Bonds of Desire (15 page)

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Authors: Lynda Aicher

As soon as Allie was freed, both of them turned to Seth expectantly.
Fucking perfect

He held out a condom. “Suck me, Tyler.”

“Yes,” Tyler groaned, grabbing the condom and ripping it open. “Finally, fucking yes.” He had the protection rolled on in record speed before he dipped his head to suck Seth down.

The sound that came from Seth was filled with the pleasure and barely contained hunger he’d been withholding. Tyler didn’t play around with teasing licks or buildup, as if he knew that Seth was past that. The long, hard, sucking pulls were exactly what he wanted.

He looked to Allie. “Come here.”

Her gaze jerked from Tyler’s actions to meet Seth’s eyes. He was relieved to see only desire in them. She moved quickly then, rolling to her side to kneel beside Tyler, her eyes never leaving Seth’s. “Yes, Seth?”

He cupped the back of her neck and hauled her up until he could plunder her mouth. She opened to him with a low moan that vibrated through her chest and into his. He held her, taking everything she freely offered. He cupped Tyler’s nape with his other hand, and the man’s approval rang down his shaft in a rumble of sensation.

His orgasm hit hard, fast and shockingly fierce. He ripped away from Allie’s mouth to sink his teeth into the tender spot on her shoulder. It wasn’t hard, but he needed to hold on to something. His legs shook as he thrust into Tyler’s hot mouth. The man took every jab without choking or complaint.

The cliff-dive of intensity passed into a gentle free fall of aftershocks and shudders. His hold on the two eased and he let himself be pulled onto the bed before his legs gave out completely.

He was still drifting in the hazy cloud of completion as Tyler took care of the condom. Seth lifted his arm, and Tyler settled his head on Seth’s chest and, without any other encouragement, curled his hard form in his now customary spot, hugging Seth’s side.

“You too, Allie,” Tyler said, his breath cooling the sweat that had collected on Seth’s skin. The covers were drawn over them as Allie nestled into the crook under Seth’s other arm. When her softer form curled in, matching Tyler’s, Seth knew he’d never want this to end.

He hugged them both tight, their soft hair tickling his neck, but he didn’t care. “You were both incredible,” he told them, his voice rough with fatigue and emotion.

Tyler hummed in agreement, and Allie placed a soft kiss to his chest. Their fingers linked across Seth’s abdomen and he sighed in complete contentment. This was something he wasn’t letting go of without a fight.

He’d finally found peace, and no one was taking it from him.

Chapter Seventeen

Allie lay back and relaxed into the soft leather the couch with a sigh. She scrolled through her email on her smartphone and started deleting spam before she opened one from Cali. She’d already gone through her work email, tagging and filing them to handle when she returned. It was incredibly tempting to respond to a few, but she resisted.

Tyler was taking a nap, and Seth had gone down to the club to do a few hours of work. In truth, she was grateful for the alone time and wondered if the men had consciously given it to her. To say she was a little off balance after last night was an understatement. Her stomach flipped and she flushed hot every time she thought about the three of them in bed.

But she didn’t regret it.

Her lips curled up in a secret little smile. No, she was still here because she really wanted to do it again. This was her one week to be wild and free, and she wasn’t leaving until she’d experienced everything they had to offer. If that meant pushing past her personal fears and boundaries, then all the better.

She typed back a quick reply to Cali about Tyler and copied Kendra too. They’d both been concerned, and she’d been too caught up in her own internal mess to get back to them like she should have. She kept it brief, just a few notes about his health and that he refused legal help.

In the last line, she added that she’d be missing coffee on Saturday, again. The three of them had been meeting weekly for the last year. What had started out as another mission to find a life outside of work had bloomed into the two best friends she’d ever had. Part of her wanted to share this adventure with them, but there was so much she needed to process before she could open up to them.

Was she really sleeping with two men? Her toes curled and she crossed her legs tight against the flash of arousal and instant clench of her pussy. Yes, she was having hot, dominating sex with two men. Her mother would faint dead away then spend a week on her knees in church praying for Allie’s salvation if she knew.

This was one thing Allie’s family would never know about. Ever.

She jumped when her phone pinged, announcing a text message. Laughing at herself, she checked the screen and winced. Of course Cali would ask if she was okay.

Allie typed back a quick response:
I’m fine.
Busy at work.
Sorry to miss coffee again.
She tucked the guilt away at the little lie.

Dinner tonight then?

Maybe next week.

work 2 much.

I’ll be there next Saturday.


Allie closed the screen then turned her phone completely off. She never did that. But right now, she didn’t want the outside world intruding.

She was reaching around to set her phone on the end table when Seth returned. He strode through the door, pausing to look her over before closing it behind him. Her whole body went hot from his scorching survey alone.

He set his bag and laptop on the kitchen counter before coming over to her. He lifted her legs up then sat on the couch with a heavy sigh as he lowered her legs back to his lap.

“Everything okay?” she asked. There was tired sag to his shoulders and face that she understood too well.

He rubbed his eyes before he lifted his head from the back of the couch to smile at her. “Yeah. Tyler still sleeping?”

She glanced toward the bedroom. “I think so.”

“Good. He needs it.” He rubbed a hand up her bare leg. Seth had given her one of his T-shirts to wear after her shower. His appreciative grin was reward enough for going along with his not-so-subtle suggestion. “How about you? Doing okay?”

Her heart did a flip when his fingers teased under the hem of the shirt to caress her upper thigh. He really was too damn sexy. “I’m good,” she managed to answer then plowed on, giving him the full truth. “I’m a little shaken, but it’s not bad.”

He shifted to face her more. “Regrets?” He lifted a brow.

“None.” Not even a little.

“I wasn’t sure you’d still be here.” His fingers were tracing small designs on her thigh as they edged upward.

She tried to suppress a giggle when he found a ticklish spot. It didn’t work. She grabbed his hand. “That tickles.”

His smile erased the lingering fatigue on his face and replaced it with the commanding Dom who still intimidated her just a touch. She’d finally admitted that to herself. His touch changed, becoming firmer as he spread his palm over her abdomen, her hand remaining on his over the shirt.

“Why’d you come back?” The heat from his touch seemed to go straight through her skin to reach her core.

She wet her lips, his steady gaze compelling her to be honest. “I couldn’t stay away.” Her words were soft and exposing. She flashed him a wide grin and lowered her lashes. “I’d be stupid to turn down a chance with two sexy men.”

The pause that followed succeeded in unnerving her. She looked away.

“Do you trust me yet?” The sharp edge of authority was tempered by the gentleness of his voice.

How did she respond? There were so many layers to trust. She studied her toes, the burgundy polish gleaming back at her. “I believe that you’re not out to harm or take advantage of Tyler.”

His hand inched down, his fingers teasing her pubic hair. “I don’t think you ever truly believed that, did you?”

Her toes wiggled. “Maybe some. At first. But not really, no.” The admission burned and blended deep in her stomach with the heat from his hand.

“What are you afraid of, Allie?”

The bark of laughter that burst out of her chest was pure reflex. “You.” The word hung between them. She closed her eyes as she absorbed what she’d given him. Power.

“Me or what I am?”

“Both.” It was the Dom who threw her at first. But now, she equally feared the tender, caring man who proved to be even more dangerous. To her heart.

“What scares you?” His voice held no anger, only curiosity tinged with concern.

She met his gaze. The only way to conquer any fear was to meet it head on. “You’re everything I shouldn’t want. My upbringing—my life—didn’t prepare me for you.”

“So you want me?” He wiggled his brows.

Laughing, she thumped him in the chest with her knee. “Jerk.”

His chuckle was deep, full and reached in to calm her rising nerves. He removed his hand to grab her leg and the air swooped in to cool her stomach. “Seriously though, what about me is so terrifying?”

“Well, that’s a bit strong.” She nudged him with the knee he still held captive. “The Dungeon stuff freaked me out some.”

“But only some?” He searched her eyes and there was no need for her to answer. “What else?”

She blew out a breath, going for broke. “You were obviously attracted to Tyler. Possessive of him from the second I arrived.” She shrugged. “I didn’t think you’d be interested in me if you were into him.”


He was way too perceptive. “Envious, maybe?” The half grin she gave him was met with one of his own.

“Are you past that now?”

She rolled her eyes. “Well, obviously or I wouldn’t be here.”

“Good. And what about this?” He slid his hand down to run a finger through her wet pussy. She gasped and her legs jerked at the intimate touch. “Why’d you leave your panties off?”

He circled his finger around her opening before rubbing over her clit. He had her. She bit her lip until he lifted the pressure and she could think to answer. “Because you told me to.” It’d been decadent and something she’d never done before.

“And you listened.” He tilted her chin around with his free hand until she looked at him. “Why?”

“You’re the Dom,” she tossed back. “You tell me.”

He slipped his fingers into her channel, his thumb on her clit matching the slow stroking motion. She squirmed, the leather flexing under her foot. It was almost impossible to focus on the conversation when he was doing that to her. “You want to be dominated. Sexually. You long for the freedom but fear it too.”

She jerked her chin away from his grip, her lips thinning. “I won’t be weak.”

In the next instant, she was lifted up and straddling his lap. He cupped her face and took advantage of her open mouth to kiss her with that controlling command that turned her to jelly. His tongue took over, circling around hers before thrusting deep to pull her in. He nipped, sucked then nipped again until her nipples tingled and her pussy clenched with the urge to be filled.

He eased back, and she would have followed if his hold hadn’t held her back. She opened her eyes, her breath panting to find him staring at her. His eyes were that rich golden-brown that she recognized from last night.

“Giving yourself to us, submitting to me or Tyler does not make you weak.” There was an intensity to his voice that made her shiver.

Did she dare to believe him? “If I give you all of the control and power, then by definition, I am defenseless and weak.”

He shook his head. “Not with us. Not with this. Submitting to another takes huge amounts of control and strength, which you have.” He kissed her lightly, his lips grazing hers in a tender touch. “But most importantly, it requires complete trust. BDSM is about more than pain, whips and chains.”

“I know that,” she whispered. “But I still don’t understand it.”

“It takes more courage to willing give yourself to a Dom than it does for the Dom to tie you down.” He searched her face, his eyes going distant before they focused on hers. “But as a Dom, I’ll cherish everything you give me. Your trust is precious and I would never hurt you with it. I can only have what you give me. In that way, you control me.”

Her breath caught at the depth of emotion displayed in Seth’s eyes. She might be able to brush off his words, but she couldn’t deny what she saw. He meant what he said. Completely. She had no idea how to respond.

He smiled. “You enjoyed last night, right?”

“Yes.” He grinned at her emphatic response. The heat rose over her face, but she held his gaze. “A lot.”

He slid his hands under the hem of her shirt then pushed it up, his palms smoothing up her sides. “Lift.”

She swallowed then complied. A second later she was naked. His jeans were coarse against her bare bottom, his shirt soft under her hands. Her nipples puckered, waiting for his touch. She leaned in to kiss him, but he shook his head and she stilled.

“You’re beautiful.” His voice was pitched low and sultry, which matched the growing heat of the room. Yet he only touched her with his gaze that raked down and back up. “I’ve been enthralled by you since I saw you enter The Den in that sexy red Mardi Gras dress. Your face might have been hidden, but your desires and fears were on display even then.” He ran a finger down the line of her jaw. “You don’t know how many Doms Jake and I chased off that night. There was no way anyone was going to have you but me.”

Her throat was dry and she hunted for a witty comeback but came up blank. He’d wanted her then, had known just from seeing her that she longed to submit. To him. “But you didn’t do or say anything.”

“You weren’t ready. Not then.” The need that smoldered in his eyes had her pulse thumping a rapid beat. “Will you trust me here? Now?”

... She glanced toward the bedroom. “What about Tyler?”

“This is between us. We’ll talk to him. He’ll understand.”

“How do you know?” How did three people interact with each other? Would Tyler be jealous or feel left out?

“Have faith in the three of us. No one is here to hurt the other.”

He was right. She was still uneasy about it, but it didn’t feel wrong either. “Okay,” she breathed. “I trust you.”

The flash of approval that lit up his eyes reached out to wrap around her chest. A shiver of apprehension and thrill shuddered down her spine.

“Grasp your hands behind your head and hook your feet around my calves.” The firm command was given in a tone just a few octaves deeper and richer than his normal voice. And like last night, it reached into her and flipped that unknown switch that had her obeying.

The new position forced her breasts out and spread her knees wide. She was completely exposed on his lap. Her gaze shot behind him to scan the empty roof of the next building outside his windows. It was the middle of a weekday afternoon and she didn’t want any witnesses besides Seth.

“Good.” He kissed a trail down her neck before lifting her hair so it lay down her back. “Hold that pose. Keep her elbows back and open to me. Don’t move unless I tell you to.”

She blew out a long breath of desire. “Yes, Seth.”

He leaned over and fished an ice cube out of her forgotten glass of water. A gleam of mischief lightened his eyes. “Remember, don’t move.”

Even though she anticipated what he was going to do, it was impossible not to arch away when he ran the ice cube between the valley of her breasts. It was freezing against her heated skin.

Instantly, his other hand was at her back, forcing her spine straight. “Hold the pose, Allie. This is where your control comes in. Use your strength to give me what I want.”

A cold river of melted ice rolled down her stomach and around her belly button before it was trapped by her pubic hair. It would be nearly impossible not to move, but that was the point. The challenge. She smiled. “Yes, Seth.”

Seth grabbed the glass off the end table and proceeded to trace icy patterns across her chest, over her abdomen and down her arms. The strain of holding still against the biting cold slowly faded into a hazy fog as her focus shifted. Seth took his time covering every inch of her front from her neck to her knees. Everything except her nipples. The omission stood out until she could think of nothing but having the ice there.

“Please,” she whimpered. Her arms and thighs ached and her shoulder blades protested the unaccustomed position. But she wasn’t begging to be released.

“Tell me. What do you want?” He blew a steamy trail of air directly on one of her neglected nipples. The contrast of blazing heat surrounded by the lingering chill made her whimper.

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