Carole Singer's Christmas (26 page)

Read Carole Singer's Christmas Online

Authors: Emily Harvale

‘Hmm. What did he mean by “for now” do you think?’ Josie asked, looking thoughtful.

Carole sighed heavily. ‘I assume he meant, until Dom comes down at Christmas.’

‘It looks like your mum is planning a repeat performance,’ Josie commented as they neared the cottage and saw Sarah point at the bunch of mistletoe.

‘I’ll pop back in a minute,’ Nick said, backing away from the door. ‘I ... I’d better make sure Nicodemus has a pee first.’

Without as much as a glance in Carole’s direction, he set off down the lane as quickly as he could.

Carole was feeling more annoyed than relieved.  I see! That makes things perfectly clear, doesn’t it? He found kissing me so distasteful that he’d prefer to watch Nicodemus pee!’

Josie was right about Sarah and the mistletoe. It took at least five minutes for the men to line up and give the women a quick kiss on the cheek, or a longer one in some cases. Jason was included, much to his evident distaste; he pulled a face and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand several times after each kiss.

‘I made some mulled wine earlier and left it to simmer,’ Sarah said. ‘I’ll go and see to it and organise some nibbles.’

‘You go and sit down, Mum. Josie and I’ll do that.’

‘Thank you, cherub.’

Josie gave Aidan a reassuring wink but Carole noticed he seemed perfectly at home in the company, so she grabbed Josie by the hand and dragged her towards the kitchen.’

‘I know it’s true love and everything,’ Carole teased, ‘but could you manage to keep your hands off the man for two minutes and come and help me?’

Josie grinned. ‘At least I’ve only got my hands on one man, not three different ones!’

‘I’m going to have to sort that out soon, aren’t I?’

‘You’re not kidding! And not just because the village is starting to think of you as some sort of Jezebel. Do you know, in the old days they’d probably have stoned you, dragged you through the streets, then burnt you at the stake or something. Lucky for you times have changed. Now all they do is talk about you behind your back.’

‘And not just behind my back! They say it to my face now. Someone asked me the other day how my two boyfriends were and how did I have the energy to cope with two when she found it difficult to cope with one. And I have no idea who she was.’

‘Just as well no one saw you and Nick kissing then, especially as you clearly enjoyed it. Actually, Carole, surely that tells you something?’

‘Other than that he hated every minute of it and was just putting on an act, you mean?’

‘No! That you really enjoyed it. How did it make you feel? What was it like compared to Sebastian and Dominic’s kisses? Better? Worse? Undecided and need to do it again to be sure?’

Josie pulled out a chair and sat down as if she expected this to take some time. Carole did likewise.

‘I’d ... I’d like to do it again, Josie. And not just kissing either. If it hadn’t been for Sebastian, I might ... we might ... well, let’s just say, you might not have been the only one to have a good Friday night.’

‘But ... I thought you said he wasn’t interested. Are you saying that you think you might have ended up doing the dirty deed on the doorstep? That would have really given the village something to talk about. That would have made the local paper!’

‘And not just the village. My family were standing on the doorstep watching, let’s not forget.’

Josie chuckled and leant back in her chair. ‘So who’s best then? Nick, Seb or Dom?’

‘At kissing? Obviously, I can only comment on that because ... Nick and I haven’t ... well. Okay, don’t look at me like that ... Nick. Without a doubt, Nick. Dom is second and Seb, oddly enough, is last. Don’t get me wrong, Seb is a good kisser – or he used to be, but each time he’s kissed me recently he’s been ... well, it seems to be more about taking than giving, if you know what I mean, whereas Nick.’ She let out a sigh. ‘Well, need I say more?’

‘Nope. So do you reckon he’d be best in bed too? What’s Dom like on that score? You said he wasn’t that interested in sex.’ Josie sat upright again and leant forward. ‘Come on. Tell all.’

Carole shook her head. ‘You know you’re going to have to tell me all about you and Aidan afterwards, don’t you?’

Josie nodded enthusiastically. ‘Yep!’

‘Okay. Well, as I said … out of Dom, Seb and Nick, Nick is definitely the best kisser and ... Oh!’

Carole’s mouth fell open in horror as she saw Nick stop in his tracks at the kitchen door, an expression on his face somewhere between confusion and pleasant surprise.

Josie turned her head round, saw Nick and smirked, rather too loudly in Carole’s opinion. No one said a word for at least ten seconds.

‘So,’ Nick said, leaning leisurely against the kitchen doorframe, ‘despite it being “just a silly kiss under the mistletoe” which neither of us wanted to do, according to you, you actually enjoyed it. That’s good to know because I kind of thought you did. I just wasn’t sure until now.’

‘No!’ Carole said, feeling herself blushing from the top of her head to the tips of her toes.

‘Really? But I’m positive I heard you say, “Nick is definitely the best kisser” and unless there’s another Nick you’ve been kissing, which I suppose is possible, I rather get the impression you were talking about me. Am I wrong, Josie?’

Josie giggled. ‘Nope. You’re right.’

‘Don’t bring Josie into this!’

‘I didn’t. You did by discussing it with her. Why were you discussing it by the way? I missed that bit.’

‘I asked who was the best kisser and–’

‘Josie!’ Carole glared at her.

‘And I won? Wow! Do I get a prize or something? Another kiss perhaps?’

‘No! And ... and I didn’t say I enjoyed it!’

‘Yes, you did,’ Josie insisted.

‘How dare you eavesdrop anyway?’ Carole said, trying to move away from whether she enjoyed it or not.

‘You shouldn’t talk so loudly if you don’t want people to hear you. And you were talking about me, so there’s no point in getting all uppity when I respond.’

‘Well, we’ve finished talking about you now so you can go,’ Carole snapped.

Nick grinned and moved away from the door without another word.

Carole was furious. ‘But to answer your question about which one is best in bed, Josie,’ she said, loud enough she hoped that Nick could hear, ‘I can say most definitely, Sebastian. He can do things that make your hair curl as well as your toes, and everything else in between.’

‘That won’t matter quite so much when you’re eighty and riddled with arthritis,’ Nick called back from somewhere in the hall, ‘and as you haven’t been to bed with me, I’m not sure you can make that statement.’

‘I most certainly can!’ Carole yelled.

There was a moment’s silence before Nick reappeared at the door. ‘Based on what?’ he asked casually.

She hadn’t expected him to return. She’d only said it as a parting shot.

‘Based on ... lots of things.’

‘For example?’

‘Oh, I don’t know. A woman just gets a sense for such things, doesn’t she, Josie?’

Josie grinned and nodded. She was clearly enjoying this.

‘Well,’ he added. ‘If you want to be absolutely sure, just let me know.’ He turned and walked away again.

‘I can assure you that won’t be necessary!’ Carole called out. ‘I really have no interest whatsoever in going to bed with you.’

‘You said you didn’t want to kiss me, either,’ came the reply, ‘but you seemed to enjoy that.’

Carole couldn’t think of anything to say, which was probably just as well as she heard her mum’s voice in the hall.

‘Are you two bringing in this mulled wine today or tomorrow?’ Sarah said, grinning as she came into the kitchen.

‘Sorry Mum, I got sidetracked.’ Carole got to her feet and started sorting out some glasses.

Josie got some plates from the cupboard and Sarah piled them with mince pies, sausage rolls, cheese straws, and some chocolate truffles she’d made.

The three of them carried everything through to the sitting room where everyone was huddled either on chairs, one of the two large sofas or on cushions on the floor. Carole was astonished to see Nicodemus sitting quietly at Nick’s feet with Arkenarten curled up on the back of Nick’s chair, although the cat did seem to be watching the hound rather intently.

‘How on earth did that happen?’ she asked, nodding towards Arkenarten.

‘They’ve realised they can tolerate each other after all,’ Nick replied. ‘Give it a few more days and we may even see them curled up together in front of the fire.’

‘That will never happen,’ she said, wondering if there was a hidden meaning in his statement.

‘I was just telling everyone about that gorgeous book cover you designed, sweetheart,’ Mitsy said. ‘Why don’t you go and get the printout you did of it. Nick and Jamie haven’t seen it and clearly Josie and Aidan haven’t. It may be a little too grown up for Jason though.’

‘I’m sure it won’t be anything he hasn’t seen before, Aidan said. ‘The stuff kids can see on TV, in magazines and on the internet these days is unbelievable. Mind you, I don’t suppose we were any different when we were his age.’

‘No,’ Jamie mumbled. ‘The only difference is we had to look harder for it.’

‘It’s not that bad,’ Carole said, ‘but you really won’t be interested in it. It’s a book cover for a romance novel.’

‘I’d like to see it,’ Nick said.

Jamie smiled. ‘And so would I.’

‘Me too,’ Aidan agreed.

Carole tutted and went to get it.

‘It’s one of those rather racy Regencies.’ Carole handed it to her mum to pass to Jamie. ‘You know the sort ... or perhaps you don’t. Arrogant, powerful hero tries to seduce beautiful but innocent woman. She dislikes him at first but gradually realises she can’t live without him and they end up falling into one another’s arms in a frenzy of passion. Oops. Sorry Aidan and Jason.’

‘That’s fine,’ Aidan said, smiling at her.

The printout was passed around from Jamie to Aidan to Nick to Josie and it was only when Josie’s mouth dropped open and she stared at Carole in surprise that Carole realised they had all been giving her rather odd looks, especially Nick.

‘Is ... is it that bad?’ Carole asked. ‘The publishers love it. What ... what’s wrong?’

‘Nothing’s wrong,’ Sarah said. ‘It’s gorgeous darling, isn’t it, Jamie?’

He nodded several times in quick succession. ‘Stunning.’

‘You’re a very talented artist,’ Aidan remarked. ‘You can see quite clearly whom you’ve based them on.’

Carole was surprised. She hadn’t based the couple, who were locked in a passionate embrace, on anyone. The only guidelines she’d had were the woman had to have red hair and the man, dark hair. She’d just used her imagination.

‘I didn’t base them on anyone,’ she insisted, taking the printout from Josie and studying it closely.

Suddenly, she saw it. She wondered how on earth she hadn’t realised it before. The redheaded woman whose dress barely covered her obviously heaving bosom and who was staring longingly into the eyes of her seducer, was clearly herself, and the dark haired man with one arm wrapped tightly around her, the other hand about to tear the dress asunder, was without a shadow of a doubt none other than Nick.

Carole’s head shot up and her eyes met Nick’s. He looked as if he had a thousand questions to ask but more importantly, he didn’t look pleased. He didn’t look at all pleased.









Carole didn’t think she’d ever been more pleased in her life to see Sebastian.

She’d completely forgotten that he’d said during the Christmas tree lighting ceremony, he would be coming around later. There she was standing in the sitting room, all eyes focused on her, not knowing what to say or do when the sound of the doorbell ringing saved her life.

Well, perhaps that was a slight exaggeration but it had certainly saved her from more embarrassment.

Remembering that it was Sebastian, she said, ‘That’s Sebastian ... for me. We’re going out. Don’t wait up.’

She dashed from the room, tossing the printout on the hall table, grabbed her coat and bag and ran to the door.

‘I don’t care where we go, Sebastian but get me the hell away from here as quickly as possible!’

He was only too happy to oblige.

‘What’s happened?’ he asked when they were in the car and nearing the end of the lane.

Carole was lost in thought, going over and over how she could have been so stupid, so blind not to have seen it. The likenesses were undeniable. But why did Nick look so cross, so angry, so ... hurt? Surely he would have been pleased, especially after the conversation in the kitchen where he’d as much as said he’d be willing to sleep with her if she wanted to find out whether he was good in bed or not. She knew he was joking, of course, but that was the point. He found that amusing so why would he find an illustration so upsetting? Perhaps he was just embarrassed? She knew she certainly was. How would she be able to face him again after this?

‘Carole? I asked what’s happened. What’s wrong?’

‘Oh. Sorry, Sebastian I ... I just had to get out of there for a while.’

‘Too much of the happy home stuff?’ he asked.

‘No I ... I just needed some space, that’s all. I’m sorry. You said you needed to talk to me earlier. If this is about us then I–’

‘It’s not. It’s about my dad. Well … Dad and Mum to be precise. They’re getting a divorce.’

‘What? Why?’ As soon as she’d asked. she thought she probably knew the answer to that question.

‘They ... they’ve been having problems for some time now. It’s one of the reasons I came back. And in the hope of seeing you, of course.’

‘It’s okay, Seb. You don’t have to pretend you came half way around the world just for me. I know that’s not the only reason you’re here. I thought it was to take over your dad’s business because he’s retiring. That’s what the village drums are saying. No one has even mentioned any problems between your parents.’

She found that rather astonishing bearing in mind his parents lived in the village, whereas she’d only been back for a few days and rumours about her had spread like wildfire.

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