Born of the Night (31 page)

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Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon

lips as she nipped the salty flesh, wanting to lose herself to him forever.

She ran her tongue over his hip bone and he shuddered under her with a fierce groan. A

smile curved her lips as she continued to suckle the skin over the sensitive bone. His

sharp intake of breath sent a thrill through her. He reached his hands down and lifted her

up to his lips where he kissed her fiercely, his tongue dancing across her lips, her throat.

Nykyrian jerked her gown off, over her head. His hands returned to play across her breasts, their touch burning her with their restrained strength. His eyes glowed warmly as

he stared at her. Kiara thought he wanted to say something, but instead, he dipped his

head down to her neck and nipped her throat, sending waves of chills over her.

Her body throbbed for him, ached for him. She ran her hand over the scars on his back,

wishing she could breach the scars of his mind until he admitted she meant something to

him, that he did love her. Her throat tightened in pain. Even if he did, they both knew he

would have to let her go.

In desperation to banish the reality of life, she pulled his lips to hers and urged him to

soothe the one ache of her body that he could. She gasped as he slid into her, holding him

close, reveling in the brief time they did have.

They made love slowly as the sun set on their isolated little planet. Kiara welcomed the

feel of his strength in her and around her.

She touched his face, trying to memorize every perfect line. She gripped him tightly as

she found her physical release. Nykyrian joined her. His arms tightened around her ribs to

the point she couldn't breathe, but at the moment, she didn't really want to.

He pulled away from her and opened his mouth to speak. Kiara waited, hoping it would

be the words she longed to hear from him.

The link's whistle rent the air. "Nykyrian!"

He frowned at her before reaching for his link on the bedside table. "Caillen? How the

hell did you get another one of our links?"

"I found this one at Shahara's along with a contract signed by her for yours and Rachol's lives. I haven't seen her, Rachol, or Kasen for weeks. I came over here to find Shahara,

and I find all this. Just what the hell's going on?"

Kiara studied Nykyrian's frown. "Do you think Rachol's alive?" she asked.

He shrugged. "Where are you?"

"Shahara's flat."

"Is there anything else of Rachol's there?"

The pause stretched out. Nykyrian's body tensed under her hands.

"Yeah. I've got his flight jacket. You don't think Shahara's hurt him, do you?"

Nykyrian clenched his teeth and looked at Kiara. "How should I know, she's your sister."

"If she'd killed him, she wouldn't have taken trophies. That's not her way. They have to

be together."

Nykyrian sighed, whether from relief or frustration, Kiara couldn't tell. "I've got

somewhere I need to be in a few hours. Why don't you meet me at Jayne's around ten and

we can try and figure out this mess."

"All right. I'll keep trying to contact Shahara and Kasen until then."

Nykyrian tossed the link aside and rubbed his hands across his face. "It just keeps getting thicker," he mumbled.

Kiara frowned. "Isn't this good news?" she asked, stroking his hair away from his face.

"Rachol's alive."

Nykyrian sighed. "Who knows what this means."

Kiara grabbed the pillow from the bed, and lobbed it upside his head. "Lighten up!"

He stared at her in startled amazement.

"You deserved it," she said defensively. "If you say one more negative thing, I'll wallop you again!"

One corner of his mouth lifted. Before she could figure out what that signified, he had her

down on the bed tickling her.

Kiara laughed, her sides aching. "Enough!" she said, trying to squirm out from under him.

He quit tickling her. His breath fell against her cheek, his naked body pressing against

hers. "I don't know how I'm going to let you go," he whispered in a ragged voice.

"Then don't," she said, toying with the blond hair cascading over his shoulders. "You don't have to."

His eyes went dead. "We both know that's impossible."

Kiara traced the line of his lips. "I bet if someone had told you six months ago that you would smile for me, you'd have said the same thing."

Nykyrian moved to pull away, but Kiara wrapped her arms and legs around him, holding

him close to her. "I'm not giving up on you. I have a feeling people have done that your

entire life. I intend to fight for you, Nykyrian. I'll die for you if I have to."

"That's what I fear," he said quietly, and slipped out of her hold.

Kiara lay there, listening to him enter the bathroom. Her heart beat a painful rhythm in

her breast. She had always thought love was supposed to be easy. Why hadn't someone

warned her that love didn't answer all of life's problems, it just created more.

Turning over onto her side, she heard him enter the shower. There had to be some way

for them to be together. She vowed to herself to find that way, no matter what.


The line at Camry's was huge, as usual. Kiara's stomach rumbled hungrily. She dreaded

the long wait. Pausing at the end of the line, she was surprised when Nykyrian tugged her

elbow and led her to the front.

"What are you doing?" she whispered.

Nykyrian gave her a shuttered stare. "I can't stand on the street. Too many people would

like to shoot me."

His low, evenly toned voice cut through her. He seemed to delight in constantly

reminding her of the precariousness of his life and how many people were looking to end

it. Granted he had been a little nicer since they made love, but he was still being difficult.

With a sigh, Kiara followed after him, shocked when he led her straight inside the

restaurant. She caught the angry glare of the people who were waiting before them. Heat

crept up her cheeks.

The maitre d' looked up from his podium, his smile bright. "How nice to see you

Commander, your party is waiting."

Kiara gazed from the maitre d' back to Nykyrian. A sharp jolt of surprise from the

maitre d's words rippled through her. "Commander?" she asked.

Nykyrian shrugged. "My rank in the League."

"You were a commander?" she gasped, amazed he had attained such a high rank.

The maitre d' smiled at her. "He saved my son's life at the Battle of Wymon!"

Nykyrian shifted in discomfort. "Hardly. All I did was warn him of an incoming bomb."

The maitre d' smiled. "Had you not, he'd be dead now."

Nykyrian rolled his eyes at Kiara. She stifled her laughter. At least Nykyrian appeared to

be in a better mood now than a little while ago. She was still shocked she had actually

managed to drag him out of the house. The entire trip here, she had expected him to turn

about and return home.

"I took the liberty of having your favorite dish prepared for you and your wife. The others have already placed their orders," the maitre d' said, before leading them through the

dining room.

Kiara followed the maitre d' past the intricate rows of crowded tables. He led her to the

back of the restaurant where the private dining rooms were reserved for prominent guests.

A twinge of discomfort ran along her spine as she remembered the fact her husband was a

prince. She wasn't sure if she cared for the idea at all.

The maitre d' opened a door and ushered them in. Kiara hesitated as she recognized

Emperor Aros seated at the table with Nykyrian's mother and aunt.

She barely heard the faint curse Nykyrian muttered under his breath. Looking over her

shoulder in concern, Kiara saw the anger burning in his eyes. Obviously, Nykyrian wasn't

quite ready to meet his father.

Cairistiona smiled and came to her feet. "There you are," she breathed happily. "We had begun to worry you had changed your mind."

Nykyrian couldn't have betrayed any fewer emotions if he were a statue. Kiara was

tempted to kick him. The maitre d' excused himself and left them to a modicum of


Aros rose more slowly. He clutched his hands in a way that told Kiara he wasn't used to

being uncertain about himself. "I hope you don't mind my presence. When Carie told me

she had found you, I insisted that I attend as well."

Kiara took Nykyrian's hand and gave an encouraging squeeze. His fingers were icy cold.

She could almost swear they trembled. For several awkward seconds, no one spoke.

Nykyrian finally broke the tense silence. "This is my wife, Kiara." Aros smiled. "We've already met, but it is a pleasure to see you again."

Kiara returned his smile as she curtsied. "It's an honor to see you again, Your Majesty."

Aros blustered gruffly. "None of that, my dear. You're family now. I hate all that

posturing and bowing anyway. It's demeaning!"

Kiara laughed at his words, feeling a little more at ease about the dinner.

Aros pulled a chair out next to him for Kiara. "Come child, have a seat. You shouldn't be standing."

Kiara glanced at Nykyrian to see how he was dealing with his newfound family. As

usual, she couldn't tell. Without a word, she moved toward his father and the chair Aros

held for her. His mother and aunt exchanged worried frowns and each kept looking at

Nykyrian nervously while he seated himself in a chair next to Kiara's.

Kiara took a deep breath, wondering what she could do to helpfully interfere, but not

enrage Nykyrian to the point where he would get up and leave.

"We will no doubt have beautiful grandchildren, wouldn't you say, Carie?" the emperor asked, pushing Kiara's seat up to the table.

Cairistiona smiled. "They will be the envy of everyone," she agreed.

Nykyrian shifted uncomfortably beside her. Kiara placed her hand over the one he held in

his lap. He looked up at her with something that appeared to be pride.

They remained quiet while their meals were brought in and placed before them.

Nykyrian held Kiara's soothing hand while berating himself for coming along on this

stupid expedition. He didn't know these people, and he wasn't really sure he even wanted

to. Worse, his temper was slipping.

He had wanted this moment for most of his life. A brief chance meeting where he could

talk to his parents, have them look at him with love, have them accept him. Now that he

had it, Nykyrian didn't know what to do with it.

"I know this must be hard for you," Aros said after the room cleared of servers. "You must know I didn't know you were alive. If I had even suspected, I would have torn the

universe apart looking for you."

Nykyrian took a sip of his drink, tempted to curl his lip and make a caustic reply. He

remembered Thia.

No one had told him about her, and to her knowledge he was just as guilty of abandoning

her. For all Nykyrian knew, Thia harbored the same feelings of rejection and isolation.

The revelation almost choked him. How could he blame his parents for the same thing he

had done to his own child?

"I don't blame you." Nykyrian caught Kiara's astonished look. "Why don't we forget the past and just start with this moment and go forward."

Aros saluted him with his glass. "I regret the lost years. I can tell they are one of my greatest losses."

Nykyrian snorted, looking straight at Kiara. "You were probably better off. I was a rotten child who spent weeks sulking."

Kiara smiled. "Some things never change."

His parents laughed.

Grateful for Nykyrian's changed mood, Kiara wondered what had caused it. He was so

handsome sitting next to her, she beamed with pride. Leaning toward him, she whispered

in his ear.

"I'll show you," Nykyrian said, scooting his chair back.

Kiara blushed at the stares she collected. She seemed to be going to the rest room every

few seconds lately. "Just tell me where it is and I can find it."

He shook his head. "It's too crowded. I don't think you should go out there alone."

Kiara's face felt so hot, she feared it would explode. "I can go alone," she said, stressing the words. "I'll be right back."

She could tell by the tense line of his jaw, he wanted to argue some more. "Don't be


Kiara smiled, relieved he had yielded. "You won't even have time to miss me."

Excusing herself from his parents, she made her way out the door. It didn't take her long

to find her way through the dining room and to the restrooms.

As Kiara left the bathroom, she smiled at the maitre d' as he passed by her, leading

another set of guests. Happy her husband was behaving and not being too sullen, she

made her way back through their dining room. "Kiara?" She stopped, wondering who had called her.

Turning around, she tried to locate the source of the familiar voice. Kiara's heart stopped

as she recognized Jullien seated at a table with another man. Why wasn't he in their room

with his parents?

She started to head back to the dining room without acknowledging him, but her

conscience wouldn't let her. As Aros had said, she was family now and she couldn't be


Jullien crossed the floor, stopping right in front of her. "I didn't expect to see you again so soon," he said warmly. He took her hand and placed a wet kiss over her knuckles. Kiara

stifled her shudder.

His smile was warm enough, but she wondered at the coldness behind his eyes. "I realize

you must be here with someone," Jullien said, looking around the room. "But could you take a moment to say hello to my friend. He's a fan of yours and he's dying for a chance

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