Elfcharm (6 page)

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Authors: Leila Bryce Sin

His words confused me, but before I could ask him what he meant, his mouth claimed mine, his tongue delving into my mouth just as his hips rocked into me and suddenly he was filling me. His shaft was warm with magic, pushing my swollen walls apart as his groin ground against my clit.

I cried out, pressing my head and shoulders into the ground, my body arching involuntarily. The power inside of me finally burst out, a clap of thunder exploding overhead, and the wolves of the forest howled with me. The rush of power rocked back into me, slamming me into the ground as Fallon pumped his hips, thrusting his cock into me, drinking in my power while feeding me his. I could taste the moist earth in my mouth and feel the pulse of the Earth through my body, making me vibrate against Fallon, bringing me to the edge of my orgasm faster than I realized.

I raked my nails down his back, carving my pleasure into his skin, drinking in the power of the pleasure-pain. Fallon shifted forward, pushing me back to the ground, letting my arms fall. I looked down between the lines of our bodies and could see he was braced on his toes. I was about to ask him what he was doing, but then he pushed into me again. At this new angle, the hard shaft of his cock rubbed my clit in a long, delicious line.

“Oh,” I moaned, my wide eyes falling closed as I nearly melted into the ground. Fallon pushed and pulled, in and out of me, all while his cock massaged my clit as he filled me. Warmth, thick and slow like honey, filled me.

“More,” I managed to breathe, placing my hands on his flexing biceps, curling my fingers into the muscles. It seemed like it was the only word I could manage besides his name.

“More?” he teased, his lips curling into a sly grin as he began to slow his hips’ rise and fall, tearing a strangled noise of protest from me.

“Fallon,” I begged, closing my eyes and arching my body, reaching for him. “More!”

“More,” he breathed against the tingling skin of my neck just before his teeth clamped down on the scar, awakening the dormant, lust-filled magic. He began to fuck me, faster, harder, his cock making my clit swell almost painfully. His tongue massaged the muscle under my scar as he sucked on me. The seeking magic raised goosebumps on my flesh, making my nipples pucker so that his chest rubbed against the hard little nubs, and my pussy clenched around his thick, hard shaft.

I cried out again, my nails cutting into the skin of his biceps. The tang of iron flavored the air and again a pulse of magic slammed me into the ground. The orgasm was coming, cresting inside of me like a wave, building higher and higher, making me scream for more, begging him to fuck me faster, harder. Fallon was grunting and swearing above me, thunder rumbling in the near distance, and the trees whipped around us, showering us with loose leaves until finally, painfully, wonderfully, the orgasm slammed into me.

My body bucked under him, pressing every inch of flesh that I could to his hard, warm body, drinking in the magic of the moment, feeding him power even as I took it from him, from the ground beneath me and the forest around me and the blood on my fingertips. As I gripped his cock, my body unwilling to let the resonating waves of pleasure stop, Fallon lost his rhythm and suddenly he was crying out above me, slamming his hips into me one last time as he came.

He collapsed on top of me. I could feel his heart slamming in his chest with it pressed against mine. I wrapped myself around him with legs and arms. When I rocked my hips back to wrap my legs around his waist, he moaned above me, his body bucking involuntarily. I smiled up at the star filled sky, gripping his body until it was difficult for him to breathe. I could feel the magic still pulsing inside of me, outside of me, and all around. I was taking power from his release, letting it slip inside of me, swirl with my magic, and return to him, making his body flush with heat. Before tonight, I had only drunk in the power given to me from my partner’s body. Now I was giving it back without draining myself. As a matter of fact, my body felt more full of magic and power than it ever had in my life.

“I don’t understand,” I whispered. I still hadn’t fully caught my breath yet. Fallon groaned when he attempted to answer me. I released my hold on him, letting my legs fall open, and my hands slid from his back. He tried to push himself up, but only succeeded in rolling to the side, falling to the ground next to me, pulling out of me. The sensation of his cock slipping out of my wet and quivering pussy sent a shockwave through my body, stealing a noise from my throat as my eyes fluttered closed. My whole body clenched, making me roll to the side, my thighs pressing together, rubbing and squirming until a warm pulse began deep in my body, and suddenly I was thrashing on the ground as an orgasm flooded my body.

Unable to control myself, I pressed my fingers between my thighs, pushing my fingertips into the soft down until I found my throbbing clit, and I worked at myself, riding the waves of pleasure until my whole body was arched and frozen in one sweet moment of torture. I felt Fallon’s fingers on my breasts, caressing the soft flesh, mounding them together gently, sending chills down my body. I moaned again, the sweet agony pulsating through me as I rode wave after wave of honeyed pleasure. Fallon’s mouth found one of my nipples, sucking it between his hot lips, his tongue flicking the tip as his hand gently pinched and rolled the other. His free hand found mine pressed between my thighs and he fought me for space until his fingers were twined with mine and he was massaging my pussy, his fingers running over my clit, between my folds until he was pressing two inside of me.

I cried out his name, a crack of thunder echoing me in the sky. We finally collapsed, chests heaving, muscles twitching, and bodies boneless. But in spite of all of that, my fingers itched for more, wanting to grab, stroke, caress, pull, claw. I curled my fingers into the ground, pushing past grass and dirt, feeling tiny clover flowers burst to life between my fingers as my power leaked into the earth.

When I opened my eyes again, I could see the clouds gathering overhead, knitting together as the flashes of lightning burst behind the grey and white. I could feel the storm building, the electrons crawling over my skin. I lifted one hand in the air and flicked my fingers, imagining a crack of thunder erupting as I did so, and like magic, the rumbling thunder rolled all around.

“Am I doing this?” I asked.

“Yes,” Fallon answered simply.

“But how?”

“You’ve found your magic.”

“I’ve always had magic,” I argued, snapping my fingers and watching the spark of power erupt to underscore my words. Another burst of lightning flashed above us.

“Not like you should have,” Fallon said, pushing himself to roll to his side to look at me. I turned my head to the side, my blond bangs falling into my eyes. Fallon reached out and brushed them away from my forehead, trailing his fingers over my cheek and down my throat. “Living with the humans and their iron and technology, so far removed from your true element, you’ve lost your fae abilities. This,” he waved his hand in the air, indicating the billowing, roiling clouds, “this is what you’re capable of.”

Suddenly I wanted it to rain. I wanted to feel the cold water on my heated skin. In the next moment, the sky opened and the first few raindrops struck my body before the true rain came. In moments I was soaked, the dirt under the grass around me turning to mud. Water slid along my body like a million caressing hands, soothing my aching body and soaking my hair.

“Never again forget who you are,” Fallon whispered as he crept closer, rising up on one arm to loom over me. His lips were so close to mine. The water ran down his face, over his mouth, dripping from his lips onto mine. My lips parted, tasting the sweet summer rain. Fallon gripped my hip, his fingers curling into the fleshy curve as his hair, nearly black when wet, swung forward, the tips tickling the skin of my chest and shoulders. Lifting my face, inching my mouth closer to his, I could feel his hot breath on my face. He turned his head just so and finally lowered his mouth to mine.

I could see the bright light bursting behind my closed eyes and the thunder rumbled all around until the ground under me was shaking. I slipped my hands into his heavy, wet hair, taking his kiss, opening to his seeking tongue. His teeth grazed my bottom lip, making me shift my body closer to his. When my bare hips touched his, he growled into my mouth, making me smile through the kiss.

When he pulled away and I opened my eyes again, I was staring up into Corbin’s face, lying on his bed, soaking wet. The sudden change in surrounding made my head spin for a moment. I kept my eyes on Corbin’s face to give me an anchor to this reality. Outside, I could hear the storm raging with thunder and lightning, rain falling in sheets against the windows.

“Corbin?” I said, my voice harsh as if my throat were raw from screaming.

“I’m right here, Taryn,” he whispered back. He lifted a hand and touched my forehead with the back of his fingers, testing for a fever.

“I feel fine,” I said, reaching to push his hand away, making sure to be gentle about it.

“I lost you for a while,” Corbin said with a note of worry in his voice. He had been the one reassuring me before we started this little experiment and somehow we had switched roles.

“I think I’ve been lost for a long, long time.” I reached up to touch his face, brushing my fingers along the sharp edges of his jaw, over his wide mouth, up his cheek. My fingers itched with the need to caress his long golden locks, but they were gone now. I thought I would feel weak, I think I should have felt weak, but when I lifted up on my elbows, I realized I had to control myself from throwing myself from the bed. I had never had this much power in my body at one time. I brought my face close to Corbin’s, my lips parted, hungry for a kiss. Corbin had helped me find my true self; he’d guided me and stayed with me. I wanted to thank him. I wanted him to feel what I felt.

He hesitated for a moment, so I paused, not wanting to force him. In this new state, I was very aware of everything: the heat of his body, a mixture of need and anger, the anger of jealousy, something I had never felt from him before. I could feel his hesitation like the snapping of electricity between my teeth.

“Corbin,” I whispered his name, feeling the syllables of his name on my tongue, slipping through my lips, washing against his lips, and back to mine. With an animalistic noise, Corbin shifted forward, his hands around my face, his fingers touching at the back of my head as he claimed my mouth with his, crushing his lips to mine. His mouth was hot and desperate, his tongue plunging into my mouth, seeking mine, caressing, tasting.

I brought my hands to rest on his wrists. He gripped me tighter, as if afraid I was going to pull his hands away. I kissed him harder and released some of the magic inside of me, letting it swirl between us, pouring into him, sharing with him. His hands trembled as his body shook, never having felt the power of elf magic before. He ripped his mouth away from mine, breaking the kiss with a strangled noise that sounded like it could have been my name.

“Come with me, Corbin,” I whispered. I crawled from the bed, my clothing dripping from the dream magic. I ripped them off until I stood in front of him naked; the charm around my neck was the only thing I still wore. Though I couldn’t see the charm easily, I could see the light emanating from it. Corbin reached for me, but I grabbed his hands and pulled, leading him through the apartment to the kitchen where the fire escape led from the window up to his rooftop garden. The storm was raging outside, making the metal ladder slick. When my skin touched the iron railings, it burned, but I managed to hang on as I led Corbin up.

The rain ran down my body, hundreds of tiny paths tracing over the dips and valleys of my body, making my skin sing with tingling nerve endings. I had brought this storm with my magic, and there was more power to be had and I wanted it. I had no idea how much more my body could hold, but I wanted to push the limits to find out. Reaching the top of the ladder, I vaulted over the edge of the roofline, landing lightly on my toes and fingers in a crouch.

Corbin was slower and more careful, holding the curving railings as he climbed over. I whipped my hair back out of my face as I stood, waiting for Corbin. He stood back as if unsure what he should do. This was where Corbin grew all of the herbs he needed for his potions.

I turned away from Corbin’s confused face and stepped over the tiny chicken wire barrier into the patch of mint, basil, and rosemary. The scents were rich, but the plants weren’t flourishing like they would in a true garden where the roots could sink as deep as they wanted. My toes sank into the wet dirt and I could feel the delicate webbing of tiny roots under me. Corbin reached a hand out as if to stop me, his mouth opening, but the protest died on his lips when I ignored him. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the nearly overwhelming power swirling inside of me, pressing at the edges of my body, looking for an escape, and forced it down.

The seeking magic plunged through me, out of me, and into the dirt and roots around me. The plants began to grow almost instantaneously, the stems and leaves snaking up around me, sliding along my body as they blossomed in a riot of greens, the sharp fresh scents filling my senses. When I opened my eyes, I could see the light of the magic shining from my eyes. When I turned to find Corbin, he was standing just outside of the patch of herbs, staring wide-eyed at the swaying plants that reached for me as I moved.

“Taryn,” he said in a strangled voice, “how did you do that?”

“I am fae again,” I said, my voice echoing with power. I closed my eyes and lifted my face to the sky, letting the rain run down my face, over my neck, and down my body. Every nerve in my body was alive. The rain and electrons in the air were a thousand hands on my body, caressing every inch.

Opening my eyes, I flung one hand skyward, releasing a bolt of energy that arced into the sky, striking the clouds in a blast of lightning. I could feel the strange quality of the smile I gave Corbin when I looked at him again. I felt feral and wanted to carve my lust into Corbin’s skin. For one lucid moment, I realized I should have Andre with me; he could ride my violence and enjoy it. I might break Corbin.

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