but whatever
it was it had Deputy Culver receding in fear.

“You ever come near
her again it’ll be that last fucking thing you ever do. Now get the fuck gone.”
Deputy Culver jumped to his feet and ran to his car while Jake walked cool as a
cucumber back to me. “You know he’s only going to run to daddy Jake.” And what
do you expect him to do Jackie, kill him? Yes, yes I do. Kill the little sneak
and bury his ass out here in the woods. Great now you want your new husband to
commit murder. “Don’t worry about that I have to face him sometime.” And why
did it seem like he was just chomping at the bit for that one?


We reached mom’s
house and I could see that she was still worrying when we got off the bike.
“Baby you have nothing to worry about. That ring on your finger means that I
fight all your battles from now on okay.” Damn I could look at her face all day
she has this way of looking at me as though I’m the answer to her every prayer.
Taking her hand I led her into the house. “Mom where are you?” I heard a scream
and then she came running from her room in the back. She came up short when she
saw Jacqueline’s hand clasped in mine but then she caught herself and came
forward to hug me. “You bad boy why didn’t you let me know you were coming?” I
pushed her shoulders back so I could look down at her. “I wanted it to be a
surprise and so is this. Mom meet your new daughter in law.” She was shocked to
say the least and looked back and forth between us. “You mean you two…” I
lifted my wife’s hand with the ring and showed her. “Oh Jake.” She started
wringing her hands and it pissed me the fuck off that even my own mother was
still afraid of that sanctimonious asshole. “Don’t worry mom everything’s going
to be fine.” I hugged her again to reassure her and then led them both into the
house. Jacqueline was a little shy and unsure of herself but I knew she would
overcome that soon enough. I was going to have a hell of a time on my hands
undoing all the shit her fuck of a sperm donor had done.

Mindy showed up ten minutes
later and the women got to yakking about the ring and the wedding and I had to
hear a lecture from my mother about weddings and what they mean to young girls
and shit. Not long after I heard the sound of the engine that I’d been
expecting pulling up outside. They all got quiet and stared towards the door.
I’m sure the events of three years ago were uppermost on all their minds. “I’ve
got it.” I walked purposefully towards the door and opened it to a pissed off
Gary Willoughby. “There something I can do for you?” Puffed up asshole was
still trying to look down his nose at me even though I was a good six inches
taller. “I understand that my daughter’s in there I’ve come to take her home.”
I folded my arms and looked down at him blocking his way. “She’s not going
anywhere with you, anything else?” He got huffy and stepped towards me, oh
please do; just once throw the first punch. “Now see here, now apparently you
didn’t hear me last time…”

“I have no interest
in anything you have to say now if that’s all I suggest you get the fuck gone.”
I knew that wouldn’t work I was banking on it, that’s why I didn’t close the
door when I turned and walked away. He followed me inside and started his shit
right away. “Mom go into your room, close the door and turn the TV up as loud
as it would go.” She was back to wringing her hands and looking close to tears.
“Son I don’t…” I went to her and turned her around all the while making sure to
keep my body between Jacqueline and the asshole. She left reluctantly but when
I turned to Mindy she just outright told me she wasn’t budging. “I’m not going
anywhere.” She put on her stubborn ass face and I decided to choose my battles.
I waited until I heard the TV in mom’s room blaring before turning back to the
scene unfolding behind me. The asshole was ripping into my wife and I was two
minutes away from tearing him a new one, now with mom gone I could deal with
his stupid ass.




“You don’t fucking
talk to her like that again.”

“Let’s go Jacqueline I won’t tell you again.”

“She’s not going anywhere with you old man and
before you even think of trying anything know that I’m not the same kid you ran
off the last time. So you and your pals better think twice before you fuck with
what’s mine.”

“You’re nothing but a poor whelp from the wrong
side of the tracks, if you think I would let my daughter sully herself with the
likes of you you’ve got another think coming.” Daddy reached out to grab me but
Jake was faster. He pushed me behind his back and blocked my dad’s view. I was never
so scared in my life. It was happening all over again. When will it end? I
wanted so badly to believe Jake when he said everything was going to be okay
but I know daddy. He’s mean and spiteful and he can hold a grudge, I should
know I’ve been at the receiving end of one for three years.

“Jacqueline I said
get your ass over here now.”

“Jake...” I cried out when he reached for daddy,
holding him by his neck.

“You talk to her like that again it’ll be the
last time you do it with a full head of teeth. Now just so you know old man the
only reason I haven’t laid your ass out already is out of respect for her but
you keep disrespecting her and all bets are off.”

“You don’t scare me,
I’ve got friends… ”

“Yes I remember all about your friends but this
time I’m not alone. This time I’ve got the law on my side.”

“The law, what law? I own the law around here
boy.” Jake pulled that thing from beneath his shirt again and I saw that it was
some sort of shield. It looked like a cop’s but there was something else
written on it that I couldn’t make out. I saw the fire in daddy’s eyes, I know
him so well he was livid. He wanted to pummel Jake if the closed fists and
clenched teeth were any indication but at least he had the good sense not to

“I don’t care about
your badge she’s my daughter and she’s coming home with me.”

“She’s old enough to make her own decisions,
only this one I’ve already made for her.”

“You’ve lost your mind, I’ll bury you if you
don’t stay out of my way.”

“Go ahead old man I’d like to see you try.”

“This is still my town, all I have to do is tell
the sheriff what you’ve done here… ”

“Oh yeah and what’s that?”

“You’ve kidnapped her of course, holding her
against her will.” Daddy started to smile after making that vile threat. That
sickening smile he always wore right before he pounced, and I felt bile rise in
the pit of my gut. Why was I always so weak? Why couldn’t I stand up to him?

“You’d have a hard
time proving that one since she can always tell them she’s here of her own free

“She’ll tell them what I say won’t you little
girl?” He tried looking around Jake at me but Jake shifted his body shielding
me from the venom in daddy’s eyes. “I’ll disown her otherwise.”

“Go ahead, disown her, she doesn’t need you or
your money.” He grinned at Jake like the cat that ate the canary.

“You think she’d walk away from millions for
A nobody
with a dead end job? How much do you
make a year?
Thirty, forty thousand?
With what she
stands to inherit she could buy and sell you ten times over. Or is that what
you’ve been after all along?
Fancy living up on the hill?
You see Jacqueline he’s just been using you.”

“Hey asshole you
address me, you have nothing more to say to her.” I guess Jake felt my fear in
the death grip I suddenly had on the back of his jeans.

“She’s my daughter… ”

“Yeah? Well she’s my wife.” I peaked around Jake
long enough to see daddy take a step back. His face had gone completely red and
he was sweating. Never a good sign, he was about to blow. My knees started to
shake and I moaned out loud. This was my biggest fear come true.

“Is this true?” Daddy tried addressing me again
but once more Jake stopped him.

“Are you fucking
death? I said don’t fucking talk to her. You’ve said all the fuck you have to
say to her now you can leave or I’ll help your ass leave.” Daddy was mad for
sure, his eyes were about to pop and so was that vein in his neck, the one that
always jumped right before he attacked. I wanted to close my eyes against what
was coming next but something extraordinary happened just then. Daddy didn’t
move quite fast enough to suit Jake and so he stepped forward crowding him. And
daddy shook; he actually looked around as if seeking escape. I felt the first
kernel of hope unfurl at the sight. To see daddy all but cowering before
someone else, the tyrant who had ruled over everyone and everything in my life
with an iron fist was actually afraid. Jake leaned in and whispered something
in his ear that had him looking pretty close to what Deputy Culver had looked
like earlier.

“Get… the fuck… gone.”
Jake leaned in close and growled those words at daddy and he actually turned
and left, unbelievable. Was it over? It couldn’t be over.

“Come here baby.” Jake kept his eyes on the door
as he reached back to pull me around. I plastered myself to his chest and
finally gave in to the shakes.

“It’s okay precious girl I’ve got you.” Mindy
came up behind me and wrapped her arms around both of us and Jake extended his
hug to hold her too. I felt safely cocooned between my two stalwart warriors.

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