Blizzard (The Brotherhood Journals #1) (12 page)


I’d attempted to get Slider to drop me off at my hotel, but according to him, all my stuff had already been moved to the Brothers’ clubhouse.

Brothers mingled around the bar area as Slider lead me through and down a small hallway. “You’re in Chelsea’s old room,” he told me as he pushed the door open and held it as I walked through.

There was a double bed with my bag sitting on it, a small desk, and a door that I could see led to a bathroom.

“These are club girl rooms. The boys have been told that you’re here, but I would keep the door locked just in case you get a drunken visitor in the night.” He wore a smirk but I couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not.

I would keep it locked.

I tried to shrug it off, though. “I’ve already ticked stripper off my bucket list. Why not add club whore to it while I’m here?”

“Wouldn’t say that too loud,” he said with a wink. “The boys have been looking for new blood.”

He shut the door behind him and I sighed. It felt strange. I was here in this place with these people that only months ago I’d been on a mission to destroy. Living in their clubhouse and making jokes with their members. It felt like I was in the Twilight Zone almost.

I sat on the bed and began to sort through my bag, searching for some clean underwear and clothes.

Kat had worked me hard today. And while I was pretty damn fit, my body ached in places I had never felt before. It was a good ache, though. The kind that told you that you’d worked yourself to your limits.

I grabbed some sweatpants and a shirt and headed for the bathroom. Turning the heat up on the shower, hoping it would ease some of the tension in my muscles.

Just two nights from now I was meant to be on stage, doing the routine that Kat and I had almost perfected during the last two hours. I needed to be on my game and achy muscles would only let me down.

I pulled my clothes on, wrapping my wet hair in a towel and stepped out of the bathroom.

“Quick, in here!” I heard a little voice whisper loudly.

The door clicked open and two tiny figures shot through, dashing toward the bed. They jumped on it, burrowing underneath the covers.

“He won’t find us here,” the voice whispered again. It was followed by a soft giggle.

“Who are we hiding from?” I asked with a large smile.

The wiggling covers suddenly stilled. Two tiny heads popped above the top and stared at me, eyes wide. “Oh shit.”

I laughed loudly at the profanity coming from the little girl. The covers dropped quickly and the smaller girl with almost midnight color hair scurried out. She crawled across the bed, moving closer but very cautiously.

“Hi there, what’s your name?” I asked softly. She must have only been preschool aged. She pulled her tiny lip in between her teeth as she studied me.

“Her name’s Jayla. She doesn’t talk much,” the other little girl offered, climbing out of the covers and following Jayla closer to me. “This used to be my step mom’s room. Why are you in it?”

Ah, so this was Harlyn.

“You must be Optimus’ daughter,” I smiled at her.

“Yup,” she said proudly, lifting her chin a little at the mention of her father’s name.

Jayla continued to sit next to her on the edge of the bed, seemingly mesmerized by me. Her eyes watched me, every movement I made and whenever I spoke, her eyes flitted to my mouth.

“So who are we hiding from?” I asked in a mock whisper, crouching down next to the bed like I wanted in on their game. Both the girls shifted in, large grins on their faces.

Harlyn cupped her hand around her mouth, her eyes searching the room like someone might jump out at any moment. “Uncle Blizzard. He said it’s Jayla’s bedtime, but we aren’t finished playing yet.” The small pout that she gave me was both adorable and hilarious. I wondered if that ever worked on her parents anymore.

“Oh no. We can’t have that. Playtime is the best.” I conspired with them. Jayla bounced on the bed, her little head bobbing up and down so fast I thought it might fall off.

“Harlyn!” I heard Blizzard’s voice call from the hall. “You know you’re not allowed down here. Get out now.”

The girls both froze.

“Quick, get under,” I whispered, lifting up the covers. They frantically wiggled back underneath them. I heard Jayla giggle. She loved this game, Harlyn was a lot more serious, though. She wasn’t about to let her play buddy be taken without a fight.

The door was still cracked open from where the girls had shot through. I looked up just as Blizzard pushed it open and leaned against the frame.

I stood up from my crouching position.

Every time I saw him, it took any kind of thoughts from my head instantly. It was like he was too much for me to take in when he was there he was my primary focus and nothing else mattered.

“Hey,” my voice was barely above a whisper. It was hard to gauge what kind of mood he was in, since the last couple of interactions we’d had, had been all over the place.

He eyed my bed, the tell tail sign of two tiny bodies hiding in it was obvious. When he turned his attention back to me, I couldn’t help but smile.

“I’m looking for two tiny brats, you seen them?” he asked, the corner of his mouth twitching like he was trying to disguise a smile of his own.

I scratched my chin like I was thinking. “Can you describe them?”

I watched as he toed off his heavy boots and walked silently toward me. His steps were slow and deliberate. Every time he took a step closer my body tingled.

“One’s about this high…” he held his hand just below his hip, “…has a smart mouth and reddish hair.”

“Hmm,” I mused.

He moved in closer again. “The other is shorter, easily swayed by the smart mouth one. Hair is black, doesn’t talk much.”

I folded my arms across my chest and raised my eyebrows. “They sound like trouble.”

With one more step, he was suddenly in my space. “They are,” he whispered quietly, his deep voice sending vibrations through me.

He leaned in, his hand went to my waist and I jumped, almost like he’d shocked me. His thumb tucked under my shirt and grazed at my hot skin while his head dipped, his mouth moving down next to my ear. His breath hit my skin and I shivered. “I think you’re hiding something.” His grip on my hip tightened and he pulled me forward so my stomach was pressed against the buckle of his belt.

I caught his hand out of the corner of my eye, he grabbed the bed covers and threw them back. Both the girls squealed, but it was quickly followed by the delicious sound of laughter.

Blizzard ground his hips against me once, taking my breath away before he quickly separated from me altogether. I tried to control my breathing, turning to the girls who were rolling about the bed in fits.

“I tried! I’m sorry,” I laughed with them.

Blizzard stood at the foot of the bed, his hands on his hips but a smirk on his face as he watched the two girls fondly.

“That’s okay,” Harlyn told me, crawling over to pat my arm. “Uncle Blizzard is the best finder. Even my dad says that no one can hide from him.” Jayla followed Harlyn like a little shadow, coming over to pat my arm too. She was so beautiful, her facing beaming up at me.

“Oh, he thinks he’s that good does he?” I challenged, winking at the two girls.

Blizzard snorted. “I don’t think, I know.”

“All right, Mister I’m So Awesome…” I twirled my finger in the air, “…one round of hide and seek before the little one goes to bed.” I gestured to Jayla, who was still staring at me intently, but I could see her eyes were beginning to droop.

“Yes!” Harlyn threw her fist in the air before standing to her feet and leaping at Blizzard. He caught her with ease, not being able to hold back his smile as she looked up at him. “Please, Uncle Blizzard.”

I felt a tug on my hand and looked back to find Jayla standing on the bed but holding her arms up to me. I smiled softly at her, hooking my hands under her arms and lifting her to my hip. She snuggled into my side, her thumb finding her mouth.

“Well, Uncle Blizzard?” I pushed.

He looked at me and then at Jayla before he sighed. “Okay. But we’re going to make this fast because that girl needs to sleep.”

“Okay, two minutes to hide, then you have ten minutes to find us,” I bargained.

He thought about it for a second. “Kids get an extra minute to hide,” he said, placing Harlyn on the floor. She didn’t wait to be told twice, shooting out the door with a manic laugh. Jayla wiggled, trying to escape. I placed her down and her little legs moved as fast as they could after her friend.

“We’re gonna make a bet,” he told me. “I find you all within ten minutes… you’re gonna be washing my bike tomorrow….” he paused, “…in a bikini.”

My mouth fell open.

Fine, two could play at that game.

“All right, smart ass.” I pulled the towel from my hair and tossed it over the desk chair. “If we win, you have to do something nice for us.”

He frowned. “Like what.”

I shrugged. “I don’t know, use that big brain of yours.”

He stared at me silently for a moment before he nodded. “Two minutes starts now. You better run.”


I watched her scoot out of the room like she had a fire on her heels.

Watching her play with the girls, something inside had turned on. And then to hear her give me sass—to challenge me—all of a sudden I could remember why I had such a hard on for the girl to begin with.

She hadn’t always been that weak push over that Marco had turned her into. She had guts, she was smart, and her wit was quick. It made me want to take that pretty mouth and teach it a lesson.


“I’m not sure I really like that this is becoming a regular thing,” she muttered as she pulled the door open.

“It could be more regular.” I grinned, stepping past her and walking inside.

I practically heard her roll her eyes. “Please, come in. Make yourself at home.”

“Thanks,” I told her as I took a seat on her small two-seater sofa, ignoring her sarcastic tone.

She wandered into the kitchen and began busying herself. “To what do I owe the pleasure this time?” She picked up a large bowl and began stirring it. Dipping her finger in she then brought it to her mouth, letting the chocolate colored mixture sit on her bottom lip before licking it away with her tongue.

My cock with a mind of its own began to ache.

Her nose wrinkled and she looked down at the bowl with a frown.

“What are you making?” I asked curiously, standing up and attempting to hide my growing erection as I moved closer to investigate.

She sighed. “Trying this recipe for a grain, gluten, and dairy free chocolate cake.”

“Why the fuck would you do that?” I asked, screwing up my nose just like she’d done at just the thought of it.

She placed the bowl on the counter. “I’m trying to get into nutrition and dietary stuff. So we’re looking at food intolerances and how people with them can have food that tastes just as good.”

“Sounds like shit.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Food intolerance is real. It affects a lot of people.”

“Doesn’t affect me.”

Before I knew what she was doing, she picked up the spoon out of the bowl and wiped the contents of it on the tip of my nose. She tried to keep a straight face but it cracked and the giggles started.

I could smell the gloopy liquid, it didn’t smell like chocolate. “You think this is funny, huh?”

Her laughter stilled and her eyes widened dramatically. For a second, I thought I caught a sparkle of fear in her eyes. True fear.

Before she could catch on, I dipped my hand into the bowl and used my fingers to smear the mess across her cheek.

She gasped. “That’s my cake!”

I brought my fingers to my mouth and licked them. Her eyes dilated and she bit her lip.

It didn’t taste horrible, but it wasn’t good either. I held my clean hand to my throat and faked a cough. “Oh my God, that shit’s disgusting.”

She stared at me for a second before laughter burst from her gorgeous mouth and there was that smile again. The smile I craved.

“It’s pretty bad. Huh?” she admitted, throwing the bowl in the sink and turning on the tap to wash it away.

“I know a place where they make good chocolate cake.” I offered, running my hands under the water to try and clean off the mess.

She looked at me out of the corner of her eye, her body language switching from relaxed to apprehensive.

She looked over at the clock that hung on the wall. “I have a class at two.”

I ignored the blatant excuse and grabbed her hand. “Great, I’ll drop you off after.”


I hadn’t counted, but I figured her time was up.

I wasn’t sure how she thought she was going to win a game of hide and seek, in a clubhouse she’d never been to before, against a member of the club who had lived here his whole life. I shook my head. “At least, I’ll have a clean bike tomorrow, I guess.”

I walked down the hall and into the main room where a lot of my brothers were now mixing and drinking. Chelsea spotted me and broke off from Optimus. “I’ll start the timer for ten minutes from now.” She pulled out her phone with a sly smile.

“She stopped and told you?” I laughed.

“Yep. Didn’t want to risk you cheating.”

I held my hand to my chest like she had wounded me deeply. “Me… cheat?”

She laughed softly, turning to head back to her man. “Time’s ticking!” she called, waving her phone in the air.

I headed out to the porch first, Camo and Slider stood next to the grill, flipping burgers. Leo stood off to the side, it was the shit eating grin that gave him away before I noticed the small hands that clung to his broad shoulders.

“Harlyn, I can see you.” I laughed.

Leo chuckled, bending his knees as Harlyn dropped from his back. “Aw man, that sucks,” she sulked.

I just smiled as I scanned the backyard of the compound. I walked over to the playground, checking inside the slide and behind the climbing wall before heading back inside. I checked the men’s and woman’s bathrooms and the hall upstairs to the brothers’ rooms. Knowing that there was no way she would have gone inside.

Scratching my chin, I headed back downstairs to the main room, slipping through the crowd and ducking my head under tables.

I knew time must be running out by now and I was beginning to think that maybe she was better than I thought. As I stepped into the hall that led to Op’s office, I caught sight of the meeting room door where we held church. It was open slightly.

I smirked, heading toward it.

While no one was allowed inside while we had church, it wasn’t off limits altogether. Brothers often used it to make private calls or for meetings with lawyers when the need arised.

I pushed it open slowly, noting quickly that Op’s president’s chair was turned to face the opposite wall. I pushed the door completely open and took a step forward, but when I didn’t hear the bang of the door hitting the wall like it should have, I couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up.

I turned and pulled the door back.

Rose grinned at me shyly.

“You own a bikini?” She shook her head. “I’ll get Chelsea to lend you one.”

My eyes drifted down her body. I could already imagine her in it, long tanned legs, flat toned stomach, her handful of breasts with her nipples barely covered by the material.

I licked my lips.

“Time’s up!” I heard Chelsea shout down the hallway.

Placing my hands on the wall on either side of her, I leaned in. “I won.”

I was expecting her to squirm or protest, but instead, I saw something that I hadn’t seen for a long time.

That incredible, beautiful bright smile.

The one I vowed I’d do everything within my power to see on her face at every chance.

I tilted my head to the side. Confused, but not at all disappointed by her reaction.

“Jayla,” she said, raising her hand to point behind me.

I followed, peering over my shoulder. And damn it, she was right. Jayla sat in Op’s chair which was now turned toward us. Her bright smile showed all her teeth as her eyes flicked between us.

I turned and hung my head, my hands still pressed against the wall on either side of her. She ducked under my arm and skipped over to the little girl. “You won, Jayla!”

I couldn’t help but smile as I turned around and watched her pick up the little girl and twirl her around. Jayla giggled and Rose smiled up at her. They lit up the room.

When Rose finally placed her on her feet, she ran toward me, holding her arms up. “I won.”

I laughed, lifting her up and throwing her onto my shoulders. “Yeah, yeah, don’t rub it in now.”

“Food’s ready!” someone yelled. Jayla had already eaten. Technically she should be going to bed, but as she kicked her little legs and bounced on my shoulders, I didn’t have the heart to make her go now when she was so excited.

I turned to the door but Rose’s voice stopped me from going any further.

“I won’t hold you to it,” she said softly and instantly my heart sank, knowing that the return of the Rose, who I’d fallen for those months ago was gone, and she was back to the unsure confident shell that she had been beaten to believe she was.

“A bet is a bet,” I told her, crouching slightly so I wouldn’t hit Jayla’s head on the doorframe.

Doing something nice for Rose wouldn’t be hard.

The hard part would be remembering that it was exactly that, a bet. And making sure she knew that too.

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