Bella Notte (37 page)

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Authors: Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

The backyard that
generally looked huge had suddenly shrunk. Two huge white tents
covered the majority of the space. I walked into the one closest to
me. Even though the exterior was a typical white tent used in outdoor
events, the inside was amazing. Clearly I had walked into the tent
for the elder folks. The light was a soft, gentle hue. There were
groups of tables and comfy chairs in the center. Around the
perimeter, chess games were set up. A small stage was set in the
front with slightly stronger spotlights shining down on it. The grass
had been covered by plush carpets. It looked like a place where the
grown-ups could comfortably hang out.

I walked out into
the bright sun that had decided to grace us and flinched away from

Dom. I think we
need to get shading for the entrances of the tents, so that no one
has to walk directly into this burning light.

My eyes burned as I
tried to blink away the image of the sun from my eyelids.

idea. I thought you were coming.

I am. I went in
the first tent. It's perfect.
I cooed the words.

I'm glad you like
He sounded truly pleased.

I walked over to the
second tent, which was set up a good ways away from the first. I
figured that this was to prevent some of the sound from carrying into
the peaceful scene for the adults. The tent looked the same from the
outside. However, when I went inside I was suddenly in the middle of
a night club- not too far away from the design of Bella Notte.

The area was pitch
black except for two or three points of light. There was a large
stage with huge speakers set up in the front. The grass was covered
with some sort of tile flooring. On the edges of the tent were
squashy looking couches. The inner walls of the tent were black and
thick. I walked deeper inside and noticed there was a bar station in
the back.


His voice startled me from behind.

Don't you
know better than to sneak up on a vampire?” I lightly punched
him in the arm as my fangs retracted from the defensive they had

not. So, what do you think?” He sounded like he was actually
concerned with what I thought; it made me want to laugh.

I love it.
But, seriously, why the bar?” I so didn't want to deal with a
bunch of drunken teen vamps.

Not that it has any real effect on our kind. Just so you know.”
He walked ahead of me into the darkness.

How did the
set up of the children's area go?” I desperately wanted to be
sure that everyone would have a great time.

The entire
sun room is an absolute kiddie delight. We have the puppet show area
set up, small tables and chairs for coloring, legos, blocks, dress-up
stuff, and some infant toys for the babies. It should all be a great
success. Hey, come stand right here, I want to show you something.”
He reached out his hand and smiled.

I took his hand and
he pulled me close to him. He bent toward me and gently kissed my

I sighed.

Just stay right
His thoughts stroked mine like a whisper.

I nodded.

He walked off into a
darkness that even I couldn't fully see in. I heard a soft
and then the lights went off and I was surrounded by a rainbow. The
entire tent had replica crystals, like from our cave. The floor I was
standing on was suddenly lit from below and the colors danced to a
beat I couldn't hear. It was mesmerizing. I could feel my body want
to sway to this unheard song. My eyes felt like they were absorbing
part of the rainbow as the world pulsed around me.

What do you
His voice was nothing but a whisper in my head, and I still couldn't
see him.

Dom how did you?
I mean, the crystals, how did they get here? And this floor …
Oh my god! I love it! The effect is wonderful! THANK YOU!

I knew I was close
to tears which was odd for such a thing.

His arms wrapped
around me. I didn't jump this time. I merely enjoyed being so close
to him with such a reminder of when I truly got to know him. I missed
Italy the more I stayed here and had to fight with my feelings for

I knew his name sounded stressed when it came out.

what is wrong? Whatever it is, it will be fixed.

His concern for my
happiness never seemed to end and it often made me forget the guy I
had met at my birthday party.

Nothing is wrong.
I was wondering … is there still a school in Italy?
I felt nervous.

Why, yes, there
is. It is off the coast of our island. It is very convenient for when
one of us has to go to it for business, because we can always go
right back home. Why?
His voice sounded like he might know already.

I was thinking
that maybe we could go there? If it's so close to your home then we
could just stay there and commute right? Would that be allowed? I
mean, for me too? I really enjoyed being there
My voice gave everything and nothing away at the same time.

Ah, I am sure
that they would not mind having you stay at our castle while you
attend the school that my family contributes to very largely. I am
glad you liked Italy so.

I could feel the
happiness radiating from him.

I was glad I could
please him, but somewhere locked inside me was the longing I felt for
Mike- even if I thought he was a jerk for letting that event happen.
I forgave him even though he didn't ask for it. I knew I would always
love him, which scared me because of the prophecy. I sighed and
kissed Dominic on his cheek.

Perhaps, we
should go get ready for the guests that are supposed to arrive?”
I didn't really want to, but I knew my obligations as a Hutchinson.

Well, the
guests are not arriving until late tonight and early tomorrow. I was
thinking that maybe we could catch a film before we have to be
grown-ups.” His suggestion was the best I had heard yet.

We should ask
my parents or grandparents if that's okay.” I was trying to
figure out which one would be most likely to agree.

I, kinda,
already asked them. They all said it was a wonderful idea.” He
turned sheepish.

Wow. You must
be magical or something. So, are we going to our theater here in town
or out of town?” I was amazed at his proficiency.

Well, in town
they are playing
Lost Boys
you know the one with Audrey Hepburn. I didn't bother looking up
something out of town. I knew you would like one of those.” He
winked at me.

Hmm. Tough
choice. Hormonal teenage vampire boys or a Cinderella story. Let me
think, do I feel all lovey or do I want to see boyish fun?” I
tapped my finger to my lips as I talked.

think we should see
He blushed.

I agree.”
I hugged him around his neck and inhaled a deep breath of his scent;
strong, spicy, orange, and safe.

We left a few
minutes later. His black mustang was the only car that I would agree
to ride in until I got my new Jeep. I really missed my old one. We
had it pulled out of the lake and it was taken to a place where they
strip parts. I wanted to cry. My black beauty was taken apart bit by
bit. Evil people clearly have that job. But Dom's car was fast and,
somehow, we never got a ticket.

We got to town in
record time, though not as fast as if I had ran.
false pretenses.

The theater wasn't
really packed or anything so we parked in the five car lot. I was
about to get out of the car when Dominic started to talk to me.

His voice sounded urgent.

I turned my head.

He caught my face
between his hands and kissed me full on.

I wasn't sure what brought on this- that could easily knock me on my
butt- but I knew if he didn't stop kissing me that I might be highly
tempted to shame my family.


No, Emma

I knew right then
that something was wrong. I broke free from the kiss and looked him
in the eyes, but they quickly- almost too quick for me to see- looked
away and back to me. I followed the direction with my eyes trying to
find the problem.

I found it- Mike and
Acacia at
pizza place.

Evil bastard!
My temper rose instinctively. I couldn't believe that he would take
her there. I wouldn't even take Dom there, it was special for me.

Um, let's go
to the movie, don't want to be late.” His voice was tense.

He got out of the
car, walked to my side of the car, and opened the door. I got out
reluctantly. I was seriously considering sitting and spying on him,
even if it was unhealthy.

I took Dominic's
hand and looked at him. I was hurting him. Guilt rose in my throat
and burned it. I smiled at him.

Let's go
watch Sabrina swoon the heart of David and Linus Larrabee.” I
kissed him on the cheek.

Yes, let's.”
His smile wasn't to his eyes yet.

I am sorry,
Dominic. It is hard for me. I am
to adjust.” I was pleading to him to understand.

I know
I can't even imagine what it is like for you but I do understand that
you are trying. That is all I can ask. It isn't your fault that he is
All that matters to me is that I can spend a lovely afternoon with
the girl of my dreams.” He kissed the top of my head as we went
up to the ticket counter.

Two for
please,” I said to the woman sitting behind the glass as I held
up two fingers in case she managed not to hear me.

Dominic paid, even
though it clearly didn't matter because both of our families had
money from centuries of being vampires.

We went inside and
went to the theater on the right, the one that always played the old
flicks. I loved this one especially because it was preserved better
than the other, or maybe just restored better. The red seats were
brighter and still held the comfort that I was positive they had
years ago. The ceiling had a fresco on it of some divine act and, on
the sides; chubby golden cherubs blew horns at this act. It was
absolutely beautiful. I could never decide if it was supposed to be
some story out of the bible or something that someone thought was
heavenly. It was like someone took
Birth of Venus
painting by Botticelli and combined it with
Creation of Adam
by Michelangelo. Every time I looked at it, I had the urge to cry.

I was lucky that it
was a movie theater because after we took our seats in the middle of
the front row, the lights dimmed and caused me to look away from the
beautiful ceiling. The room went dark and then the images flickered
onto the silver screen in front of us.

Soon we were lost to
the almost two hour movie where true love found its course and the
best man got his girl.

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