Down Range (Shadow Warriors - Book 2) (27 page)

Dear Reader,

Down Range
is book two of my
new SHADOW WARRIORS series. I hope you get to see the video that gives readers a
taste of what this series is about at

Having served my country in the U.S. Navy, I’ve been working
quietly behind the scenes for three years trying to grasp the SEAL personality.
What is SEAL? What makes a man become a SEAL? They are the ultimate warriors on
this planet presently (and have been since the Vietnam era, when they were
created by President John F. Kennedy in 1962). I knew because of their black-ops
nature, I probably wouldn’t be able to ever talk to a SEAL, much less interview
one about this book. I wanted to, but reality told me they lived in the shadows,
didn’t like media of any type, including nosy writers. They avoided “us” like a
proverbial plague.

I’ve read just about every SEAL book written by a SEAL in order
to understand their “type.” I ran across a book,
Intuitive Warrior
by Michael Jaco, U.S. Navy SEAL, retired (
). I was so
taken with how different, how vibrant and alive his book was compared to other
accounts. I became so excited by his heart and the experiences he recounted in
his book that I thought I’d try to contact him. I never believed for a second
that he would respond.

As “fate” would have it, he did. Chief Jaco, who currently
works as a security contractor around the world since 2002, agreed to a
four-hour interview with me. I had a ton of technical questions that were not
top secret, that I knew he could answer. He was patient and tolerant, taking
home my forty questions. We met at his and his wife Tracy’s home two days later
and I got my questions answered.
RT Book Reviews
magazine (
) will be doing a
four-page article written by myself on this interview in their December 2013

What I never dreamed of happened. Chief Jaco read my book and
liked it. I hope you liked his Dear Reader letter at the beginning of this book
and that you enjoyed
Down Range.

There are many more SHADOW WARRIORS books coming, and it has
been an absolute joy to create them. And it’s so nice to have a real SEAL of
whom I can ask technical questions—and get answers. It makes a book come alive
in ways I can’t put into words. But will you let me know? I love hearing from my
. As
the SEALs say, “Rock it out!”

Happy reading!


Lindsay McKenna

ISBN: 9781472054593


Lindsay McKenna

© Nauman Living Trust 2013

First Published in Great Britain in 2013
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