BEAST (19 page)

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Authors: Pepper Pace


Christopher looked at his sister. “Alma, she doesn’t want ice cream and cake.”


She sulked like a ch
ild. “She can speak for herself,” s
he murmured. Christopher was just staring at his sister.


“I have diabetes.”


Alma scooped up a large bowl of ice cream and a big slice of brownie cake and cut her eyes side-ways at Ashleigh as she ate it.


Christopher stared at his sister.


After dinner the ladies wouldn’t allow Ashleigh to help with the dishes and made her go outside with Christopher to help the
burn off their energy.


“Oh my god, Ashleigh,” he said when they were alone on the porch. “I had no idea my Dad would say something like that. I’ve never even heard him use that word before—”


“Relax, baby. You guys reacted more than I did. He had a stroke but I can still tell that he’s a good person.”


“Come on Uncle Chris,
getting dark!” The kids began yelling for him. He gave her a quick kiss and bounded down the porch stairs. She pulled up one of the porch chairs and watched the way he thoroughly enjoyed himself with the kids. Mr. Jameson and one of the male cousin’s came outside with her to watch them play and to hoot and cheer.


Mr. Jameson told her a story about a furnace and some goats and she pretended to understand. Christopher looked up at her and gave her a questioning look and she raised her hand and waved letting him know that everything was okay.  He got tackled by four kids and Ashleigh grimaced but he seemed to love it.


Mrs. Jameson came outside to check on her husband and Ashleigh thanked her for dinner. Alma pulled up a chair and watched the kids. “That little one is mine.” She said to Ashleigh. “I hope my brother doesn’t squash him.”


“He’s being very gentle.” Christopher picked up one of the kids and tossed them to the grass and Ashleigh’s eyes widened. But the kid just leaped back to his feet laughing all the while.


“So you work for the government too?” Alma asked.


“Yes. I work in the Federal Building where Christopher is stationed.”


“Well it’s a damned shame how that President is screwed up our government.” Ashleigh’s back stiffened. “Almost might have been best if they had shut
down the whole damn government


“Alma, you don’t know what you’re talking about.” One of the men scowled. “Without the government how do you think Buddy’s going to
continue to
collect his social security?”


Ashleigh clenched her teeth and then looked at Alma. “And Obama didn’t create these problems. They existed before he came in to office.”


“Oh Alma!”
Mrs. Jameson snapped. “Don’t start up about President Obama.”


Mr. Jameson huffed. “Barack Obama is our President. It
matter if you voted for him or not. Now that he’s in office he’s our Commander and Chief. Your brother risks his life for his boss; and that’s the President, as well as for all us Americans. You don’t talk against the President of the United States in my house!” Mr. Jameson glared at his daughter and when he didn’t receive a response he tried to stand up. “Where’s my belt?! You go get my belt right this instant, young lady! You have been asking for a butt whupping all evening!” Alma’s face reddened as her eyes grew big. Her father pointed angrily to the house. “Go on. Get!”


“Yes, sir.”
Alma got to her feet and went into the house. If she returned with a belt Ashleigh thought that she might just sit there and laugh. Instead she gave Mr. Jameson a smile. Christopher was suddenly on the porch studying Ashleigh’s face, trying to find out what was going on. Ashleigh’s grin told him that she was okay and that’s all that really mattered. But he decided it was time to go and the two of them bid the family goodbye.


Mrs. Jameson pulled her into a tight hug. “You’re welcomed here any time, dear.” Then she whispered, “And don’t mind my daughter. She won’t be so impolite next time you come, not after Christopher lays into her. And I got a thing or two to say to her myself.” She pulled back and looked at Ashleigh. “You will come back won’t you?”


I have to, she thought, because I intend to be in Christopher’s life for a very long time.
“Yes, Ma’am.
I intend to come back.”


Mr. Jameson gave her a brief pat on the back while still wearing a broad smile. She didn’t know if he was lucid or not but told him that it was nice meeting him, and meant it.


As Christopher drove her home, he reached for her hand and pulled it to his lips to kiss. “There is normally not that much excitement, I promise.”


“Christopher I won’t ask you to apologize for your family…if you don’t ask me to apologize for mine. You’ll have to meet them, too, I guess.” It was strange seeing such a look of fear cross his face.



It was
just after nine
o’clock when they reached her home. She gave him a look, and ran her hand along his massive thigh as he parked. He returned the look and it was filled with yearning. They walked hand in hand to the apartment, moving fairly quickly and as soon as the door was opened Ashleigh pulled him inside, pushed her body against his and slid her hand down into his pants, rubbing it up and down against his fully erect penis.


e grunted in surprised approval and then gripped her by the shoulders and kissed her urgently. He walked her to the couch; the expensive, white couch, and pushed her back until he was covering her, grinding his hard cock against her.


With a loud cry of need, Ashleigh began pulling at his clothes and hers. Not wanting to take the time to remove them all together, Christopher pushed her dress up and her panties down while Ashleigh tugged at the zipper of his pants until she had them just down over the round of his ass. Christopher rubbed her breast through her clothing while she managed to kick one leg out of her panties.


“Damn sweetheart,” He groaned, “You are so sexy. I’ve been thinking about this all evening…” His lips moved from her lips to her neck and shoulder where he lapped and nipped as he rolled his hips against hers.


“Please…I need you now!” Her body throbbed! She slipped her hand between them and rubbed him urgently. “Please Chris, please…”


He rolled slightly to the side and gripped the base of his shaft, guiding himself into her slick opening. He was careful yet quick as he rolled back on top of her and pushed fully into her body.


Ashleigh threw her head from side to side in ecstasy. He never teased by dipping in and out of her, he always went straight home. When he pushed into her like that it felt so incredible; a pleasurable pain. He stretched and pushed against things that sent her mind reeling in desire. Only then would he pull back only to rock forward, grinding the base against her clit as she shrieked out in pleasure.


Christopher thrust in and out of her quickly but not roughly. He was big and knew it. He didn’t want to hurt her. Even with the incredible feeling of pleasure he held back enough not to lose complete control. She liked it when he pushed into her fully and so he kept doing it, even as he buried his face into her neck and tried to keep his head, Christopher thrust deep and then twisted his pelvis for optimum
. Each time he did that, she would shudder and cry out loudly gripping and pulling at his back and ass.


And then her satiny hot canal
and gripped
hard and Christopher’s cries of pleasure joined hers.


“Oh god…Ashleigh!”
His body took over. She was so tight, she squeezed and pulsed and he lost the small grasp on his control. He pulled out almost fully, only to slam back into her with a loud grunt. Ashleigh’s thick, sexy thighs gripped him, her legs wrapping around his body so that he had to slide up inside her in order to hit home.


“Oh baby…!” He cried out hoarsely. Sweat dripped from him and onto her as he thrust rapidly into her. Suddenly his toes curled and he cried out again. “Ashleigh!” He could barely think as his pace quickened and the first shot of semen invaded her.



Ashleigh’s hands roamed his body as she felt his hot semen flooding her. It was like being on a wild ride; her body rocked with his rapid thrust. Finally, panting as if he’d run several miles, Christopher went limp.


Ashleigh hugged him and gave him a tired grin. “How do you do that so
?” He pulled up his head weakly and looked at her.




“Excellent. You do…really excellent.” She spoke shyly.


He kissed her. “I just want you to feel good.”


She rubbed his naked buttocks and he flexed his muscles there. After a moment he slipped his spent penis from her and came to his feet pulling up his pants and tucking into place.


Ashleigh quickly followed suit, not wanting to ruin the couch. She hugged the big man, her head only reaching his chest. And when his arms went around her she felt wonderful and so loved.




The next day Christopher arrived at work. He was already dressed in workout cloths, as he did each and every morning. He headed to the security room lockers not able to keep the smile from his face. Once he reached them, each man present turned to him expectantly.


“How was your weekend, Beast?” Carlos asked.


“It was alright.” He said casually.
“Went to my parent’s for dinner on Sunday.”


TK scowled. “You do that every weekend!”


“Well this time I went with my girlfriend.”


“Oh damn!”
punched him in the arm. “I was about to ask how you could possibly manage to screw up dinner with a girl that stares at you like the little trooper does.”


“Little trooper?” He asked curious
about the nickname


“She doesn’t wimp out on her workout.”
said. He was as tall as Christopher and just as physically formidable. “She pushes herself just like a Marine.”


Yes she does


He got out of there pretty quick, not just because he was anxious to get down to the gym to see his girl, but because the guy’s pornographic comments about his weekend was really too close to home. He knew that they weren’t being disrespectful but he had no intentions of confirming anything that he’d done to her, giving credence to their theories about big bottomed girls, or shedding light on whether once you go black
you never ca
me back.


He entered the darkened gym room, cutting on the overhead lights and setting down their individual thermoses. He slipped the c.d. into the player; Warren
, and then he pulled out the mats. He was stretching and thinking about how this morning his body had yearned to nestle into Ashleigh’s soft, hot canal when she walked into the room. His dick lurched and he suppressed a groan.


Damn, he couldn’t walk around with a hard-on just at the sight of her!


She smiled so soft and sexy.


“Hi Christopher.
Did you miss me?”


Was she reading his mind…or the bulge in his pants?


He chuckled and came to his feet. “Um…yes.” She reached out to give him a passionate kiss and hug and he cleared his throat before she could. “We’re being watched.”


And then she remembered the security camera. Damnit! She had spent the entire morning fantasizing about kissing Christopher! He took her hand in his and gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek.


“Ah….” She said. “Okay.”


“Sorry.” He murmured while gesturing to the camera with his head. “I really don’t want the guys getting all hot and bothered watching you kiss me.”

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