Divided: Brides of the Kindred 10 (14 page)

Read Divided: Brides of the Kindred 10 Online

Authors: Evangeline Anderson

“You need what we gave you the first time
we joined,” Truth rumbled. “A release.” His hand came up to touch her again and
this time he cupped her breast. His thumb began moving gently over the tight
bud of her nipple, slipping smoothly over the thin, silky material of her
nightgown, teasing her unbearably.

“Oh!” Becca gave a little moan.

“Truth is right.” Far’s big hand cupped
her pussy, his palm warm through the silk. “Why don’t you let us touch you,
Becca? Let us ease your tension.”

“We…we shouldn’t,” Becca moaned.

“We should,” Truth insisted softly. “How
will I ever learn to share otherwise?”

“That’s true,” Far murmured. “Truth needs
to see that sharing a female in the Twin Kindred way can be pleasurable.”

“I…don’t know,” Becca said softly.
you did promise to help the two of them bond, remember?
whispered a little
voice in her head.
This could be the first step—just teaching Truth to share
with his brother. Even if you’re the one getting shared.

Far said. “Perhaps
if we simply share kisses at first…as we did at Lady Kat’s suite. Would you
like that?”

“Yes…” Becca couldn’t lie. “I…I
like that. Very much.”

“Good.” Leaning forward, Far kissed her
gently on the lips, a slow, tender owning of her mouth that left Becca feeling
breathless and needy. She liked the taste of his lips—they were sweet and warm
and oh, so gentle. He ran his hand through her hair, carding through her curls
with his long fingers, making her feel loved and cherished and wanted. She
would have liked the kiss to last forever but at last he leaned back and nodded
at Truth. “Brother,” he murmured. “Taste our lady’s lush mouth.”

Truth growled softly. “With pleasure.”
Leaning forward he took her mouth in a much more forceful kiss. He tasted sharp
and wild when his tongue pressed against her lips, asking for entry, just as it
had during the last kiss they had shared. Though she had been unwilling to let
him in before, now Becca couldn’t deny him. She moaned and opened to him,
reaching up to stroke the short, black hair at the nape of his neck as he
deepened their kiss.

At the same time, she could feel Far
kissing her cheek and then moving lower to taste the sensitive side of her neck
with long, sensuous licks. The sensation of being kissed by one man while
another caressed and tasted her throat made her hot and cold all over. She
moaned into Truth’s mouth and he swallowed the sound eagerly, his lips still
ravaging hers.

Finally he broke the kiss, a troubled look
on his face.

“What?” Becca asked him, still panting for
breath. Far was still kissing her throat, making it hard to think but she could
see that something was bothering Truth. “What’s wrong, baby?” she asked gently.

“I don’t…I should not enjoy this,” he said
at last. “I should want to rip you from Far’s arms and claim you for my own.
And yet the sight of the two of you entwined, embracing is…I find it strangely
compelling.” He shook his head. “But it is not the Rai’ku way.”

“No, but it’s the Twin Kindred way,” Far
murmured, looking up. “To take pleasure in watching your brother pleasure the
female you share is natural to us. Very natural. Tell me, Brother, can you take
pleasure in this?”

His large, warm hand ran up Becca’s
trembling belly and cupped the curve of her breast through the thin silk nightgown.

Becca moaned as he thumbed her nipple
gently, teasing the tight little point and sending sparks of pleasure straight
to the wet, swollen spot between her thighs.

Truth watched, his pale eyes heavy-lidded
with lust.

“Yes,” he said at last, thickly. “I can
take pleasure in watching you do that.”

“Then join me.” Far tugged at her
nightgown, letting the thin spaghetti strap slip down her shoulder. He looked
at Becca. “With your permission, my lady,” he murmured. “May I bare your lovely
breasts and share you with my brother?”

Becca bit her lip. Mother of God, she felt
like she was melting between them, being wholly consumed by the sexual heat the
two large, muscular male bodies on either side of her were putting out. Part of
her felt she should stop—put on the brakes now before things went too far. But
another, larger part wanted more—so much more.
It’s all right,
she told
I can stop anytime I want. We won’t go too far.

“Becca?” Far asked, still waiting for her

“All…all right,” she whispered at last.
“But nothing…nothing below the waist.”

“As you wish,” Far murmured. He slipped
the other strap off her shoulder and then tugged gently until the thin silk
slid down her skin, baring her breasts. The top of the gown puddled in slippery
folds around her waist, leaving her half naked and completely vulnerable. He
looked at Truth. “Watch me, Brother,” he murmured. “And see how this makes you

Leaning down, he took Becca’s right nipple
between his lips and sucked it gently into his hot mouth.

Becca couldn’t help herself, she gave a
little cry and thrust out her chest, pressing hard against his sweet lips,
offering herself for more pleasure. Even during that one, short encounter she
tried not to think about, the one that had sent her scuttling to the convent in
the first place, she had never felt such pleasure. And Far was barely touching
her…he was simply sucking gently at her nipple while his brother looked on.

Truth shifted, his eyes still filled with
desire as he watched the show she and Far were putting on. Becca saw his hand
go to the loose crotch of his trousers as he adjusted himself, trying to get
more comfortable. Clearly, watching Far suck her nipple was affecting him.

At last, Far released her sensitive bud.

“Do you like it, Brother?” he asked,
looking up at Truth. “Does it bring you pleasure to watch me pleasure our

“Damn you…” Truth shifted again. “You know
it does, though it should not.”

“Yes, it should,” Far assured him. “As I said,
it is the Twin Kindred way. But you are still only watching. Why do you not
join in? Come, taste Becca’s other nipple. I assure you she is every bit as
delicious as she looks.”

Becca bit her lip. In her wildest dreams
and fantasies, she hadn’t pictured this scenario. Not because she didn’t want
to, but because it made her feel guilty.

But you shouldn’t feel that way,
the little voice which seemed determined to justify
everything pointed out.
After all, you did promise to help them bond. And
this is the way Twin Kindred bond—they share a woman. Also, they promised
nothing below the waist. So you should be fine.

Far was still waiting. “Come, Brother,” he
murmured to Truth. “Will you taste her with me?”

The look of indecision suddenly fell away
from Truth’s chiseled features.

“I will,” he growled softly. “I will…taste
her with you.”

“Come, then.” Far went back to nursing her
right nipple, circling it gently with his tongue.

After a moment of watching, Truth leaned
down and cupped her left breast in his hand. With a soft growl of pure lust, he
sucked her other nipple deeply into his mouth, pulling hard as though he was
determined to get as much of her breast between his lips as he could.

Becca cried out and arched her back. Oh,
that felt
No, more than good—
The sexual energy
she felt anytime she was between them seemed to double and then triple. She’d
never felt such pleasure and when she looked down, it was incredibly erotic to
watch the brothers both tasting her nipples at the same time.

Her pussy began to feel even more wet and
swollen, begging for attention. Becca had the sudden urge to spread her thighs
and let them touch her there too—to compare the way it felt to have first Far’s
hand on her, and then Truth’s.

No, nothing below the waist!
she reminded herself.
It’s one thing to help them bond
but I don’t want to go too far.

But just because she had decided not to
touch her below the waist didn’t mean she couldn’t touch

Normally, she would never have done such a
thing. But the sexual pleasure inside her was kicking into overdrive—pushing
her to the edge—making her crazy to come.

She freed her right hand from Far, who was
too intent on sucking her nipple to notice, and slipped it down between her
legs. The cream silk nightgown was riding high on her thighs and she never wore
panties to bed, meaning her pussy was bare beneath the lace border of the gown.

With a little moan of pure need, Becca
slid her slim fingers between her swollen pussy lips and began to rub along the
side of her clit with light, quick strokes.

The feel of her own fingers was so good it
was almost unbearable. She almost never allowed herself any kind of sexual
release. In the life she’d been living up until recently, it was considered
better to try and put the desires of the flesh completely out of one’s mind.

Becca had been good at that—really good at
ignoring or sublimating any sexual needs she had…until Truth and Far had come
along, that was. Now it seemed like her body was out of control—she couldn’t ignore
her needs anymore, couldn’t pretend them away. She had to give her body what it
so desperately needed and right now what she needed was to come.

Becca had her eyes closed, concentrating
completely on the pleasure surging through her. The sensations between her legs
were so intense it took her a moment to realize that Truth and Far had stopped
sucking her nipples.

When she did realize, she opened her eyes
and gasped in embarrassment. Both brothers were watching intently as she
stroked between her legs.

“Well, well, Rebecca…” Truth’s deep voice
was hoarse with desire. “And I thought you said nothing below the waist.”

“Oh!” Becca bit her lip in sheer
embarrassment. She was about to snatch her hand away when Far stopped her,
touching her wrist lightly.

“No, don’t,” he said quietly. “You’re
Let us watch you finish.”

“I…I couldn’t,” Becca faltered. “I just…I
never should have…”

“Never should have what, given yourself
pleasure? Why not?” Truth asked. “It is as I said earlier—you need a release.
If you will not let us give you one, why should you not give one to yourself?”

“I…I don’t know. It’s just…it’s not
something I ought to be doing,” Becca whispered.

“But you
to do it, don’t you?”
Far murmured. Gently, he placed one large hand on her thigh.

“I like that…the sight of that.” Truth’s
voice was slightly strangled but he managed to continue. “The sight of your
hand on our lady’s thigh, the contrast of your skin tones…it is very…”

“Erotic,” Far finished for him softly. “I agree,
Brother. Why do you not touch our lady’s other thigh? You know she said it
gives her pleasure when we both touch her at once.”

“She did, didn’t she?” Truth growled. He
put his hand on Becca’s other thigh and squeezed lightly, his pale eyes fixed
on her face. “Well, Rebecca? Do you feel the pleasure now?”

Becca gasped as the connection which had
been diminished when the two of them stopped sucking her nipples abruptly
resumed. Mother of God, it felt so
too good to stop, even if she was
being watched.

I shouldn’t,
she thought but her fingers were moving again, seemingly
of their own volition. Biting her lip, she spread her pussy with her index and
ring fingers and continued the quick, light strokes along the side of her clit
with her middle finger. She heard a low groan of appreciation from Far, and
Truth gave a soft, guttural curse under his breath in what sounded like the
Kindred universal language.

“So beautiful,

Far breathed as she
stroked, pushing herself higher and higher, closer and closer to the edge.

“Fucking gorgeous,” Truth murmured. “I’ve
always wondered what the inside of your pussy looks like, Rebecca. I wondered
if it was the same creamy brown as your tight little nipples.”

“I wonder what it
like,” Far
growled softly. “Goddess, I would love to bury my face between your thighs and
lick your sweet folds right now,

Becca bit back another moan at the hot
image of the light twin between her legs tasting her. She could almost see his
wild blond mane moving between her thighs as he licked and sucked and
penetrated her with his tongue… Mother of God, she really shouldn’t be
entertaining these thoughts or letting herself imagine these actions. And yet
she seemed powerless to stop.

“You want to taste her there?” Truth
sounded surprised and intrigued.

“Not just want to—
to,” Far
told his brother. “It’s a Kindred trait, the need to taste your woman. Do the
Rai’ku not do such things?”

“We…do not. It is a forbidden activity,
along the same lines as touching another male.”

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