Dark Warrior Untamed (14 page)

Read Dark Warrior Untamed Online

Authors: Alexis Morgan

He knew it, too, because soon his lips followed the same path his hands had taken, teasing her with light kisses along the length of her neck and down her shoulders. His breath was warm, his movements gentle. She wanted more, much more.

She’d been clutching her book to her chest as if it were a shield, but at that moment, she didn’t need protection. The paperback landed on the floor with a soft thud as she turned to face Grey.

Despite the obvious invitation, he kept his embrace light, letting her make the next move. She gave
in to the temptation and touched his chest, testing his strength with the palms of her hands. The light dusting of hair tickled her skin as she followed its path to just short of where it narrowed and disappeared beneath the waistband of his boxers. She wasn’t ready to take her exploration that far yet.

“Kiss me, Piper.”

But rather than press her lips against his, she kissed his chin, followed by his throat, before travelling down to kiss the dark circles of his nipples. He groaned and cupped the back of her head, silently asking for more.

She loved nuzzling his chest, drawing in the rich, male scent of Grey Danby. For the moment, that was enough. But soon, very soon, she wouldn’t be satisfied until she had something far more tangible deep inside her.

His hands were busy, too. She’d worn her favorite camisole and lace panties to bed, and neither provided much of a barrier when a determined male wanted to get skin-to-skin with her. Grey’s hand was poised at the lowest point of her back, just above the curve of her bottom.

She shimmied a little, hoping to encourage his exploration, while at the same time finally offering him the kiss he’d demanded. The instant their lips touched, he wrested control from her, ruthlessly plundering her mouth, demanding everything she had to give.

As his tongue swept in and out, tasting her, teasing her, his hand finally made its move. His fingers slipped under the elastic of her panties to spread over her ass, pushing her forward against his erection. Impressive,
but then she’d already known that.

Her arms wound around his neck and she rose just enough to settle her body against his. Their few bits of remaining clothing were still too much. And they would have so much more fun when they got horizontal.

She broke off the kiss, her lips already swollen and tender. “Take me to bed, Grey.”

He swept her up in his arms.

“It would be my greatest pleasure.”

Chapter 8

iterally being swept off her feet was wildly romantic and erotic as heck. So was being pressed against the play and flex of Grey’s muscles as he carried her to the bed. Then he slowly lowered her feet to the floor, allowing no more than the barest whisper of space between them. He rubbed his face against her hair, murmuring something about her shampoo.

Then his mouth found hers and all coherent thought ended.

She tasted so damned good. Who knew that tart tongue of hers would be so sweet? Her skin was silky smooth and pliant as he slid his hands under the scrap of fabric she wore. His fingers traced the curve of her elegant back, starting at the top and meandering down to where her waist narrowed and then flared out again at her hips.

He couldn’t wait to take her, grab her backside with both hands and drive them both hard. But not yet. There were too many other delights to savor first. Resisting the temptation, he kept them vertical, hoping to
maintain his sanity a little longer.

It didn’t help that Piper, bright woman that she was, had discovered how much he liked it when she rocked the juncture of her thighs against his straining erection. It was like trying to contain a bottle rocket in his boxers, one that’s fuse had never been designed to do a slow burn in the first place.

He closed his eyes and thought of Queen and country. No help there. Fast and furious would have to do.

He gave Piper a gentle shove, sending her tumbling back onto the bed. Oh, hell, she had a tattoo encircling her thigh. How had he missed that before? He reached down and traced the pattern of flowers and vines with his fingertip, vowing he’d follow the same path with his tongue.

The minx looked up at him and giggled. “In a bit of a hurry, are we?”

He didn’t bother to deny it, especially when the evidence was so obvious when he stripped off his boxers. “It’s all your fault, I’m afraid. I was prepared to take it slow, but that’s not happening.”

His eyes were flaming hot. So were his hands, and he knew the instant Piper noticed. Her dark eyes stared at the energy swirling across the skin of his fingertips. He touched her thighs with both hands, showing her that they wouldn’t hurt her, that
wouldn’t hurt her. When she didn’t protest, he reached for the top of her panties, meaning to slowly peel them down the lovely length of her legs. But then, for the sake of efficiency, he simply ripped them apart.

He probably owed her an apology for the caveman
tactics—or at least a new pair of panties—but all he could think about was how beautiful Piper was. She sat up long enough to pull her top off and toss it out of the way. Then she leaned back on her elbows, letting him look his fill.

Oh, yes, this was going to be so damned good. He smiled down at her.

“I’m glad I have a photographic memory, luv, because I’m never going to want forget this moment.”

Her jaw dropped. “You say the sweetest things.”

“I don’t know about sweet, but it’s the bloody truth.”

He edged her knees apart and stood between her legs. Her scent filled his mind, driving him that much closer to taking her without so much as another kiss. Which meant he needed to attend to one little detail, now before things got out of hand.

“I’ve got to get something from my wallet.”

Before he could step away, Piper wrapped her legs around his hips. “Check out the top drawer. Though you might have to dust them off,” she admitted.

If she was going to share her truth, he could do no less. That she was special. That this whole night was special.

“Mine probably have cobwebs,” he confessed as he pulled several packets from the bedside table.

She held out her hand. “Let me.”

Before she took care of that little chore, she sat up on the edge of the bed. Keeping her eyes on his face, she indulged them both by running her hands all over his body—chest, back, thighs, stopping to pay special
attention to his ass. When he flexed his muscles, she smiled her approval.

Then she visited a few more places with her lips and tongue. He closed his eyes as swirls of color clouded his vision. He needed her to stop, yet prayed that she wouldn’t. How had she taken control so quickly?

Payback would be … amazing.

In a surprise move, he dropped to his knees, putting her lush breasts at exactly the right level to pay them the homage they deserved. He suckled one gently at first, then harder as he kneaded the other, bringing both nipples to full attention. Piper leaned into him, her fingers tangling in his hair to draw him closer as she whispered her approval.

Her skin tasted of temptation and late-night dances between the sheets. He kissed his way from one breast to the other and then down the valley between them to her belly button. He watched the ever-changing expressions on his lover’s face, listened to her words of encouragement, and learned her desires as he continued down to the very core of her.

She bucked against the combined assault of his tongue and fingers. As he’d promised himself, payback was intensely satisfying. Almost immediately, his lover keened out in surrender as her body convulsed in ecstasy. Then Piper slid down off the side of
the mattress and straddled his lap, dropping her head on his shoulder.

“Grey, there are no words—”

That was a damn fine start, but he wasn’t finished with her, not by any means. He muscled them both up off the floor and onto the mattress. Taking his time to kiss her thoroughly, he once again revved them both up until his entire universe narrowed down to the driving desire to mate with this one woman.

“Grey, please!”

He settled into the cradle of her body, loving the way they fit together so perfectly. With one sharp thrust, he took her, seating himself firmly in the warm welcome of her slick heat. Piper urged him on as he poured the best of everything he had into making the moment last.

And as they crashed over the edge together, it felt like coming home after a long time in the wilderness.

As the morning light filtered into her bedroom, Piper tucked in tight next to Grey and rested her chin on his shoulder while her fingers toyed with his chest hair. The night had been long and eventful. Despite her lack of sleep, she felt nicely buzzed and ready to face the day. That is, if she could bring herself to leave the warm cocoon she and Grey had created here in her bed.

She smiled. “About last night—I hope it isn’t tacky if I simply said ‘Wow!’”

She studied her lover’s face, waiting for a reaction. Grey lay on his back, his head resting on his arm. His
eyes crinkled at the corners as his stern mouth softened into a slight smile.

“I would have to agree that was a fair assessment.” He turned his head to look at her more directly.

She raised up to kiss him, gently at first, and then with more fire. His body fit hers so well, at once so new to her and yet so familiar after hours of touching and tasting, learning what he liked and what he liked even better.

Grey rolled into her arms, thrusting his knee between her legs as he took control of their kiss. “You certainly know the right way to start off the day.”

Oh, yes, she was positively purring as his hands slid over her skin, reminding her of past pleasures and promising more.

Despite a few twinges from their enthusiastic lovemaking during the night, she wanted this. Wanted him. Wanted to be lost in the moment, shoving all of yesterday’s fears and secrets to the back of her mind. There would be a reckoning, of that she was certain, because Grey wasn’t the kind of man who would forgive deception. But if she confessed her secrets to him, this warm lover would be replaced by an ice-eyed Chief Talion.

Grey pulled back to study her face. “Is something wrong?”

Yes, but now wasn’t the time to admit that. “No, I’m fine. Why?”

“For a minute there, you seemed to have left me.” He brushed her hair back from her face.

She savored the tickle of his morning stubble against her fingertips. “I’m right here, Grey, for as long
as you want me to be.”

“Good, because I don’t plan on letting you go anytime soon.” And then he set about convincing her that he meant every word.

“Is that your phone or mine?”

Piper’s heart was still pounding in her ears, making it hard to tell.

“I’ll go check, although I’d rather tell the world to bugger off for the day.” There was real regret in his voice as he threw back the covers. “But with everything that’s been going on, I can’t afford to be out of touch for long.”

She propped herself up to enjoy the lovely view of Grey walking across the room, obviously at ease with being stark naked. When he disappeared into the living room she fell back and stared at the ceiling.

Piper could hear his muffled voice as he spoke. When he came back in, it was clear that their interlude was over. Sometimes reality sucked big time.

But now wasn’t the time for whining. She sat up and stretched.

“You want the shower first? I’ll make breakfast. I can’t promise much beyond cold cereal and coffee. Or tea, if you prefer.”

He’d already gathered up his scattered clothing. “Sorry, luv, but I can’t even stay that long. I need to stop by the hotel and change before heading to the office.”

She stood up, wrapping herself in the sheet. “Did
something else happen?”

“No, but Sandor and Ranulf want to meet up and decide what to do next.”

She watched as he pulled on his clothes like armor, morphing quickly from lover to warrior. As he buttoned his shirt, he asked, “Will you please stay home today?”

She shook her head. “I can’t miss class this close to the end of my last quarter.”

His eyes flashed hot. “Damn it, Piper, nothing’s changed. Whoever is behind the attacks is still out there. If you won’t stay here, get dressed and come with me.”

Okay, that sounded too much like an order and not enough like a suggestion. He was clearly trying to protect her, but she had to draw the line somewhere.

Not to mention that she was more worried about her sister than she was about herself. She didn’t want him dividing his attention between the two of them. “Grey, I’ve got to go to school. Besides, isn’t your job to protect

He jerked as if she’d hit him. Okay, that was mistake. Those blue sparks in his eyes had less to do with passion this time and everything to do with temper. He closed the distance between them and stared down at her. A wave of heat shimmered between them.

question my ability to do my job, Piper. I know where my duty lies.” His hand shot out to cup the back of her head. “I serve the Kyth and I serve the Dame. It is my job to keep her safe, as well
as those who matter to her—and to me. That includes you.”

His mouth crushed down on hers. In a heartbeat, he yanked the sheet loose, letting it pool at their feet as his hands swept over her skin. Once again he lifted her into his arms and dumped her on the bed. There was nothing romantic about the gesture this time. He snagged a condom from the bedside table, then yanked his pants down far enough to sheath himself.

Then he was on her, in her. It was all about staking a claim, possessing her so completely that she no longer knew where she left off and he began. The ride was hard and fast for both of them, transforming their anger into something just as hot but infinitely more wonderful.

“Piper! Now!” Grey shouted as his shuddering release triggered her own.

She closed her eyes and waited until she could string together a coherent sentence. “Okay, I probably owe you an apology, but at the moment I can’t really say I’m sorry about how this particular discussion turned out.”

Grey withdrew from her body and rolled to the side. “I need to know you’re safe.”

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