Authors: Diana Duncan

His face intent and shuttered, he returned with mugs half-full of dry cocoa mix. He poured boiling water from the pan simmering on the hearth, and handed her a steaming cup. "That's the one and only time we're cruising down memory lane. I hope you got what you wanted."

She accepted the mug, inhaling the dark, chocolate fragrance. The storm howled, slamming into walls, rattling windows. The fire popped and crackled, a warm counterpart to the strained silence between them.

What did she want? She mulled it over as she toasted a marshmallow to golden brown. She slid the gooey sweetness into her mouth, then took a sip of rich chocolate. She studied Gabe. Golden firelight danced off his black hair and tinted his strong, solemn profile to bronze. He was quiet, lost in his thoughts.

I love you
. Her heart ached to say the words. But she couldn't tell him. He wouldn't be able to accept it. Maybe she could comfort him instead. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I just wanted to know you better."

He blinked rapidly. As if awakening from a dream, his glazed eyes refocused. "It's okay." His soft smile didn't hide the lingering sadness. "You have melted marshmallow right…" He reached out and brushed his thumb across her lower lip. "There."

On impulse, she closed her mouth over his thumb and tasted his warm, salty skin.

He inhaled sharply. His eyes darkened to emerald. "Tessie," he groaned. "Don't." He snatched his hand free and edged away.

She followed, crawling across the rug toward him as he back-pedaled. "Running away from me, Gabe?"

"Baby, you're playing with a live grenade." He held up his hands. "And you're gonna get hurt. Bad. Don't start something I might not be able to stop."

"That's what I'm counting on." She leaned forward, pushed his hands aside and touched his lips with her own.

He froze.

She cupped his face, slipped her tongue into his mouth and stroked, mimicking the way he'd kissed her when they were lying on the kitchen floor. Slow. Sensual. Persuasive. He tasted of marshmallow, chocolate and Gabe.

He stayed completely still for too many long, shattering heartbeats. Then he groaned. He thrust his fingers into her curls and pulled her into his embrace, deepening the kiss.

More at peace, more complete than she'd ever been, she slid her arms around him and tangled her fingers in his silky hair. Pressing close, she snuggled against his chest. She ran her hands over the soft cotton shirt stretched across his shoulders, then trailed her fingers down his wide back.

He broke the kiss. His breathing ragged, he rested his forehead against hers. "It's not right. I can't do this."

Keep things light. Otherwise, he'd feel threatened. Amazed at her own boldness, she reached down and lightly brushed the front of his jeans. "Seems to me you're up for the job."

A shaky laugh escaped him. "I want you so bad my teeth ache. But I won't make promises I can't keep. I can't stay—"

She stopped his words by placing two fingers on his lips. "I know. But I refuse to live the rest of my life wondering what could have been. I want you as much as you want me."

He groaned again before hugging her close. He lowered his mouth to hers. "You could tempt a saint, and believe me, I don't qualify for sainthood," he murmured against her lips. "I've been fighting this for too long." His tongue making, then keeping exquisite sensual promises, he made love to her mouth until she was panting for air. His warm breath feathered across her cheek, and he nibbled on her earlobe. "If you're going to stop me, Tessa," he whispered in her ear. "Do it now."

She answered by unbuttoning his shirt and gliding her hands across the hard, smooth expanse of his chest. The raspy dark hair tickled her palms. "Your skin is so hot."

He laughed shakily. "I'm hot all over, honey. Inside and out."

She smiled in return, sliding his sleeves down and tossing his shirt on the rug. "In that case, maybe you'd better get rid of these clothes." She drank in the beautiful play of firelight over the bronzed, rippled muscles on his chest and abdomen. Her eyes followed the dusky trail of hair down toward the waistband of his jeans. The tight denim revealed how much he wanted her. A lot. A whole lot. Her eyes widened.

"Tessie?" At the husky question in his voice, she raised her gaze to his.

"I suspect you don't have much experience. Are you sure about this?"

Being in his arms felt so right. She needed him. And he needed her, even though he didn't realize it. She nodded. "I want to live. Really live, instead of merely exist. No regrets allowed." Her cheeks heated. "But you're right. I have minimal experience. Zero experience, in fact. You might have to, ah, instruct me. I know the mechanics, but it's quite different in practice than in theory—" She broke off with a nervous laugh. "I sound like an imbecile."

"In case you can't tell from my response—which you'd have to be blind to miss—" A playful grin danced across his mouth. "You're doing great."

Her flush deepened and spread to her entire body. "Um, thanks."

He sobered, reaching out to cup her face. "But I don't want to take something precious from you, then leave. And I will leave, sweetheart. Staying is impossible."

"I know. I've held back all my life. No man was ever right before. Until you. You won't be taking from me, you'll be giving. And I want to give in return. I promise, no regrets."

"As long as you're sure." He smiled. His nimble fingers worked open her buttons one by one. He smoothed the blouse off her shoulders, leaving her in a mint-green lace bra.

"Gabe?" she asked, her cheeks heating again. "Before things go too far, do you … have protection?"

He chuckled. "A Boy Scout is always prepared."

"We've already established you're no Boy Scout."

"I've got it covered." He wiggled his eyebrows. "Or I will at the right time. So relax and enjoy. Come here, sweetheart," he murmured, enfolding her in his embrace again.

His hard, heated chest warmed her breasts through the delicate lace as he captured her mouth in a deep kiss. His clean, male scent surrounded her. Her swirling thoughts were dizzy with need.

Heavens, the man could kiss. She loved his kisses, could go on kissing him forever and die happy. As their tongues mingled, he wrapped his arms tightly around her and lowered her to the rag. After kissing her breathless, he nuzzled her throat. His lips worshipped the tender, ticklish spot where her neck met her shoulder, then licked and nipped along the ridge of her collarbone. She shivered and her nipples beaded.

He trailed his fingertips across her shoulders, between her breasts, slid his caress to her ribs. His soft, warm mouth followed the sensitive trail his hands created, making her feel worshiped, treasured. He taunted and tantalized with delicate strokes and nibbles, down her body, then back up again, but didn't touch her breasts. The more he dallied, the more her nipples tightened, ached for his touch.

"Touch me," she murmured.

He blew softly against her throat, provoking another delightful shiver. "I am touching you."

"Not like that."

He propped on one elbow to gaze at her and circled his fingertip around the upper curves of her breasts. "Like this?"

"Yes, but more."

His fingertip drew a series of light circles on her bra, closer to her tingling nipples, but not making contact. "Better?"

She groaned in frustration. "I thought you knew how to do this."

He chuckled. "What? Aren't you having a good time?"

"Yes. No. This is torturous. I want … more."

"You want more torture? I'm happy to oblige."

"I meant—"

He grinned. "I know what you want, sweetheart." His warm hands cupped her breasts, gently cradling her in his palms. "And I'm gonna do my best to give it to you."

She arched into his caress. "Well, hurry up," she panted.

He burst into laughter. "Damn, you're bossy in bed." His fingertips grazed her bra. He rolled her aching nipples between his thumb and forefinger, teasing them through the lace. Electric shock waves zinged right to her center. A startled gasp burst from her lips.

"Some things are better if they're not rushed." His hands skated down her spine, and the zipper on her skirt parted with a soft hiss. He slid her skirt and slip off her legs. His low whistle echoed through the room. "I'll be a—" He arched his eyebrows. "I knew you liked fancy skivvies, but these…" His fingers traced the lace edge of her black thigh-high stockings, skimming over her bare thighs. "Are incredible."

The sensual brush of his callused fingertips made her pulse race. His touch felt so perfect, so right, as if she'd been made only for him. "Panty hose are uncomfortable. I don't like them."

"I gotta agree with you, these sexy stockings are a definite improvement." He nipped the sensitive skin above the tops of her stockings, sending liquid heat streaming through her veins. Trailing butterfly kisses down her legs, he unrolled the filmy nylons one by one. Then he nibbled a languid journey back up to her stomach, his hot breath and tender lips melting her into languid softness, as sweet and warm as the marshmallows she'd toasted.

He stopped to bestow loving attention to her navel before claiming her mouth again. He kissed her thirstily, tenderly, as if she were his most precious possession and he couldn't get enough. Reveling in the feeling, she clung to his broad shoulders, never wanting to let him go. His hands traveled to her back, and her bra slipped from between them. Springy hair and hard, smooth muscle abraded her nipples, the delicious heat wringing another moan from her.

His fingers dipped inside the waistband of her panties, and he slid them off. He studied her intently, his smoky gaze flowing over her body, his intimate perusal scorching her skin as if he'd touched her. Self-conscious under his close scrutiny, she jerked her hands up to cover herself.

"Don't. You don't have to be shy with me." He tugged her hands away, kissing her upturned palms. "You're so beautiful."

"I'm not."

Tucking a finger under her chin, he tipped her face up and held her gaze. "Yes, you are."

"My eyes are a funny color."

He kissed her eyelids. "Those wide, honeyed eyes speak to me without a word."

"My nose turns up at the end."

He kissed her nose. "That pert little nose is extremely cute."

"My mouth is too wide."

He kissed her mouth. "Your lips are as lush and tempting as sweet, sun-warmed peaches."

She licked her lower lip, tasting him there. "I'm fat."

His gaze dropped to her bare breasts, and he reverently cupped them in his hands. "Your body is silky-soft and round in all the right places. Perfect. You're a beautiful woman, Tessie. You're also intelligent, brave, generous and compassionate. Any man would feel lucky to have you by his side." He raised his gaze to hers. The tender longing in his eyes held her spellbound.

Then something amazing happened. She saw herself through his eyes, and the awkward, ugly specter that had haunted her since adolescence vanished as completely as fog burned away by sunlight. Scalding tears prickled her eyelids. "Thank you," she whispered.

His breath caught. "No more denials, sweetheart?"

She could barely speak around the lump in her throat. "I believe you."

His eyes warmed to soft green velvet before he lowered his lids, hiding his expression. Burying his face in her neck, he pressed a kiss to her throat. "It's about time, Houdini." His voice shook, and fine tremors racked his body.

"I know you've been hurt." She stroked his silky hair. "But I won't let you down; I won't hurt you. Don't be afraid. You can trust me."

He uttered a ragged laugh that didn't quite cover an edge of panic. "Isn't that supposed to be my line?"

"Love me, Gabe."

"I'm lost," he mumbled so low she could barely hear. His body tensed.

He was ready to bolt. She had to do something. Grasping his hand, she cupped his palm over her bare breast. "How about if I draw you a map," she whispered back.

After several anxious heartbeats, he relaxed. She felt his lips curve into a smile against her neck. He drew a shuddering breath and raised up to gaze into her eyes. "X marks the spot?"

She winked reassuringly, made her tone playful. "Buried treasure."

His smile broadened into a grin. "Pillage and plunder never sounded so good."

Delighted with her success at calming his fears, she answered with a smile of her own. Perhaps if he could trust her with his body, intimately joined with hers in lovemaking, he would learn to trust her with his heart. "Well, then
, raise the mizzen mast and full speed ahead."

He laughed again, full and throaty this time. "My mizzen mast has been on full alert since the minute we met,

"I think you're all talk and no action, Mr. Bond."

"You want action?" His eyes twinkled. "I'll give you so much action, you'll beg for mercy."

She heaved a melodramatic sigh. "All I get are cheap promises."

He lowered his head and his tongue flicked her nipple. She arched, and he closed his mouth over the taut bud, sucking hard. Coherent thought fled on a stream of bright sensation that pooled low and heavy in her abdomen. He suckled until she was mindless with pleasure before turning his attention to her other breast.

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