Charmed by the Werewolf (22 page)

Read Charmed by the Werewolf Online

Authors: Sandra Sookoo

The unseen hands of worry twisted her insides. “I’m sorry.
” Sophia scrambled from the bed to join him at the window. “If I could change the events in your life, I would, but we have three days left.” She touched his shoulder, winced when he flinched. “We wasted a whole day on the dragon. We should have gone to the museum and taken a tooth from one of the dinosaurs. Surely the line between dragon and dinosaur is a blurry one.”

Xavier turned away to make another circuit of the room.

She hated herself anew for the anguish he went through. With a sigh, she regarded the rain-streaked window. “Let me go to Sterling. I’ll convince him to lift your curse. In exchange, I’ll give him—” She broke off abruptly.

“What? You
’ll give the Portal Master what in exchange for lifting my curse?” he questioned softly, his breath warming her ear as his arms went around her waist.

“It’s not important.
” Sophia shivered. The excitement that unfurled in her stomach chased away the fear and anxiety.

“Ah, but it is, dear heart. For one moment, you lived in a world full of clarity and fearlessness and allowed your true nature to shine through. Now, tell me.
” He turned her in his arms, captured her gaze. “What were you so unselfishly going to give for my freedom? Please indulge me and say it’s not your body.”

” She swallowed around the lump in her throat. “I’ll offer my life and
freedom.” She took advantage of his silence to kiss him. When the werewolf pulled her roughly against him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and plundered his lips. Sucked the bottom one into her mouth, fenced with his tongue, and finally rested her forehead on his. “Damn you, Xavier. I want to hide you somewhere that Sterling won’t find you. I want to protect you.” She drew in a long shaky breath, blew it out. “I want you.” She stared him down, conscious of her heated skin, her elevated heartbeat. “You’re like a fever in my blood, and I can’t deny you any longer.”

His next kiss was hard and left her reeling. “And you wonder why I
don’t wish to remain in wolf form.” He drew her onto the bed, and brushed the slender fingers of one hand over her hip. “In light of this new information, I feel I must inform you of an important fact.”

Sighing with frustration, she lightly tugged on his chest hair. “It better be important, werewolf, because talking is not something I want to do at this moment.

“Thank the gods I
’ve finally cracked that rocky exterior.” He shot her a smug grin as he fumbled in a pocket of his soft pants. “I wouldn’t say our trip was unsuccessful.”

She squinted at the small object he held aloft between his thumb and forefinger. “What is it?
” Sophia adjusted her glasses and looked again. In the faint light, the object resembled a highly polished…molar?

“This, my skeptical, sexy gargoyle, is the tooth of our dragon friend.
” He rested offering on the swell of her left breast that peeked over the top of her shirt. “Do you remember when I threw the punch that knocked Braeden to the floor? He spit the tooth out, and I grabbed it as we grappled.”

With a cry of pure joy, Sophia pounced on him and showered his face with kisses. “That’s brilliant! No wonder you picked the fight.

“I was duty-bound to fight him for his rough handling of you. If he attempts it again, I
won’t leave until he’s dead.” He claimed her lips in a savage kiss.

Sophia giggled when as his goatee tickled her skin. “I can’t say I’ll never doubt you again, but this is your best work yet.

“Oh, I
haven’t begun to show you my best, darling girl.” He gripped her hips and pulled her across his chest. “Give me enough time and you’ll sing my praises for the next forty years or so.”

“I’ve told you I’m not easily impressed. There are way too many unresolved loose ends before we stumble into a happy ending, if there is such a trivial thing.
” Still, her spine tingled with excitement at the possibility. She captured his face between her palms. “In all honesty, I don’t want to see you shift into a wolf again. It’s painful to watch, and scary, so let’s rid you of the curse, hmm?”

He blinked rapidly, as if he wanted to clear his eyes of tears, but it was too dark for Sophia to be certain and surely, big alpha men didn’t cry. Xavier smiled. “You talk too much, woman.
” He dropped a kiss on her collarbone. “Please feel free to show your admiration for my genius in any way you choose.”

” She squeaked as he slipped his questing fingers under her sleep shirt and fondled her breasts. “Xavier!” Sophia scrambled for the tooth, held it tight in her fist. She stared at the werewolf, her breathing heavy then, putting her lips against his ear, she whispered, “First one to my bedroom gets to undress the other.”




Her heart pounded in time to Xavier’s heavy tread on the stairs. As soon as the words left her mouth, he’d vaulted from the bed as if it were on fire. A smile tugged at her lips as she followed with a more leisurely gait. She’d let him wait a bit longer, tease him in retribution for all the tormenting he’d done to her in the last few days. Still, anticipation swirled inside her, turning her from a once calm, semi-rational being into an emotionally crazed woman who couldn’t wait to get into her man’s pants. Her smile widened as she paused in the bedroom doorway.

lay sprawled on her bed, his hands behind his head and his long legs crossed at the ankle. “I beat you.”

“So you did. Damn, I wasn’t fast enough.
” Her mouth watered. Warmth gathered between her thighs as her gaze swept over him to pause at the bulge at the front of his pants. She pushed the door shut and clicked the lock. “I guess this means I’ll have to let you take off my clothes.” She ignored the flutter of alarm that attempted to claim her attention. Her need for the werewolf never wavered.

“It’s bad form to break a promise.
” Xavier slipped from the bed to join her in the middle of the room. His eyes gleamed in the weak light streaming through the blinds from a street lamp. “If you wish to change your mind, I won’t object—much. There’ll be plenty of opportunities.”

“No. Life is uncertain enough. I want no regrets.
” Holding his golden gaze, Sophia slowly drew her sleep shirt over her head, tossed it away. Her breasts swayed slightly from the movement. “I want you, Xavier, and that won’t change.” For one terrible moment, she thought he’d changed
mind, but then he growled low in his throat and crushed her into his arms.

’ve tempted me beyond reason.” He kissed her, took possession of her lips as if he already owned them. “Now it’s my turn to torment you.” He stroked his fingers over her bare back leaving tiny flames in his wake.

“That’s not fair.
” She rubbed her cheek on the soft hair of his goatee, enjoying how it tickled her skin. “No complaints here.” She nipped a line of kisses along his strong jaw, teased a spot just to the right under his chin. When he moaned, she did the same to the other side, before trailing her tongue down his throat to play at his collarbone. His masculine taste triggered a craving for more.

With a few indecipherable words,
he scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bed, laid her down, then joined her on the mattress, his body covering hers. “Your skin is so soft, like velvet, or…” A wicked grin parted his lips. “Ice cream.” He licked a path over the column of her neck, blowing lightly on the moistened skin.

Sophia shivered at the exquisitely cool sensation.

“Mmm, like that, do you? Perhaps I should continue.”

Before she could form a witty comeback,
her world spun crazily to the side. Xavier pushed her arms over her head, claimed her lips in a kiss so hard their teeth clicked together and left her gasping for breath. When he moved down her body to tease her nipples, she arched her back giving him greater access. He licked each bud, circling the tips until she lay whimpering beneath him. She tried to free her arms, but he held her wrists with one hand, his elegant fingers a gentle bond. “Xavier, enough. I need to touch you.” Desperation clung to the words.

“Not yet.
” He released her wrists in order to trail kisses down her chest, biting the soft flesh near her belly button. “There’s so much more I want to do.” He hooked a finger into the elastic waistband of her plain cotton panties and gave it a little tug. “Tell me what you want.”

Sophia’s eyes crossed as
he smoothed his palms over her legs, drawing the underwear down inch by inch. He placed kisses on her belly, her hips, his goatee scratching the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. The heated wetness between her thighs increased. Did he notice? “I want you. I need to feel you inside me, now.”

” He finally separated her from her panties and dropped them on the floor. “You aren’t ready.”

“I am.
” Sweat formed on her forehead. When he pressed the heel of his palm against her mound, she nearly jumped off the bed. “Xavier, please.” She writhed against his hand. He eased a finger along her folds, teased her entrance, while tormenting her swollen nub with his thumb. Ripples of pleasure emanated from that spot, and like disturbances in a pond and flowed upward to encompass her whole body. Pressure built inside, coiled with the deadly accuracy of a snake, striking in the form of thousands of pinpricks of light and feeling. “Good lord.” Stars formed behind her eyelids as her inner muscles contracted around his fingers. She moved her head restlessly against the pillow, opening her eyes to look at him.

His grin was wide an
d purely, unequivocally male. “
, you’re ready, except next time we won’t go this fast and the orgasm won’t be so small.” Leaving the bed long enough to remove his loose-fitting pants, Xavier soon returned to kneel over her, caressing her skin as if she were the harp and he the musician. His arousal pressed urgently into her stomach.

“Paybacks can be hell, werewolf.
” Sophia wrapped tentative fingers around his hard length then grew bolder as he nodded encouragement, moving slightly to provide her greater access. “You’re quite something, aren’t you?”

He was silky soft and hot to the touch. She caressed each wrinkle and pucker of the skin, traced the vein on the underside of his member, laughing when a shudder shook his body.

“If you continue, there will be an early ending to this play.” His voice held a fair amount of strain. He jerked in her hands as his eyes rolled back in his head.

She rubbed her thumb over his tip, pleased at the moisture she drew forth. “We wouldn’t want that.
” She stroked his length, applying pressure then exchanging it for feather-light touches until he growled and claimed her lips in a frantic kiss.

“For all that’s holy, woman, let me love you.

In response, she wiggled her hips against his. He gave a cry of masculine triumph and shifted his weight onto his arms as he positioned himself over her. Sophia opened her legs wide. Her heart raced. Her blood pounded loudly in her ears. “Love away, wolf boy.
” She gripped his shoulders, dug her fingernails into his skin until she was sure she’d leave marks. The tip of his erection bumped her entrance, seeking permission. Sophia lifted her hips, gasped when he slid easily into her slick channel, sighed as he buried himself to the hilt. She shifted slightly to accommodate his size, marveling at how well they fit together. “Xavier…” The darkness swallowed the single word.

A growl emanated from
his throat. The sensations tickled her stomach, then he slowly withdrew. Sophia reached for him, not wanting him to leave, but he had other plans. He clasped her hands, pressed them into the mattress, and slid his shaft inside once more. “You feel so good.” Soon, he found his rhythm and she met him thrust for thrust. She pushed her hips to his, matching his every move as he pounded into her with powerful strokes.

Her body shook and her skin tingled as the electric dance continued until Xavier’s shouts ended with a partial howl, low and primal.
Her cry of completion was small in comparison. She slipped over the edge of reality, welcomed the feeling of weightless floating as she rode the last pulses of pleasure. When she could think clearly, she opened her eyes, conscious of Xavier’s body pressing hers into the mattress.

Not having words that would equal what she just shared, she
placed a kiss on his sweaty curls and wiped away the tears rolling into her hair. He stirred against her and her inner muscles contracted. She smiled, inhaled his signature scent mingled with the aroma of lovemaking and sighed.

Hers. Her mate. Always.
It was nice.

Chapter Eighteen


“Get out!”

Xavier swiveled around at the pixie’s angry tone and looked sharply toward the back hall of Sophia’s apartment. A barrage of towels, bed sheets, and fleece blankets spewed from the linen closet like a pink and yellow avalanche.

A few seconds later, Sophia appeared, picking up the mess as she went. When she caught sight of him, she smiled. “Hey, stud muffin.” She threw her armful of laundry into a chair.

As much as he hated the moniker, Xavier welcomed the softer side of her. He recalled just how accommodating
she’d been the previous evening and returned the grin. “Am I right to assume your good mood heralds the coveted three ounces of magic dust? Did your pixie cooperate?” Hope coated his voice. Did she notice?

Her grin wavered. “Frieda flat out refused to help me. I can’t very well shake the pixie to get at her magic, can I?
” Sophia tugged him into the living room and pushed him onto the sofa. “Listen, Mona’s at the grocery, the imps are locked up, Frieda’s sulking, and Calvin won’t come out while you’re here. I think he’s finally realized he can’t challenge you and he’s keeping hidden, so why don’t we make the best of this tiny window of time, hmm?”

“What did you have in mind?
” He had an excellent view down her scoop-necked sweater, ached to reacquaint himself with her breasts.

“I think you know.
” She slipped into his lap straddled him. “I’m feeling the need to take my wolf out for another trip around the block, if you know what I mean. The last time went by entirely too quick for my liking.” Her giggle went straight to his groin.

“I know.
” He shifted as things grew uncomfortably tight in his slacks. “As much as I’m tempted by your offer, and you have no idea just how much, we have two and a half days left to assemble this potion.” His heart lurched to see the disappointment in her blue eyes.

“Are you sure?
” She wriggled against him, grinding her hips into his. Xavier groaned. “I mean really, really sure?” She pressed her lips to his in a teasing kiss. “I can make it worth your time.”

” He wrapped his arms around her then spent a few minutes exploring the soft, perfumed skin of her neck. He felt her shivers, caught the pure eroticism of the moment, and groaned again, this time in bitter disappointment at the situation. “Unfortunately, time is something I simply don’t have at this point.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Know this. I intend to explore every inch of your body with my tongue, kiss every pulse point, learn every sensitive spot of your skin until your doubts vanish and the only thing you know is my incredible hunger for only you.”

As he claimed her lips in a searing kiss, he knew she wouldn’t forget so soon. She made a soft mewling sound that rushed through his blood. If it wasn’t for the fact he’d be a damn animal for the rest of his life if they couldn’t make the potion in time, he’d drag the woman to her room and keep her there for days. Everything else paled in comparison to her. He slipped his hands beneath her sweater to tease her lace-covered nipples. He ached to see her naked body, flushed with desire for him. Their last coupling wasn’t enough. He wanted more. “Sophia, let’s—

” She laid a finger against his lips. “You can’t toss a chance to be human for a jump in bed. I won’t allow it. I want the guarantee you’ll be in my bed as a man, not a wolf.” Her gaze was so intense he thought he might drown and be happy to do so. “It might have taken me awhile to come around to your way of thinking, but now that I’m here, I don’t intend to let you get away.” She faltered, dropped her gaze. “If you’re a wolf then…” Sophia buried her face in the crook of his neck. “…you’re just going to have to find a way to make me one, too.”

Last night she said she wouldn’t do that.
For a moment, Xavier couldn’t do or say anything except lift her face to look into her eyes. He blinked at her sober expression.
She’s truly amazing.
“I…you cannot…” He held her close, content with stroking her back as words failed. Whatever happened in the cosmos to give this woman to him, there’d be no way he could adequately repay that generosity.

“What, no snappy comeback?
” Her breath warmed his ear. “I think I’m getting to you.” She pulled back. A brilliant smile parted her lips and lit her eyes.

won’t deny that statement, especially after last night.” He slowly drew her forward, intent to spend a few moments teasing mouth, when the front door slammed open to admit the roommate.
Damn it all to hell.
“After this mission is over, if you don’t consent to move in with me, I’ll personally kick each and every being in this apartment out. No exceptions.” He leaned his forehead against her with some level of frustration.

“No arguments from me.
” She stroked his cheek, her smile still in place. “Use force if necessary.”

“Geez, get a room you two.
” Mona shook the rain from her umbrella then deposited a few canvas grocery bags on the kitchen counter. “It looks like the sun’s trying to come out. Maybe there’ll be a rainbow.” Her eyes sparkled with her grin. “It’s been ages since we had a good rainbow.”

Sophia sucked in a quick breath. “A rainbow. Do you think—?

“It could be possible.
” She’d never been as beautiful as she appeared in that moment with her eyes opened wide with hope and a faint blush on her round cheeks. Xavier hated to spoil it by moving.

“I never considered the probability before.
” She slipped from his lap and padded to the window. He quickly followed, not willing or able to be apart from her.

The rain had indeed slacked to a desultory drizzle and the sky had lightened to a pale gray.

“Stranger things have happened.” He touched her shoulder. “Ready to go? We could be lucky and find the magic dust.”

“Wild horses couldn’t tear me from it.

“Uh, guys?
” Mona cleared her throat. “I found this stuck to the front door. I think you might want to take a look before you head out.” She waved a black envelope.

“Don’t open it!
” Panic ran through Sophia’s voice as she lunged for the stationery just as Mona broke the red wax seal. “It’s an Immediate Summons.”

“Oh, no.
” Xavier knew exactly what the letter meant. “Send me instead.”

“I can’t. You know the rules.
” Sophia shook her head. Red words glowed in the air.

“Your presence is requested without delay at the Immortal Court.”

The air surrounding the two women filled with thick red smoke, winding around them like a rope. Xavier sprang forward, tried to yank Sophia from the smog but his fingers slipped glanced off as if it were a silky wall. “Break the ward, Sophia. It’s too strong for me.”

“I can’t. The magic is too powerful.
” Her frantic gaze met his. “The rules state whomever breaks the seal of an Immediate Summons will also be transported along with the Summonee. Xavier, go. Find the rainbow’s end without me. There’s no time to waste.”

” He darted into the red mist but the women vanished and the haze disappeared. Stumbling into the kitchen counter, he threw back his head, and howled.




“Are you sure Sterling’s schedule is clear today?” Sophia heard the whine in her voice and hated herself for it. She gripped the armrests of her chair with nervous fingers and exchanged an anxious glance with Mona.

“Honey, I’m telling you the truth.
” Astral glanced away from her computer screen as she fished around in her blue beehive hair-do for a pencil. “He asked me to clear his afternoon when I issued you the Summons. That’s all I know.”

” She frowned as Mona calmly flipped through an outdated magazine. How could her friend remain so unfazed? The old familiar dread and fear bubbled through her stomach and she wished she were anywhere but there. For an hour, she and Mona had waited in the reception area, but Sterling had yet to make an appearance. “Astral, what’s the deal with the shake-up in the Courts? Are they really inviting humans to sit on the bench?”

A smug grin lit the secretary’s face as she looked over the tops of her reading glasses. “It’s true and Sterling’s pitching a fit. The eight Immortals decided their courts were a tiny bit biased, especially when beings of Sterling’s ilk are involved. So, in order to add a bit of fairness to the functions of the Court, they
’re allowing two mortals to join in each Realm.” She tapped the pencil against her desktop. “It’ll be interesting.”

“I’ll bet. Where are the Samhain
festivals this year?”

“All over the Mortal Realm near each Portal. I’m surprised you haven’t heard about them since there’s one in the park near you.

Sophia shrugged. “I’ve been a bit preoccupied.
” Her cheeks burned when she thought about just how much.

“She’s got a boyfriend.
” Mona tossed the magazine onto a table at her side and leaned forward. “He’s gorgeous and a—ow!” Her words stopped as Sophia stepped hard on her foot.

“He’s a sharp dresser was what Mona meant to say.
” She threw her roommate a hard look. “He’s also a pain in the butt sometimes.”

Astral cocked her head. “Honey, aren’t all men worth their salt?
” Sterling’s office door opened. “Showtime.”

” Sophia glanced at Mona in trepidation.

“Send up the Gatekeeper!

She knew one moment of profound panic as she struggled to her feet. “Mona, are you coming?

“No. I think I’ll just wait for you here.
” She rifled through the rest of the outdated reading material before selecting a tattered copy of a periodical. “I’d rather not see him in action.”

“Some moral support you are.
” Sophia trudged up the staircase then pushed open the partially open door to Sterling’s office. “I’d like to say it’s a pleasure to see you again, Sterling, but we both know that’s a lie.” She cringed as the door slammed shut behind her at the tiniest flick of his wrist.

“Sit down, Miss Raines.
” It was an order, not an invitation.

“There was no need for an Immediate Summons.
” She wet her dry lips. Her knees shook as she sank into the soft leather chair in front of his desk.

“I disagree.
” His fingers flew over his computer keyboard. “You’d have ignored a normal Summons.” He hit a key. “You’re in serious trouble.”

“Why? Did you foresee my doom in your
tarot cards, or maybe you’ve recently purchased a crystal ball?” She pleated the strap of her purse in her lap.

“Spare me your attempt at humor.
” Sterling stood in one fluid movement then perched on the front of his desk. “I had an interesting visitor this morning who gave me an earful of your recent…escapades.” He plucked a white fiber from his sleeve and gave her a malicious grin that sent chills over Sophia’s skin.

” She refused to give him the satisfaction of showing fear. “I hope you’ve heard only good things. You know how rumors start.”

“Don’t play games with me
.” Sterling’s eyes blazed red before resuming their original onyx hue. He left the desktop to pace about the office, his movements carefully controlled. “Braeden Hollister had some remarkable news to share.”

Prickles of alarm crept up and down her arms at the mention of the dragon’s name. “I see. Is he a friend of yours?
” She bit her lip as her birthmark flared to life with excruciating pain.

“Don’t pretend you don’t know who I’m talking about.
” She jumped. His voice came from directly behind her, his lips inches from her ear. “It escapes me for the moment how you found him, but let me assure you, I’m none too happy to hear you paid him a visit. I’m even less amused to find out you didn’t go alone.”

Sophia swallowed around the ball of fear in her throat. Sterling once more came into her line of vision. “You must be talking about my boyfriend, Francis.
” She felt enormously pleased for being able to remember the false name Xavier selected. “If we ran into Mr. Hollister it was purely by accident.”

” His eyes flashed red. “This penchant of yours for lying isn’t endearing.” He gripped her chin between his thumb and forefinger until she had no choice but to meet his gaze. “The man is more than he seems.”

“I…I don’t know what you’re talking about.
” Sour bile rose in her throat. Above all, she wanted to shield Xavier for as long as possible.

“Perhaps it has escaped your notice that your fair-haired boy-toy is in reality a werewolf, and what’s more, he’s telling people far and wide he’s your life-mate.
” His smile was a study of cruelty as it smirked across his face, leaving that chiseled visage thunderous. “Ah, the truth is in your eyes. You’ve never mastered the ability to hide your emotions.” He resumed pacing, hands clasped behind his back. “I’m disappointed in you, Sophia.”

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