Deceitfully Yours (9 page)

Read Deceitfully Yours Online

Authors: Bethany Bazile


Three years earlier



As I pull up to the warehouse
where Shane has his office, a sick feeling sets in immediately. The last-minute change in our meeting place makes me apprehensive. Shane and I are careful to keep our relationship hidden from Mason, so meeting at the building they both conduct business in is too risky.

The parking lot is eerily dark
, and the dock behind the warehouse is lit from the moonlight reflecting off the water. Shane’s car is the only car I see. I rush across the lot and pull the heavy door open. Freedom is waiting for me behind this door. Today Shane and I are going to run off and start over. We will both cut ties from this life and find our happily ever after.

The sharp clang of the metal door as it slams shut behind me is extremely loud. Mason steps out of a dark corner, so smooth and composed. My mind twists and turns as I try to figure out how Mason found out Shane and I would be here. But I
’m mostly concerned with how we’re going to get out of this.

“Not exactly who you were expecting?”
Mason pulls a chair out and motions for me to have a seat. I nervously drop into it as he drags another chair across the room and sits facing me.

He watches me silently before he takes a deep breath, crosses his arms over his big chest
, and leans back. “Do you remember when you were on the verge of becoming a homeless prostitute?”

I wouldn
’t say I was going to become a prostitute. Maybe my situation would have led me there, but who knows? I avoid his eyes and his question with silence.

He leans forward in his chair and grabs my chin with his hand. He forces me to look him in the eye, then barks, “Do you?”

A tear rolls down my face as his fingers dig into my jaw.

’d be nothing without me. Shane would be nothing without me.”

’s so close to me I can feel his angry breath on my cheeks. “Do you know I took Shane off the streets and gave him a life? You and he have nobody in this world. I’m your family. This is the way you two decide to repay me for saving you?”

’s not what you think.” My jaw is aching from his punishing grip, but I still manage an attempt at saving us.

“I think it is.” He releases my face, and I can feel a throbbing pain. “I can almost forgive Shane for wanting to be with you. You
’re sexy and mysterious with a quiet innocence about you. That’s why you’re so good at what you do. Men never think a sweet girl like you is conning them.” He walks across the room and sits at the edge of a table. “What I can’t forgive is how Shane thought he could steal from me. The stupid fuck thought he could actually get into my safe, take my money, and run off with you.”

What? Why would Shane do something so risky?

“If he was smarter, he’d have gotten you to do it. Shit, I taught you myself. I know you could get into my safe undetected.”

This is true. Mason taught me how to break into safes using the one he has in his office. If Shane
had told me what he was planning, I would’ve told him Mason doesn’t keep money in that safe. The safe is a decoy.

He walks over and pulls me up from my seat. His dark eyes bore into mine.
He passes his finger over what has to be the beginning of bruises on my face. “You disappointed me.” He grabs my hand and pulls me toward a back room. When he opens the door I nearly keel over and lose my lunch.

Shane is kneeling on the floor, badly beaten. His face is swollen and bleeding, almost to the point of unrecognition. “Oh my God,” I whisper. As soon as Mason releases his hold on me, I
’m kneeling in front of Shane, gripping his hand.

’m sorry,” he whispers, pain laced in his voice.

“No, no
, don’t be sorry.” I reach out to wipe his face, but pull my hand back when he flinches from my touch.

Mason walks up behind him and grips his hair,
pulling his head back. His answering hiss pierces my heart. “You betrayed me for this piece of shit.”

“Mason, please, I
’ll do whatever you want.”

“You don
’t have anything to bargain with. I already own you.” He releases Shane and walks behind me. He pulls me up by my arm. My back is against him, and I can see Shane watching me with fear. “Now do you understand why I taught you never to sleep with your next con? Because you can’t disconnect. You let this piece of shit fuck you, and now you’re looking for some kind of happy ending.”

’s a clicking sound, and cold metal is pressed against my temple. “In this business I can’t just let people betray me and steal from me without consequences.”

My legs are quaking, and I can see Shane fighting against his bonds to save me. “Someone has to pay.”

The blast of the gun is deafening. Warm liquid trickles down my legs. I want Shane’s face to be the last thing I see before I die, but I was the last thing he saw before he died. Mason moves the gun at the last second.

The bullet hit him in the chest, perfectly aimed at his heart. He gasped and cackled for air before he collapsed.

Lifeless in seconds.

How can someone live for twenty-four years and cease to exist in three
gut-wrenching seconds?

My screams are endless. I collapse to my knees, too afraid to touch him but needing to be near him. Mason tries to drag me out of the room as a big guy comes in and takes my Shane. I claw and scratch at Mason
’s face, trying to get him angry enough to kill me too. At least then I wouldn’t have to feel like I’m choking on my grief. But nothing I do gets the reaction I want from Mason. He just calmly says to me, “Next time you betray me that will be you.”

I was molded into everything Mason wanted me to be that night, and I haven
’t even tried to hope for more since.

Chapter Thirteen



I’ve been stalling for a whole week
, but I’ve finally dragged myself to Erik’s office. I walk into the building and go straight to his floor. I don’t know what cover Mason and Erik use to keep these offices, but I know for sure the business they do can’t officially be kept on the books. Mason is always vague, but I’ve come across a lot of information that points toward money laundering or drugs. Maybe both.

Jude hasn’t contacted me in a week
, and I’m on edge. I can’t seem to bring myself to call him, but I can’t get my mind to shut him out either. I knock on the door and open it when Erik beckons me. His face lights up, and he immediately rises from his desk.

He walks around to greet me. His eyes are focused on my cleavage
, and they never move upward to look me in the face. “Kylie, this is a pleasant surprise.”

“I was just here to see Mason and thought we could grab lunch.”

He looks at his watch then back at me. “I can probably spare you an hour for you.”

. Let’s go.”

He grabs his suit
jacket off the back of his chair and meets me at the door. He shuts the door behind him, and just as he goes to get his keys from his pocket, I pretend to drop my bag and bend over to get it. He freezes and stares at my ass. He touches my waist, and I jerk away from him. The contents of my bag tumble to the ground, and he reaches to help me retrieve them.

As soon as we pick up the last items, I grab his hand and pull him to the elevator. He forgets about locking the door
, and half of my job is already done.

An hour can
’t pass fast enough
is the only thing going through my mind our entire lunch date. Erik has talked about his house, his new car, and his next vacation. I have to dig my nails into my thigh to keep from rolling my eyes.

I’m supposed to be impressed
, but all I feel is irritated. He eats a piece of his dessert and moans. “This is fantastic,” he says, pointing his fork at the fluffy cake with chocolate frosting. “Taste.” He sticks his fork in my face, and I shake my head.

No, thanks.”

“Come on
, just one bite.”


He feeds me the sweet concoction, and I must admit this may be the highlight to this whole lunch.

, right?”

“Umm hmm.” I nod my head and actually accept another forkful.

Just as I’m about to reach over and confiscate Erik’s dessert I hear, “Kylie.”

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
The man disappears for a week then shows up just as another man is putting something sweet in my mouth. This looks bad.

Jude glares down at me like a father
chastising his child. “I see you’ve forgotten our arrangement.”

I shake my head emphatically
as I swallow the cake. “No, it’s not what you think.” I wipe my mouth with the cloth and rise from my seat. “Can we talk about this later?” I whisper into his ear.

“Be at my place at six,” he says loudly enough for
Erik to hear. Now that the initial shock of seeing him has worn off, I’m a little irritated with him for ignoring me all week, then trying to lay claim on me.

I take my seat and say, “I can’t make it.”

He’s visibly taken aback by my response. He glances over at Erik and then dismisses him as though he’s no competition. In reality Erik is playing an entirely different game, maybe on another planet. That’s how far from competition he is.

“Don’t make me come get you,” he threatens.

Erik finally decides to jump in. “Who are you?”

smiles dryly and looks into my eyes as he says, “You’re the guy who takes her to dinner and buys her expensive gifts in exchange for a hug goodbye. I’m the guy who ties her up and fucks her.”

My eyes widen
, and I gasp at his bold behavior. I jump out of my seat and glare at him. “What the fuck is your problem?”

“My place at six,” he says, turning and leaving the restaurant. Once he’s gone
, I realize people are staring. I was so consumed by Jude, as always, I forgot we had an audience.

“Is that really what you’re into?”
Erik asks.

“I have to go,”

“If that’s what’s been holding you back, I can give it to you rough.”

My lunch almost c
omes back up as I watch him grab his crotch and smile at me. Erik isn’t bad looking, but he’s no Jude. Jude doesn’t have to ask me what I like. He shows me what I like without me ever knowing it’s what I wanted.

“Thanks for lunch,
Erik.” I pick up my bag and rush out the door before Erik uses Jude’s little announcement to make me more uncomfortable.




As I cross the threshold into Jude’s house, I can feel the tension radiating off him. He’s still wearing his trousers and shirt with the jacket removed and the tie hanging loose. I stop halfway across the foyer and turn to face him. He’s leaning against the shut door, staring at me, expressionless.

“You didn’t call me for a week.” It’s a weak excuse but all I have.

“Did I miss your call sometime in that week?” He knows I didn’t call. He’s just trying to make a point.

“We never talked about being exclusive.” I berate myself for even saying that. With a man like Jude there’s no need to talk exclusivity
; he’s too possessive to share.

“Which part of
‘I would own you’
didn’t you understand? Maybe you need me to demonstrate.”

, I just—”

“I don’t want to talk anymore. I’ll meet you downstairs.” He doesn
’t have to give me instructions. I know which room to wait in. He walks past me, and I see a glimpse of disappointment in his eyes. He purposely leaves me alone in the foyer. I have a choice to walk away, but we both know I won’t.

I actually bow my head on my way downstairs. More than anything else I’m sorry I disappointed him. I didn’t expect to actually get into this lifestyle, and I definitely didn’t expect to feel horrible for hurting
him. I’ve unwittingly become his sub, and all the emotions that come with the role seem to be surfacing. I wish I could’ve avoided this situation, but Mason was pressuring me, and stalling was getting me nowhere.

I enter the room I’ve labeled the torture chamber. With all my clothes stripped off my body, I kneel in the middle of the room. I’m fully prepared for my punishment
. In fact, I’ve convinced myself it’s the only way I can atone for my date with Erik and all the other things I’m keeping from Jude.

As he enters the room
, I drop my head and stare at the ground. The last time we were in this room, apprehension and excitement filled me. This time I’m ashamed because I disrespected him so deeply he wants to punish me.

His commanding presence encircles me. Possessiveness isn’t a
small trait in Jude; it’s who he is. He dominates the room and is always ready to bend me to his will. I can’t imagine how a man like him could have kept this bottled up for so long. In here he’s the man he should be, and only I get to see the power that exudes from him when we’re alone in his dungeon.

“I’m not sure you understand what all this means yet,” he says, his voice cool and controlled. “Do you know what it means
when I say I’m your master?”

He hovers over me
, but all I can see are his bare feet on the cool floor. “Yes, Sir.”

“What does it mean, Kylie?”
He touches my hair gently.

“It means I’m yours,
Sir.” My voice is small and shaky, and I don’t recognize it at all.

He grips my hair from the back and pulls it until
I’m forced to look up into his face. The anger I expect to see isn’t there. I feel no fear of him or what’s to come as I realize I trust him.

“Is it okay to give another man what’s mine?”

“I wasn’t giving Erik—” I gasp as his hand tightens in my hair and he leans down to my level.

And what if he took it?” he snaps, finally showing a small bit of his annoyance with me. He glides his fingers between the moist folds of my pussy, and I can’t believe how turned-on I am by this. He’s trying to dictate what I do in my life, and all I can think of is how much I want him to make me. Make me obey him. Make me submit to his every command, and most of all make me give my body to him. He puts a finger inside me. I grit my teeth to keep from moaning, but a low murmur escapes anyway.

Stand up.” He removes his finger, and I scurry to my feet. “Arms up.” I move as if he’s programmed me to obey him. Before I can think my body is already following his orders. Soft leather cuffs hanging from the ceiling encircle my wrist. He adjusts them so they aren’t too tight. He stands behind me, close enough I can feel his warmth, but doesn’t touch me. I squeeze my eyes shut and listen to his footsteps as they move across the room.

Something brushes against my face
, and I open my eyes. “This is a flogger. Do you remember it?”

He used it the last time we were in here. “Yes,

brushes the thin strings against my nipple, and they immediately pucker into tight little buds. “Did you like it?”

He moves it lower until
it sweeps against my swollen pussy. I nod my head and shut my eyes as it teases against my clit. I spread my legs wider, needing a stronger caress, but just as I do, the flogger slaps against my breast. The pain shocks me, and I begin to gasp, but the sound freezes in my throat as I realize Jude is watching me.

He’s observing my reaction, gazing at me as though he knows my thoughts and feelings. I grit my teeth and stare back at him. My defiance incites him
. The flogger lands on my ass this time, and I barely flinch.

He walks around my naked frame and presses his bare chest against my back. “You’re just so damn stubborn,” he murmurs into my ear. He shifts
, and his hard cock presses into my lower back. He reaches around and cups my breast.

I don’t know whether to push back against the rigid bulge or push forward into his hands. I opt to stay sill
, but as he pinches my aching nipple between his fingers, I arch into it. He runs another hand across my ribs, over my navel, and oh so slowly into the dripping wet folds of my pussy.

The restraints dig into my arm as I strain against them. His breath is labored against my ear, his
fingers firm and strong as they pierce into me.


“How far do I need to go for you to realize I own this?” Another finger slips into me, his thumb brushes against my clit. He doesn’t have to go too far
, because a couple more strokes and he’ll know.

As if he
’s read my thoughts, he pulls his fingers out, and I unconsciously groan in frustration. His warmth disappears, and I listen as he moves around behind me.

“Tell me again who owns you. Tell me
you’re ready to do as I say.” When did he get so close? His words tickle my neck, and he gently creeps his fingers back into my hair.

“Fuck you

He laughs as
he tightens his grip in my hair. It’s not a humorous laugh; it’s more of a satisfied laugh. He knew I would defy him at some point; he just had to push me to do it.

’s so much more fun when I have to make you.” He pulls on my hair until it stings. He bites down on my neck, and my clit throbs. God, I want him to make me. I want him to spank me, torture me, and make me beg him like my life depends on it.

He steps back
, and he spreads my ass with his hands. The familiar cool, wet plug teases the tight ring of muscles there. I squeeze my eyes and brace for it. It slips in quickly with minimal pain. His finger skims over my pussy, and he spreads it much like he did my ass.

“I hope you remember your manners today, because the only way you’re going to com
e is if you beg for it.”

Something brushes against my opening
, and he says, “Look down at my pussy.”

he way he said the words caused liquid to begin running down my legs. I don’t think I’ve ever been so aroused. I look down and watch as he inserts a thick dildo into me. I shiver as the little magic handle on the rabbit brushes against my clitoris. He straps it around my waist and steps away.

I can’t refrain from watching him as he walks
across the room and leans against the wall. He’s still wearing slacks but the shirt is gone and the tie hangs around his shoulders. He crosses his arms, and I stare at the way his muscles bunch with his movements. A pulsing sensation runs through my core then over my clitoris.

My body tightens
, and I begin to moan as I realize he’s turned on the rabbit with a remote. The phallus twirls and vibrates within until my eyes cross from the pleasure. The climb is intense, and the orgasm that’s about to flow through me is going to be fantastic. Just as I can feel the earth begin to shake, everything stops.

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