Darkest Risings (33 page)

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Authors: S. K. Yule

Wilhemina muttered.

wait for you and Lindsey in the entry way. Hurry up.” Ebony started for the
steps, but stopped. “Wilehmina? I can’t express how sorry I am for getting you
involved in this mess. I should have known better than to invite you here with
everything that is going on. By the time I realized what I had done, it was too
late. Even though it’s been a couple of years since the change, I’m still
adjusting to things. I live in the past at times, times where I could invite
friends over without putting them in danger. It was wrong of me to bring you
here, to expose you to the danger that faces my family, and I hope you can
forgive me one day. I also hope you don’t hold what Marilena has done to your
sister against me.”

were being a good friend. There is nothing to forgive. While the circumstances
may not be ideal, I can’t say it’s been boring. Besides, how could I ever
regret it? I now have Aldin, and I have my sister back because you invited me
here. You have been nothing but kind to me, and I thank you for that.”


watched her friend head for the stairs as she continued on to the room she’d
been sharing with Lindsey.

half an hour later, after much hurrying and a bit of arguing with Lindsey, they
were all sealed into the safe room, which of course, seemed as big as a
football field. She had thought safe rooms were fairly compact-sized places for
emergencies. Not luxury quarters that even a king would feel comfortable in.

played in the middle of the room while Ebony talked to Avril and a petite woman
with red hair and lovely green eyes. Lindsey had immediately gone to the far
side of the room and plopped on one of the big sofas. She had not been happy
when Wilhemina informed her they were going to be sealed in a safe room for God
only knew how long. She couldn’t blame her sister for it more than likely
brought back unpleasant memories of being a prisoner for seven years.
Fortunately, she’d managed to convince Lindsey that it was for their own

slightly shook her head.
Yeah. If
convincing means threatening to stay with your sister and putting your own life
at risk by not going to the safe room without her. Then convincing.

walked over to Ebony, Avril, and the redhead—who up close had a spattering of
freckles under her eyes and along the tops of her cheeks—smiled, and offered
her hand.

Geri. Malachi’s other half.”

She noticed Geri had the same flawless look Ebony and Avril possessed.
Apparently, turning into a vampire didn’t get rid of freckles. “It’s nice to
meet you.”

as well. I’ve heard you are the one who’s been put in charge of taking on big,
bad Aldin.” She chuckled.

guess I am.”

worry. I’m only joshing you. Ask anyone here. Malachi could scare the bejeezus
out of Satan, but he’s a big teddy bear once you get to know him.”

had caught a faint glimpse of Malachi, and she didn’t think anything about him
could be considered teddy bearish. He was one huge, scary mofo. Movement at the
far end of the long room caught her attention, and she turned her head to find
Marilena and Ragnor. Wilhemina leaned closer to Ebony.

is he in here? Shouldn’t he be helping Aldin and the others?”

can’t,” Ebony answered.


if something happens to him, we will all most likely die. He’s the only one who
can bring the guys into their true blood powers,” Avril said.

began to walk toward them, and Wilhemina didn’t miss the venomous stare-down
Lindsey gave the woman as she passed. Marilena didn’t give any indication that
she’d noticed other than a slight straightening of her shoulders.

is going to try for another vision. He thinks that since the boys are in danger
and the first wave of the uprising is at hand, he may be able to tap into some
otherwise unavailable energy to get more info about Trinidad.”

nodded and followed Marilena back to the far end of the room where Ragnor had
set up a large copper bowl filled with what looked to be water. Lindsey
remained on the couch. The code needed to open the door of the safe room had
not been given to either one of them so Wilhemina wasn’t worried about her
sneaking out.

to think of it, she’d have to ask Ebony about that after Ragnor’s little séance
or whatever the hell it was he was trying to do. She had never put much stock
in psychics and mediums, but then again, she’d never thought vampires were real
That one bit you in the ass.
inwardly rolled her eyes at the unintentional bad pun.

please,” Ragnor said before leaning over the bowl and placing his fingertips
just over the surface of the liquid.

She barely
contained a gasp when the liquid turned red and began to swirl. Soon, black,
yellow, and orange mixed with the red and the surface reminded her of one of
those giant lollipops she used to love as a kid.

the minutes ticked by, the tension in the room grew. Ragnor began to sway, and
sweat beaded his upper lip. She wasn’t sure why, but the sweat thing really
creeped her out.
Maybe because he’s a
freaking legendary vampire, and if what he’s seeing is causing him to sweat, it
must be bad.

more minutes went by before Ragnor slumped over the bowl. Marilena went to him
and helped him to a chair where he sat down heavily.

is it? Marilena kneeled beside him.

know who Trinidad is.” Ragnor’s voice was low and strained, as if it took him
great effort to say those few words.

Avril asked.

please get me a pen, paper, and two envelopes,” he said without answering the

who is Trinidad?” Ebony asked this time.

didn’t answer. Marilena got to her feet and went to a small desk on the
opposite side of the room. Moments later, she returned with the requested
items. Ragnor started writing at a blurred speed. Five minutes later, he folded
the papers up, slipped them in two separate envelopes, sealed them, and waved
his hand over them before handing both to Marilena.

have to go help our sons.” Ragnor rose. All signs of any weakness were nearly

cannot!” Marilena grabbed at his arm.

won’t you tell us who Trinidad is?” Wilhemina finally asked.

bent and kissed Marilena before gently prying her fingers from his arm. “He is
my brother.”

the time their gasps were audible, Ragnor was gone.


* * * *


battle had begun. At exactly midnight, Aldin, his brothers, and the rest of the
hunters—even Alaina and Grady—had stormed the warehouse. Aldin was with Aiston
on the roof fighting off drifters coming at them non-stop. If things were on
schedule, Malachi and Ashe were doing the same thing on the first floor while
Conrad and Dominic had started on the third and Uriah, Alaina, and Grady the

only plan they had was to seal off the entryways and exits and kill all the
drifters inside. If this went accordingly, the others would work their way up
and end up on the roof with Aldin and Aiston.

had yet to make an appearance, but Aldin had a gut feeling he would rear his
ugly head at some point tonight. Ragnor had said there would be two waves to
the uprising, but if Aldin had anything to say about it, he’d make sure the
second wave never happened by taking Trinidad out. Of course, he was certain
that was everyone’s goal. They still had no idea who or what Trinidad was or if
he’d developed any more pesky drugs to use on them.

already dodged more darts than he could count. The tranqs Trinidad had used on
Malachi when he’d kidnapped him had only had a lasting effect when used along
with a spell. Whatever Aldin had been tagged with at Drake’s a few nights back
had been stronger. He’d recovered well enough, but the weakness it caused could
prove detrimental in a fight.

twisted sideways and felt a wicked set of talons graze his hip before he swung
his sword arm out in a wide arc and slicing off two drifters’ heads. While the
bodies flopped to the ground and began oozing the stomach-turning black goo,
the heads tumbled through the air and rolled to the edge of the building. The
low ledge stopped them from falling seven stories to the ground below.

fucking things are multiplying faster than rabbits,” Aiston yelled from behind

or later, we’ll cut a path through them. Keep at it, bro,” Aldin said as he
took another graze of talons to his left arm.

If he
continued getting tagged, the poison in the talons would start to build up and
make him weak. The drifters were coming at him and Aiston faster than they
could knock them back.

your fire, Aiston. We have to take some of these bastards out. There are too
many of them.”

sooner had the words left his mouth when a flame of fire shot from Aiston’s
fingertips and sprayed through the onslaught of drifters. The hideous screams
told Aldin it was now or never. Aiston would be weakened from using his special
ability, and his brother’s life depended on his skill.

ran full speed at the drifters on fire and began taking heads off in a flurry
of springs and wrist flicks. He’d seen some horrifying shit in his day, but he
wouldn’t be surprised if even he had nightmares after tonight.

kept an eye on Aiston who, in his weakened state, appeared to be holding his
own as he dealt with a stray here and there. Suddenly, electricity shot up the
power pole next to the building and a blue blaze buzzed down the electrical
line. Obviously, Ashe and Malachi were getting pummeled as well because he was
positive the source of that electrical surge came from Malachi using his
special ability. Now two hunters were weakened.

the number of drifters was finally starting to dwindle and Aldin hoped this was
the beginning of the end. But he didn’t believe in leprechauns and fairies
granting pretty wishes, and didn’t expect an easy ending. They’d been fighting
for what seemed like hours. He ducked a dagger aimed at his throat and threw up
his arm as he spun around to block another dart. Unfortunately, he was a split
second too slow and the sharp point embedded deep into his wrist.

jerked it out quickly before too much of whatever was in it could get in his
system. He gritted his teeth and continued fighting. The poison from the
countless talons he’d been tagged by and the drug in the dart was taking a toll
on him. He spun and caught a drifter under the chin coming up behind him and
followed around with his sword to finish the job.

never been more relieved when he saw Uriah, Alaina, and Grady enter the
rooftop. They all appeared to have taken some serious hits, but were all
standing, which meant they’d survive. Shortly after, Conrad, Dominic, Ashe, and
Malachi were on the rooftop. There was only a few straggling drifters that were
quickly dealt with, which left only Aldin, his brothers, and the other hunters
on the building.


know about okay, but I’ll live,” answered Ashe.

other hunters nodded. All had torn clothing and blood in various places.

easy. There has to be more.” Aldin spun slowly, scanning the rooftop.

“Oh there
is much, much more.”

froze at the voice that seemed to come out of nowhere. But it came from
somewhere all right. It came from a tall figure that stood at the opposite end
of the roof.

Malachi growled, and tried to charge.

took Ashe, Aldin, Uriah, and Dominic to hold the hunter back.

Aldin warned.

anger was palpable. Aldin imagined it to resemble a flowing black cloud of rage
pulsing around him.

could hold your temper, boy,” Trinidad said.

voice was like fingernails on a chalkboard to Aldin, and by the expressions on
the other hunters’ faces, he was sure it was having the same effect on them.
Trinidad was clad in a black cloak and cowl, which adequately covered his
features. He resembled the Grim Reaper, and Aldin wondered if there was any

fucking kill you,” Malachi yelled.

did think you could do things far out of your reach. I’d be more than happy to
you some more manners. I did so
enjoy our sessions.” Trinidad cackled.

sound sent shivers of dread down Aldin’s spine as he began to understand just
exactly what took place in Trinidad’s
No wonder Malachi hated him. Trinidad was like nothing they’d encountered.
Power emanated from him in waves, waves similar to those that Ragnor gave off.
Could Ragnor be wrong? Could Trinidad be a true blood?

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