Born of the Night (29 page)

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Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Kiara glanced at Nykyrian who was studying her intently. "I don't mind at all," she said, amazed by the honesty of the response.

Driana nodded. "If you want, you can see her now while I get the disks."

Kiara followed Nykyrian as Driana led them down the hallway to a back bedroom. As

they entered, Thia jumped up from her miniature desk with a startled gasp.

"Oh Mama," she breathed, covering her chest with a tiny hand.

Kiara saw Nykyrian tense at the gesture.

"Thia, these are some friends of mine. Will you keep them company while I do


"Okay," she said, returning to her chair.

Driana smiled at them, then made her way out of the room. Kiara stayed in the doorway,

not wanting to impose on Nykyrian's precious time with his daughter.

She bit her lip, knowing this would enable her to tell how receptive he would be to her

own condition. Reflexively, she rubbed her hand across her stomach.

Thia scratched her head, studying Nykyrian's tall stature. "Are you a friend of Aksel's?"

"No," he answered, sitting down on the floor.


Nykyrian rubbed his right biceps and by that gesture, Kiara knew he was uncomfortable.

"Don't you like Aksel?"

She shook her head, her blond hair tumbling while she continued to write on a tablet.

"He's mean to Mama."

Nykyrian glanced around to Kiara. She offered him a smile of encouragement. He gave

her a strange look she didn't understand and turned back to face Thia.

He brushed his hand over a stack of books piled next to her desk. Picking one up, he

thumbed through it. "Do you read these?" he asked, replacing it on the stack.

Thia shifted indignantly in her chair as if his question insulted her. "Yes," she said, making a note on the ledger. "I study languages in school, but no one other than my

instructors can talk to me in them."

Nykyrian said something Kiara couldn't understand.

Thia's eyes widened as she responded in the same language. Warmth rushed through

Kiara when Thia smiled and displayed a set of dimples identical to Nykyrian's.

"How many languages do you know?" Thia breathed, using her native language in her sudden excitement.

"I've never really counted." He smiled and Kiara's anger for what he had done to her melted. "But if you wish, I could help you with them. I've lived on a lot of the planets

where these languages are spoken."

"Were they beautiful?" Thia breathed, her eyes dreamy. "Aksel won't let me leave here."

A frown flitted across her face, then disappeared behind another smile. "I've only seen

holograms and stills of those places. At night, I like to dream about visiting them when

I'm big."

Nykyrian touched her tiny hand and Kiara thought she might burst into tears. This was

the Nykyrian she had fallen in love with. The gentle, kind man who would do anything

for the ones he cared about.

"I'll tell you a secret," he said, leaning closer to Thia. "Those places aren't half as beautiful as you!"

Laughing, Thia pulled her chair closer to him. "You're nicer than most of the people who

visit Mama."

"Aksel's coming!" Driana's shout broke through their conversation.

Kiara looked at Nykyrian, her heart pounding in fear. When he glanced up from Thia, she

saw he was torn between leaving and staying. He met her gaze, then stood.

"Is there a back way out?" he asked.

"The balcony behind you."

Nykyrian opened the door and helped Kiara through. Driana handed him the disks. He

paused for a moment, staring at Thia. "I'll be back for her."

Driana nodded. "I'm counting on it."

They made it safely down the trellis and to the street below. Kiara breathed a sigh of

relief. She looked at Nykyrian, but as usual, he gave her no clue about what he was

feeling. He took her arm and led her back toward their ship. At least this time, his grip

was gentle.

"So you're a papa," Kiara said with a warm smile. "How does that make you feel?"

After the tender way he had spoken with Thia, Kiara expected him to beam with

satisfaction, to smile, to be happy, but what she got was a deep growl.

His hand tightened on her arm. "I feel like hell," he ground out in a maddened voice.

A chill went down Kiara's spine. She rubbed her hand across her stomach. "Why do you

say that?"

He stopped in the alley and glared at her. "A child is the last thing I need in my life. One more helpless person depending on me to protect them. I can't even protect myself,

Rachol ..." His voice trailed off.

Kiara shifted nervously, wishing for something she could say to soothe the pain in his


"I'm not fit to be a parent. What's she supposed to do, introduce me to her friends, 'Hi, this is my dad. He's wanted dead by more governments than I can count!' "

Kiara stiffened in reaction to his words. "You don't have to be so sarcastic."

He shook his head. "Come on Kiara, even you aren't that naive. Aksel's after you to get to me. What do you think my enemies will do if they ever learn I have a young daughter?

Her life won't be worth a

Kiara let his words fall over her and with each one she cringed a little more. What if Thia

were her child? What if Nykyrian were right, and someone did take her baby from her to

use against him, how could she stand it? She couldn't. She would rather they tear out her

heart than touch her baby.

Her heart pounding in agonized beats, she realized she had to make a decision. Her

husband or her baby. She couldn't have both, Nykyrian's world was too harsh for that.

Swallowing the lump of remorse in her throat, she knew what her answer must be. She'd

have to shelter her child from the truth just as Driana had done with Thia.

Nykyrian could never know about their baby, and she could never live with him as his



Kiara's head ached. They had just left Rachol's flat and the destruction of his home

burned raw in her mind. Everything had been torn apart, not even the mattress had been

left intact. Her throat tightened with fear and apprehension, reminding her just why she

would have to give up her husband.

What had happened to Rachol?

Nykyrian stayed two steps ahead of her and she felt like a forgotten slave as she hurried

along behind him, searching for words to make him feel better, knowing none existed.

"Why did you tell Driana we were married?" she asked. At least she could have an

answer to one of her many questions.

Nykyrian stopped and turned around to face her. He wore his glasses again. Kiara wished

she could glimpse what emotions were coursing through him. His body betrayed nothing.

"By Andarion law, you are free to marry as many husbands as you choose. I told Driana

about us in case Aksel kills me, you are now entitled to my estate."

Kiara's stomach twisted at the blasé way he spoke about his death. "Why not tell Darling

or Hauk?"

"They're outlaws,
mu Tara.
Driana is the daughter of a well-connected ambassador. All you have to do is contact her after my demise and everything I own is yours."

Tears gathered in her eyes, but she refused to cry on the street. "I don't want your

money," she said between clenched teeth, angered he would be so callous about his life

and her future.

He didn't move. "Fine. Let the banks have it then. I really couldn't care less."

Turning around, he continued down the street. Kiara cursed him, wanting to tear his heart

out, provided he had one. She was beginning to doubt he could care about much of



Kiara almost walked into Nykyrian he stopped so suddenly. His body went rigid. Kiara

frowned wondering what had him so upset. Scanning the street, she saw a beautiful

Andarion lady rushing out of a shop, toward them.

The Andarion woman stopped just before them, her face a cross between disbelief,

agony, and joy. She was almost as tall as Nykyrian. Her red and white eyes scanned

Nykyrian's body in a possessive manner Kiara didn't like. The woman's long, black hair

was partially concealed by a golden diadem that framed the fragile, pale features of her


"Kyrian?" she said again and reached a graceful hand out to Nykyrian, but she jerked it back before she touched him.

He stood ramrod stiff, not acknowledging the woman in the least.

Another Andarion lady appeared out of the shop, followed by her guards. "Cairistiona!"

she said sternly, relief underlining the severe tone. "Don't ever leave like that again!" She placed her arms around the woman's shoulders and tried to walk her away from them.

"No!" Cairistiona said, wrenching her arms from her. "It's my Kyrian, can't you see?"

The woman looked up at Kiara and Nykyrian. "I'm sorry," she said in a soft voice. "She's not been right since her son died as a child." She put her arms back on Cairistiona and

patted her gently. "Come along Carie, he's not Nykyrian, you know that."

Kiara's blood left her cheeks. She placed her hand on Nykyrian's arm and felt the degree

of tenseness in his body.

Cairistiona looked up at him, her red and white eyes pleading. "Tell her who you are!"

she said, gesturing to the woman beside her.

Nykyrian started to move away, but Kiara grabbed him. "You know her, don't you?" she asked, wishing she could see his eyes.

"Let go of me," he snapped.

Kiara glanced at the woman holding Cairistiona. "Is she your mother?"

The woman gasped.

"Nykyrian, answer me!" Kiara demanded, wishing she had the strength to shake him.

Nykyrian stared at Kiara, his stomach knotted. This couldn't be happening. He

remembered all too well his mother putting him on the shuttle that took him to the work

home. Her happy smile as she told him to be a good boy and do as he was told. He hated

her. He wanted to kill her.


He cringed at his mother's voice, the voice he had yearned to hear for so many years.

What did she want from him? Absolution? Forget it, he wasn't in a forgiving mood!

"I don 't have a mother," he sneered. "I never had one."

Oblivious to the staring passers-by, Cairistiona burst into tears.

Nykyrian tried to move past Kiara, but she held fast. At the moment, he wanted to kill

her, too. "Let go of me," he said in a low tone that never failed to intimidate people. For once, it didn't work. She just stared at him with those damned beautiful amber eyes,

demanding with them that he do something he knew would only hurt him more.

Kiara looked at Cairistiona. "Was your son named Nykyrian Caesare?"

Nykyrian's arms flexed threateningly underneath her hands, but Kiara ignored the warning.

The woman holding Cairistiona paled.

"Yes!" Cairistiona said, her eyes never leaving Nykyrian's rigid back.

"He's half human, half Andarion, with gorgeous, clear, light green eyes?"

"Kiara!" Nykyrian growled low in his throat.

Kiara ignored him.

Cairistiona's tears dripped from her chin. "Yes," she said, her voice trembling.

Nykyrian pulled away from her.

In one last move to defy him for his own good, Kiara stood on her tiptoes and pulled his

glasses off his face. The look he gave her made her take a step back.

"Oh God," the woman gasped as she saw his face. Her hands fell away from Cairistiona.

Cairistiona let out a happy laugh, covering her mouth with a shaking hand. "I knew you

were alive!" she said, as giddy as a child during a festival.

Nykyrian just continued to glare at Kiara as if he could kill her.

The other woman moved forward, staring at him with disbelief etched into her beautiful

face. "You're supposed to be dead!" She looked at Kiara with her red and white eyes. "I saw the body." Her gaze shifted back to Nykyrian. "I was there when they buried you."

Cairistiona stepped forward and touched Nykyrian's cheek, her hand trembling. "I told

you then that boy wasn't my Kyrian! But you wouldn't listen. All of you thought I was

crazy." She bit her quivering lip. "They wouldn't even allow me to search for you."

Nykyrian stood rigid still while she touched his face and Kiara knew he wanted to leave,

wanted to run away, but she couldn't let him. This was the only way she knew to silence

his nightmares. He could deny it all he liked, but she knew he still yearned for his

mother's love.

Nykyrian bared his fangs, anger darkening his eyes. "Don't lie to me! You didn't want

twins to half your empire. You kept Jullien by your side and sent

Realization struck Kiara so hard, it stole her breath. She took a step back, glancing at

Cairistiona, Nykyrian and the other woman. It couldn't be.

Her gaze drifted to the women's expensive, imperial robes, the imperial guards. Her throat dried. The woman before her was Princess Cairistiona, the lady holding her was

Princess Tylie, which made Nykyrian . . .

Nykyrian barely caught Kiara as she fainted.

"Oh my," Tylie said, glancing around the street. "Is she all right?"

Nykyrian clenched his teeth, fear pouring over him. He couldn't imagine what was wrong

with Kiara. "I don't know," he said, swinging Kiara's limp body up into his arms.

"Our shuttle's docked behind this building. Cairistiona's doctor is on board," Tylie said, glancing at his mother. "That would probably be the closest place to take her for care."

Nykyrian glared at his aunt, wanting to get as far away from them as he could. But Kiara

came first. He nodded and followed them around the building. His mother kept looking

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