Cursed by Diamonds (A Dance with Destiny Book 1) (31 page)

“As for the answers you once sought in earnest,” the elder Elf whispered within his haunting lullaby. “The only way to save the maiden, the only way to save Jenevier, is with extremely ancient, incredibly powerful magic. The likes of which even
do not possess. Her fate, my mortal friends, is out of your hands. Only the Angels can save her now. And then, only if she so
to be saved. Time will tell the truth of it.”

“I don’t understand.” Alastyn furrowed his brows. “What Angels? Tell me. Is she dead? Has she gone on to the beyond lands?”

“Be calm, valiant human. She yet lives. She is with them now. And the wind tells me… her training nears its end. Yes.” He smiled. “It will be up to the maiden how she chooses to handle her curse. Your noble efforts are now in vain concerning that tiniest of warriors. Only Jenevier has the power to break her spell. All is well, young one. Stay true to the heart that worships you, that has cherished you for so long.”

Alastyn and Willow looked to each other, squeezing their clasped hands.

“Listen well, little ones. Do not falter in your new quest to nourish the uncommon bond you two now share, and always have.”

The eerie, misty forms slowly evaporated one by one until Alastyn and Willow were left standing in the middle of the Mangladune Forest, alone.

Their first kiss… was epic.


Chapter 44






The water was warm and soothing. Varick had wasted no time in drawing the luxurious bath she now relaxed in. She couldn’t help but smile. The delicious aroma was intoxicating and unfamiliar. The tiny white flower petals dancing upon the surface were of a species she had never before seen.

Hmm… it’s not jasmine or daisy or even some type of lily. But I know I have inhaled this amazing scent before… somewhere.

Jenevier thrilled in the exhilaration of this amazing bath, giggled with excitement at such a blissful soak after so many long and filthy days. She dove under the steaming water filling the enormous basin, and came up a new woman. Peace and serenity lifted her spirits. She smiled blissfully, resting her head on the smooth marble edge.

“You must be part Mermaid.”

The velvety voice came from deep within the shadows covering a far corner of the room. She had no idea Varick was even around. She blushed at the thought of what he may have witnessed.

“It’s not polite to spy on a lady as she bathes. Have you no decency? And… how did you know about the Mermaids?”

Varick chuckled. “Actually, I wasn’t quite finished preparing your bath. I’ve brought some lovely soaps and lotions. I wanted you to feel at home. Your comfort is foremost in my mind, Maiden. It always has been. And, I have heard Marlise accuse you of being a Mermaid many times before.”

Jenevier blushed. “Sorry I snapped at you. I truly
grateful. I guess I’m still a bit on edge. You are an incredibly kind, gracious host. Tell me. What is this glorious aroma? What are these extraordinarily beautiful flowers? And what do you mean, you

“May I approach?”

“Please don’t. Not just yet.”

“As you wish.”

“And… the flowers?”

“Those flowers bloom high in the tops of the acadia trees by the main gate.”

I had tasted that scent before,” she mumbled under her breath.

“May I approach now, Milady?”

She sank down into the waters, straining her eyes, peering into the darkness covering the edge of the enormous room.

“I wish you wouldn’t.”

“It will be rather difficult for me to supervise your lessons if I cannot even be in the same room as you.”

“It’s not that. Not truly. I mean, you are
real. And I’m dealing with that fact as best I can. But as long as I can hear your voice without actually
you, then it’s like old times. It feels like it did before Aunt Marlise got sick. Back when I was happy.”

“You can be happy again, if you so choose. I can help you.”

“That’s what I keep hearing—the Vanir can help—but it only adds to all the other things I don’t understand.”


“Like, what
you, really? I mean, are you an Angel?”

Varick chuckled. “Not in the traditional sense of the word, no.”

“But you
a Guardian of some kind.”


“And a warrior?”


“And definitely not a man. Well, not like any man
ever seen. Normal men don’t have wings or long silver hair.”

“All of these things are true, Jenevier. But there is so much more. Are you ready to begin?”

“Do I have to get out of the bath?”


“Can I wash my hair?”


“Then, I’m ready,” she chirped.

Varick chuckled softly. “Very well, Princess. Turn around.”

She did as she was told.

“Now, lovely lady, you may continue bathing.”

When she turned back toward the ethereal voice, a beautiful tray was sitting on the edge of the giant sunken basin. It was filled with many ornate bottles, each more enticing than the next.

“Is all this for me?”

“Yes. I have been expecting you for quite some time.” He softly cleared his throat. “And, I know what you like. I know which aromas make your heart flutter, Jenevier. I know

She was taking the lids off of each bottle, inhaling one glorious scent after another.

“That may very well be. Yet I am certain I do not deserve all this. You are too kind, Varick.”

“Are you listening?”

“Yes.” She was still sniffing bottles.


“Yes, I’m listening. Why do I feel so giddy and relaxed?”

“It is the healing waters of Vanahirdem. They restore your natural essence and relieve all pain. Mental, as well as physical.”

“Then I will need one of these after
visit from Vareilious.”

He chuckled softly. “Yes. It seems he is quite smitten with you, little one. I have never seen him so hungry for a maiden nor quite so fast to comfort one. You seem to bring out the very best and the very worst of my right-hand warrior.”

“The gods must smile upon me,” she said sardonically, rolling her eyes.

“Do not be so hasty to dismiss the consideration of one as honored and revered as is Vareilious. Half the maidens in this city would give their wings to claim such attention and raw passion from that fierce man. I will admit to you now. I was a bit jealous over that little kissing game he was playing.”

“I do not wish to sound ungrateful. Do not think ill of me.” She chose a rose-scented shampoo and continued speaking. “But, Vareilious could never own my heart. Not like Alzeen. I do believe he could be fun at times, yes. And he is truly glorious to behold. But he is gloriously infuriating at the same time.”

Varick laughed again. “Yes. It is one of his many
, you might say.”

“So, tell me how you know me.”

“This will be a great deal to grasp so soon, lovely maiden.”

“I have grasped a great deal so far that hasn’t set well with me. Yet I still draw breath.”

“Very well… I carried you into the world.”

Jenevier was silent as she processed his proverbial words.

“So, you are the great winged cat?”

“Some people see me as such, yes.”

“Then, why did you leave me? Did you not know the troll was coming for me?”

“Well, it didn’t happen precisely
way. I stayed near as you grew. I watched over you. I was the reason Jezreel grabbed your hand on the playground that day. I convinced your parents to let you go to Tamar Broden. I was with you until Marlise’s interment. Then, I was summoned back to tend to urgent matters here. When I returned, I knew you were in great peril and oblivious to it. I entered the raven-haired boy and pushed him toward you.”

This was all too much. Perhaps she
ready to hear the truth after all. His words rocked her to the core, left her feeling empty inside.

“So, what you’re saying is… none of the relationships in my life were real? They were all a lie? It was ever only you?”

“No, no, you misunderstand. I cannot
someone against their will. But I can sense feelings and emotions. I gave a little nudge here and there. That’s all. Their feelings were their own. I only gave them the courage to act upon them. The same as I have done for you the whole of your precious life.”

“So, Jezreel and Alastyn?”

“Both are exactly as you knew them to be. I only gave a little push. They are who they are, same as you.”


She exhaled audibly as her frozen heart returned to its normal rhythmic drumming.

“Although, I will admit. I would not have pushed the boy
it were not for Prince Merodach.”

She peered back into the darkness. “Why not?”

“Because, he is exceedingly fair to your eyes. And… his feelings were extremely intense toward you.”

“So? Why do you consider that a
thing?  I will never forget what I felt when I first looked into his eyes. I will always remember how his touch made my heart race.” She sighed dreamily. “He was my first love… even though it only lasted for one night. Why would you deny me that feeling? I liked it.”

“Well, I did
like it. It made me uncomfortable.”

“Uncomfortable? How so? Were you a little bit jealous?”

“Are you teasing me, fair maid? Did I just hear you try to muffle a tiny giggle?”

“No,” she lied.

Jenevier did laugh. She laughed at the thought of an angelic warrior actually being jealous. They were of heaven and probably not even capable of such a thing as jealousy. The thought brought a huge smile to her face.

If I looked like that, I would never feel jealousy toward any human. Pity, perhaps. But never jealousy.

“No,” Varick continued. “I did not feel just a little bit jealous. I was
jealous. I had to turn away when he kissed your shoulder. But I could still sense how it made you feel.”

She stared into the darkened corner, dumbfounded. “You… you could sense what I was feeling?” She blushed at the thought. “Apologies, Varick. It’s true. I was only teasing you. I never actually thought you would be…” She couldn’t even make herself say the ridiculous word again.

“That I would be jealous? Well, I
been your protector, your Guardian all these years. How could I not love you? In truth, I always wanted to be your first kiss. I wanted to be the one who made your insides dance around like that. Thank all that is holy he stopped before kissing your beautiful lips. I don’t believe I could have stood that. And, that is exactly why I made the teapot whistle.”

“That was you?”

“Yes, that was me. Like I said, Jenevier, I am
jealous concerning you.”

Then, I’m extremely glad you weren’t with me and Alzeen during my trial.

Even though she tried to hold it in, that little thought caused a tiny snicker to escape. She quickly clasped her hand over her mouth.

Jenevier knew deep down in her heart, he was only saying such things to ease her mind, make her feel more comfortable in this heavenly place. And, she loved him for that.

“You are laughing at me again, aren’t you?”

“Nope. I was laughing at something else entirely.”

They shared a playful chuckle together before she once again relaxed into the blissful warmth and began washing her long hair.

“Tell me, Varick. Do
children get carried into the world via the wings of a Vanir?”

“No, little one, only a select few. Which brings me to answer your question as to what I am, what

She placed her elbows on the marbled edge and focused on the darkness before her. She wanted to make sure she clearly understood what he was going to say. The fact these people even existed in the first place was a confusing, maddening thought.

“We are Vanir—an ancient race forged by the very hand of God, placed here to comfort and protect the innocence of this world.”

“Which god?”


“Oh.” That little revelation rocked her as well.

“We live here, in Vanahirdem. We are few in number compared to the current populations. So, a select few special souls are tested and trained to carry out our great responsibilities. Even though one may be chosen by God from the beginning, life can often change people in


“Meaning, some people can start out one way, and when life gets done with them… they are someone else entirely. So, even the chosen ones are tested and trained to carry out these tremendous responsibilities.”

“Which are?”

“To protect and preserve innocence and love among man. Mostly, that means the precious children of the universe.”

Her heart raced with this unimaginable revelation. “So, you take care of the children?”

“Yes, the ones who desperately need us the most. We help the ones who are alone, the little ones who are unloved or mistreated by others. And yes, tiny Princess, that is why you have always treasured the youth. They are why you were born. You are meant to be Vanir. Well, trained to be

Jenevier slid off the edge of the basin and sank into those healing waters. Everything he said made perfect sense. It
right, yes, but it wasn’t even close to being possible. Was it?

“I have never heard of a chosen one who can literally
their Guardian Vanir’s voice. And yes, I heard Marlise accuse you of being a Mermaid many times because I was sitting there with you, always. Had I known you could hear my actual voice and not just feel my intentions, perhaps things would have gone differently.” He sighed. “I am sorry your intended training has turned out as such. Ideally, you would have been gently nudged in our direction only after your own youthful innocence and gaiety had long since vanished. You should still be one of the innocents we were made to watch over. You are still very much a child. You would have been drawn to join us when
were ready, on your own terms. In truth, I have never trained one such as you, one so pure and trusting and naïve. In so doing, I fear I may irrecoverably damage what it is within you that I am sworn to protect.”

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