Earth Blend (9 page)

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Authors: Lori Pescatore

Tags: #romance fantasy fantasy series science fiction science fiction romance paranormal romance young adult young adult fantasy paranormal suspense thriller aliens ya

During one of the tasks she was performing,
she ran into Joy who exclaimed, “There you are! I was worried we
scared you off. Is everything okay?”

Julie nodded and explained her story to the
petite brunette.

Joy hugged her and told her she was glad all
was well now. “We'll catch up later.” She called as she continued
on her rounds.

Julie took a few steps before hearing a
familiar voice.

I'm not buying it.”

She turned to see Neal, an orderly at the
hospital. Neal was Austin's best friend. Julie attended a carnival
with him and his sister, Annie, along with Austin and a bunch of
their other friends. She put her hand on her hip and asked, “Not
buying what, Neal?”

Your story about where you were and

Neal could be sweet at times but more often
than not, he was annoying.

And what makes you say that?” She

Because I know Austin was unreachable
too. I think you two snuck off somewhere for a little roll in

Stop right there.” Julie interrupted.
“Number one, I do not have to explain myself to you. Number two, if
you want to know where Austin was, ask him yourself. I don't want
you spreading rumors around.”

Boy, someone has their panties in

Julie stepped forward and put a hand over
his mouth. “Say it and regret it.” She was angry with him.

Neal's eyes grew wide.

Everything okay, Miss Miller?”
Another voice asked.

She removed her hand from Neal's mouth but
kept her angry glare. “Everything is fine, Doctor Samson,” Julie
replied before turning to look at Marcus. “We need to talk.”

Marcus suppressed his grin. “Why of course.
I'm sure Doctor Elsworth wouldn't mind us using his office

Great. “ She said before walking in
the direction of it.

Marcus raised his eyebrows at Neal and then
let his grin appear as he went to follow Julie.


Doctor Elsworth's office was unoccupied.
Julie closed the door behind Marcus.

Marcus, wipe the grin off your

I'm sorry. The new aggressive side of
you is kind of a turn on.”

Julie rolled her eyes. “Marcus can you be
serious for one minute. This is important. I'm worried about

You're always worried about him.
What's new?”

Something strange happened today. He
went to talk with his mom, and I don't know what, but something
happened. He was holding his head, like he was in pain. His mood
has been very up and down too. Have you noticed

Marcus thought for a moment. “Nothing aside
from the usual, 'I'm a Human Blend and my life has been a lie'

What about his mood?”

He's eighteen years old. He's
probably just horny.”

Marcus! Oh my God! Is that all you
think about?”

Yes, pretty much. I'm a guy. What did
you expect?”

Julie's face still held an uncomprehending
look upon it when Doctor Elsworth entered his office.

I'd apologize for interrupting but
this is my office.”

Just talking with 'little miss
building up to a meltdown girl',”. Marcus replied. He then grinned
at Julie. “We done?”

We are so done. I must have been out
of my mind to think I would get any help from you.”

I won't argue that.” Marcus said and
left the office.

Eli looked at Julie. “Should I even

Julie closed her eyes and took a deep
breath. “Do me a favor. If I ever say I want to talk with Marcus
about anything... stop me. Use any means possible.”

That bad?”

Worse.” She gave a small laugh. “I'd
better get back to work.”

Is it anything I can help

Julie thought for a moment. “Probably not,
but if you don't mind listening... If you have time on my break

Of course. I'll be in Pediatrics most
of the day. Come find me.”

Thanks. I'll see you later.” Julie
left the office.


Julie was glad when Nurse Hacher told her to
take her break. She had done some healing on some of the patients
she visited with and was beginning to feel the tiredness of not
replenishing her energy with food. She had no money even for
vending machine fare and was not comfortable asking anyone for a

She found Doctor Elsworth in Pediatrics as
he had said. He told her to go ahead and he would met her
momentarily in his office.

Her body was telling her to take a nap but
she changed her mind when she opened the door. A bowl of colorful
fruit sat prominently on the desk. She ran over without a second
thought and began eating. She knew Eli had done this just for her.
He did not need to eat.

Ah, good. I was hoping you would dig
right in.” Eli said as he entered.

As if you doubted.” Julie quipped

I just know how stubborn you can

I'm working on it.”

Eli sat behind his desk as Julie sat perched
on his desk still munching on the fruit. “So, you have my

Julie took a deep breath before beginning.
“Okay, I know you are not a Blend but I need to talk to a sane

Should I be offended that you talked
to Marcus first?”

Just look at it as confirmation of my
many moments of idiocy.”

Eli smiled but kept quiet, letting Julie
lead the conversation.

Marcus thinks I'm overreacting, but I
am worried about Austin.” She continued. “I mean aside from what I
know he is dealing with... there's more. He's acting strange...
moody. He actually ran in an all-out panic.” Julie paused for a
moment. “Well, I guess that it isn't that out of the ordinary. I've
done that.” She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Crap, maybe Marcus
is right. Tell me I did not just say that.”

Eli let out a slight chuckle. “Maybe your
concerns should be shared with your Uncle. He, more than anyone,
would be a better judge of what is normal for Austin and

I thought of that, but then isn't it
more like dealing with revelation kinda stuff?”

Your bodies may react differently in
certain situations.”

Julie nodded, “That makes sense. Okay I will
call Uncle G after work.”

I'm going to be done early. Seems
someone is making my patients get well faster.” Eli smiled. “Why
don't we grab a bite to eat together. Your Uncle's cooking has
stimulated my appetite.”

Julie thought back to the time at her
Uncle's cabin. Austin and herself had jumped from a helicopter to
escape Luke who was attempting to kidnap them. The injuries
sustained were too massive for their own bodies to heal. Uncle G
took them back to his cabin. With Marcus' help, she and Austin
recovered nicely. After much cajoling, Eli did eat with them.

I'd take you up on that offer, but I
start a new job tonight. I got hired at the cafe in

Oh, I didn't know you had experience
in that line of work.”

I don't. Dave said I could learn
along the way. Apparently we are both desperate.”

You know, Julie, I could have easily
hired you here at the hospital. I could use a

Julie looked around his office. “Sure you
could. That's why your office is such a mess.” She gestured around
to the impeccably clean office.

Eli was about to add something else, but
Julie cut him off. “I appreciate the offer, Eli, I really do. But
we've been over this. I'm going to do this on my own.”

Did you ever think of going to school
for medicine or nursing?” He asked.

Yes, actually. That is a long term
goal of mine. I'm going to work and save up the money for

I'd be more than

He began but Julie held up her hand.

Eli tried another angle. “What about
your Uncle I'm sure

Stop,” She laughed. “I'm going to do
it my way or no way. End of discussion.”

Eli smiled, he would let it go, for now.

Julie smiled and popped one last grape in
her mouth before hopping off the desk. “See you later, Doc.” She
said as she left the office and went back to work. She was in a
good mood despite her concerns over Austin. She at least had a plan
now. She would call her Uncle after her work at the Cafe. Talking
with Eli had made her feel better. She continued on the rest of the
day performing her duties with a smile.


After dropping Julie off, Austin drove
around for a while before deciding to go back to the Laundromat to
try talking to his mother. Entering the business, he greeted a few
patrons before heading for the back office. The door was shut but
he could hear voices shouting loudly. He opened the door and was
shocked at who he saw. “Dad?”


8. Protecting Secrets

Jacob, Austin's father, turned to see his son standing in the
office doorway. It had been three years since he last saw his son.
He smiled at how much the once fifteen year old boy had grown into
an eighteen year old young man. This was what he wanted for him; a
normal life with normal growth. The news that Austin started
showing signs of Blend abilities worried him. His wife knew nothing
of Austin's unusual birth. He married her after Austin was born. He
was concerned about how Austin would react. His wife, Helene, was a
wonderful, loving mother to the boy. He could not have asked for a
better maternal figure. Before his son walked in, his wife had been
shouting at him. She wanted to tell Austin the truth that she was
not his birth mother long before this.

Austin.” Jacob greeted. “It's good to
see you.”

Good to see me? You've been gone for
three years and kept secrets from me and that's all you have to

Austin, calm down. You're not giving
me an opportunity to explain.”

Explain what? That my whole life has
been a lie!”

Jacob was trying to calm his son down but
his wife began crying. He felt guilty on both fronts. “Austin, how
about we go take a walk. All this arguing is upsetting your
mother.” He watched as a pained expression came over Austin's

No... no... not again.” Austin cried
out, grabbing his head.

Jacob went over to his son and placed a hand
on his back. “Son, what's wrong?”

Austin backed away from him. He pressed
himself into the corner and sunk down to the floor.

Jacob quickly pulled out his phone and
dialed Gregg. He rapidly explained Austin's condition. While still
on the phone, he knelt down in front of his son. “Uncle Gordi wants
you to come see him. He can help.”

Austin seemed to not hear anything his
father was saying. He looked up, his eyes crazed. “I gotta get out
of here!” He stood and took off running.

Gregg... what should I do?” Jacob was
beside himself; he felt helpless He was glad when Gregg said he
would come down. After hanging up, he looked at his wife. “Helene,
I'm sorry. There is more going on than you realize. I have a lot of
apologizing to do. I'm going to try and make things right. I need
to go find Austin, will you be okay?”

Helene dried her face with a tissue and

Jacob left the Laundromat and was dismayed
to see it raining heavily again. It had started to clear up when he
arrived earlier. He grabbed an umbrella from his car and went in
search of Austin.

Julie finished up her duties and exited the hospital. She intended
to walk into town to her new job. “Oh man!” She exclaimed, looking
at the pouring rain.

Tell me you are waiting for Austin to
pick you up and I promise not to kill him when he pulls up.” Marcus
said, coming up behind her.

No, actually. I was planning on
walking into town.”

So, he's not on his way?” Marcus
huffed. He took out his cell phone and dialed Austin's number.
After a moment, he snapped his phone shut. “That is the last time I
let him use my car!” He was agitated.

Julie began to worry. “I hope he is

My car better be.”

Is that all you care about, that damn

That 'damn' car cost me three months'
pay.” He opened up his phone again and dialed. “Yes, his is Doctor
Samson at Smyth County Hospital. I need a car here ASAP. Great. I'm
right out front. Thank you.” He snapped his phone shut. “He is so

Aren't you even the least bit
worried? I don't understand you!” Julie was getting

Oh chill the drama. He's probably
with his dad.”

Julie looked perplexed. “I thought his dad
was in France?”

He was. He flew back

How do you know all this?”

Uncle Gregg told me when I called him
after we talked.”

Julie put a hand on her hip. “So I actually
got through to you?”

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