Dream World (16 page)

Read Dream World Online

Authors: T.G. Haynes

Tags: #deram world, #adult, #erotica, #fantasy, #role play, #dream trip, #Paris

Two minutes.

As if sensing Kate's hand behind her head, Sylvia backed into it.

‘That's not my fault!' Kate exclaimed. ‘You did that.'

‘I know I did,' Sylvia admitted. ‘It feels good though, doesn't it?'

As she posed the question, Sylvia rubbed the back of her head against Kate's hand. Taking full advantage of her friend's weakening resolve, Sylvia then ran her right hand through Kate's hair. Kate closed her eyes. Sylvia's touch was sensational. It was so much lighter and softer than that of any of her previous lovers. It was as if she instinctively sensed what Kate most desired, which was why Kate couldn't help feel slightly disappointed when Sylvia broke away. When Kate opened her eyes to see what was going on she discovered Sylvia lowering her head towards her breasts.

‘Not again,' Kate thought, ‘please don't kiss my breasts again.' Acquiescing, Sylvia refrained from kissing Kate's chest. What she did next was far more tempting, for she proceeded to shower Kate's lower stomach with kisses. The pleasure was almost unbearable as Sylvia's soft lips brushed against her flesh.

One minute. Well, approximately. Kate was fast losing count. It was almost impossible to keep track of time as Sylvia's tongue delicately licked around her navel and abdomen. Knowing that she was so close, Kate tried her best to focus. Surely there was only a minute left, surely no longer than that?

To distract her, Sylvia changed tack, took hold of Kate's legs, lifted them slightly, then planted a series of kisses around her inner thighs. Kate knew that it would be the most obvious thing in the world for Sylvia to part her legs and gently lick her pussy next. Or perhaps she would kiss it first. Or would she use a finger to stimulate her clit? Or, knowing what a bad girl her friend was, maybe she'd want to finger Kate's bottom whilst she licked her out?

Kate found each of the scenarios that crossed her mind equally tempting. She fast reached the point where she didn't mind which one Sylvia opted for as long as she touched her soon, because Kate had rarely felt so turned on and, if she felt that good at that moment, how much more intense would the feeling be when Sylvia brought her to climax? With each passing second Sylvia's tongue came ever closer and closer to the nub of Kate's clit. Unable to stand it any longer, Kate cried out, ‘I'm sorry, Dexter, I'm so sorry.'

‘What's that you say?' Sylvia asked.

‘Lick me, touch me, fuck me,' Kate begged.

Sylvia grinned. ‘With pleasure.'

Then, just as she lowered her tongue towards Kate's eager pussy, a blue door popped into existence across the far side of the room. It's presence brought Kate back to her senses. A split second longer and she would have given in. Leaping off the bed, she ran across to the door. As her right hand closed around the handle she felt Sylvia grab hold of her. In a last desperate bid to change Kate's mind, Sylvia pressed her magnificent body against her friend. As she felt Sylvia's neat little triangle of pubic hair brush against the cheeks of her bottom, Kate very nearly gave in. Sneakily, Sylvia then reached around and tried to cup Kate's breasts in her hands. The moment had passed though and Kate was able to shake her loose and open the door.

Kate awoke from the dream with a start. She found Dexter peering at her anxiously. Ripping the pads off, Kate hugged him tightly.

‘Are you alright?' he asked.

‘I'm fine now,' she said.

Richard approached them. ‘Well?'

Kate jumped off the bed and caught him a resounding slap across the face. ‘How dare you.'

‘I take it you survived,' Richard said.

‘As you well know,' she countered.

‘Still one challenge to go and you're getting closer to cracking.'

‘I haven't though, have I?'

‘You will,' Richard replied, confidently.

Ignoring the remark, Kate grabbed Dexter by the hand. ‘Come on, let's get out of here.'

‘Gladly,' Dexter said, anxious to get home and talk tactics.

In order to give her a break, Dexter offered to drive.

‘Thanks,' Kate said, ‘but I'll do the honours.'

‘Are you sure?'

‘Yes, there's someone I want to call in on.'


‘A friend of mine. I need to ask a favour.'

Sylvia was delighted to see Kate and meet Dexter properly at last. She made them all coffee as Kate proceeded to tell her about Dexter, Richard and the challenges she was facing.

At the end of the tale, Sylvia took a large sip of her drink. ‘What a nerve.'

‘I know.'

‘If I was going to get up to anything that wicked, I'd want to experience it for myself,' Sylvia said, casting Kate a cheeky wink as she did so.

Dexter laughed. ‘You're every bit as licentious as Kate led me to believe.'

‘Not so, Mr Norris,' Sylvia said, reaching for his empty cup. As she did so, she pretended to slip. Dexter caught her in his arms.

‘I'm far worse,' Sylvia said, then gave him a peck on the cheek.

‘Hey,' Dexter protested.

‘Only kidding,' Sylvia said, as she jumped off his lap.

Kate watched the scene with a faint smile on her face. ‘How do you fancy putting those talents of yours to good use.'

Sylvia didn't follow. ‘What do you mean?'

‘Allow me to explain...' Kate said.

After Kate had finished outlining her plan it was Sylvia who was smiling. ‘Hats off to you, Miss Phillips, that's wonderfully devious.'

‘Thank you. The question is, do you like it?'

‘No,' Sylvia replied, shaking her head. ‘I love it!'

‘You'll do it then?'

‘What do you think?'


Arriving home that night, Dexter was all for making love to Kate, but she declined in favour of an early night in preparation for her final challenge on the morrow.

Having agreed previously with Richard that the trial wouldn't take place until the following afternoon, they rose late. After showering, they lingered over a healthy brunch before setting off for the centre. Upon arriving they saw that someone had beaten them to it. Kate and Dexter exchanged a quick glance.

‘Do you think she's managed to work her magic by now?' Dexter asked Kate.

‘We'll soon find out.'

Inside the centre they found Richard looking extremely confident.

‘What are you so happy about?' Kate asked.

‘Oh, nothing much,' he replied, as Sylvia entered the dream chamber and draped herself on his arm.

‘You bitch,' Kate snarled and slapped Sylvia around the face.

‘Now, now. Jealousy will get you nowhere,' Sylvia said.

The anger rose in Kate's cheeks and Dexter had to hold her back.

‘This isn't getting us anywhere,' Richard pointed out. ‘Shall we begin?'

‘Very well,' Kate snapped, then lay down on one of the beds.

‘What about you?' Dexter said to Richard.

‘Ladies first,' he replied, handing Kate one of the tablets.

Dexter helped attach the pads to Kate's head, wished her luck then kissed her as she fell asleep.

No soon she had done so, Richard climbed onto one of the other beds in the chamber, hooked himself up and popped a tablet of his own.

‘Sweet dreams,' Sylvia said, planting a kiss on his lips as he sank into slumber.

After a minute or so, Dexter and Sylvia exchanged a glance.

‘What d'you reckon?' Dexter said.

‘There's only one way to find out,' Sylvia replied, before kissing Richard on the lips. To their relief, he didn't respond.

‘OK, quick. Hop up onto that bed,' Dexter instructed her, ‘And we'll get you hooked up.'

As she did so, Sylvia rubbed her cheek.

‘What's the matter?' Dexter asked.

‘Your girlfriend needs to learn to pull her punches,' she said.

Dexter smiled. He wondered if there was a tiny bit of latent revenge in the blow for the recent dream scenario Kate had experienced. Working quickly he soon had Sylvia prepared to invade Richard's dream.

‘Ready?' he asked.

She nodded.

‘Good luck.' He said, handing her one of the tablets.

Sylvia popped it into her mouth and grinned. ‘Don't worry. He doesn't stand a chance.'

In spite of being forewarned by Alan, Kate was dreading the fantasy she had to face, for it was one that she had harboured for many years. The one thing she couldn't quite figure out was how the scenario would work in terms of how she would be judged as having given in to temptation.

‘It's quite simple, really,' Richard said.

Kate's eyes snapped open. She found herself standing naked in a small dressing room. Richard was lingering at the red dressing room door. Feeling his eyes bore into her she glanced around for something to cover herself with. To her disappointment, the only clothing to hand was a vast array of skimpy underwear, so she covered her breasts with her right forearm and her crotch with her left hand.

‘Haven't you got a challenge of your own to face?' she said.

‘First things first,' he replied, walking towards her. Taking hold of her right arm, Richard lowered it. ‘You know, if you were to give in, have you ever stopped to consider how grateful I might be?'

‘What are you talking about?'

‘Dream World is going to make me a very rich man, Kate Phillips.' He paused momentarily before making the proposition. ‘There's not much fun in having all that wealth if I haven't got anyone to share it with.'

‘You'd cut me in?'


‘How much are we talking about?' she asked.

‘I was thinking somewhere in the region of twenty per cent,' he said.

‘You could make it fifty and I still wouldn't be interested.'

‘Chance of a lifetime. I'm not going to offer again.'

‘Save your breath.'

He shrugged and wandered back over towards the red door. Leaning on it, he took a last, lingering look at her. ‘What a waste,' he murmured, under his breath.

‘Come on,' she said. ‘I haven't got all day. I can see that you're dying to outline the rules of my challenge, so why don't you get on with it, then get out of here.'

‘Very well. As it's your fantasy you already know that you'll be facing six people in there,' Richard pointed at the green door behind Kate.

‘Six? It's never more than four in my dreams.'

Richard smiled. ‘Artistic license.'

Kate gritted her teeth. ‘Go on.'

‘It's quite simple. You can't come, but you have to make each one of them come...'

‘That should be easy enough,' she interjected.

‘Ah, but here's the catch. You can't use your hands, mouth, pussy or arse. If you do, you lose. Think you can manage that?'

‘Easy,' she said, removing her left hand. ‘Do you think you can?'

Richard breathed deeply as he drank in the sight of her magnificent naked body.

‘Good luck,' he said, with a sneer. ‘You're going to need it.'

As he closed the red door behind him Kate felt her confidence drain. On every occasion that she had experienced the fantasy previously - whether it was as a dream or indulging in it during a quiet five minutes at work, or whilst relaxing in the bath, or, wherever - she had
ended up having sex with at least one of the men in the dream, usually more.

‘Ah, well,' she thought. There was a first time for everything and that day would have to be the first time that she resisted.

Steeling her nerve, Kate began to sort through the items on display. Her thinking was that she would opt for the sauciest outfit she could find, in the hope that it would turn on her six suitors to such a degree, they would come all the more quickly.

The first item that she picked out was a lacy black suspender belt. After trying out a range of stockings, she eventually settled upon an extremely slutty pair of black fishnet ones. She felt so naughty as she peeled them onto her legs, luxuriating in how the material felt against her skin. The third item she selected was a pair of black knickers with red ribbon lacing. As she slid them on her right forefinger accidentally brushed against her pubic hair. A shiver of excitement trilled through her. That was no good. It was others she wanted to turn on, not herself. With a series of deep breaths she forced herself to calm down. Next, she slipped on a pair of killer heels that must have measured at least four inches. She then tried on a whole host of bras - peep hole ones, see through ones, open cup ones, polka dot ones, quarter cup ones - but none quite had the desired effect. What she was looking for was something with a little more je ne sais quoi. Her eyes latched onto a pair of dark red love heart nipple tassels. Ideal, she thought. To top the outfit off she wrapped a pink feather boa around her neck. Before leaving the room she took a good look at herself in the full length mirror that hung at the side of the green door. She gave a satisfied nod and was just about to leave the dressing room when, at the last minute, she snatched a riding crop off a wall hook. Slapping it experimentally against her right flank, finally she opened the green door.

The instant she stepped through the door it vanished. There was no turning back now. The room that she had entered was perfectly circular, probably only about twenty feet in diameter and lit by soft red lighting. The walls were blank, apart from six letterbox eye slits, which opened simultaneously. Kate glanced around the room at the six pairs of eyes that fixed on her. Brown ones, blue ones, green ones, grey ones, kind ones, sensitive ones, cheeky ones, lustful ones. Knowing it would be fatal to make eye contact to begin with, she lowered her gaze as a further six small latches were drawn back at groin height in order to allow the six lucky guys to slide their cocks through. Realising that she had to face them sooner or later, she took a deep breath and looked.

The six cocks were all quite large - ranging between six and nine inches. Kate gulped and tried her best to tell herself that she wasn't interested in any of them, that she had no desire whatsoever to wander around the room and inspect them one by one, firstly with her fingers, then her tongue. Her eyes latched onto a shapely, curvy black cock. Kate had never slept with a black guy. How easy it would be to stroll over to him, to bend over in front of him and allow him to sink his lovely ebony cock into her pussy. Being in control, she could ride it to her heart's content; ride it until her thighs tingled and her knees trembled. Ride it until it brought her to orgasm.

No, she told herself. That wasn't going to happen. Trying to put as much distance as possible between herself and temptation, she strode into the centre of the room. Whenever she had experienced the fantasy previously, it had often descended into a mass gangbang with Kate at the centre, sucking and fucking and wanking for all she was worth. How could she alter the pattern of events so as to arouse her six charges whilst retaining a degree of calmness herself? An idea suddenly occurred to her. Perhaps there was a way.

Feigning a confidence she didn't really feel, she forced herself to examine each of the six in turn, in order to try and gauge how turned on they were. At that point, the split between them was about fifty-fifty, with half appearing quite cool, whereas the other three were already betraying signs of excitement as their pricks stuck out of the peep holes at right angles. One of the cocks already looked fit to burst.

‘OK', she thought, ‘let's see if I can get your five friends to match you'.

Striking a pose, Kate began to sway rhythmically, dancing in time to her own tune. At first, she stayed dead centre of the room, well out of temptations way, but as she grew in confidence, she began to strut around the circle of cocks. Pretending to reach for one here and there, she could practically feel the guys on the other side of the peep holes straining to get at her. She wondered if they were allowed to touch themselves? Suspecting that Richard had programmed them, she doubted it.

Much to her delight, the longer she danced the harder the cocks became, until every single one of the six sported an erection. Dancing from one side of the room to the other, she approached each of the cocks in turn. Some she feathered with the tips of her boa, others she knelt in front of, leant towards and blew a kiss, taking great care not to touch them with her lips.

Glancing around the circle, Kate decided that it was time to take matters further. The only question that remained was, who was going to be her first victim? Reasoning that the guy who had boasted the first hard on would probably prove the easiest to crack, she strutted towards him.

Staring at him, Kate sensed that he was the most nervous of the six. Imperiously, she reached out towards his prick with the tip of her riding crop. Before it even came into contact with him his penis twitched. Kate grinned and warmed to her task. Thrusting her breasts forwards she gyrated her torso, which made the tassels on her nipples swing in a clockwise direction and caused her victim's eyes to bulge. Sensing she had him exactly where she wanted him, she tickled his balls with the riding crop. The guy whose genitals she was playing with gulped.

Kate then eased the tip of the riding crop back and forth along the underside of the cock, stroking it expertly until a sliver of pre come spilt from the end. Straining to retain a degree of self control, he closed his eyes. Quickly taking of advantage of this, Kate bobbed her head down towards his prick. Given the angle of the peephole, when he re-opened his eyes and gazed down, though it was entirely wishful thinking, it looked as if she was kissing the tip of his cock, when in fact she was teasing it with the end of the riding crop.

Unable to control himself, his cock shuddered. Kate jerked her head away just in time as it began to ooze come. She was rather pleased that it was such a disappointing climax, for it made it much easier to resist temptation. Leaving the cock dribbling spunk onto the floor, she sought out her second challenge.

Next, she chose the largest cock on display, her reasoning being if she could successfully tame it her confidence would be sky high. Shimmying over towards it, she began to have second thoughts. The cock, in question, was at least nine inches, if not longer. It was wonderfully thick as well, plus the end was bright pink and swollen and pulsing and looked good enough to eat. In fact, it looked so good, Kate nearly changed her mind and selected someone else. Suspecting that to do so would betray a sign of weakness, she eyed the owner of the cock and said, ‘So, what's your name?'

‘Jim,' he replied, confidently.

‘Are you ready, Jim?' she asked.

‘Do your worst.'

Trying the same method that had worked so well on the first cock she had pleasured, Kate gently flicked the riding crop around Jim's balls. Disappointingly, this didn't have anywhere near such a dramatic effect as the first time around and he was able to retain control of himself. Realising that she needed a different method to up the ante, she discarded the whip. She half thought about bending down and pretending to give Jim a blow job, but she knew that it would be a grave mistake to place her mouth anywhere near the vicinity of such a gorgeous specimen. Her mind raced. How else could she bring that wonderful nine inch prick to climax? As she considered her next move the fingers of her right hand idly played with the end of the boa. As the feathers tickled her flesh a plan formed in her mind. Wrapping the boa around her right hand, until not a millimetre of skin remained uncovered, she reached for Jim's prick.

As she took hold of it, both of them gasped - Kate because his cock felt even better in her hand than she had imagined it would; Jim because the sensation of all those feathers tickling his balls was utterly exquisite. Ever since she had treated her very first boyfriend when she was in her mid teens, Kate had always enjoyed wanking her partners off. There was something about having her fingers wrapped around a thick, pulsing cock that she found immensely arousing.

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