Dare to Trust (16 page)

Read Dare to Trust Online

Authors: R Gendreau-Webb

He changed, getting out of the suit, favoring jeans and sweater. Although he had been told to stay in Boston, Jason grabbed his car keys and headed out the door. He was going back to Maine. He had left his overnight bag at Mia’s cottage, which was exactly where he was headed.

Jason stopped along the way a few times. He replaced his battered phone and grabbed coffee, desperate for the caffeine to help keep his eyes open. The emotional toll of the past few months were starting to hit him hard.


It was dusk when Lieutenant Ross retuned to Mia’s cottage, accompanied by several other law enforcement officers and a search warrant. “Dr. Hitchcock, I am sorry for the intrusion, but we need to search the premises.” He handed her a copy of the search warrant, feeling a bit sorry for her. The only reason her cottage was being searched was because Jason had been there. He chose not to tell her that.

“Is this really necessary?” she demanded. “You said I wasn’t being accused of anything.”

Lt. Ross ignored the statement. “Did Detective Howard leave anything here? I understand he returned to Boston yesterday.”

Mia pointed towards the bedroom. She couldn’t believe Jason was being considered a suspect for poisoning. After all, he was a cop! “He has an overnight bag in the closet, some clothes in a few drawers.”

One of the officers headed into the bedroom and started looking through the drawers of the bureau. Another opened the closet was started to rifle through the hanging clothes and miscellaneous contents. Mia felt violated, watching her things being pawed through by strangers.

“Has Detective Howard done or said anything strange to you lately? Been particularly angry that you left Boston?” Lt. Ross asked Mia.

She hugged her arms around her middle feeling suddenly chilled. “I’m not telling you anything else without a lawyer.” Her dark eyes blazed at him. Without another work, the lieutenant joined the other officers in examining the contents of the cottage. Where the hell was Jason? She desperately needed to talk to him and have him explain what was going on.

He dialed Mia when he was on the outskirts of town. Mia had grabbed her phone shortly after the police had invaded her home and slowly made her way down to the harbor. She had been staring out at the cold whitecaps that lapped onto the shoreline when Jason called.

“There’s police at the cottage,” she told Jason, “searching through everything.” He could hear the panic in Mia’s voice. “Jason, what’s happening? They think you’re somehow involved in those awful poisonings. Tell me you had nothing to do with it.

Shit! Why was Mia being dragged into this?! Jason wondered how many innocent people he had subjected to such violation. “I’m almost there, Mia. I promise I’ll explain everything when I get there.” He paused and quickly added, “I love you.”

As he drove up the street, nearing the cottage, Jason swore under his breath as he the police cruisers out in front. It was bad enough, for whatever reason, he was being harassed but they didn’t need to drag Mia into this mess, although Jason wasn’t exactly sure what the hell was going on.

“Mia, are you okay?” Jason spotted her in the small backyard. She hadn’t wanted to witness the search going on inside.

“I don’t understand what’s happening.” There was sadness in Mia’s dark eyes. Jason didn’t like seeing it and he wondered if she was starting to think he had something to do with those poisoned patients she had cared for.

“How long have they been here?”

Mia ignored the question. She wanted an explanation and was now irritated that she had to ask for one. “They told me you were put on administrative leave from work. Tell me that you asked for the time off and you came up here because you wanted to see me.”

“Mia, don’t let them convince you of things that aren’t true.” He sighed, wishing he had told her the truth the other night when he had arrived. “I was put on leave, for an incident with a suspect. But I came up here to see you, because I needed to be with you.” Jason’s eyes pleaded with her to believe him.

A shiver ran through Mia. She had on a sweater but it wasn’t enough against the damp, chilly air. “Where did you go yesterday?”

“I went back to Boston. I was pissed, wanted to think about things.” His voice rose. “Jesus, Mia, this whole situation is killing me. I’m so in love with you. I know that you love me too, but you keep pushing me away and I don’t get it.” Jason turned away from her, frustration building and ran a hand through his hair. He felt her hand on his shoulder and his jaw tensed. “Do you think I poisoned those people?” Jason asked her.


He turned back to look at Mia. “Someone is setting me up. They searched the brownstone, too. If they had found anything, I’d be in jail right now.” Another shiver coursed through Mia.  With the searches, she felt that her entire life had been rifled through both here and back in Boston.

Lieutenant Ross interrupted the conversation as he stepped from the house out into the backyard. “We’re finished, Dr. Hitchcock. I appreciate your cooperation.” He looked in Jason’s direction. “Detective Howard,” he acknowledged.

“Leave her out of this,” Jason warned the lieutenant. He had moved closed to Ross, he towered over him, and Jason had wanted to be intimidating. It didn’t work.

“Just doing my job,” Ross replied. “I am sure we will be in touch.” He walked away.

Jason ushered Mia into the cottage. He wanted to tell Mia about his dealings with internal affairs. At first glance, the officers that had executed the search here hadn’t been as messy as those who had searched the brownstone back in Boston. Jason was grateful Mia didn’t have to see her belongings strewn everywhere. She was wandering around the cottage, checking the rooms.

“Come sit with me,” Jason called to her in a gently voice. He was on the couch. Mia said nothing but sat next to him. “Are you still cold? Want me to build a fire?”

“No.” Mia studied him, thinking he looked tense. His jaw muscles twitched and his eyes showed his fatigue. She looked at the beginnings of a beard, thinking Jason never went a day without shaving. He isn’t acting like himself---because of me?

“I roughed up a suspect,” Jason began. “It was stupid and that’s why I was put on administrative leave. His lawyer is threatening a police brutality lawsuit; they’ve gone all Rodney King. But it wasn’t like that. The guy didn’t get hurt, it’s all bullshit.”

“Why? You’ve never been violent.” Her voice was mixed with concern and accusation.

The disappointment that he saw in Mia’s eyes almost did him in. “I don’t know.” Jason let out a long breath. “For a split second, I lost it. I had been able to keep everything separate, work and all the stuff we went through, all the feelings. And then I couldn’t.” He looked at Mia, grasped her hand into his. He needed her to understand and believe him.  “I’m sorry,” Jason whispered. “I don’t want you to hurt anymore. I just want us to be okay…like we used to be before the baby.”

“I want that, too.” Mia answered. She moved into Jason’s arms, against his chest. He hugged her to him and Mia was confident she was where she should be. She left her head resting on his solid chest for several minutes, listening to his heartbeat. And then without a word, Mia pulled away slightly. She moved her hand underneath the sleeve of Jason’s T-shirt, exposing the small tattoo high on his bicep. When he had first become a cop, he had his Boston police shield inked on, with the date. Mia kissed it and her mouth gravitated towards his jaw and she kissed and nipped to the hollow of his shoulder, her hands had snaked under the shirt and up his hard chest. She loved the salty taste of him and the slight groan that he made. And then he pulled away.

“No, Mia. Stop.”

She looked at him with confusion. “What’s wrong? I thought---“
              “I won’t be able to stop. So don’t start anything.” His voice was hoarse and he was painfully hard. Jason quickly rose up off the couch, the memory of the last time they had made love in his mind. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

Mia gave him a wry grin. She got up and tackled herself into his solid chest. She had caught him off guard, and they tumbled onto the area rug that covered the wood floor. She could feel his hardness beneath his jeans. Without another word, she was on top of him, her mouth on his. Jason ripped off her sweater and her bra, then rolled over, pinning her beneath his weight. He got rid of his T-shirt and then his jeans and briefs all in one motion. Mia’s jeans and panties soon followed. Jason buried himself into her. “Tell me you love me,” Jason demanded as he roughly kissed her.

Mia moaned, as her legs wrapped around his narrow waist. “I love you, Jay,” she said. “God, I missed this.”

“Promise you won’t leave me again.” Jason stopped his thrusts and looked into Mia’s eyes. He needed her reassurance---he needed her, all of her.

“Never,” Mia promised her eyes full of desire. As soon as she answered, Jason grabbed her hips and crushed her towards him as he thrusted deeply into Mia, letting out a groan of pleasure. He was finally home.


Lieutenant Ross studied the large white board that covered most of the back wall of his office. Photos of the poison victims hung on one side and on the other, a listing of clues and leads. His eyes were caught by the string of leads that were potentially pointing towards Detective Howard. A strange BMW had been seen in the church parking lot by more than one parishioner. Howard owned a BMW. So far, no alibi had been uncovered for where Howard was the morning the poisoning occurred. There had been two anonymous calls, stating a man who matched Jason’s description had been seen in town. And Howard had been acting unlike himself, displaying great anger since his woman left him. Was that enough of a motive to explain why this sterling cop had turned and potentially committed such a heinous crime? So far, there was no definitive proof Howard had been in the small town on the morning in question. If he had been here, shouldn’t there be some security footage of Howard from a convenience store or a traffic camera? No video existed that Ross could locate. And the subpoena for Howard’s cell records had been issued---no pings from any cell tower anywhere near town that morning. The phone had been completely shut off. Ross was unsure, but knew there was more digging that would have to be done to answer that question.

Ross studied the list of all of the church members who had been at the service Sunday morning. Could he be missing something---another potential suspect, perhaps? Tyler Daniels was listed. Dr. Tyler Daniels. Ross looked through the parishioner statements, not finding any given by Daniels. It seemed a little funny that the doctor hadn’t mentioned anything about actually being at the church the day of the poisonings during the initial conversation at the hospital.

“Dr. Daniels, I just need a minute of your time.” Lt. Ross had driven the short distance from the police station to the hospital after confirming Daniels was on shift.

“Okay.” He led the lieutenant to his office. “What can I help you with?” He didn’t offer Ross a seat.

“You never mentioned that you were at the church Sunday morning.”

For several moments, Tyler was quiet. Ross studied his face but the man was a born poker player; he gave nothing away. “I was there,” Tyler said as he thought carefully about his words, “but I left early. I wasn’t there after the service when it seems the poisoning actually happened.” He sat behind his desk. “I didn’t see anything unusual,” he added.

“Why didn’t you mention this the morning after the poisoning, when we spoke?”

“I didn’t think it was all that important. Like I said, I didn’t see anything strange. And I had left early to get ready for my shift at the hospital.”

Lt. Ross scribbled down a few notes and looked up at the doctor. “Thanks for your time, Dr. Daniels. I know how busy you are.” As he left Tyler’s office, he quickly took inventory of the contents, noting the degree from Philadelphia.

It didn’t take long to have a neatly packaged synopsis of Tyler Daniel’s life in front of him. Ross glanced through it, noting the important details. Daniels had come from a middle-class home, second child. He had always been smart and had gotten a scholarship into medical school. He had completed medical school and worked in Philadelphia as a physician for a few years. And then had gotten into trouble. The trouble was why he had left Philadelphia was now in Maine.



Jannifer Howard was sitting out in the sun room sipping tea when the door bell sounded. She made her way through the study and into the foyer. When she reached the lead glassed front doors, she could see two men standing under the portico, holding up what appeared to be police badges. Jannifer opened the doors, thinking the worst. “Has something happened to Jason?” she questioned, worry lining her flawless face.

“No ma’am. He is fine.” The man put away his badge. “I’m Detective Cummings and this is Detective Ward. May we come in?”

“Of course.” Jannifer opened the doors fully, allowing the two men to enter the home. “Follow me,” she ordered as she led them into the formal living room. “Please, sit.” She sat in her favorite wing chair positioned next to the marble fireplace.

“We have some questions about your son, Ma’am.”

“You said he was alright.” Jannifer eyed the men suspiciously.

“He is.” Cummings took a deep breath, not completely comfortable lying. “Detective Howard has applied for a position within the police department that would be a promotion. We are interviewing various people as part of the process.”

“Really?” Jannifer smiled widely. Maybe her son was finally coming around, vying his way into a prestigious job within city hall.

“When was the last time you saw your son?”
              “He was here for dinner a few weeks ago.”


“Yes. He recently broke up with his girlfriend.” Jannifer smiled again. “I am hoping he will finally listen to his mother. I have the perfect woman for him.”

“I see.” Cummings was beginning to feel a twinge of sympathy for Howard.

His words seemed to encourage Jannifer. “Jason needs to get serious and settle down. He’s getting older, it’s time for him to get married and have a family. My mother stipulated in her will that he had to have a child by age thirty-five in order to inherit his trust fund.”

Ward was furiously scribbling in his note pad. Cummings kept the questions flying. “Did you know, Ms. Howard, that your son’s significant other had been pregnant? That she suffered a miscarriage a few months back?”

It was the first time Jannifer had been speechless during the entire conversation. “No,” she finally answered curtly.

“Were they serious, your son and the doctor?”

“They lived together.” The disapproval couldn’t be missed from Jannifer’s face. “But she wasn’t right for him. Not the correct upbringing.”

What a bitch, Cummings observed as he thought about his loving, supportive mother. “Your meaning, ma’am?”

“Jason was brought up for a life of public service. He was raised thinking he would carry on the family name in politics. The woman he was with, well, she had a middle class upbringing. I believe her parents worked full-time, lived paycheck to paycheck. That simply isn’t what Jason was raised to take for a wife.”

“Does Jason know about the stipulation to gain access to the trust fund?”

“Of course he does. And all he has to do is come to his senses and marry Anna. They’ve known each other since they were children. She is perfect for him and they would have beautiful children.” Jannifer smiled, caught up in her own fantasy.

“Did he mention the position he is interested in? Say anything unusual? Act differently?”


Cummings and Ward stood. “We greatly appreciate your time, Ms. Howard.”

She stood as well; ready to escort the two men to the door.

“Is there anything else we should know about your son?”

“I may not agree with all of his decisions and choices, but if there is something he desires enough, he won’t stop until he gets it. Nothing will stand in his way.” Jannifer had shared that, thinking about the potential promotion her son was being considered for. Cummings and Ward took the statement a different way, wondering if Jason’s response to Mia’s departure had been the poisoning.

When the detectives left, Jannifer sought out her cell phone in the kitchen. She dialed her son. He answered on the second ring, having recognized the number. “Is everything alright?” he asked. Jannifer rarely called him.

“Jason, was your girlfriend pregnant? With my grandchild?” Her voice was terse and full of accusation. Jannifer didn’t believe in beating around the bush. She had been unnerved, learning this information from the police detectives and not her son.

“Where the hell did you hear that?” Jason growled into the phone. This was the last conversation he thought he would be having with his mother. The topic was uncomfortable to be discussing, especially with her.

“People talk, Jason. Is it true?”

“Yes,” he sighed. “Why do you care?”

Jannifer drew in a breath. His question had hit a soft spot. Jannifer loved her son and she always felt a small twinge of guilt when it seemed he did not realize that fact. “I care about you, Jason. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, mother. It wasn’t me that was rushed into emergency surgery.” It pissed him off that his mother tried to ignore Mia’s existence.

“I know that,” Jannifer snapped, “but it was your child, too, wasn’t it?” Jason didn’t even give her a respond. “I’m sorry, Jason. I’m sure it’s been hard for both of you.” She thought for a moment regarding what Jason had said about taking a break from Mia. “Is that why she moved out?” She was realizing how serious Jason and Mia had been.

There was no way Jason was about to explain why Mia left and where exactly their relationship stood. He wasn’t even sure he knew what the status of their relationship was. “Look mother, I am in love with her. I know you don’t want to hear that, but it’s true.”

“I just want you to be happy, Jason,” Jannifer told him, and she meant it. “If being with her is what makes you happy then I’m glad.”


Ward had known Detective Keith Grimes since the police academy. They had gotten through it together, both initially becoming beat cops. Eventually, Grimes had gravitated towards homicide and Ward to a special investigations unit. As he approached the home where Grimes resided, Ward hoped he had a memory of their friendly past. Ward was sure once he started making accusations about Grimes’ partner, things would start to get uncomfortable fast.

It was late in the afternoon. Keith and his wife had been missing each other for almost a week. He had made an effort to be sure that he would be home to greet Monica when she arrived from work. They were in the bedroom, in the midst of foreplay, when he heard the knock at the door.

“Shouldn’t you get that?” Monica asked as she pulled away from her husband’s naked chest.

“I am hoping they will go away.” Keith started to kiss her again, but the knocking started up again. “Shit,” he muttered. “Don’t go away,” he told her as he got up and slipped on his trousers that had ended up on the floor.

He opened the door and recognized Ward. “Detective,” he greeted him and moved back so Ward could enter.

“Keith, good to see you. I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” he said, noting Grimes’ bare torso. “I have a few questions I am hoping you won’t mind answering.”


“Your partner.” Ward saw Grimes’ posture stiffen.

“Is there some official investigation I should know about?”

“Can we sit?” Ward asked. “I really was hoping this wouldn’t be so…awkward.”

“Sure, have a seat.” The men sat in the living room. “You know there’s no greater loyalty than to one’s partner, right? Jason’s saved my ass more than once.”

“Yeah,” Ward nodded. A large Bible sitting out on the coffee table caught his eye. “I get it. And if I didn’t have to be here, asking you, I wouldn’t be.” Ward took out his cell phone and passed it to Grimes. There were photos of the suspect Jason had roughed up. The suspect had a black eye, bruised cheek and in the last shot, exposing his chest, a bruised flank. “You and Howard collared this guy?”


“Did Howard do that to him?” Ward accepted his phone back.

“No. Jason never touched the guy’s face, and I hardly think his forcefulness left the marks on the guy’s side. Those photos are bullshit.”

“Was Detective Howard ever alone with the suspect?”

“No. We were both there the entire time.”

“Have you spoken to Jason since he was put on leave?”
              “No,” Grimes lied. There was no reason for him to mention the short conversation in the parking garage.

“He’s been acting differently lately, would you say?”

“Look, I don’t know what you’re insinuating, but Jason is a damn good cop. He has been going through some rough patches in his personal life, yeah, that’s true, but he is a damn good cop.”

“Rough patches?” Ward probed.

“His girlfriend miscarried. Maybe if they had been married before starting a family, things would have worked out differently.”

              That was a strange thing to say, Ward thought. He almost hated himself for asking the next question. Investigating and possibly uncovering flaws in fellow officers was more than uncomfortable. Who didn’t have a skeleton or two in their closet? “Do you know if Detective Howard ever hurt his girlfriend? Threatened her? Is that why she moved out of state?”

              Grimes instantly popped up from the couch. “I think we’re done here,” he answered, ignoring the questions that had been posed. Ward nodded, understanding that Grimes would not incriminate his partner, whether Howard was guilty of something or not.

              “Thanks for your time, Keith.” Ward saw himself out.


              After spending three days alone in the cottage with Jason, Mia returned to work in the emergency room Saturday afternoon. While they had been alone, they had talked, made love, and come to peace with what had caused Mia to run from Boston. Jason had admitted the resentment that he had let build towards Mia for becoming pregnant; but he also admitted that he didn’t blame her. They had agreed to discuss their future, wedding and kids and happily ever after, once Jason’s issues were settled. It had been a therapeutic few days. Mia was healing. If only the accusations against Jason could be put to rest.

Tyler barely glanced up at Mia as she took her a seat at the nurse’s station. He was sitting, casually chatting with one of the nurses. The emergency room was quiet; there were only two patients currently being seen.

“Do you want to give me a report?” Mia questioned, feeling uneasy about how Tyler might respond. He didn’t give her a hard time, but told her the male patient had received several sutures to his left forearm and was receiving IV antibiotics. The twenty-something female patient was there for minor cough and cold symptoms. She would be able to be discharged once the chest x-ray results were back, assuming nothing abnormal popped up.

“I’ll be in my office for a while if you need anything.”

Almost an hour later, both patients had been discharged. The emergency room was empty---a rare occurrence. Rather than sit idle, Mia started to pace around the department. She ran into Tyler as he was headed towards the employee lounge.

“Mia, how are you doing?” he questioned as he moved in closer to her, trapping her between his solid form and the wall. She didn’t answer but gave him a strange look. “I know there have been a lot of questions about your boyfriend. I heard that the police searched your place and his back in Boston. Must be rough.”  Tyler leaned in and put both his hands on each side of Mia. “I just want you to know I’m here if you need anything.” And with that, Tyler started to walk away from her.

Mia followed Tyler into the lounge and grabbed his shoulder. Thankfully, the room had been empty. “Do you think you can intimidate me like this?” She stood in front of him, hands on her hips, glaring at him.

Tyler tilted his head back and laughed. “Do you have some pent up sexual frustration you need to get out?” he asked in an amused voice. “Like I said, I’m here for you.”

“Just leave me alone, Dr. Daniels.” Mia stormed out of the lounge.

He grinned like a Cheshire cat. Tyler loved getting under her skin. At one time, she had been interested. Tyler was confident, even though Mia didn’t realize it yet, she would be interested again.



Mikey and Caroline were inseparable the first ten years of their lives. They had been born fraternal twins, Mikey six minutes older than his sister. They both had wide smiles, blue-green eyes and dark hair. Where ever one was, the other didn’t trail far behind.

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