Down and Dirty (9 page)

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Authors: Imari Jade

“Yes, from what I’ve read,” Dae-Hyun answered. Mashuu Yoshida formed the two businesses after Ichiro’s father died and expanded on it after his Yakuza organization was disbanded.”

“So you’re telling me he runs a legitimate company.”

“That’s what the newspaper says, but his salespeople are some of the members of the defunct organization.”

“Hmm,” Shaundra said. “I hope it’s true. I would hate for the boys to never ever again come here. Kagawa seems like a beautiful place.”

“That is a decision hopefully you will not have to make,” Dae-Hyun told her. He drove into the driveway of the hotel and up to the front door where he turned off the engine. The babies were still asleep in the back seat. “Go in and get the keys,” he told her. “Then we’ll bring the boys up. I’ll come back down for the luggage.”

Shaundra nodded. The SUV still felt warm and toasty. She opened the door, quickly stepped out, and then closed the door to keep the warmth inside. She hurried into the lobby, got the two keys, and went back out in the cold to help Dae-Hyun get the babies inside.

Their rooms were located on the top floor with an adjoining door between them. Each room had its own microwave and refrigerator. Shaundra didn’t plan to do any cooking in the two days they’d be there.

Dae-Hyun helped get the babies out their coats, changed them, and took Raiden while she nursed Ryoto. They swapped up about a half hour later so she could feed Raiden. After the boys went to sleep, Dae-Hyun went down to the restaurant to get them some breakfast.




“Wow, look at this place,” Satoshi said as they stepped outside the van at the Yoshida family homestead. The last time he’d been there, the place consisted of just a modest family home on a large acreage of farmland. The crops were gone and in its place were several family homes all surrounding the main family home. He also spotted manicured, snow-covered lawns and shrubbery and a huge building out back that looked like an oversize garage.

“They’ve done a bit of renovating,” Ichiro explained. “Now all my uncles have a home nearby.”

Ichiro’s father had been the eldest of four brothers. Mashuu hired  contractors to build houses to bring his family closer together.

“The place on the back is a hall for meetings. This is where the celebration will take place,” Ichiro explained. “It has a stage and everything we’ll need to perform.”

The door to the main house opened and Daichi appeared, dressed in a suit. Satoshi hadn’t seen him dressed like this in a while since he was always in the kitchen cooking at Ichiro’s restaurant. He came down to greet them, shaking everyone’s hands.

“Wow, look at you guys. Great haircuts.”

Aomori had gotten new dos before leaving Amsterdam.

“You guys look great and very masculine.” He clapped Takumijo on the back. “You look like a rock star.”

Takumijo now had short, dark blond hair with golden highlights.

Both Yori and Ichiro had kept their hair black, but Yori’s was short and he wore it combed back from his forehead while Ichiro’s long locks had been shorn short, leaving a little bang and parted on the right. And lastly, Satoshi’s hair was shorter too, with his signature bangs, but dyed light brown. They were all striving to look masculine even though they still had very feminine faces.

Kenshin finally got out the van. He, too, had a new look. He now sported dark brown, spiky hair and was trying to grow a mustache and a goatee for his solo career as a crooner.

Daichi hugged him and then commented on the peach fuzz on his chin. “You’re going to drive your fans crazy. I approve. You guys no longer look like a bunch of teenagers.”

True, they all were pushing close to thirty. Their youngest member would turn twenty-six on Christmas Eve, and Yori would turn twenty-seven the day after Valentine’s Day. Where in the hell had the time gone?

Amaterasu finally stepped out of the van. She yawned.

“Who is this?” Daichi asked.

“She’s my girl,” Takumijo answered.

Daichi hugged her too. “Welcome to our family home. I hope you’re going to love it. It’s not Osaka, but it’s very peaceful.”

“Arigato,” Amaterasu said, bowing.

They grabbed their luggage and Daichi took them to where they would be staying. The property had another single family home on the left of the mansion.

“It’s not as big as the farmhouse, but it has six bedrooms and three baths. You should be comfortable for a couple of days.”

“It’s going to be fine,” Satoshi told him. “I remember when the four of us used to share one dorm room.”

“I’ll be staying in the main house with my sisters. We originally were going to get some rooms at the hotel, but Uncle Mashuu and auntie insisted we stay here,” Daichi told them.

The main house had to have at least six bedrooms too since it was larger than the one they would be staying in. They entered the house and looked around.

“The kitchen is nice,” Ichiro said after they put their luggage down. “But I don’t think I’ll get a chance to use it.”

“You’re on holiday,” Daichi told him. “You have to learn to relax and let someone else do the cooking for a change.”


“No buts,” Daichi said. “I’ve taken care of everything. I’m preparing a salt-free diet for your wife.” He paused. “Where is she anyway?”

“She’s staying in town at a hotel,” Ichiro said.

“With Dae-Hyun?” Daichi asked.

Ichiro nodded. “You know about him?”

This time, Daichi nodded. “Shaundra brought him along to the rehearsal. I like him, and he’s real good with my nephews.”

Ichiro frowned. “You’re not supposed to like him. He’s the enemy.”

“Not mine,” Daichi said. “Yes, I heard all about your first meeting with him. Maybe next time, you’ll think before you react. And he’s not a bad cook either. He’s teaching me some Korean dishes.”

Satoshi stood by, waiting for all of this to register with Ich.

“Do you know that Shaundra has moved out and is staying with him?” Ich asked his brother.

“Yes,” Daichi said. “But he has his own place on the property. I’ve been there. He’s neat and orderly and a gentleman. You don’t have anything to worry about. He’s a good employee.”

Ichiro didn’t get angry as they all expected. He just looked puzzled. Maybe he was taking the time to think about what Daichi had told him.

Daichi took them up to their rooms so they could settle in and then he took them over to the main house. The first relative to greet them was Ich’s aunt, Kameyo. She was Mashuu’s wife. Hana and Estuke entered the foyer seemingly very glad to see them.

“Look at you boys,” Ichiro’s great-aunt Jun said once they made it to the hallway. She was Ich’s grandfather’s baby sister. “You’re not boys anymore.”

Satoshi remembered how she used to look after and feed them whenever they came for a visit.

Jun hugged them and ushered them into the dining room. Yori had always been her favorite. “I had Daichi prepare you
. I know it’s your favorite,” she told Yori. Gyudon was a popular beef and onion dish served over rice.

Yori bowed to the elderly gray-haired woman. “Arigatou. You didn’t have to go to so much trouble.”

“It’s no trouble at all,” Jun said with a smile. “It does me good to fawn over a handsome young man.”

Jun’s husband had died a year after Ichiro’s grandmother.

Yori turned on the charm. “Don’t tell me you aren’t fighting off eligible bachelors all day.”

Jun giggled like a girl. “Well, there is Mr. Suki down at the fish market, but he’s not as tall and good-looking as you.”

“But I can’t provide you with fresh fish every day like he can,” Yori told her. He kissed her on the forehead. “You stick with Mr. Suki. He knows a good woman when he sees one.”

Jun and Kameyo went into the kitchen with Daichi while the others got comfortable in the dining room. Hana and Estuke sat next to Amaterasu to get to know her. Moments later, they all sat down around the table feasting like gods.




Damien decided to join Distraction in the pool. Harper, Mr. Niigata, Masaaki, and Saburo went off to do business, leaving Crystal alone in her hotel room. Bored to death, Crystal grabbed her purse and went down to the first floor for a snack.

“What are you doing here?” someone asked from behind her.

Cristal spun around and found Shaundra watching her. She squealed. “Shaundra? What are you doing here?”

“I have a room here,” Shaundra said.

“Me too. So does Harper, Mr. Niigata, and Damien.” Of all the hotels in the area, she wondered how they’d chosen the same one. “Where are the babies?”

“In the room napping with Dae-Hyun.”

“Do you have some free time?” Cristal asked. She was starving for female company.

“Yes, about an hour. Why?”

“I’m bored,” Cristal said. “I need someone to talk to.”

“There’s a restaurant over there,” Shaundra said, pointing. “Let’s get lunch.”

Cristal followed Shaundra to the restaurant, and then bombarded her with questions after the waitress left to fill their order.

“Who is Dae-Hyun? Is he really a nanny, or is he just your new eye candy?”

“Whoa!” Shaundra said. “No, he’s not my new eye candy. I’m a married woman, remember?”

Cristal pouted and eyed her curiously. “You’re talking to me, remember?”

Shaundra nodded. “He’s a big, gorgeous Korean and a good man.”

“Define gorgeous? Prettier than Ichiro?”

Shaundra shook her head. “No one is prettier than Ichiro. But Dae-Hyun is handsome with the best-looking lips.”

Both of them chuckled.

“You lucky heifer,” Cristal said. “What does Ichiro think of you shacking up with him?”

“We are not shacking,” Shaundra said. “And Ichiro is concerned.”

Cristal chuckled wickedly. “I bet he is. I’m surprised he’s not staked out in front of your place every night.”

“No,” Shaundra said. “But he does call often. Now, enough about me. What have you been up to?”

“Work,” Cristal explained. “Everyone is preparing for Ichiro’s birthday bash.”

“I’ve heard about it,” Shaundra said.

The waitress returned with their sodas and silverware and then left again.

“What do you mean heard? You haven’t received your invitation yet?”

“Yes, it came,” Shaundra said. “But I don’t know if I’ll be attending.”

“What do you mean? Of course you’re attending. You’re his wife. The public is expecting to see you there.” Cristal paused. “You know you can score major brownie points with Aomori fans if you’re there supporting him.”

“Screw Aomori’s fans,” Shaundra said. “I just thought, under the circumstances, I’d stay away since my argument with Takumijo.”

“What argument?” Cristal asked. Boy, did she feel out the loop.

“Takumijo accused me of sleeping with Dae-Hyun. Unkind words were passed, and I haven’t spoken to him since.”

Cristal picked up her soda. “When did this happen?”

“Last Sunday,” Shaundra answered. “I stopped over with the kids and he verbally attacked me. I must say it surprised the heck out of me. He wanted me to give him a definite answer to when I’d be moving back into the farmhouse. But the last time I checked, I was a grown woman and I didn’t have to answer to anyone.”

Cristal stared at her. “Are you serious? Tak got all up in your business?”

Shaundra nodded. “You’d think Ich was his woman.”

“Well,” Cristal mumbled.

“Well, nothing,” Shaundra said. “Ich is my husband, and it’s none of Takumijo’s business. Instead of being mad at me, he should be mad at Ich.”

The waitress brought them their chef salads and left.

“Now, enough about me. How is Satoshi? And what’s this crap I’m hearing about you dating his brother?”

Damn, who told her that
? “Tae and I are not dating. Well, we went on a couple of dates, but we’re not a couple.”

Shaundra did that deep, sultry chuckle. “Please, girl, this is me you’re talking to. What was Tae doing in Amsterdam during Thanksgiving?”

Damn, were there no secrets? “Fucking with Satoshi’s head,” Cristal answered. “The two of them have a very strange relationship. I think they hate each other.”

“So you were just using him to make Satoshi jealous?”

“Yes,” Cristal admitted as she stuck her fork into her salad.

“And it backfired, just like it did with Yi-jun?”

“Yes, and Satoshi got all upset and he…”

“He what?” Shaundra asked.

No, she couldn’t tell Shaundra that.

“You might as well tell me, because I’m going to find out anyway from Satoshi. I just want to hear your side of it.”

“He grabbed me,” Cristal said. “I’ve never seen him so angry. And then he shoved me around and called me all kinds of bad names.”

The smile disappeared from Shaundra’s face. “He what?” she asked angrily. “Are you trying to tell me that Satoshi hit you?”

“Well, not exactly hit. He shoved me and then he slapped me, and for a moment, I thought he was going to rape me. Shaundra, I’ve never seen him like that. I know he was drunk, but I’ve seen him drunk before. This was more like he’d been using drugs.”

Shaundra’s eyebrows knitted together as the information registered in her head. “Satoshi? Our Satoshi?”

Cristal nodded. “He left my room right after that. The next morning, I had a black eye. Takumijo found out and I think he and Satoshi got into a fight. But I can’t be sure about that part since I hid out in my hotel room for the rest of the tour.”

“Oh, you poor baby. You should have called me and told me. The nerve of him. What is wrong with these guys? All of a sudden, they’re all mean and territorial.” She took a quick sip of her soda. “Ichiro has lost his damn mind, and now Satoshi is acting like a jealous Neanderthal. I hope you made him suffer before accepting his apology.”

“We’re not exactly speaking,” Cristal said.

“What, you mean he hasn’t apologized?”

“Yes, he’s tried, but I haven’t given him the time of day,” Cristal admitted.

“Well, good for you,” Shaundra said. “It’s his fault anyway. He needs to make up his mind and stop stringing you along. You know Satoshi is my heart, but I don’t condone a man putting his hand on a woman. He’s lucky you didn’t shoot him.”

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