Born of Magic: Gargoyle Masters, Book 2 (9 page)

Read Born of Magic: Gargoyle Masters, Book 2 Online

Authors: Missy Jane

Tags: #gargoyles;paranormal romance;fantasy romance;Missy Jane;shape shifter

Wynn pulled her into his arms the moment their door was closed. Despite the urgings of her body after being away from him for so long, she halted his hands when he tried to peel off her clothes.

“Wait, my love,” she said. “I must ask you about Steinn.”

He sighed as he released her. Then he sat on the edge of the bed and waited. She wanted to sit beside him but knew the proximity would be a distraction. So she chose a chair nearby instead.

“Tell me the truth. Do you think he will ever accept my brother as a mate? Even if only for a time?”

He ran a hand through his hair, a nervous gesture she secretly loved. Then he slowly shook his head. “I’m not certain. As I said, this is a foreign concept to us. As far as I know, none of my brothers have ever attempted to bed a man. But of course, I could be wrong and they’ve simply hidden it from the rest of us, much as those Zephyr noticed in the castle. Steinn admitted he’d never even considered a man as a bed partner before, but also that he’s attracted to Zeph just as he would be to any beautiful woman. Your brother certainly didn’t force him.”

That made her feel better. She knew Zeph would never force himself on anyone, but he could be stubborn when he wanted something bad enough. The way he’d been calling out for Steinn when in the throes of his worst pain broke her heart. She wanted to drag the idiot gargoyle back to her brother’s bedside herself. But of course, she couldn’t do that.

“Do you think he’d be willing to visit Zeph, if only for a moment? He’s still in so much pain.”

Wynn’s frown deepened. “I tried to talk him into coming with me, Zee. He refused. I’m sorry, but I don’t think he’s ready to face your brother yet.”

She huffed out a breath and crossed her arms, agitated at his easy denial. “Such foolishness. Perhaps I can talk to him.”

He grimaced. “Perhaps. But I don’t want you to get your hopes up. I’m not sure he’s willing to talk about what happened to anyone else.”

She stood and paced around the room. Her brother was one of the most important people in her life. They’d been side-by-side their entire lives. They shared nearly every important moment and he had been nothing but supportive of her decision to join the wizards. He had also been encouraging when she’d confessed her eternal-mate was a Gargoyle Master. He’d talked her out of her fears and convinced her to travel with him to Halstrid.

“We must do something. He’s in so much pain and I know Steinn’s absence only adds to it.”

She finally faced Wynn again and closed the distance. The relief on his face mirrored her own feelings once she set her hands on his shoulders. Touching him eased the low pain in her chest that had bloomed in his absence.

“I will help you in any way I can, love,” he said. “But please don’t put too much faith in Steinn right now. I truly think he needs time to think things through. Then perhaps he will come back to Zeph on his own.”

She sighed again and leaned into his strength. Knowing he was right didn’t make his words any easier to hear. She hated waiting for someone else to make things right, especially where her brother was concerned.

“All right,” she finally conceded. “But we must discover who or what attacked them. Zeph felt magic within the beings, unlike anything he’d ever encountered before. They weren’t a species we’re familiar with, and our knowledge is vast.”

Wynn nodded his agreement before tightening his arms around her. “We will do all we can to find them…after.”

Then he started kissing her and thoughts of anything outside their bedroom flew away.

Chapter Nine

Theda had never been more embarrassed in her life, but the gargoyle either didn’t notice or didn’t care. He sat on the bed facing away from her, his broad back stiff as stone. She washed quickly in the small tub the innkeeper had delivered. Kephas had insisted it be set before the fire so she wouldn’t grow cold. She silently thanked his thoughtfulness even as she cursed his stubbornness about refusing to leave her alone. She knotted her wet hair at the top of her head to finish washing her body.

She stood and grabbed the drying cloth she’d set on a nearby chair, wrapping it around her before stepping out of the water. She knotted it between her breasts and cleared her throat.

“I’m done, but I need to dry for a bit. Plus I have nothing to wear now that you sent my clothes off to be washed.”

Kephas stood slowly and turned. His gaze roamed over her with an almost physical caress that left her heart hammering. How could a simple look from this man affect her so?

“Sit by the fire and you should dry quickly,” he said.

“And you?”


“Are you going to bathe?”

He looked at the ridiculously small tub and grinned. Her face burned as another blush filled her cheeks. Sitting in the tub with her knees drawn up had been almost painful in the cramped space. Of course he wouldn’t fit.

“Yes, but I’ll kneel beside the tub to wash.”


Her breath quickened at the thought of him naked, kneeling before the roaring fire. She turned her head away in the hopes he wouldn’t guess her thoughts. Then she plopped down in the nearest chair and stared into the fire as if it was the most fascinating thing she’d ever seen.

His low chuckle preceded his footsteps as he crossed to the tub. The rustle of cloth made her close her eyes, but the urge to watch him wouldn’t go away.

“I’ll be quick,” he said. “No peeking.”

She nearly turned to glare at him, but caught herself at the last second. “Of course not. Did you?”

“Much as I wanted to, no. I gave you my word, and I
keep my word.”

Was that a threat or a promise? Perhaps both. She concentrated on the dancing flame as the sound of him using the water filled the room. What would it be like to watch this strong, virile man wash his tanned skin? She’d seen a naked man before but had never lain with one. Most of the men in the village had stayed away from her and her mother unless something ailed them. Only then was their magic considered anything but suspect.

She hadn’t missed the attention or the act of being with a man. Curiosity had hit her on occasion, but she hadn’t actually
it. Especially since she knew how to satisfy her own needs. But now, with this man so close and so strong while she felt weak and utterly alone, the temptation proved to be too much. She opened her eyes and turned her head, just enough to see his skin gleaming in the firelight.

He felt her stare and hid his grin. Embarrassing her wasn’t an option. Her innocence lured him as much as her beauty as some unnamed need burned within him to make her his. A new compulsion but not an unwelcomed one.

He vaguely thought of his brothers’ descriptions of their wives and suspected he was falling under the same charm. Though surprised by this turn of events, he wasn’t concerned. If anything, he was relieved to be able to name the sudden need to keep this woman at all costs.

He had removed his shirt and washed his arms and torso. He dunked his head into the cooling water then pulled it out, pushing his wet hair away from his face. He kept his eyes closed, fearing if he saw desire on her face he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from going to her. Unfortunately, he suspected she needed to come to him or he might lose his chance to be with her.

Water cascaded down his body as he stood. He wiped his eyes but kept his head down and unfastened his trousers. A slight gasp echoed across the room and he ignored it as he revealed the rest of his body to her, ignoring the erection that strained from his body. Had she ever seen such before? An unexpected growl loosed from his chest at the thought of her even viewing another man. He took a deep breath and cupped water in his hands before pouring it over the hardest part of him. It did little to cool his ardor.

He kept his head bowed as he rubbed a cleaning cloth over his thighs. Then he pushed it between his legs and cupped his sack, both cleaning and teasing himself. Panting breaths sounded from near the fireplace and his cock hardened more. Unable to stand another minute of avoiding her gaze, he dropped the cloth and fisted his length in one hand before raising his head.

Theda’s heartbeat sounded loudly in her ears. It was a wonder Kephas couldn’t also hear it, but his full attention seemed to be on her now. She couldn’t tear her attention away, despite the flush of embarrassment at being caught looking. At first the bright stone around his neck caught her attention, but the male perfection of his body soon overrode that wonder. He didn’t appear to be angry, though his intense gaze never wavered. His large hand stroked the even larger flesh of him in a sure grip.

“You’re peeking,” he whispered.

She found herself short of breath. “Yes… Should I look away?”

“Not unless you want to.”

She licked her dry lips and he groaned. His hand continued to move smoothly up and down.

“Should I…do anything else?”

His eyes flew open and he didn’t try to hide his surprise. “You want to?”

She did, despite how foolish it probably was to give this man any power over her. She wanted to touch him so badly her palms itched. Never before had she been so tempted by a man, and this one was more than any she’d ever met. Would being with him just once be such a bad thing? Possibly, but she wouldn’t regret it. This might be her only chance to be with such a man, and she was going to take it.

She gave him a tentative nod, but didn’t move any closer.

“Remove the cloth.”

At first she didn’t react, just continued to watch the slow movement of his strong hand. Then she took a deep breath and loosened the knot between her breasts. The towel slid against her heated skin as it fell to the floor. Kephas’s low growl sent a shiver down her spine. The desire on his face egged her on and made her braver than she remembered ever being before. She stepped over the fallen cloth and crossed the few paces still separating them.

He watched her come toward him, shoulders back, chin up, strength in every line of her perfect body. Though he’d seen countless naked women in his life, he couldn’t remember one so flawless. Her light skin held a few small scars. Her strong belly held the slightest curve. And still he found her exquisite. When she stood a whisper away he finally released his erection and took her by the shoulders. She flinched then caught herself. He froze with his palms resting lightly on her skin.

“Have you changed your mind?” he asked.

She swallowed uneasily. “No. I just…I don’t know what to do.”

He nodded as his suspicion was confirmed. “I’ll show you.”

He ran his hands down her arms and she shivered. Small bumps pebbled on her skin.

“You’re cold,” he said. “Come.”

Without waiting for a response, he moved her closer to the fire. She remained pliant and allowed him full control of her movements. It satisfied something deep inside to have such easy acquiescence.

“I don’t expect to be cold for long,” she said.

He grinned at her cheek and brushed her hair behind one ear. “You won’t be. But if things grow too hot, let me know and I’ll stop.”

She shivered again and lifted her chin once more. “I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.”

He stepped into the miniscule space that separated them so his skin touched hers. She gasped but didn’t move away.

“Nevertheless. If I do
you don’t like, you have but to tell me and I’ll stop.”


That was all he needed to hear. As if of their own accord, his hands began to roam the softness of her body before he wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly to him.

His erection rubbed against her belly and he fought the urge to thrust too soon. The knowledge that he would be her first lesson in lovemaking weighed heavily on his mind as he lowered his head to take the first taste of her plump lips.

Her taste was unexpectedly sweet. Her innocence obvious in the inexperienced movements of her lips and tongue. She tried to mimic him, so he slowed his actions to teach her.

She proved to be a quick study and his patience began to wane. Soon he was no longer satisfied with just her mouth. He moved his lips over her chin and suckled on her jaw. She dropped her head back to allow him freedom of movement and he took full advantage, nibbling his way down her neck to her collarbone. She moaned and clutched at his shoulders, all the encouragement he needed to make his way farther south.

He cupped her breasts in his palms, rubbing his thumbs over her nipples. Her breath hitched, but when he then licked each nipple she cried out. He suckled first one then the other perfect breast and she moved her clutching fingers from his shoulders to his hair. The slight sting from her tugging only incited him further. He nipped at her lightly and she squealed, making him chuckle against her skin.

“I’m loving the sounds you make, darling. Don’t hold anything back.”

He slid his hands and mouth down the front of her body until he knelt before her. A glance up showed her eyes glazed in passion. Her fingers remained loosely in his hair. He kissed a path from her navel to the fine hair over her sweetest spot. Then he lifted one leg and placed it on his shoulder. She gasped as she gripped him for balance. He nuzzled her mons before placing an intimate kiss between her legs.

“Oh! Kephas!”

Those were the last coherent words from her mouth for many long moments. He set to pleasuring her with skill learned over many years in the company of the Kevan. He’d also bedded his share of human women, but none could compare to Theda. Her passionate cries spurred him on, making his loins ache in anticipation of being inside her tight body. For the moment he concentrated solely on her pleasure, and was not disappointed by her reaction to his ministrations.

Even more fulfilling was the confirmation of his suspicions. As he held her leg on his shoulder, he had a perfect view of her inner thigh and the blood-red birthmark hidden there. It was a crescent-shaped mark with a star at one point. He had certainly found the Princess after all.

Theda soared through the heavens. Never before had she imagined a pleasure so intense, so all-consuming she could barely breathe. It took a conscious effort to pull air into her lungs as she clung to Kephas with what strength she still held. All of her concentration centered on a point low in her body that was quickly heating up. The warmth spread out and she gasped as her muscles clenched in anticipation of a mind-numbing climax. She knew what was coming, but had never before experienced one so…huge.

“Oh, by the gods!”

That was all she got out before it hit her like the strongest wind, and nearly blew her over. She cried out and shuddered from head to toe as he continued to lap at her like a child’s treat. Finally she had to push at his head to stop the intense sensation, or she feared she’d collapse.

“Please…please,” she panted.

He pulled back and let her leg slide from his shoulder. Then he caught her when she did indeed collapse.

Her eyes were closed and she fought to catch her breath. “My…god.”

She opened her eyes to find a very satisfied face grinning down at her. “You look…awfully proud of yourself.”

Kephas chuckled. “Why wouldn’t I be, with a beautiful woman in my arms? I take it you enjoyed that?”

“Need you ask?”

He chuckled again and shook his head. “Not really.” He stood with her in his arms and walked to the bed. He set her atop the covers and looked down with his hands on his hips. His very prominent erection proved he wasn’t finished with her, but before he could do anything else there was a knock on the door.

“That’ll be our dinner,” he said. “Cover yourself.”

She did so as he yanked on his trousers. He opened the door at the second knock and found the innkeeper holding a large tray of food. Kephas glanced to make certain Theda was covered before allowing the man to enter and place the tray on a small table.

“Anything else for you?”

“No, thank you,” Kephas replied.

The innkeeper left without once looking toward the bed.

Kephas moved the chairs from the fireplace to the table. When he looked at the bed, Theda still had the covers pulled up to her chin as she watched him.

“Aren’t you hungry?” he asked.

“Um, yes. Will you bring me the drying cloth, please?”

He frowned as he glanced at the cloth before shaking his head. “I’ve already seen your beautiful body and I don’t want it covered up while we’re alone together.”

She gave a startled laugh. “I can’t eat naked.”

“Why not? It’s only us, and as I said, I’ve already seen all of you.” To emphasize his point he stripped off his trousers before sitting at the table. “Come. Let’s eat before the food cools.”

He made a show of rearranging the few dishes on the table to keep from looking at her again. He truly didn’t want to make her uncomfortable, but he was going to have her naked as soon as she finished eating anyway. No use covering up what he wanted to admire.

She took her time, but finally joined him. A deep flush spread from her breasts to her hair. He gave her an encouraging smile but said nothing else. He even pretended to be interested in the food until she finally began to eat. Then he ate as well, but his attention remained on her fabulous breasts. When stew dripped from his spoon onto his chest for the second time, she finally laughed. The enticing movement of her breasts made him want to drop more food on himself.

“Really, Kephas, you need to stop watching me and watch where you’re putting that spoon.”

He grinned and wiped at his chest. Her face was alight with humor, making her even more beautiful than before.

“I can’t help myself. It’s not often I’m able to dine with a beautiful woman, much less a naked one.”

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