Deceitfully Yours (21 page)

Read Deceitfully Yours Online

Authors: Bethany Bazile


It’s just a photo shoot.

I’ve already scolded myself for agreeing to the job. Then I cursed myself for being such a coward
, and now I’m convincing myself nothing is out of the ordinary. Jude has got me tied up in knots, and I haven’t even seen his face since I stepped into the hotel an hour ago.

I’m jumpy and constantly looking over my shoulder for him to pop up. I need to calm down or every photo I take will be
unusable. Usually a photo shoot is my only escape. It’s the one thing I can get lost in without thoughts of Jude ruining the experience, but not today.

ith sweaty hands, I slide the keycard I was given in the slot in the elevator. The magazine wants a two-page spread of Jude in the Grand Suite on the top floor. I grip the bar running along the back of the elevator, my head hanging low as I take calming breaths.

The elevator opens up to the suite
, and I can’t convince myself to move. When I finally glance up, I can see clear through the sitting and living room area to the bedroom. The suite could be a palatial paradise, but I don’t notice it. I can only focus on is Jude in all his splendor, perched on the edge of the bed.

Our eyes meet,
he tilts his head to the right, and he looks at me with a questioning gaze.

Am I coming in
, or am I going to bail?

The doors begin to slide shut
, and I jump forward and stop it with my hand. He smiles at me as I walk through the door and toward him. A smile is a good sign. Maybe he doesn’t hate me as much as he did a few months ago. Time heals wounds and all that crap people say.

As I walk
, I find that I can’t keep watching him; it’s increasing my anxiety. I glance around the suite, finally taking in its beauty. I can see why he chose this room for the shoot. It’s like taking a step back into the past. The space captures everything this hotel represents. It has high cathedral ceilings with intricate paintings, large classical chandeliers, and vibrant red furniture.

My feet sink into the Persian rugs as I stop at the archway of the bedroom. I cross my arms and finally look at him again.
A rush of emotions sweeps through me. His hair is tousled, like he’d been nervously running his hands through it. The look in his eyes gives away nothing. I can’t tell if he wanted me here to say he loves me or to torture me for what I did to him. I don’t know what he wants from me, but he’s making me uneasy.

Fuck, I can’t even form one normal sentence.

“Where do you want me?” he asks, the sound of his voice causing me to shiver. I missed the deep timbre of his voice.

Where do I want him? I want him on the bed, on the table, in the shower. As long as it involves him between my legs, then it’s the perfect spot.

I really need to calm my raging libido. This is a photo shoot
, and just because I love and lust after the model doesn’t mean I’m going to conduct myself in an inappropriate way. The last time I approached Jude about us, he gave me himself sexually, but it was empty. He was so lost in his rage he couldn’t connect with me the way I prayed for.

No. T
his time there will be no provoking him. My heart can’t handle having him master my body without looking at me like I’m the center of his world. I never realized how much that look meant to me until it was replaced with disgust.

“Maybe we should start in the sitting room.”
Anywhere but on that bed.

He nods, gets up
, and strides past me, purposely brushing up against my arm. A fizzy feeling begins in my stomach from that small contact with his skin. This is going to be a torturous shoot.




I never realized how much communication is actually necessary in a photo shoot. Trying to get Jude to position himself at the right angle for each shot is nearly impossible without me having to constantly talk to him. I’m beginning to think he’s toying with me. A number of times I had to actually touch him to get the right pose, and he would smirk as my face undoubtedly turned hot from the contact.

By the time we move back into the bedroom
, my nerves are fried, I'm at the brink of an emotional break, and my hands shake so hard I won’t be able to take a decent shot.

He sits on the edge of the bed, waiting. H
e stares at me as I move around the room, setting up the lighting. I wish he would release me from his scrutinizing gaze. It makes me hot and edgy at the same time.

“Um…Maybe take off your shoes, and unbutton your shirt,” I say, pointing nervously at his shirt. He does as I instruct but remains sitting awkwardly on the edge of the bed.

“Lean back against the bed…pretend you’re unwinding from a long day.”

The corner of his lip lifts as he leans back. “This is not how I unwind from a long day. If I were winding down
for the day, then you’d need to be beneath me, clawing at my back and moaning my name.”

Fuck, he’s flirting with me
in that voice. It’s like liquid sex rolling of his tongue. I could barely handle him when he was just answering my instructions in the other room. If he continues flirting with me, I’ll break.

His shirt shifts
, revealing a small glimpse of the strong, rippled muscles of his abdomen. Though he was nonchalant when I first entered the suite, there is no mistaking the raw, raging desire in his predator gaze now.

He wants me
, I think as I watch him through my lens, snapping a rapid succession of shots. These pictures will be amazing, almost indecent with that lustful fire in his eyes.

Yeah, he’s definitely ravaging me
in his head
His tongue darts out, ever so slowly. My heart stutters, and a carnal ache begins to build inside me. I’m hot and moist and overwhelmed with an array of emotions. The camera slips from my hand and lands on the floor. I hadn’t even had enough concentration to place the strap around my neck.

He looks at me like he’s about to pounce
, so I panic and bolt out of the room. I rush into the bathroom and begin splashing water on my face, hoping to calm down my raging hormones. The sexual link between Jude and me is unbreakable. No matter if he hates me or not, his body longs for mine.

My hands tremble as I wipe tears of frustration from my face. I splash more cold water and hope Jude won’t realize I just had a major breakdown in here.

I look up into the mirror and gasp. Jude is standing behind me, just staring at me with an odd look. I quickly pull a towel off the rack and wipe my wet face. Our gazes meet in the mirror, but I nervously look away.

“I’m sorry
. I’ll be out in a minute, and we can wrap it.”

He grabs my arm and abruptly spins me around.
He cups my face with his hand, and he forces me to look into his eyes.

“I’ve been so angry with you,” he admits. He sighs like saying it released something pent up inside him. “
I regretted ever meeting you. I was confused about everything we shared. It felt so real, more genuine than anything I’ve ever experienced.”

“It was real

He shakes his head, his hand gripping my head as his thumb
s caress my face. “Whether it was real for you or not, my love for you was the most honest feeling I’ve ever had in my life. I don’t know what I’m doing here. I don’t know why my heart won’t let you go, but I don’t want to fight it anymore. I want to love you more than I want to hate you.”

I’m clutching the open ends of his shirt trying to pull him into me but he’s holding me off. “I’ve never regretted anything as much as I regret what I did to you. Befor
e I met you my goal was clear, but the moment I set eyes on you in that restaurant something changed. I’ve never been that attracted to anyone in my life. Everything I felt was real. The secrets ate away at me every day.”

You were an enigma to me, beautiful yet shrouded in mystery. I couldn’t get deep enough into you no matter how hard I tried. And now I’ve set up this whole photo shoot just to get close to you again.”

I run my hand over his taut belly
, and he shivers beneath my fingertips. “What do we do now?” What we had was so beautiful while it lasted, but was doomed from the beginning.

He looks at me with intense eyes
, then leans his forehead against mine. He takes a deep breath, burying his fingers in my hair. His lips brush lightly against mine. Then he whispers, “You hold a piece of me, and I wish like fuck I didn’t need that piece so badly.” His mouth descends on mine, moving slowly at first then aggressively consuming my mouth.

His kiss
turns angry yet still very hungry. His mouth moves against mine as though he had been as starved for me as I was for him. There’s a lustful ache that burns in me whenever he’s around. I hate that I need him so severely, but I love how insanely alive I feel in his arms.

I whimper as he breaks the kiss and backs away from me. His eyes are glazed with desire
, and he’s panting, his chest heaving from his harsh breaths.

“It’s going to take a long time before I can trust you again.”

“I know.”

He reaches out and wipes a tear from my face. “The only reason I’m giving you this chance is because I understand why you did it.” He pulls me forward and wraps his arms around me
. I tuck my head under his chin. “This is all partly my fault.”

“What? No
.” I push off his chest to look up into his eyes.

“If I had turned Mason in years ago, he’d never
have been able to put you through so much.”

, Jude. I made my own decisions, and I’m ready to deal with that. Did Mason pull me in farther than I wanted? Yes. But I knew he wasn’t a good person to begin with. I was just so desperate at the time I didn’t realize when the devil offers to help you, you can’t just turn away when you’re ready to move on.” I lay my head back on his chest and breathe him in. “Everything happens for a reason, and if I never met Mason, maybe I’d never have had a chance to have you in my life.”

e stand there, holding each other for countless, silent minutes, maybe too afraid to lose our connection again.

“Let’s finish this shoot so I can take you back to my place
,” he says, breaking into the moment.

“Okay.” I pull away and
attempt to walk past him, but he stops me, his hand pulling hard on my hair. My back hits his solid chest. His tight grip causes my scalp to tingle as well as another place. His warm breath caresses my ear as he whispers, “You know when I get you into my dungeon, you’re going to pay. For. Everything.”

Holy shit.
The way he puts emphasis on each word produces shivers in my body. A fire races through my pussy as it grows wet with anticipation. How the fuck am I supposed to finish this photo shoot when all I’ll be thinking about is how hard he’s going to fuck me after he wrings every last cry of mercy out of me? His hand in my hair loosens. Then he brushes his erection against my hip as he moves past me and into the next room.

Whatever punishment Jude
hands out tonight won’t even begin to atone for what I’ve done to him, but I’m grateful. He’s given me a chance I didn’t deserve, and I intend to prove to him the love we shared was real. I may have been deceitful, but my heart and soul were always his.



She runs her fingers across the smooth black leather.

“That’s a sawhorse. I’m going to tie you to it, spank you, then fuck you on it.”

She looks at me then nervously back at the horse.

“Come here.”

I open my arms
, and she walks into them. I bury my face into her neck and say, “You never have to fear me. I’m not going to hurt you as a punishment. This will be no different than before. I’ll be rough but not violent.”

She nods and kisses me gently on the neck.

“Now I need you naked in the next ten seconds.”

She gasps then jumps into action, pulling her clothes off and tossing them aside. She stands in the middle of the room with her hands behind her back, breast
s pushed out, and head bent. She’s as stunning as I remember, and my cock is heavy with anticipation.

“Lean over the horse with your legs spread.” I fasten her ankles to the legs
. Then I pull her arms behind her back. “If it’s too tight, let me know.”

She nods
. I pull the rope hanging from the ceiling around her wrists and knot it. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, Sir.”

I pull on the other end of the rope, and it raises her arms higher, her back arching from the restraints. “Beautiful.”

I pat her ass with my hand before I deliver a more meaningful blow. She barely flinches. “You’ve been a
really bad girl, Kylie.” I smack each cheek alternately, the strength getting a little stronger each time.

The sound of my palm hitting her ass echoes throughout the room. She yelps and tries to pull away from my punishing
smack. She started out so brave, barely flinching when my hand came in contact with her skin. Now she’s whimpering and moaning at the same time. As much as she’s trying to get away from me, she can’t hide the fact that she’s aroused. I can smell her moisture as it drips down her thighs, tempting my taste buds. I want to kneel between her legs and taste her, but not before I make her succumb to me.

I bury my finger deep inside her wet tunnel
, and she cries out. I pull on her head until her neck is curved back and my mouth is at her ear. “As much as I love you, this is not going to be pretty.” I need an outlet for everything I feel, and she knows she’s it. “I’m going to fuck you ruthlessly until your voice is hoarse and your pussy craves me day in and day out. Don’t try to take more than you can handle because you think you deserve it. If it’s too raw and dirty for you, you safeword.”

She nods
, then strains against the ropes that bind her arms as my finger slips out and my cock slips into her hot, slippery cunt.

Fuck, I missed this.

That’s the last coherent thought I have as sensations take over and I become ruled by the pleasure coming from my dick. No matter how hard I pound into her, she turns wilder, screaming and pushing her ass back to take me as deep as possible. I get completely lost in the wet heart of her.

I take her like I’m unhinged
, and she accepts it like a champion. And maybe she is, because she’s conquered me: mind, body, and soul. Her pussy clenches down on my cock as she cries out her release, her body shuddering uncontrollably. I tighten my grip on her waist as she tries to wring the cum from my dick with her muscle spasms. I thrust into her one last time, abandoning myself to the pleasure. The strength of my orgasm rockets through my body and carries me away like a sweet death.

Long moments later I drift back into myself
, limp from my climax. My sweat-drenched body clings to hers, and our gasps for air are the only sounds in the room. I slowly release her from her restraints and carry her on shaky legs to the bed. She snuggles in with her head tucked under my chin and whispers against my neck, “I love you.”

I’m fucked
, because the feeling I get from hearing those whispered words is way more satisfying than the climax she ripped from my body moments ago. Kylie has managed to pull me in so deep I couldn’t get out if I wanted to. Whatever she’s done for Mason doesn’t matter; I’m guilty of letting him continue to wreak havoc on the world also. All that matters is I feel more complete now than I have in weeks. Her warm body relaxes, and she sighs as she drifts off in my arms, content to be back where she belongs.

The logical side of my head is still
leery about giving Kylie another chance, but my heart is willing to take a chance to keep this feeling. The all-encompassing love surging through every cell of my body when she wraps herself around me makes it worth the risk.

I run a coo
l cloth along her heated skin. She moans, then sighs contently. “I missed the way you always take care of me.”

I caress her hair in the way
that makes her moan contently, and gently rub lotion into her slightly red-tinged wrist.

You understand we can’t jump back to where we were?”

“I know.” She smiles sadly at me. “
I'm going to prove to you that you can trust me with your love again.” She leans in and kisses me deeply, with more passion than
ever before. Even with all the lies and deceit I'm sure of one thing…She was always meant to be mine.

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