Don't Lie to Me (11 page)

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Authors: Stacey Lynn

Jack just quirked an eyebrow at me with a slight smile tugging at one side of his lips. Perhaps he was amused I had finally spoken. But he still said nothing as he walked towards the railing. We were completely separated from everyone else, and I noticed a brick wall behind us. It must have been behind the kitchen because when I had sat inside the restaurant, I was only able to see a wall of rounded windows.

He maneuvered us so he was standing directly behind me. I turned to protest, suddenly knowing exactly what he wanted. Surely he wouldn’t touch me here, not when it was so easy that he could be recognized by someone.

He stopped me abruptly and turned me back around, pressing against my backside. I gasped as soon as I felt his large erection press against my dress that was barely covering my butt. All he had to do was raise it a few inches and he would have access to anything he wanted from me.

My body shivered at his touch immediately. He leaned over me, his hands on the safety railing just outside of mine and then he tapped the inside of my ankles, gesturing me to spread them further.

I obeyed. And I didn’t even wonder why I was doing it. He wanted something from me, and I gave it freely. I had never done that before in my life, with any sexual partner. I was not someone who was willing to be bossed around, but with Jack, I simply didn’t want to tell him no. I had wanted this – wanted him – for so long, the thought of refusing anything he wanted now that I had him, at least for a little while, was incomprehensible to me. And I trusted him to not hurt me – at least physically.

My heart, on the other hand, would be shattered into a thousand pieces all over my living room floor when he decided he was done with me.

I wasn’t thinking with my heart at that moment. Pure animalistic desire filled me as his breath whispered along my ear and neck.

And when he finally spoke, it was like balm to my skin; instantly soothing me and healing any worry I had.

“Are you wet?” I groaned and nodded at his words. I wiggled my hips against him, eliciting a soft groan from him and I smiled. He may have been in control all night long, but that one sound told me he was as turned on as me. His tongue flicked out and licked the skin right beneath my ear. “You always smell so good, so sweet.”

“Jack…” I stuttered. I was completely turned on but even more nervous.

One of his hands ran slowly up my thighs, outside the dress, and moved until he was gently caressing my breast. I leaned back into him, groaning softly as his hand massaged my breast. “Don’t be nervous Emma. No one can see us but I can’t wait anymore. Just stay quiet, but I’m warning you, it’s going to be hard and fast.” I shivered as he brushed a finger down my neck from my ear to my collarbone and then across my chest, all the way down my arm. My skin broke out into goose bumps, a trail of pleasure bumps following his finger, showing him how much his touch turned me on.

Without another warning, I heard him unzip his pants and the foil tear on a condom. I wanted to turn to see him, to see how excited he was at the thought of taking me sixty stories in the air but before I could turn my head, he pressed up against me, slowly lifting the hem of my dress.

He chuckled softly in my ear, briefly pausing his pursuit of me. “You’re going to need more dresses like this.” Without another word, he thrust into me so hard I thought he was going to throw me off the railing. I bit my lip to stay quiet like he asked, but a sound broke through my lips anyway.

One of his hands stayed clasped on to the railing while another one wrapped around my stomach and pulled me even more tightly into him. He gave me no time to prepare as he began thrusting into me, just like he promised – hard and fast. I threw my head back, tasting a slight metallic taste in my mouth knowing I had bit my lip too hard in order to stay quiet. I let go of my lip, bent down further and pressed my mouth against his forearm. I didn’t bite, but I used it to hide the moans of pleasure fighting to escape.

“That’s it, Emma. Stay quiet…..fuck you feel so good.” His verbal praise sounded like heaven to my ears and the new position of me bent over increased the depths were he could hit inside of me. I had to focus on keeping my feet planted as my orgasm began building in me. My entire body began trembling with excitement. It was that moment where you’re about to explode and it was taunting me, the ending just out of my reach. As if Jack sensed I was about to finish, his hand moved lower, and he roughly started rubbing my clit through the front of my dress.

As soon as his finger hit my tight bundle of nerves, I exploded. My interior walls clamped down on him more forcefully than I knew possible and I bit onto his arm and screamed in pleasure while he pushed two more times, quickly, into me. He leaned over me, panting as hard as me and groaned loudly, moving his hips in circles against me and wringing every last second out of our orgasms. We stayed there, coming down from our ecstatic highs in complete silence. Eventually he pulled out of me and I jumped when I felt a warm cloth pressed in between my thighs.

“Let me clean you,” he muttered, almost reverently. And I let him, because I wanted to. It was more of an intimate act than anything we had shared yet as he slowly and gently wiped and cleaned my arousal from me. When he was done, he took off his condom and wrapped it in the handkerchief. I turned just as he finished re-tucking his shirt and watched him zip up his pants.

He smiled down at me, softly and held out his hand. “Let’s go.”



Jack led me to his room and my cheeks flushed as I looked at his bed, remembering what had happened on it yesterday.

It was then that I remembered my toothbrush and bag were in ‘my’ room downstairs. I turned to go get it but Jack grabbed my hand, his eyes questioning my sudden movement.

“I was going to brush my teeth. It’s all downstairs.”

“Stay here. I’ll go get it.” I stood back and let him go by, wondering if it was worth the hassle. I kept a spare set of bathroom things in my own bathroom and it felt silly to bring it up to his room.

When Jack returned, he took the bag to his bathroom and laid everything out on his counter. He looked tense again – frustrated – and I wondered what could have changed in the few minutes he was gone.

He must have noticed the worried expression in my eyes as I watched him nervously from the doorway to his bathroom. He looked at me through the mirror but didn’t turn around.

“I don’t want you using that room when you’re here with me.”

I raised an eyebrow, still questioning what he meant when he continued. “You’re not my employee tonight. You’re….” He stopped and I waited with baited breath for him to finish. I was what? A guest? A girlfriend? A date? A…..? I think we were both confused at how that sentence should be finished, because I didn’t have a single clue either.


Not what I was thinking he would say at all. Strangely, it didn’t sound as offensive as I would have thought either. His eyes darkened marginally while he continued looking at me through the mirrored reflection. My lips turned into a slight smile, showing him I wasn’t bothered by the word. In actuality, it turned me on, and I wanted nothing more than to climb into his bed and have his arms wrapped around me and simply enjoy being his for however long it lasted.

Without saying a word, but not removing my eyes from his, I took my toothbrush and began brushing my teeth. He stayed silent and still the entire time; only starting to do the same thing once I finished.

I smiled when he joined me in bed and pulled me to him softly. This wasn’t the hard and fast move he gave me earlier on the terrace. My cheeks heated just thinking about how good that had felt and my body instantly wanted more.

“What are you thinking about?” Jack asked me quietly.

Too embarrassed to tell him how good it had felt to be taken so roughly in a public setting, I shared a half-truth with a small smile. “Dinner. It was really delicious.”

His slight smile and softened eyes told he knew what I was really trying to say. He leaned in to kiss me. His lips were warm and soft as they gently teased mine. This kiss was different than any previous kiss. It was tender, and slow, and made my entire body slowly begin to increase in warmth.

Just as he began to deepen the kiss, and pull me closer to him, a shrill, angry scream started. Jack’s hand on my waist tightened instantly and I knew he was not happy hearing whatever made that sound. I wasn’t either.

He spit out a curse word and let me go immediately before reaching for his phone in his suit coat pocket. The angry screaming, which I now recognized as a Linkin Park song, grew louder when Jack removed it from his pocket and answered.

“What?” He growled into the phone and then turned from me and walked to the bathroom. With one hand roughly gripping the back of his neck, every muscle on his back tightened in anger. I had no idea who was on the other end of his phone, but whoever it was, clearly pissed Jack off.

I listened as he spoke in angry hushed tones to whoever was on the other end. He cursed and I jumped when he kicked the cabinets in his bathroom. I had never seen Jack like this. The man who controlled every motion was clearly rattled and all I could think was maybe his impenetrable wall wasn’t as thick as I originally thought it was.

“Fine. But this is the last time…..I mean it, B.” With that, he slammed his phone down on the counter and I watched from the bedroom as his hands tightened into fists on the bathroom counter. Jack bowed his head and I saw him taking deep breaths, his arms shaking in anger.

He turned to me, stomped out of the bathroom without speaking, and began throwing on his discarded suit. I had a sinking feeling I wasn’t going to like whatever he was going to say.

“I have to go.” He spit the words out like he was angry with me, and I flinched from his tone.

“Are you okay?” I asked quietly.

He calmed down, minutely, at my words and placed his hands on his hips. He had just gotten his pants on, but they were still unzipped and his chest was still bare. I scolded myself for taking the second to check out his perfectly chiseled chest and abs when he was so angry, but I couldn’t stop myself.

“No. That was my brother. I have to go.”

“You have a brother?” I didn’t bother trying to hide my shock with my gasp or my widened eyes. In the five years I had known Jack, I had no clue and had never heard a single word mentioned about him having a brother.

His face morphed into a look of disgust. Whether it was from disdain about revealing personal information, or anger at his brother who he clearly hated, I didn’t know.

I watched his hands tighten on his hips, as he walked towards me and sat down on his bed next to me. “I don’t talk about him. Ever.”

That gave me absolutely no information, but I didn’t want to press. Instead, I moved to get off the bed to get dressed to go home.

“What do you think you’re doing?” He asked roughly as I moved to get of the bed.

“I’m going home, Jack.”

He pulled me back to him. “No. You’re not. You’re staying here so I can screw you again as soon as I get back.”

I flinched at his words. It wasn’t just his words that bothered me – but how angry he sounded when he spit them out at me. I wasn’t going to stay here and be used by him to relieve whatever tension his brother created. I also knew better than to argue with him when he was clearly this upset.

“Is he in trouble?” I asked, changing the subject back to his brother in order to take his focus off me so I didn’t lie to him.

Jack sighed deeply and removed his hand from my arm. “I told you I don’t talk about him.”

I arched an eyebrow, questioningly; knowing it was pointless to try to get information out of him if he didn’t want to share. But it still hurt. He wanted to try this with me, he wanted to fuck or screw me senseless and have all this control, but the first time a personal question came up; he blocked me out.

I wondered if it would stay like this. Probably. I felt defeated as I realized that besides sex, Jack would probably never open up to me.


He gave me that look that said he knew exactly what a woman meant when she said ‘fine.’ That we were still pissed but weren’t going to say anything, but we’d continue to stay pissed for as long as we wanted. I pulled his satin sheet up to cover my chest and wrapped my arms around me protectively.

“Fine?” He finally responded, questioningly.

I nodded, having nothing to say about it anymore. I felt stupid, rejected, and used.

Jack looked at me doubtfully as he left the bed and began buttoning his dress shirt. “You’ll be here when I get back?” It was the first time he’d asked me a question, instead of demanding something from me. I didn’t miss it. I didn’t miss the look in his eyes that were questioning me, but I couldn’t speak, for fear that he would know I was lying to him. His body was still filled with tension from the phone call.

I simply nodded again, but said nothing. He grabbed his keys and phone before walking away without looking back.

I waited a full thirty minutes, watching the clock next to his side of the bed tick by slowly before I got out of his bed. I got dressed, grabbed my bag and left his condo without a note. eI

I had no doubt he didn’t actually expect me to still be there when he returned from whatever it was he was doing.

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