Desert Surrender (6 page)

Read Desert Surrender Online

Authors: Melinda Barron

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic Erotica, #BBW BDSM Erotic Contemporary

“Are you going to tell me what it means?”

“Later.” He downed his soda, then stood. “Let"s go home, shall we?”

* * * * *

Home. He made it sound like she went there with him every day, instead of this being the first time for her to ride beside him in a car as he traveled down the highway.

“Do you live in Vegas proper or one of the suburbs?”

“I live in Henderson, but don"t call it a suburb. It"s a town, nice and quiet with lots of golf courses. I like to golf. What about you?”


Melinda Barron

“Nope. Sorry.” She fiddled with her seat belt. “That"s one of those things my parents like to do. I judged it on that alone, I"m afraid.”

“You"re allowed to not like it. Having the same hobbies as her Dom is not a prerequisite for being a good sub.”

She murmured softly, then cleared her throat. “Speaking of which, what is expected of me?”

“We"ll get to that. Relax and enjoy the ride. It"s beautiful here.”

“I hate to be the one to break this to you, but we"re in the desert.” She looked out the window. “It was a hundred and three degrees today.”

“Yeah, but it"s a dry heat.” They both chuckled at the overused expression.

“It really is pretty, and it"s so different from New York where buildings are wall-to-wall. There are actually spaces in between these homes.”

“Yeah, I know.” There was a wistful tone to his voice that surprised her. “I can go back to New York every once in a while for a visit, but I could never live out there again.”

“Again?” She turned to him. “You have no New York accent.”

“We moved to Vegas when I was twelve, but I spent every summer in New York with my grandmother.”

“And who is she?”

“Jessica Tremont.”

“Oh my, she"s richer than God.” She cleared her throat. “I"m sorry, that was rude.

I"ve heard she"s been ill.”

He nodded. “That"s why I was in New York last weekend. She loves me, but I"m the bad seed, running a gambling establishment where hookers probably work, or so she thinks. She blames my father for how I turned out, because he moved us away from New York. She wants me to sell and move „back home," to take care of her. I tried to tell her I am home, and that she has my mother to take care of her. She wasn"t buying any of it.”

“Your mother would be Nadine Tremont then?”

“Yes. When she and my father divorced, she went back to being a Tremont.” He exited the highway and drove into a residential area. Palm trees lined the streets. She guessed the houses sitting far off the curbs went for a half million each, easily.

“I can"t believe I didn"t put two and two together. And here I thought you might want me for my money.”

“Nope. I just want to play with your body.”

“You know how to make a girl feel all tingly inside.” She licked her lips. “If you want my body, how come you didn"t have me get naked on the drive over?”

He pulled into a driveway and hit a button on a remote built into the car"s roof.

The garage door started to rise, and he turned to her. “Thought about it, but I don"t Desert Surrender


want to do anything that might get me sent to jail. I have a gaming license to protect, remember?”

“Oh.” She studied the stucco house in front of them. Two story, with dark wooden shutters flanking each window. The lawn was immaculate with yucca plants and some very colorful flowers in a garden that lined either side of the walkway to the front door.

“You must pay your gardener a fortune.”

“Nope. I do it myself. Stress reliever.” He pulled the car into the garage and put it in park. He killed the engine, then turned to her. “Before we start, I want to give you a safe word. If, at any time, you want to stop what we"re doing, you say the safe word and I"ll stop. I"ve selected „spoiled" for you.”

“Nice.” She laughed and shook her head. “Lets me know what you think of me right off the bat.”

“No, it"s a word that you wouldn"t normally use while having sex, yet it has been used in connection with you, so it will be easy to remember.”

“Okay, that makes sense.”

“I"m glad you think so. And speaking of naked, which we were earlier, take it off.”


“You"re going to have to learn not to question what I say. Yes, here.”

She glanced back at the open garage door. “What about the not doing things in public?”

“We"re not in public, we"re in my garage.” He studied her carefully, and she felt as if he already knew what she looked like without her clothes on. “Take it off.”

“What if a neighbor comes up? Or—”

“Now.” The dangerous look in his eyes made her pussy clench. She was already wet; she had been pretty much all afternoon from wearing the coin. She wiggled the dress up over her hips, then lifted it over her head, tossing it into the backseat.

“Delicious.” The look in his eyes had turned to full-blown lust. “Tip the seat back so you"re lying down.”

It took her a minute to find the button, and as the seat reclined under her, she moved with it, her body opening up for him to see. She felt her skin flush under his appraisal, and when she was lying down, he tugged on her belly button ring, then traced the tat of the flaming sun that ringed her belly button.

“Which one came first?”

“The tat.”

“I like it.” His hands moved up to her breasts, cupping first one and then the other, weighing them in his palms. “And the turtle on your shoulder, the one I saw last weekend?”


Melinda Barron

“I love turtles. They"re fascinating animals that can hide from the world when they want. Sometimes I want to do that; hide, I mean. It"s my newest tat, barely three weeks old.”

“How many altogether?” He tugged gently on a nipple ring, then moved his hand to the other, giving the ring the same treatment. He went back and forth between her nipples until she moaned softly; then he increased the pressure, pulling harder on each one.

“Four. No, wait, the turtle makes five.” She wiggled in the seat. “I can"t think when you"re playing with my boobs.”

“Good. Are you going to turn to mush when I play with your pussy?”

“Maybe.” She moved her hand down her stomach, intent on pulling on the key chain hanging from her clit. He caught her wrist in his hand before she got there.

“Oh no, that"s my toy now, and you can only play with it when you have my permission.”

Shock spread through her. She knew this from reading the books, but reading it and hearing the words come out of his mouth were two different things. “It"s my body.”

“Not anymore. You"re my toy, aren"t you?” He held her wrist firmly, and she swallowed hard, the dark look on his face making her wonder if she"d stepped into something she couldn"t handle. She quickly pushed the thought aside. She"d come to explore, and that was exactly what she was going to do. “Aren"t you?”

“Yes, I"m your toy.”

“Good.” He released her wrist. “Now, just lie there and let me explore.”

“Your toy"s very excited, and she might just leave a wet spot on the seat.”

“Well, we can"t have that, can we?” His wicked grin made her smile. He reached into the backseat and found her dress. She lifted up while he moved it under her; then she lay back down.

“Lie still.”

Clarissa didn"t question his edict this time. She closed her eyes and gave in to the sensation of his hand gliding over her skin. His touch was gentle, his fingers lightly trailing down the valley between her breasts. He traced his finger around each orb, moving in a figure eight fashion. Her breasts jiggled as he moved, her nipples tightening under their rings.

Need built inside her as he continued to touch her, and she nibbled on her lower lip to keep from asking him to please, please move his finger down to her pussy. He drew a line down to her belly button, tugged gently on the ring, then moved back up to her breasts.

She arched up into his touch, trying to move so that his hands would come into contact with her nipples.

“What did I say?” His deep voice made her shiver.

Desert Surrender


“To lie still.”

“Why are you moving then?”

“Isn"t it obvious? I want to come, and you"re missing all the best parts of my body.”

“Actually I think I"m feeling all the right spots.” He put his hand on her thigh and squeezed, and she moaned, thinking he would inch over just a little, touch her pussy.

Instead he moved his hand totally off her body. “Roll over.”

“Excuse me? There"s not enough room in this car for that particular movement.”

“Find a way.”

“Who am I, Houdini?”

For a moment he was silent, and she worried that her tone had been a little too harsh. “I didn"t tell you to disappear; I told you to roll over.”

She sat up, glancing over at him as she did so. In the dim light of the garage, she could see his face, but his expression was very neutral. Was there a reason they were in the car like teenagers groping after a date? Or were they outside because there was someone inside the house?

Somehow she didn"t think so, but she found it odd that they were not going inside. Maybe it was a test, to see if she"d follow directions or tell him to go to hell. She studied him for a few minutes, then started to turn. The car was a midsize luxury sedan with split seats. She put her hand on the center console, feeling vulnerable as she turned.

She came to rest with her knees on the seat. One hand stayed on the console, the other holding a support strap near the rear passenger door. Her breasts hung down, and her ass was high in the air.

“Very nice. You follow directions quite well. We"ll work on the back talk later.”

“I"ll mark it on my calendar.” He chuckled at her response, then cupped her pussy, one finger diving into her folds as if searching for her opening. “Oh yes, deeper.”

She pushed against him, rocking her hips back and forth. When he pulled away, she groaned.


“I"m in charge, remember?”

“Yes, but…”

“No buts.” The interior of the car grew silent for a long minute. Clarissa stayed where she was, wanting to beg him to touch her, stroke her. Her clit throbbed with anticipation, the weight from the coin, however slight, adding to the sensation. “I like you in this position, on your hands and knees. And you know, you"re right. It"s light enough outside that if my neighbor came up, he"d see you in here, naked, displayed for me.”


Melinda Barron

A thrill shot up her back, and she let her head drop down, then moved her hips suggestively. “Yes, you like that idea. You"d like me to fuck you before an audience, wouldn"t you? Fuck your mouth, your cunt, your ass. Or maybe I would just bind you while others watched? They could see all your pretty tats, your piercings. They could see you submit to me.”

“Wouldn"t that make tabloid headlines? Heiress displayed as sex toy.”

“Film at eleven,” Maddox said. He cupped her ass cheek, squeezing it slightly.

“Step out of the car and go to the front and place your hands on the hood, then bend over and spread your legs as wide as they will go. Make sure you keep your head down.”

Her vulnerability increased as she followed his instructions. A large SUV was parked next to them, and she opened the door of the sedan as carefully as possible, trying not to ding the door. She stepped out, gazing at the open garage door, wondering if his neighbors could see. In New York, they would have drawn a crowd already. Of course they would have been parked in a large parking garage or on the street.

The car was still warm when she put her hands on it and bent. Maybe he would fuck her now, come up behind her and slip his cock into her pussy. She was wet enough for him to take her in one single stroke. She"d probably come with his first thrust.

Clarissa listened for the sound of his car door and didn"t hear it. What was he doing? Was he jerking off while watching her? Damn him, this was getting frustrating.

If she put her hands between her legs and made herself come, would he be able to see?

Would she be able to hold still while an orgasm raced through her body?

No, she"d probably scream to the heavens above, and then his neighbors would come running to see what was wrong.

“It"s about time,” she said when he finally opened the car door. “If I stood here any longer, people might see me as a new hood ornament on your car.”

He stood next to her, his stomach pressed against her side. “Do you want to fuck?”

“Yes.” When he didn"t respond, she continued, “Please, Sir.”

“Good girl.” He stroked her hair, and Clarissa almost came undone. Crap, this was driving her insane. He stepped behind her, and she felt his gaze on her displayed body. His fingers went to her pussy, opening her lips slightly. One finger teased her opening, then pushed inside.

“I like your tight cunt.”

“It likes you.” She groaned as he slipped his finger in and out. “Give me more.”

He pulled away, and she cried out at the loss. “Maddox!”

“You don"t give orders or make demands. Do you understand?”

“You"re a pussy tease.”

Desert Surrender


“Thank you.” He slapped her ass, the sting spreading straight to her clit. “Did you hear what I said?”

“Yes, I don"t make demands. I"m sorry.”

“No, don"t be sorry. Just learn.” His finger went back inside her, and she groaned, holding still while he moved it in and out, adding a second one. “Do you like that?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Very good.” He thrust harder. “See, you"re learning, and it"s only been a little while.”

“Does this mean I"ll get an A on „works well with others" on my report card?”

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