Ballers: His Game (Ballers Series Book 1) (15 page)








Chapter 19

It feels so good to have Tam open up to me. It seemed like once she did that day in the truck I could really see us working this out. I assumed to understand the pressure Tam has in her life. However, the more she opens up the more I understand her reluctance to be in a relationship that could tip everything she has so carefully built. It all started to make sense when I met her dad and saw how in control he is of everything at every moment.

My parents are way more laid back. I can see how much he loves Tam though. Something tells me that he has known about me for longer than Tam thinks. She told me she never told her father who Ellie’s father is but I have feeling he figured it out somehow. I like the man. He is blunt and to the point.

I know I can’t make decisions for Tam, but I plan to do my part in making things easier for her. I’ve spent the last three months doing just that. After agreeing on the same school we found a great sitter that Ann recommended. We weren’t too fond of the ones we had originally set up to interview.

The sitter we chose worked out best as she happened to be the daughter of a friend of Ann’s. She is also always more than willing to take Ellie to be around her cousins when they’re at Ann’s or my parents, which Tam and I agreed to. Ellie has been busy with dance, riding horses and sleepovers since I introduced her to my family. Tam has been in a much more peaceful place.

The media backed off since we found a place. They weren’t getting much on me and my little family since Tam and I became very cautious. They were able to place names with the faces but that was it. I always steer them back to the team and the game. Once the season started it got easy to deflect.

We ended up purchasing a large house, well ranch actually, not far from my parents and my siblings. Since Tam’s family is not in Texas, other than Ellerie, I thought it would be good to be surrounded by mine. Besides, the way Tam’s face lit up when we walked in the door made my heart swell. I had to buy the place for her.

The house has been just the right amount of work for us. Tam wanted a new kitchen and I insisted she redo the master bath. All in all we have made the place a home in a very short time. A few more weeks and upstairs will be finished and we can just enjoy it.

Things haven’t changed much at work for Tamara despite our relationship and her bringing in my contract. So we have really just been settling into our new home and into our relationship. I have fallen more in love with Tam daily.

Now remember that I respect Tam’s father. We get on well, but right now I am nervous to be face to face with the man. Her parents will be staying with us for a few weeks for Brielle’s birthday and her party.

For a little over three months I have fallen more and more in love with Tamara, her laugh, her smile, the cute noises she makes when I come in late at night while she is asleep or when I have to get up before her. It is like my very own greeting or her letting me know she is disappointed that I am leaving.

I love the way she gets lost in thought and when her eyes shine when she gets a great idea. I love that she runs a bath for me after home games and washes my hair and rubs my back. But if Tam did none of this I would still be in love with her, because of the way she takes care of my daughter.

I have seen loving mothers, my own mama and my sister. However, to watch the way Tam is with Ellie makes my heart want to burst with pride. I know I am a lucky man.

Thus the reason I am nervous today. I am not nervous to see Tam’s parents. She has smoothed things over with her dad concerning me. I think our golf outing went a long way to help with that process. He and I have talked a few times since.

I guess it is not so much the face to face with her father that has me on edge. It is what I need to discuss with him that has me sweating like I’m in the fourth quarter with fifty seconds on the clock and one choice to win it all.

I wipe sweaty palms on my jeans as Tamara introduces her parents to mine. I rented this castle for Ellie’s birthday to make my baby happy, but I am now hoping it shows her family how much I love my girls. I am willing to do anything to make them happy.

Tamara’s mother looks around in wonder at all the decorations. There are lights and flowers everywhere. I hired every Disney princess there is. I bought little princess dresses for all of the other little girls to dress up as well. Brielle invited so many of her little friends, from her old school as well as the new one.

I couldn’t leave the boys out, so I had go carts brought in to race through the gardens and I had a little football field set up. A bunch of guys from the team showed up to help drive the kids around in the carts. Some have joined the kids on the little field to throw the ball around.

My little baby looks just like a princess in her tiara and light purple dress. Of course the tiara is sparkling with real diamonds because I just couldn’t help myself. This is only her fourth birthday. I can only imagine the mountains I will move for her wedding day.

“Pop pop,” I hear Ellie squeal as the grands get acquainted.

“There’s my little princess,” Byron Hathaway beams. It is the softest I have seen the man look since meeting him. It gives me hope.

“Oh Tamara, she looks adorable,” Fiona, Tam’s mama, gushes. “And this party, honey you have out done yourself with all of this.”

“Oh don’t look at me,” Tam laughs and points towards me. “This is all Brad. I had a much smaller party planned.”

“My boy loves his girls. Nothing is too big for our Ellie,” My dad beams with pride.

I feel my own pride fill my chest. I love being able to do this for my little girl. The smile on her face alone makes every penny worth it. It doesn’t hurt that Tamara hasn’t been able to stop smiling as well.

“Pop pop, do you see the tiara, my daddy got for me?” Brielle coos happily.

“Yes, I do young lady that is some tiara. Looks like your daddy has been spoiling you,” Byron says good naturedly.

“Has he,” Tamara teases and looks up at me.

I wink at her and then look up at her father. “I have plenty of time to make up for. Though, I think I would spoil my girls regardless,” I reply honestly.

“Vernon, Gloria, you have a fine boy here. I look forward to getting to know him some more,” Byron says, with a firm nod in my direction before turning his attention back to Ellie.

“Well, I’ve just become the happiest woman in the world. All my favorite people in one place,” Stacey squeals as she appears on the patio where food and seating is set up for everyone. She has a few other smiling faces with her.

I haven’t seen Stacey since that night five years ago but she looks pretty much the same. I am surprised when I am the first one she hugs. After an awkward moment I hug her back.

“God, are you a sight for sore eyes,” Stacey grins at me. “She is just so darn stubborn. If she wasn’t my best friend I would have told you a long time ago.”

“Stacey,” Tamara hisses.

“What,” Stacey pouts.

“Brad this is Stacey. My crazy best friend,” Tamara rolls her eyes.

“Yes, I remember her,” I chuckle.

“These are my other good friends from New York,” Tam offers for the other smiling faces. “This is Reese and her boyfriend Nico. This here is Alee. And the tall guy that can’t keep his eyes off the beautiful woman at his side is Uri, Nico’s brother and the beauty he is staring at is Valentina, his wife. Those are their little monsters running for the go carts.”

Valentina and Uri are a beautiful pair. Valentina and their children all have unusual eyes for their coloring. Valentina is chocolate with beautiful blue eyes. Their children are more caramel skinned with blue eyes from what I get a quick glimpse of. I tilt my head to the side as I process their family.

Looking at Valentina and their children only makes me think of how unique and beautiful my own daughter is and makes me want more children with Tam. Uri murmurs something to the amused looking Valentina and she smiles up at him. I look at Tam and smile, I wonder if we look that in love.

I haven’t missed that almost all of Tam’s friends are in interracial relationships, which makes me think I really did over react all those years ago. Tamara gives me more shit about being country than being white these days. And that is always in good natured fun.

“Nice to meet you all,” I say as I break out of my thoughts.

“Monroe, we may play two different footballs but I think we can find something in common about ourselves. These ladies are about to get crazy. I think we should make a break for it now,” Nico laughs as Reese slaps his arm and the other women give him the eye.

“I agree with the boy,” Byron says as he steps to my side and pats me on the back.

I nod at the man I hope to call my father in law. All the men head off as the women start to talk excitedly. Uri and Nico walk ahead as they see the go carts and the other players. I plan to catch up with them in a few, but first I have some business. I look at my father who is walking in step with us and give him a nervous nod. He catches on and picks up his pace.

“Mr. Hathaway, I was hoping to get a moment alone with you,” I say after clearing my throat.

“Is that right,” he asks as he turns to look at me.

“Yes Sir, I was brought up in an old fashion way,” I start then clear my throat. “My mama and daddy wouldn’t think it right if I didn’t come to you with my intentions for Tam. I know we did things a little out of order and I know things weren’t right for a long time, but I need you to know. I love your daughter more than my own life.

“I plan to do everything I can to keep my family safe happy and loved. So Sir, what I am trying to say is that I want to ask you for Tam’s hand,” I rush the last part out before I lose my cool.

“Son, I believe you have realized I am an observant man. My baby girl hasn’t been happy for a long time, but when I look at her now it fills my heart with joy. She has found her happiness and I believe she has found it in you. I give you my blessing, Brad. Just remember she is my most precious gift.

“I think you understand this because Ellie has wrapped you around her finger. Just remember how precious Brielle is to you with every decision you make with her mother. Don’t do anything you wouldn’t want another man to do to your daughter when she is old enough to fall in love,” Byron says firmly as he stops to turn and look me in my eyes.

I nod my head a little choked up. I can only hope that Ellie finds a man that loves her as much as I love her mama. “I’ve made my one mistake with Tam the night we met. I suffered for five years because of it and missed out on things I can never get back. I am all out of mistakes, Sir. I plan to treat Tamara like the queen she is,” I say in all confidence.

“Well as your future father in law I will tell you this. Your competition has just arrived and he has wanted my Tamara something fierce. I don’t think he is above stepping on another man’s toes either,” Byron says and nods pointedly in the direction we just came from.

I turn quickly to see what he is referring to. Rage boils in my chest as a tall brown skin man pulls my woman into a hug. I clench and unclench my fists knowing it would not be a good idea to cause a scene right after asking for Tam’s hand.

“That would be Mike. Nice boy but he is not looking to stop playing the field. My baby doesn’t need that,” Byron grunts.

“I got this,” is all I say before stalking over to where my woman is standing with this Mike guy’s arm draped around her shoulders.

Stacey and Reese, who are both facing me, have amused looks on their faces. One thing we don’t do in Texas is touch another man’s woman. This is my woman and he is about to learn that.


I am a little uncomfortable with how aggressive Mike is being right now. I had invited him to the party months ago when we were still texting each other and going on dates here and there. I guess I should have told everyone he was no longer welcome. He had to have gotten the address from Stacey or Ellerie or something.

From his possessive hold on my shoulders I figure he has heard about Brad. Hell if you live in Texas it is hard not to know about me and Brad after those pictures and the speculations behind them. I tug to step out of his hold, but he just tightens his hold. I don’t want to make a scene so I grit my teeth and smile.

That’s when my body starts to hum and the hairs stand up.
Oh God, Brad please don’t make a scene
, I groan inwardly. Suddenly large muscular arms are wrapped around my waist pulling my back into his chest and out of Mike’s hold. Brad’s hand comes up, cupping my face and turning it up to his.

His full lips crush mine, taking them in a passionate and possessive kiss. I am stunned as my brain short circuits and I melt into his arms. When he breaks the kiss his blue eyes are sparkling with lust and mischief as he stares back at me.

I hear giggles and chuckles behind us and turn to see my mother smiling happily. Reese raises a brow and her glass at Brad. My eyes land on Mike and he is fuming as he takes in Brad from head to toe.

“Damn,” Stacey snorts.

“Exactly,” Valentina mutters.

“I like him,” Reese laughs.

Mike looks like he is about to make his own comment when Brielle comes flying over out of nowhere. “Daddy,” she squeals happily. She runs right into Brad’s leg. “Daddy, you promised to drive me in a go cart. I want to race Nori, his daddy is going to drive him.”

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