Because of you (23 page)

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Authors: Lea J.




I watch Aaliyah work, how she tucks a stray lock of hair behind her ear, how she laughs when someone says something to her, but her eyes are full of sadness—sadness a misunderstanding has caused. I miss her touches, her beautiful smiles and kisses. I am so miserable without her and her stubbornness angers me because she won’t let me explain the situation. When I heard she is working tonight, I immediately decided to join my friends and go out with them. Perhaps I will get the opportunity to explain myself. How could Paris do that? Addison and Jackson are joyfully singing on the stage, happiness radiating from them, happiness I used to have with Aaliyah. The song ends and they hug, breathless from singing. I turn to where Aaliyah was just standing, but she’s not there anymore. I look around me, but I can’t find her anywhere. I hear a noise on the stage, and there she is, with a microphone in her hand. The song has already started, and Aaliyah
turns her eyes toward
me and starts singing the lyrics I instantly recognize.
Take A Bow.
I hear the pain her voice, and she is looking me straight in the eyes, as if she is telling me something. She sings that he should stop telling her he’s sorry, because he’s not, that’s he’s only sorry she caught him.

I wish she knew it’s not true.

I shake my head and watch her. A tear rolls down her cheeks, but she keeps singing about me misleading her, how naïve she was, but now it’s time for me to go. She admits I put on quite a show, but it’s over between us.

When the song comes to an end, tears are freely falling down her cheeks. She quickly turns over the mike and runs off the stage. No, it is definitely not over between us, on the contrary—this is only the beginning, and I’m going to prove that to her.




What have I done?
People are clapping as I run past them, tears rolling down my face.
I wonder what they’re thinking. And what will Patrick say about that?
I open the door to the room in the back and enter. I need to clear my thoughts. I take a paper towel and wipe at the tears that are still running. I sit on the bench and close my eyes. How could I be so stupid to have believed every word that came out of his mouth? I gave him the whole me, but obviously that meant nothing to him. I hear a soft knock on the door, so I quickly stand up and wipe my nose.

Aaliyah?” Patrick comes closer and before he says anything, I quickly apologize.

I’m sorry, Patrick, I don’t know what came over me. I’ll take my things and leave.” He surprises me by approaching me and enveloping me in a hug. The warmth of his hug makes me cry even harder.

Shh, don’t cry. It’s gonna be okay.”

I’m so sorry,” I say again.

It’s okay. I’m not firing you. I don’t know what happened there, but now that you let it all out, I hope you feel better.” I nod, blowing my nose in a handkerchief. “Let’s make a deal. I see you’re not in the shape to work tonight, so go home and get a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow, when you come back, I hope you’ll be more like your old self. Deal?” I give him a grateful look and smile sourly. I take my things and exit through the back entrance. I don’t want anyone to see me. I want to be alone, so I decide to walk home, cold air will be good for me. Taking a few steps, I feel like someone is watching me. I hug myself and look around me, but I don’t see anyone. I quicken the pace to get home quickly.

Well, well, look, who is finally all by herself, with nobody around to defend her. I’ve waited a long time to get you alone. Perseverance does pay off.” Just as I cross a
I hear Caden’s voice from behind me. Before I can turn around, I feel his hands on me, and he presses a weird smelling cloth to my mouth. I try to resist, but my eyes are heavy, my arms fall down my body, and everything turns black.




I'm standing in the dark alley behind Mirage, waiting for my opportunity. Damn it, how come she’s never alone? The last few days, I was watching her from afar, waiting for my chance to grab her. I know she’s going to come out here. Sooner or later. I’ll get her alone and take my revenge on her—for all the sleepless nights she caused me with her escape. It’s dark out here, so I’m practically invisible, only a dim light is coming from the main street. I put a half-finished cigarette in my mouth and take a deep drag. I’m slowly losing my patience, I’m too old for this shit. It’s about time I finish what I started, so I can continue living my life in peace. When it seems today won’t be my lucky day either and I am just about to leave, I hear the back door opening. I focus all my attention on the door. I blink a couple of times to make sure I see correctly. “Finally!” I mutter and wait for Aaliyah to come past me. After walking a few feet, she looks around as if she suspects she is being watched, wraps her arms around
her and
starts walking faster. I can sense she’s frightened. This is my chance. Now or never. Right before she crosses the road, I say:

Well, well, well, look, who is finally all by herself, with nobody around to defend her. I’ve waited a long time to get you alone. Perseverance does pay off.” She jerks to a halt, and before she has the chance to speak, I quickly approach her from behind and knock her out with chloroform. Drugging her seemed the best option, I couldn’t allow the possibility that she would resist, or God forbid, escape me. So now I have her lying at my feet, powerless, and finally, I’ll have my revenge. I smile to myself. I watch her for a couple of seconds, then flick the cigarette on the ground and twist my foot on it. It’s time for my revenge. I toss Aaliyah over my shoulder and walk quickly to my car, which is parked in a dark alley.

What is going on out there?” I hear a man’s worried voice from the distance. Lightning fast, I turn my gaze to him, but I only see his shadow, the alley is cloaked in darkness. I assume he doesn’t see me, either.

Damn it,” I mutter as I see him approaching. “I have to think of something, fast.” I pull my unregistered gun out of my pants, but I quickly change my mind—the noise would cause too much attention. I roughly throw her on the ground, and hear the man’s footsteps as he is coming closer. I guess Aaliyah’s death won’t be slow and painful as I planned, but I have to act quickly. I pull a knife out of my pocket—I have to get rid of her right now. It’s difficult to see anything since we are shrouded in darkness, but I wrap
both my
hands around the handle of the knife, kneel down beside her motionless body, raise my arms above my head and, trying to aim at her heart, I plunge the knife into her chest. I don’t have the time to check if she is dead, the man is dangerously close. I feel her warm blood soaking my jeans at the knee. My lips turn upward; I quickly get up and run to my car. Before I drive off, I hear panicked screams:

Oh my God, someone call 911!”




“Where is Aaliyah?” I ask Noah as I come to the bar. He is busy pouring the beer and he only throws me a quick glance.

Hmm, I think she’s in the back, I don’t know. Ask Patrick, I saw him go to her. I’m sure she’s here somewhere, busy waiting—as you can see, we’re packed full.” I nod and go search for her boss. I find him in his office, cigar in his mouth, holding some papers.

Who the hell are you? Only employees are allowed back here.” I cut to the chase without responding.

Where is Aaliyah?”

Why do you want to know?” he says, blowing smoke
as he raises hi
s gaze to me.

I just want to make sure she’s okay. She ran away in tears after the song, and I haven’t seen her since. I owe her an explanation.” He nods.

Son, I sent her home. She didn’t feel well. Now, all she needs is some peace, I’m sure she’ll be better in the morning.” I let out a relieved breath, when I find out she is safe, and I decide to take his advice. I’ll leave her alone today and try to get her back in the morning. I’m sure I’ll get her back.


~ * ~


“Addison, Aaliyah, open the door,” I knock on their door loudly. It’s nine in the morning and I’m sure they’re still sleeping, but I can’t wait anymore. I want to assure, to prove to Aaliyah that the incident with Paris was just a big misunderstanding, that I haven’t cheated on her and that she means the world to me. “Open the door,” I knock even louder, and the door finally opens.

Ugh, Ry, what’s wrong with you—what are you doing here so early?” Addison is looking at me sleepily, rubbing her eyes. Her hair is disheveled
and she’s leaning on the door, wearing a long red morning gown. I push the door so I can enter. I came here with a purpose.

I need to speak with Aaliyah.” Addison hurries after me to her side of the room. I am surprised to see Aaliyah’s bed is empty. A thousand different thoughts run through my mind, and I turn to Addison. “Where is she?” I demand. She shrugs, yawns, and finally speaks.

I have no idea. When I came home yesterday, she wasn’t here. She was probably still at work, because we left before Mirage closed. Perhaps she slept over at someone else’s place, I don’t know. She didn’t mention that she wouldn’t be coming home. Why…” I cut her off with my raised hand and start shaking my head.

No, Patrick told me himself he sent her home right after the karaoke. Did she ask you to tell me that she’s not here?” Eyes wide, she looks at me and shakes her head.

No, I really didn’t see her. Did it maybe cross your mind that she just doesn’t want to see you–I’m not even surprised, considering what you did to her—so she went somewhere else because she knew you were going to come after her?” Clenching my fists, I am angry she still thinks I cheated on her. I run my hands through my hair and turn away from my sister.

Ugh, I told you I didn’t cheat on her.” She lets out a sarcastic laugh.

Sure, and you accidentally fell on Paris’s lips, how convenient.”

No!” I shout, my harsh voice startling her. “I would never do that to Aaliyah. I love her.” My confession surprises her, and she is quietly watching me. “I love her,” I repeat. “That day, I was preparing a surprise for her. I put candles all over the room, bought roses and sprinkled rose petals on the bed and floor. I was going to call her when I was finished
to tell her I love her. But Paris came over and everything went to hell. She surprised me by pushing me on the bed and sitting on top of me. Just as I was about to shove her off me, Aaliyah entered the room. I was so surprised when I saw her standing there, because I didn’t call her yet. My heart was breaking at the sight of her standing in the doorway, crushed. I swear I didn’t cheat on her. You know I’m not like that.” I sit on the bed and sigh. “Please, tell me where she is, I need to get her back.” Her eyes finally soften and she puts a comforting hand on my back.

I really didn’t see her. I have no idea where she could be. I can call her if you want?” I nod.

But don’t tell her I’m here, otherwise she won’t tell you where she is.” She closes her eyes, shaking her head.

I don’t want to lie to her.”

Please, it’s important—I really need to find her, I need your help.”

Okay, it’s ringing, but be quiet so she doesn’t hear you.” I nod, waiting patiently for Aaliyah to pick up the phone. For the longest time Addison has her phone to her ear, then she puts it down.

She’s not answering?” She shakes her head no.

Look, she probably just went somewhere where she can be alone. She’ll come back, don’t worry. When she gets home, we’ll talk and then I’ll call you, okay?”

Deal,” I say unconvincingly, hug her and head back home.



Chapter 19




The ringing of my phone wakes me up from a restless sleep. I reach my hand over to the nightstand to grab my phone, and I answer. “Hello?” I say without checking the screen to see who is calling.

“Ry?” Addison’s concerned voice instantly has me alert. I sit up and kick off the covers.

What is wrong?”

Ry, Aaliyah didn’t come home last night. I’m worried now. She’s not the kind of person who abandons everything and just takes off. And she’s not answering her phone. What if something happened to her?” I hear Addison closing the door over the

What do you mean, she didn’t come home? This means you haven’t seen her since Saturday night? Where could she be?”

I’m just on my way to the library, maybe she’s there. If not, I don’t know where else to look.”

Wait for me in front of the library, I’ll be right there.” I quickly
on some jeans and the first shirt I can find. I put my wallet and phone in my pocket, put on a jacket, and I’m already on my way to the library, hoping to find her there.
Where could she be?
Okay, I understand she’s avoiding me—but Addison? They’ve become close friends, so she would’ve told her where she is.
What if something did happen to her?
What could it be?
After work she went straight home, Patrick assured me. Where…? “Oh my God!” I hit the brakes and stop the car in the middle of the road. Cars, passing me by, are honking at me, the drivers giving me a middle finger, cursing at me. What if Caden took her? Or worse, what if he did something to her? I quickly turn on the car and a few minutes later I’m already in front of the library. Addison is already anxiously waiting for me and she throws herself in my arms when she sees me.

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