Cassandra Pierce - Diamonds in the Sand [The Aquans 2] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition) (11 page)

“Yes…good…that’s wonderful.”Alan stroked his hands through her hair, tilting his own head back and lunging his hips forward. He seemed to like it even better when she added some teeth into the mix. “Mmm. Yes. Perfection.”

It didn’t take her long to bring him to the edge, as he’d requested—or demanded, if one wanted to get technical about things. Cyra was gratified to feel his balls quiver against her chin. His fingers applied increased pressure to her scalp.

“Stop now,” he said. She did. It amused her to leave him hanging. She should do that a lot more, when he least expected it. That would help keep him in line.

“My turn now?” she asked. Her face felt warm with lust.

Alan smiled and batted his cock playfully with one hand. It was so stiff it vibrated in front of him. “In a way. Perhaps just not in the way you expect. Move over.” He sat down on the pillows and drew her between his legs, facing away from him. He spent a few moments kneading her breasts and kissing her shoulders and neck. The whole time, she was aware of his hard-on brushing against the small of her back. The plump head was moist with her own saliva and Alan’s bubbling pre-cum. Cyra had to admit that she hadn’t been so aroused in ages.

Suddenly, he stopped and pulled his hands and lips away. “Lie down across my thighs,” he said.

Curious about what he had in mind, Cyra shifted position and stretched out with her hips balanced over his legs. The body pillows supported her upper body. Alan skated a palm over her spine, her shoulders, and finally her buttocks. He spent a long time there, smoothing over the outside curve and massaging the tender place where the backs of her thighs began. Cyra shuddered with need, excited as she imagined what he might be building up to.

“Do you know why none of your other lovers has ever been enough for you?” he asked her in a casual voice she hadn’t expected.

“What do you mean?” She turned her head and shoulders to look up at him, but his strong hands kept her in position.

“I mean that you’ve wasted a lot of years trying to find a place for yourself and a lover—or lovers—who can satisfy you. And I wonder if you’ve really given any thought to why you’ve never been happy with your choices.”

Cyra frowned. He’d used “lovers” in the plural, but how could he have known about her attempts to join Kral’s pod? She shrugged it off mentally. An incidental choice of words, perhaps. No doubt he could tell that she was far from inexperienced when it came to men, and she felt no shame about that.

“I don’t see why I should answer that, frankly. My past and my future are my own concern.”

He went on as if he hadn’t heard her. His hand stopped roving over her ass and settled in one spot, turning in a slow circle. “I probably didn’t mention it, and you didn’t care enough to ask, but this isn’t my first visit to this island. Over the years, I’ve spent time with many of the alluring women who come swimming past these shores. I enjoy their exoticism, though I admit I’ve never felt any strong desire to be part of a pod. I prefer to have just one woman to myself.”

She gasped, and he laughed.

“Yes, Cyra, I know about your Aquan culture. And I’ve made some interesting discoveries concerning the psychology of Aquan women. You, dear one, are a perfect example. You think you want to be in control of a man—of everything, really—and then can’t figure out why your life consists of wandering from one lonely place to another. What you really want is someone to guide you through life—someone who can set boundaries. Luckily for you, that’s something I’m rather good at.”

Moving his legs apart, he used the fingers of his free hand to spread her pussy open. Then he pushed his fingers inside her. She gasped again as he stimulated her. The hand on her ass only increased the pressure on her clit.

“I figure if I set some boundaries with you, you’re less likely to wander off on me,” Alan continued. “And I’ve decided that I’d like you to stay around for a while.”

“Presumptuous human!” she hissed. Briefly she considered wriggling off his lap and confronting him face to face. However, his two hands felt so good against her hot, wet flesh that she had no desire to interrupt what he was doing.

“The root of the problem is that you, like all Aquan women, are simply too accustomed to getting your own way.” His hand moved more insistently in her pussy, penetrating her and buzzing her clit at the same time. Then, to her shock, his palm lifted and abruptly came down on her rear end. The smacking sound rang through the room.

“How dare you?” she erupted.

“I dare just fine.” He laughed again, no doubt noticing that she wasn’t making the least effort to free herself. “You wouldn’t respect me if I didn’t take command of the situation. You need a lover who can keep you in line and protect you as well. That’s what will get you to stay. You know you want to.”

He smacked her again, a lusty strike that made her buttocks tingle with heat. At the same instant, the fingers underneath her moved in such a way that the dual sensation triggered an orgasm that was nothing less than thunderous.

She came against his hand, bucking and writhing as jolts of pleasure zigzagged up and down her middle. Oddly enough, Alan was right—she had never felt more safe. And yes, she did want to stay.

He smacked her rear end again, prolonging the orgasm for a few amazing seconds more. He seemed to know when she was finished.

Gently, he spread her out on the pillows and positioned his body over hers as though shielding her. His thighs nudged hers apart, and she welcomed him into that wet crevice. She had forgotten how hard she had gotten him earlier. Instantly, she was ready to feel more than fingers inside her.

She raised her hips against him, but he stilled her movements with a kiss.

“No hurry,” he whispered. “We have all night.”

“And even longer,” Cyra murmured.

“Yes,” he said. “That’s the idea.”

* * * *

Maura stepped out onto the verandah of her bedroom. A brilliant sunset glittered over the sea. In another hour or so, this long day would finally be over, and the beach would go dark.

In the morning, she had to make her decision about staying.

She still felt guilty that Septimus’s first dinner home had been strained because of her. As happy as she been to talk to Septimus, as the evening wore on, she found it increasingly difficult to pay attention to his stories of traveling underwater and exploring life among the Aquans.

Luckily, the guys had respected her emotional state and didn’t push her to take part in the conversation. Nothing was mentioned about her leaving, either for Irissa’s or for home. However, she caught the guys flashing each other nervous looks across the table more than once. Daq had no doubt filled the others in while she’d been in her room trying to decide whether to pack her suitcases or not.

Even Cyra had shown up and smirked her way through the meal. She seemed to sense the tension in the room, and found it amusing enough to keep her at the house. Maura doubted either Septimus’s new girlfriend or his scientific discoveries interested her.

A balmy breeze drifted across Maura’s forehead, carrying the sweet scent of salt water and tropical flowers. The sinking sun made the waves shimmer with streaks of red and gold. Since childhood, the ocean had called to her. Eventually she’d decided to spend her life studying its mysteries. Never had she imagined anything like the hidden world Septimus had uncovered. The opportunity for scientific discovery was mind-boggling.

Could she bear to leave all this behind?

Clambering down the outdoor steps, Maura made her way to the beach and spent some time just wandering and picking up shells. Their smooth white surfaces gleamed in the setting sun as she turned them over in her hand, marveling at their delicate curves and intricate patterns. Maura would have loved to spend every day beside the sea, not in a laboratory or even a classroom. Septimus had always promoted a hands-on approach to studying nature, and in this matter she respected his judgment.

She took a few steps into the shallows, bathing her bare feet in warmth and comfort and welcoming an overall feeling of freedom. The hassles of civilization seemed so far away that they had ceased to exist.

The sky was a shade darker now, and the windows of Septimus’s house were dark. No one was watching her. This might be her last night here. She wanted to take one final, special experience with her.

After peeling off and tossing her clothes away, she waded boldly into the water. When the swell reached her waist, she stretched out on the surface and began to swim. The current seemed to merge with the movements of her limbs. Before long she’d propelled herself further out than she’d ever ventured before. She experienced no fear at all. Was this how Aquans felt when they drifted on the waves? If so, she could see why they found it intoxicating.

Eventually, she stopped swimming and floated along on her back with her eyes closed. Nothing had ever felt as liberating…at least, nothing she had ever done alone.

Then again, she wasn’t alone. She realized that as soon as a pair of hands slipped around her waist from below. Another pair encircled her middle, the fingers stroking her nipples. More hands joined in—one pair on each thigh, and finally a gentle palm against the side of her face. She opened her eyes and found herself looking at Daq’s face. The others were there, too, reaching up to her from below the surface.

“We’ve come to convince you to stay,” he said. “Irissa’s guest house is nice, but you can’t deny that her koi pond is microscopic compared to our bay. And I guarantee you have nothing remotely like it back in the States, either.”

“You’re right,” she admitted. “I can’t deny it.”

“This island means nothing to us without you,” he went on. “It’s only beautiful to us with you here. If you leave, we’ll have no reason to stay, either. We want to build our lives around yours. You won’t have to give up your career, either. Septimus used to travel to the States to teach his classes, and then he flew back as soon as they ended. You could do the same.”

“Daq, I—”

“Shh. Don’t answer now. Just let us make our case…without words.”

Dropping his hand, he ducked back underwater. The other hands withdrew as well. Though she couldn’t see a single one of the men, Maura felt herself being spirited along toward the shore, propelled from beneath.

The next thing she knew, her knees were planted on the wet sand, and all of them crouched around her. They kissed her back, her shoulders, and both her arms. Between the dimming light as the sun went down, and the flurry of Aquan activity, she lost track of who was doing what. Somehow, though, that made the situation more exciting.

“Daq is right,” Janko whispered in her ear. Obviously he was the one licking the nape of her neck. “We want you to stay.”

“All of us,” Ivar’s voice confirmed—she wasn’t sure from where, exactly. Was he the one kissing the sensitive space between her shoulders, or nibbling the tender inside of her elbow? Then again, what did it matter? They functioned as a team. She understood that now.

“Please stay,” she heard Ejan say next. He was most definitely the one who had been brushing his mouth over her abdomen, tantalizing the underside of her left breast. Tagin, positioned opposite his male partner, murmured his agreement and went further, wrapping his tongue around her right nipple.

Where was Daq? The answer to her unspoken question came a moment later, when she felt gentle hands easing her into a kneeling position. She gasped with surprise to find Daq lying on his back underneath her. He reached up, gliding his palms along her stomach, her rib cage, over her breasts. His erection poked up, hot and urgent, to prod between her legs. The domed tip spread the lips of her pussy and rubbed the sensitive bud of flesh nestled there.

Moaning, she sank down on him with all her weight, taking him inside. The sensations coursing through her as his cock drove upward were intensified by two of the guys suckling her nipples.

She felt another Aquan leaning over her shoulder.

“Remember this?” Tagin whispered. He stroked his cock along her butt crack. “It was good, wasn’t it? You liked it.”

“Yes,” she said. The word came out as a near-gasp. “I did.”

“Let us show you how great we can be together.”

He used his fingers to stretch her out and guide himself inside. Then he began to fuck her slowly, timing his thrusts so that she could pump herself on Daq at the same time. With both openings stuffed, the sensation of fullness was incredible. One thing was missing.

Between gasps, she managed to form a few words. “One of you…over here.” She motioned to the empty space in front of her.

Someone came forward. The beach was nearly dark now, and she couldn’t tell who it was until he got close. Ivar, she thought. Well, that was appropriate. She still owed him for that wonderful underwater tongue job he had given her.

She wrapped her lips around his cock, drawing his pleasure out in long, slow sucking movements. He moaned as she drew her mouth along his shaft, letting everything slip out but the head. Then she would pitch forward again, gulping him down.

Maura could hardly believe she was really doing this. One guy was plugged into each available aperture, and one more labored at each breast. She felt like a primitive priestess being worshipped by some unknown tribe who lived utterly outside of any modern concepts of time, science, or geography. She even heard a wild drumbeat in her head, only to realize it was her own thrumming pulse.

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