Embracing His Syn (20 page)

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Authors: A.E. Via

Syn put his hand to Furi’s lips and
shook his head, telling him not to respond. Damn, he wished he'd
had more time to plan how to handle Furi’s husband. “Who is it?”
Syn yelled.

Furious!” A deep voice
hollered back as the person began trying to break down the

Syn knew the flimsy door wouldn’t hold
up against the heavy banging.

Furious! Are you in


Syn barely heard Furious yell when a
large body slammed through the door, splintering the wood around
the knob. The man’s force propelled him forward into the apartment
and Syn used that momentum to his advantage. He pushed Furi back
and charged toward the intruder. Syn dipped low and used his
shoulder to push the man back into the wall. The guy looked to be
almost as tall and strong as he was, leaving Syn no doubt that the
man could give him a good fight, but he was momentarily startled by
Syn’s strength and he was weaponless. Furi was yelling something at
him but Syn couldn’t focus on that, he kept his concentration
trained on the intruder. Syn ducked a wildly thrown punch, spun and
hooked his arm under his attacker, throwing him face first against
the wall.

Don’t fucking move.” Syn
held the man’s thick arm behind his back and used his upper body to
keep him pinned. He bent the man’s hand in an awkward angle, and
used his thumb to apply pressure on a sensitive nerve in the wrist,
making the man scream out in agony. He brought his Glock suppressor
to the man’s temple and in a low, dangerous growl told him, “He’s
mine now.”

Syn stop it, you’re
hurting him!” Furi was practically screaming at the top of his
lungs, but it took a few seconds for the adrenaline to stop
pounding through Syn’s ears enough so he could hear him. “He’s my

Syn took his eyes off the man for a
second to look at Furi, who looked like he might be sick. He looked
like he was scared to touch Syn, his trembling hand hovered over
Syn’s shoulder.

Please put the gun down,”
Furi whispered.

Syn raised his gun and stepped back
quickly, pulling Furi with him, tucking him into his side. “Then
why’s he busting in here in the middle of the night?”

I don’t know. If you let
go of me, I can ask him.” Furi looked down at Syn’s death grip on
his bicep.

Syn cleared his throat.

Furi reached his friend just as he was
turning back to face them, clutching and rubbing the aching spot on
his wrist. “Doug, are you alright?” Furi took Doug’s wrist in his
hand, rubbing the spot where a bruise was already

Syn didn’t like the overly
tender care Furi was showing his friend. He especially didn’t like
how ridiculously handsome this
was. Doug was breathing heavily and
Syn hadn’t even broken a sweat.

I was filming at Illustra
when I was picked up for questioning about Starman. They said you
were just there, so I came to check on you.” Doug cut his eyes at
Syn before trying to whisper through gasping breaths, “and my
brother told me about the papers, so you know, I thought I’d come
stay the night.”

How thoughtful, but it’s
not necessary,” Syn said through clenched teeth.

Who the hell is this?”
Doug finally got his balls working and stepped closer to

This is the guy I told
you about.” Furi looked back at Syn. Now that everything was
calming down and there were no more blows being thrown, only angry
glares, Furi admired Syn’s rough-hewn appearance. He stood to his
full six-foot-two. His Timberland boots braced shoulder width apart
as if ready to throw a square off again. His pants were still
unbuttoned, his shirt hanging open and his gun resting at his side.
He looked like a hot, renegade cop model.

He’s the confused cop?”
Doug asked disbelievingly.

Furi’s eyes widened at Doug’s choice
of words. “I never said confused,” he said, looking at

Now I see what you meant.
You didn’t tell me he was some goddamn Bruce Willis, Die Hard
cop-type.” Doug’s eyes narrowed, darting back and forth between
them. “I heard a man’s angry voice and I thought maybe Patrick had
you in here tied up or some shit.”

They were all silent for a second when
Syn’s two-way chirped to life and a strong, clear voice came,
filling the small space, “Sarge, what’s your twenty? Come

Syn didn’t take his deep eyes off of
them as he unclipped the device from his belt. “Emory

We got another body, get
over to the Illustra. God and Day are on their way over there

Ten-four,” Syn replied
and clipped the radio back on his belt.

A dead body,” Furi
gasped, instinctively easing to Syn’s side.

I have to go.” Syn
straightened his clothes and tucked the large gun back into its
holster. He looked back up at Doug. He looked like Furi; pale and

Who is it?” Doug

I don’t know yet. Even if
I did, I couldn’t tell you.” Syn asked Doug, “Where are you just
coming from?”

I just said,” Doug
snapped. “From the station. You can ask your friends when you get

Look, sorry to almost
take you out. I thought you were his soon-to-be ex, too.” Syn
walked over to the couch to get his jacket.

Sure. Whatever, Captain
America,” Doug quipped angrily.

Syn barked a laugh, putting his coat
on. Furi walked over to him, keeping his back to his friend.
Wanting to say something, anything to Syn before he

You talked to him about
me?” Syn didn’t know if he was upset or not about that. He guessed
it depended what Furi said.

A couple days back. When
I left upset after those college bastards took a cheap shot at me.”
Furi huffed. “I was pissed, okay. I didn’t know what you wanted
from me. I thought it was just–”

Syn moved in close, looking directly
at him. “Just what? That you thought I only wanted to play around
and experiment with you? Is that what you think?"

Not after what just
happened tonight, no. But at that time, I thought so, yes. I only
called Doug for a little comfort.” Furi’s voice was deep and raspy,
his tight body pressed up close against Syn's.

I’m sure he comforts you
damn good, too,” Syn hissed before he could think better of
blurting that out.
Wow. Really?

"It’s not like that. Doug is my

A friend who just
happened to come by after one in the morning and bust through the
door to get to you.”

Stop cutting me off. Doug
is straight and not my type even if he weren't. I don’t do
jealousy, Syn. So knock it off.” Furi leaned in and brushed Syn’s
neck with his lips.

Well, he pops up and it’s
late as fuck, so what am I to think?” Syn whispered.

Hey, I’m not gonna fuck
around with you if I’m already fucking around with someone else.
I’m not that type of guy.”

Furi moaned in Syn’s ear when he
buried his thick palm in Furi's hair, soothingly massaging his
scalp. Syn’s deep whisky-rough voice penetrated his brain. “I’m
sorry. I’m just all screwed up right now; with you and me, what
happened tonight. I just really wish we hadn’t been

Me too.”

Syn wrapped his arms
around Furi’s narrow waist. “I want to spend more time with you.
to spend
more time with you.”

We will.”

Why do you look upset?"
Syn asked.

I’m nervous about the
call you just got.” Furi released a shaky breath.

It’s okay. We’ll catch
this person soon.” Syn held Furi’s hand, making his way to the

Yeah. Sounds like someone
is after Illustra’s entertainers,” Doug piped up from his position
on the arm of the couch.

My team is good. We’ll
catch 'em.” Syn turned to Doug, “I’ll need you to come back to the
precinct first thing tomorrow.”

Why?” the man asked with
an exaggerated huff.

Because I said so. You
were at Illustra not long ago, right?” Syn pulled out his keys
while talking, not letting Doug answer. “That means the murder
may’ve happened while you were there. So, like I said, I’ll need
you to come back in the morning. For now. Stay here with

Syn took Furi by the shoulders,
turning him to face him. “Any shit comes up, you call me on my
cell.” Syn handed Furi a card from his inside jacket pocket. “If
you have any problems; and I mean any at all, you call me
immediately. I’m going to have the beat officer for this area do
regular drive-bys to check for activity. Especially since your door
is broken now.” Syn glared in Doug’s direction.

Furi nodded his head.

I mean it.”

Syn smiled and kissed Furi’s cheek
like a perfect gentlemen. He leaned in and inhaled his hair one
more time, whispering into it, causing Furi to quiver. “Call me

Furi nodded again. “Sure thing,

Say it,” Syn growled,
nipping at Furi’s ear.

Yes Syn,” Furi said in a
sexy whisper.





Jump and Hope the Parachute Opens’



It was six in the morning and Syn
hadn’t had a moment's sleep. After being at the crime scene for
most of the early morning, Syn, God, Day and Ronowski were in the
Captain’s office rehashing the details of their most recent murder.
Another male entertainer of Illustra had been drugged. Someone
switched his own ecstasy with the laced stuff. His shoot had been
cut short when he started to feel sick. The producer told him to go
rest in one of the spare sets, but that never happened. Maxus
Dillion was dragged out the back of the building and brutally
beaten with a bat before his wrists were slit.

This isn’t the same MO,”
Syn reminded them. “Which confirms that we got the person who
killed Starman and the other three vics. This victim wasn't shot
but cut. That means there is someone else, most likely from BTNS,
continuing in Lady Jay’s footsteps.”

I think we should get a
search warrant for Illustra. For all we know it could be the owner
with the fucked-up ecstasy,” Ronowski suggested.

Why the hell would he be
helping to kill off his own entertainers? Dillion and Starman were
a couple of his highest earners,” God argued from his perch on the
corner of the Captain’s desk.

He might not know the
drugs are bad,” Day said.

God nodded and told Syn to get the

Syn instructed a couple of his men to
pick up all the women who were at Illustra between six pm and
midnight. He’d gotten those names from Doug before letting him
leave the station.

Syn was now in the
Magistrate’s office waiting for a signature on his warrant. His
mind strayed back to Furious for the hundredth time. The feelings
he was already having for the handsome man were beyond anything
he’d ever felt, even for Rhodes. Syn held in a groan when he
thought of burying his hands in Furi’s ultra-soft hair while he
came down the man’s throat. He remembered his entire body tensing
and spasming as his orgasm peaked, then feeling the highest high,
floating down to earth from euphoria.
Jesus, fuck.
Syn twisted in the
now-very-uncomfortable-chair. His dick was getting hard. Furious
stirred an uncontrollable hunger in him. For a man. Syn was just
realizing how much he’d neglected his basic desires while chasing
his career, and he desired a man. Furi may have long gorgeous hair,
but his firm features, and the delicious stubble on his chin did
away with any trace of femininity. All those lickable tattoos made
Syn want to get on his own knees and explore where every pattern
led. He wanted to please and ravage Furious, but he also wanted to
get to know him.

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