Campbell's Reaper: Soul Reapers #2 (6 page)

It took about two minutes into the
night to see how wrong I was!

I fucking hated Tricia. All night long
her puke green eyes were like daggers, throwing them at Logan.  There was about
to be a problem if she did not tone that shit down.

My fist in her face!

Logan tried her best to ignore the
bitch anytime we were near her, but the looks just did not stop. Poor Emma and
Amber kept trying to mask the awkwardness with chit chat, but the more everyone
drank the more it became evident that Tricia was going to start shit.

Logan, Emma, and I came back from the
dance floor to find more beers and some shots waiting for us at the table. I
had already snuck a shot or two, along with two of Emma

rum and diet cokes. I was feeling good . . . and brave . . . and awesome. Logan
would flip her wig if she knew I was drinking as much as I was, but I think she
was too preoccupied with ignoring Tricia. Well that came to an end real quick,
because as soon as we were all seated I saw Tricia turn her full attention to
Logan with the ugliest expression on her face.

you Colton

s new girl?

I guess,

Logan answered as she kept
her eyes locked on Tricia


Well, for your information
he is not really the one-girl kinda guy. Let

just say that Tru has already texted Emma that Colton. . .

Emma blanched at her name
being mentioned and talked over her.

shut up. You have no right. Just shut up.

Whatever Emma.

Her speech was slurred and
she swayed slightly in her chair.

needs to hear this. I can already tell she is crazy about him.

I felt Logan

leg bouncing under the table.

Just say what you have to
say Tricia,

spat at her.

Like I said before, Tru
texted Emma asking her if you were still here with us because Colton is already
MIA. No one can find him at the brother party and it is only midnight. That
only means one thing when it comes to Colton. He is dick deep in a sweet butt
who is spread wide and screaming his name.

Logan and I both looked to
Emma who you could tell was trying to think of something to say after Tricia

little rant.

Is it true?

Logan whisper shouted.

Tru just said that he and
Knox were looking for him and could not find him. He asked if you were still
with me and I said yes. His bike is still there so he is somewhere in the
clubhouse. It could mean anything,

Emma said as she reached
across the table to take Logan

s hand.

The look on Logan

face made me so angry at Colton. I put my arm around her shoulder and squeezed.


listen to her until you know for sure. He might have just passed out somewhere
or is taking a dump or something.

I tried laughing it off but
it sounded off even to my own ears.

Yeah, Cam, maybe you


Logan said with a fake ass
smile on her face.


hissed Tricia.


have to be upset. If you want to be with Colton long term then you just have to
accept the rules of the game.

And you know what those

Logan went from hurt to
pissed in no time flat. My own anger was growing because this slut would just
not stop.

Yeah I do. I am not a sweet
butt and not quite an old lady but I will be. Before you came along he warmed
my bed a least twice a week. I know the rules and what to expect so when he

done playing house with you, which he has done multiple times in the past, he
will come find me because I know what he needs.

Tricia would never be an
old lady to Colton. I saw how he watched Logan when he thought no one was
looking. I was fucking done!

Are you done your little
speech, bitch?

jumped to my feet ready to kick her ass.  Emma was faster than me as she jumped
in between us and said,


before Tricia could say
anything else. She told me to take Logan to the dance floor and she grabbed

arm and started leading her to the front door to get a cab, but not before
Logan gave her a hell of a toast making me so proud of her.

The music was good so I kept Logan on
the dance floor. After a few songs we went back to the table. Logan swore she
was having fun but I was not buying it. Then one of her favorite songs, Pink



came on and I dragged Logan
out on the dance floor again.  I finally got a glimpse of my sister again when
she started bumping her hips with mine and singing along.
Thank goodness.


Hold Us,

by Macklemore & Ryan
Lewis started playing next. I jumped up and down in excitement. I sang along as
I twirled Logan around. I grabbed her hands and brought them above our heads as
I gyrated into her. Her laughter made me happy and I looked at her face to see
her eyes closed, enjoying herself, dancing to the beat of the music. Movement
from a hottie behind her caught my eye as I saw Colton stalking towards us like
a predator who finally found its prey; Logan. I slowly backed away so Logan
would not notice. Once his arms found her waist I left them alone.

I started to make my way back to the
table, but was pulled back into the crowd as strong arms encircled my waist.

woodsy scent enveloped me and I let my body mold to his as I seductively swayed
my hips against him, feeling him grow harder against me. Tank

reaction to me was exhilarating. It made me bold in that moment as my fingers
laced through his. I started caressing my body, leading our hands over my
stomach making circles that grew bigger and bigger until he was palming my
breasts and circling the crotch of my short shorts. My nipples hardened and my
core throbbed. I pressed harder into his body, his cock, as his hands continued
to explore my very willing body.

As the song bled into another, I felt
Tank bury his face into my neck.  Thank God I opted for a high pony-tail as he
ran his lips down my neck and across my shoulder. I melted into his embrace as
he stopped my wandering hands and pulled me deeper into him.

smell so good Sunshine.

And just as fast as we were molded together,
we were apart with Tank leading me back to our table. The shock I felt must
have been on my face because both Emma and Amber were laughing at me when I got
back. This man kept me unbalanced. I knew I did not have much experience but I
felt like I had whip-lash for how much he was swinging me back and forth. As
soon as we were seated, Colton dragged a dazed but happy Logan over to the
table announcing that they were leaving. I winked at Logan as Tank said he got
me. I hoped he meant in more ways than one.




My dick was about to explode. I raced
back to the table and sat down in hopes of hiding my raging hard-on. My breath
sawed in and out of my body like I had just sprinted a 50-yard dash, all
because of how right Sunshine felt with her perky beasts in my hands, her tight
ass on my dick, and her willing body in my arms.
Fuck me.
Two weeks was
all I had left of my self-imposed misery. Her 18th birthday could not come fast
enough. It took every last ounce of resolve for me to keep what was growing
between us . . . literally. . . at a PG-13 rating.

Every day Campbell thrived on seeing
how far she could push me and today was past my limit. I needed to get some
place private before I embarrassed myself. My cock was not going to deflate
without a thorough rub down. The palm of my hand was too well acquainted with
my dick at this point in my life.

I looked up to find Colton stalking up
to the table wearing what I was sure mirrored my own pissed off expression. He



and rag doll dragged Logan
out the side door. The door had not even closed and I was up and out of my
seat. Sunshine took my offered hand.

You ladies good?

I asked, knowing that Emma
drove as well as Logan.


laughed Emma and Amber in
unison. Identical twins freaked me out a little; I was not going to lie.

Campbell barely kept up as I
practically ran to my truck. I was sure we were out of the parking lot before
Colton and Logan even got to her car.

Are you okay?


soft voice had me turning my eyes from the road to her. We had driven in
silence for about ten minutes before her loaded question hung in the air. I
grunted a noncommittal answer and looked back at the road. The click of her
seat belt followed by the warmth of her leg against mine told me this
conversation was far from over.

Please talk to me.

Sometimes I hated how right
I was.

Not now Sunshine.


Because . . .

Because why?

My pause in answering only
added more tension to the cramped cab of my truck.

mean come on Tank. Talk to me. Stop pushing me away. Tonight was amazing.

She paused and I looked
back at her. Sunshine was so close. I could feel the warmth of her shining down
the whole right side of my body. All I had to do was lean slightly to the right
and our lips would touch. Would they be as soft as I remembered?



Her breath whispered across
my lips as her words danced across my mind.



was my only response as I
pulled into her neighborhood. There were a lot of words to describe me and
amazing was never one of them.
I fucking hated that word.
The one word
my mother used every time she had talked about me.

Please talk to me,

pleaded Campbell as I
turned onto her street.

What the fuck do you want
me to say?

threw the car in park and glared at her.

I don


She paused.



I yelled.

about where were you born?

She was not expecting me to throw a question
at her. Her eyes widened as she thought about whether she should answer or not.

Campbell County, Kentucky,

she answered quietly.

before you ask, Logan was born in Logan City, Utah.



I was born here in this

I asked the next question
quickly before she got a chance to say anything.

are you so vague about your life before here? I have asked so many questions
that you haven

t really answered over the last two weeks.

Campbell took a deep breath before

You know my mom died and my dad is a piece
of shit with loads of baggage so Logan and I agreed to move away for a while so
he could straighten his shit out. He is not my biggest fan so whatever.

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