Dangerous Waters (17 page)

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Authors: Toni Anderson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #Women Sleuths, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #Series

Holly hooked his elbow, and he had to use every ounce of self-restraint not to pull away from her challenging grip. Or not to grab hold of her and ravage those poor swollen lips just to change the subject. Yeah, that’s the only reason he wanted to kiss her.

“That’s the child talking, not the rational-minded adult.”

It was hard to separate the two when it came to his relationship with his brother.

“That man should never have been allowed to keep you boys when your mother left.” She suddenly looked fiercer than ever. “He was the monster, and you and your brother did what you had to do to survive.”

“You’re right.” Finn sucked in air and tried to keep his eyes on the ospreys, not the memories. “But Brent didn’t have to save me. He should have just saved himself. Then he wouldn’t have spent all those years rotting in jail.”

She laid a hand on his chest and his heart stumbled. He brought his hands up to clasp her shoulders. Her lips moved, and it took a moment to figure out what she was saying because the blood was rushing south so furiously he couldn’t hear a damn thing except his body telling him how desperately he wanted to be inside her.

“I never had a little brother.” Straight white teeth caught her bottom lip. “I always wanted one, even sometimes pretended I had one, but Mom couldn’t have any more babies after she had me.” Her eyes went dark as charcoal. “If I’d had a brother I’d have protected him the same way Brent protected you.” She shook her head. “It doesn’t make it right, but I get it.” She looked directly into his eyes. “I do get it.”

She took a step away, her chest heaving as if she’d been running—or was in pain. “It doesn’t change the fact that I am looking for a killer, and I will not let sentiment get in the way of doing my job. No matter
is guilty.”

As he tried to get his pulse back under control—the same pulse that was usually unmoved—he figured something out. “You can find out how Brent makes his living from the tax offices, right?”

“Assuming he’s telling them the truth, yeah.” She looked at him, and he knew she’d already spoken to them. She’d been testing him. He wanted to feel angry, but all he felt was this odd mix of hot and numb. Hot for her. Numb to the memories.

“He’s self-employed.” A small smile touched her mouth. “Want me to tell you what he does?”

The urge to know was so strong he almost choked on it. “No. I want him to tell me himself.” And that would never happen.

Her eyes softened. “Did Brent know Len Milbank?”

He took a step toward her and hooked his finger around a lock of her hair. “Not to my knowledge.” He’d burn in hell for that one.

“Did he know about the wreck?”

Integrity was something he’d always treasured, but he might be losing his own. He leaned toward her, gazes locked, as his lips lowered toward hers. He whispered in her ear. “Not to my knowledge.”

She swallowed hard, and he got satisfaction from seeing a shiver flicker across her skin, goose bumps forming in its wake. Then she grabbed two handfuls of his T-shirt and tried to shake him. “Would your brother have run me off the road?”

He wanted to lie again. Couldn’t. “I don’t know.” He closed his eyes, his whole body shaking from the effort of not pulling her close and sinking himself into her warmth. He dropped his head. “I wish I did.”

There was a fierce cry overhead as two golden eagles swooped in and chased away the ospreys. He gathered his strength and moved away to face the ocean. A burst of spray in the shallows told him a whale was feeding on the baitfish that swam close to the shore. Holly came up behind him and they stood in silence. They were in nature’s paradise, but the oppressive weight of secrets haunted everything he loved.

How the hell could he keep Brent and Thom safe? What if one of them was a killer? What about Holly? What if Brent
forced her off the road? “Tell me what you need to know. I’ll try to find out,” he said quietly.

“You’ll help me?”

He nodded. “Yep.”

“Why?” Suspicious to the end.

He turned and held that smoky gaze. “Because the sooner you leave, the sooner I can get you out of my head.”

Her eyes flared, and for a moment he saw the same hunger that ate at him, burning away at her resolve. Then she looked away, clenching her fists. “You and I can never happen…”

“I don’t want it to happen either, but I’m damned if I can stop thinking about getting you naked.” He pressed his lips tight together to prevent himself from revealing more. He turned his back on her and stared at the seemingly endless ocean.

He felt her behind him. Her hand tentative on his arm. Forehead heavy against his back. “Sleeping with you would destroy my career.” There was a long pause until finally she whispered, “But I can’t stop thinking about it either.”


Finn drew clean air into his lungs, but it did nothing to stop the desire that flooded him. Heat swam through his flesh, and he gritted his teeth against the image of them entwined around one another.

He turned, hands resting on her waist as she looked at him with stormy, conflicted eyes. He leaned closer, expecting her to break the connection even as his lips found hers and gently coaxed a response. Her tongue flicked across his, and he was instantly, painfully aroused, like a horny teenager with his first taste of female. Her hands clasped his neck, tunneled up and into his hair, drawing him deeper. She groaned in the back of her throat, as if wanting more, wanting him.

Dark and sultry, she tasted like hot summer nights and sweet, sexy temptation. His head was about to explode as urgency drove through his blood and made his heart hammer against his ribcage. His breath came in ragged gasps. Heat poured off his skin. He strained against his zipper, jeans suddenly two sizes too small as one of her hands slid down his chest and her palm spread wide against his heart. He wanted her to keep going lower. To touch the aching length of him that burned for her. When was the last time he’d felt this way?

He dragged her closer, taking care of her bruises as he squeezed the sweet curve of her ass, sculpted the indentation of her waist, then moved higher, until his thumbs found the hard peaks of her nipples that thrust eagerly against her uniform shirt. He’d never found uniforms particularly sexy until he’d met Holly. She shuddered as he circled both tips smoothly and firmly, making her whimper and her knees sag. She fell against him, and he gathered her to him, letting her feel exactly how much he wanted her. He thought it would jolt her back to reality, but she rubbed herself against him with a low groan, obviously as aroused as he was—a massive turn-on for a man already on the edge. It felt like a million years since he’d made love to a woman, and he had to hold on tight to his control.

He nipped at her mouth. Palmed her breast while his other hand cupped the curve of her ass and pressed her more firmly against him. It felt
good, and yet he knew it was nothing compared to how he’d feel sheathed in her hot, wet heat. He was shaking. Muscles trembling with the need to hold back.

He wanted to lay her down in the sand before either of them remembered who and what they were. This attraction was scorching hot, achingly sweet, and heartbreakingly wrong. They both knew it. Breathing hard, he pulled his mouth away. They were on a public beach, for god’s sake.

The chime of a cell phone shattered the moment. She swallowed hard, squeezed his arm for a long moment before she answered.

“Rudd here.” She sounded breathless. It filled him with a fierce sense of male satisfaction because he’d done that. “Where? Damn. Yes, I’ll check it out.” Her eyes swung to his as she talked to her cell. “I don’t know how I’m going to get there, though. I don’t have a vehicle.”

“I’ll take you.”

She covered up the microphone. “You don’t know where I need to go.”

After what had happened yesterday, the thought of her driving alone on these remote roads made him feel ill. “Doesn’t matter. I’ll take you.”

There was a strident rap on his door. Thom stood in the kitchen and hoped whoever it was would go away. He didn’t get much time to himself, and frankly, lately, he was sick of everyone interfering and telling him how to live his life. Then the thought that it might be Holly had him scurrying to the door like a frantic rabbit. He yanked it open only to be confronted by the person lowest on his list of lovely-to-see-yous.

“You missed our lunch appointment.” Laura Prescott raised one arched brow and used her briefcase to bludgeon her way inside. “I’ll put it on your bill.”


She wore black slacks that clung and revealed a shapely figure. Her hand-knit purple sweater had a pretty little ruffle and she wore a flowing scarf loosely wrapped around her neck.

“I never arranged an appointment, so you may as well leave.” He followed her into the living room where she sat on the sofa where Holly had sat, just yesterday morning. OK, he had to stop obsessing about the young woman, but last night he’d been examining her moles and noticed she definitely had some in common with his baby girl.

But Holly said she had a family, so he had to be wrong. What if it were just a coincidence that she looked like Bianca? A phenotypic aberration?

“Finn arranged the appointment.”

“He shouldn’t have interfered,” said Thom.

“Why not? He does everything else for you,” she snapped. “And he’s paid me up front so you may as well just sit down and discuss this with me—”

“There’s nothing to discuss!”

“Then for god’s sake get me a glass of wine because I’m fed up with being treated like a leper whenever we’re in the same room.”

Heat spread up his back and neck. “I don’t treat you like a leper, I barely know you.”

“Exactly.” She raised her face to the ceiling and swore. “In a town of only a couple of hundred people, it’s the same damn thing.”

Thom’s mouth went dry, and when it was obvious she wasn’t going to move, he stalked into the kitchen and popped the cork on a nice bottle of white he had in the fridge. He carried two glasses back and found Laura staring at a photograph of Bianca and the kids that hung on the living room wall.

She turned, a direct blue gaze following him across the room. “Did you kill the guy you found in the wreck?”

“I didn’t think lawyers asked their clients if they were guilty.” He watched the way the light fell over her face. She had soft-looking skin.

She laughed. “I was never a
attorney.” She shuddered. “I worked prosecution. I don’t believe in working for people I already know are guilty.”

Did she really think he might be dangerous? He found he rather liked the idea. “So if I say I killed him, you’ll leave me alone?”

“Did you?” She didn’t let up.

“No.” His throat was dry. “I didn’t kill him. I don’t
people. It’s not my thing.”

Laura took the wine he held out, her fingers brushing his in the process.

“You’re cold.” Thom immediately went and lit the fire.

“I have vampire blood,” she said.

He laughed, but then she moved closer to him, and he felt slightly hunted. Women did not pursue him. He had no real idea how he’d ever ended up with someone as beautiful as Bianca—it was another great mystery in his life.

“So what
your thing, Professor? Besides mourning yourself into an early grave? Wasting decades looking for a murderer who will never be found? Is that
you want out of life?” Dark blue eyes pinned him, demanding answers. “Or do you still have a heart beating inside that scrawny chest?”

“I’ve been doing it for so long I haven’t really thought about it,” he answered honestly. Until these last few days. Suddenly he was tired. Tired of the constant struggle to solve a mystery that no one else seemed to care about. He inhaled and looked down at his lean frame. “And I’m not scrawny. I’m wiry.”

A smile curved Laura’s lips and she sat on the sofa. Opened her briefcase. “Let’s go through some basic facts in case the police decide to try to hang this on you.”

“I can’t believe a prosecutor would ever think the police might go after the wrong guy.”

Another tinkling laugh filled the room. “I’m a lawyer, I’m not stupid. But I can only do my job if I know the facts.”

“You want the whole truth?”

“Nothing but.”

Thom blew out a sigh and sat, keeping her briefcase between them.

She raised her glass for a toast. “To a new business relationship.”

He clinked her glass and took a long swallow of his chilled wine and found he rather liked that idea.

“Who knows where it might lead.”

He almost spat it all back out again.

Mike slipped silently into the house, closed the back door, and shot home the bolt. Between his sessions of breaking and entering, he was more wired than a junkie searching for another hit. Time for reporting his failure to Dryzek was running out, and tension had strung his balls so tight he felt like he’d been castrated. Hot sweat had frozen to an icy chill on his skin, and he stank of the ripe perfume of fear.

The sound of the shower going full blast rammed his senses with a mixture of gratitude and self-disgust. He needed to forget his troubles for an hour. He needed release. Unbuttoning his shirt, peeling it over his head, then undoing his pants as he strode down the hall. He slipped a condom out of his back pocket, kicked off his boots, and slipped soundlessly into the tiny bathroom of Gina Swartz’s two-bedroom bungalow. The room was thick with steam, hot and cloying in his lungs. The scent of sweet strawberries filled the air. She was singing loudly, and from her silhouette he could see she was distracted, washing her hair. He tossed the condom on the side of the sink. Silently he eased past the curtain, moving soundlessly until he stood right behind her. She suddenly froze, and her elbow bumped into his hand as he grabbed her around the waist. She drew in breath to scream, but he slapped his other hand over her mouth and pulled her flush against his painfully aroused body. She bit him, shampoo streaming over their skin in a slick trail. He held her tight, whispered low in her ear, threatening. “I won’t hurt you as long as you do
as I say.”

Her eyes were enormous as she stared at him over her shoulder. He released her mouth, carefully gauging her reactions. His fingers slipped up into her wet hair, then he kissed her neck. “I need you, Gina. I really need you, baby.”

He hadn’t meant to get so involved with Brent Carver’s ex, but now he was finding it harder and harder to leave her alone. He hadn’t touched another woman in months and, despite his flirting words, hadn’t wanted to. She turned in his arms, slippery and wet. He dove into the passion and heat of her mouth and wished he could go public with their relationship. But if Brent didn’t kill him, Finn might. And with Dryzek threatening his ass, he couldn’t risk Gina getting caught up in the tangled mess of his life.

He pushed her against the tiles and manacled her wrists above her head, looked down into those pretty eyes. “I’ve only got an hour.” He swallowed the emotion that caught him off guard. She deserved better than this, and he had the terrible feeling he was starting to fall in love with her. Not only was she the most sexually adventurous woman he’d ever met, she was soft and gentle and kind.

She was also hot. Really fucking hot.

She ran her leg up his thigh, and he almost dropped to his knees. Never had he imagined that beneath those plain cotton blouses and knee-length skirts was a creature so full of simmering sensuality he could barely look at her without getting a hard-on. And naked in the shower with water drenching her skin, running over those full breasts? He was a goner, pure and simple.

She stood on tiptoes and nipped his ear. “So what are you waiting for?”

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