Essentia (18 page)

Read Essentia Online

Authors: Ninana Howard

Tags: #BluA

    After we get back, I head to the bedroom and dig out my phone and try to turn it on, but the battery was dead. "Well, crap."  I guess I can pick me up a new charger when we go to the store later.  Not worrying about it at the moment I lay the phone back down on the nightstand.

    Enre peeks his head in the door and says " Thegan and Aiden are stopping to get food on their way home is there anything you want in particular?" I haven't really even thought about food much lately.

    "No, anything is fine. I'm not picky" I say as I fidget with the hem of my shirt, realizing that we are alone.  He notices and slowly walks toward me.  I look down at the ground shyly. 

    He hooks his finger under my chin and raises my head to face him "My princess isn't nervous about being alone with me is she?" He says in a husky tone, dripping in masculinity.  Yes, I am nervous.  I don't know why, though. My cheeks turn red and flowers start popping up everywhere.  He flashes a hungry smile at me and leans in close and whispers to me "I love it when you blush."  Then he kisses me on my earlobe, moving to the side of my neck, along my jaw line.  The sensation of it runs tingles straight to my core.  He pauses just shy of my lips and says "Still nervous?"  I shake my head slightly no.  And he gets a wicked grin on his face and presses his lips to mine, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me close enough to feel his body heat through his clothes.  He slowly backs me up till I feel the cold wall on my back.  He lets out a low throaty growl, like a predatory animal stalking his prey.  I can feel it vibrate through his lips.  A small moan of my own accompanies his growl. He pulls his lips just far enough from me that he can look me in the eyes.  The hunger in his eyes paired with him licking his lips is enough to set my meter off.  I wrap my arms around his neck and bounce up, wrapping my legs around him.  He cups his hands around my backside to help support me then he kisses me deeper, this time, devouring me in such a way a woman can only dream of. I notice that the entire room is covered in flowers and vines, the floor, ceiling, and walls.  It's our own little Eden. I run my hands through his hair, the clip that was holding it in place came loose falling to the floor, and his hair cascaded around his face and over his shoulders. "Mmmm damn." Yep, that works for me.  I can feel him grinning against my lips.  Moving us away from the wall and heads towards the bed. When we reach it, he moves one of his hand up to my back and gently lays me down on the bed. 

    Hovering over me, he looks down and says as if saying to himself "So Beautiful."  Running his hand over my cheek, he presses his lips back on mine.  More gentle this time.  Like he is trying to memorize every sensation.  He softly places a kiss on my chin then slowly moves down to my neck and places another.  He nibbles on my collar bone which draws out a gasp.  The little animalistic sounds coming from him is about to much to handle.  The sensation of him biting is causing every nerve ending to tingle and stand on end.  His slides his hand down my chest to caress my breast, cupping it and squeezing gently. "Mmmm."  He has the top three buttons undone on my shirt, kissing down my cleavage. exposing my bra.  Hooking a finger under the top of the cup, running it across the material and my skin.  He starts to pull it down to reveal my breast.

    "HEY, WE ARE HOME" Thegan hollers.

    Enre leans his head up and yells "AHHHHH DAMMIT."  Then he takes a deep breath and starts to button my shirt back up. "To be continued, my Princess." Then he kisses me one more time.  The look on his face is both mad and apologetic.  'I know the feeling' I think to myself.  Why did they have to show up now?  It was just getting good.  As I sit up and try to calm myself down, taking long deep breaths.  He sits down beside me and says "Well they have great timing don't they?"

    "Yep, they sure do," I say.  We both start to laugh at the situation.

    He asks me "Are you hungry?" Not for food, I think to myself.

    I cock my eyebrow up and say "Yes. Very hungry." Then I wink at him. Knowing exactly what I was thinking.

    He plastered an ear to ear grin on and says "As am I My Dear, as am I.  We should go eat before they barge in on us like last time."  I smile at him, nodding my head.  He stands and takes my hand, bringing it up to his lips and kisses my fingers. When I stand, he whirls me around and pulls me close again, placing a kiss on my forehead.  Waving his hand towards the door, he says "After you My Lady."  Yea. let me go first.  My face all flushed, like what we were doing is plastered on my skin like a billboard.  I take a deep breath and head towards the door with my prince in tow. If I have to be embarrassed, then he does too.













    Chapter Twenty-Three



    Her skin was so soft, and she smelled like orchids.  Such a tantalizing scent. If only my brother would have stayed gone longer, I could have indeed made her mine in every sense. 'One day' I say to myself.  To truly have that beautiful creature wholly belong to me and I to her.  Nothing could be compared to it, nothing could come close to the joy that will bring me.  Watching her as she walks in front of me, her hips swaying back and forth.  Mmm, I have to bite my tongue to keep from voicing my desire for her. 'Get it together man, she isn't going anywhere' I say to myself.  No, she isn't, she is mine, and I am hers for as long as she will have me.

    We enter the living room, and I notice that Thegan and Aiden have a bunch of containers spread out all over the bar. "Do you think you got enough Brother," I say to him.

    He looks at me noticing my hair down and grins saying "I wasn't sure what My Lady would want, so we got a variety of items."  I look over at her, and she is smiling, her face still a light pink color.

    She says to Thegan "Anything would have been fine, but thank you." Thegan still has a knowing grin plastered on his face.

    "Well, let's eat." My brother says to us all.  We do just that.  All of us fill our plates to the brim, even Terra.  We sit in the living room and fill our bellies.  After we all finish, Terra stands up and offers to take our plates.

     Aiden stops her saying “Allow me, My Lady." Not really giving her a choice, she hands them over to him, smiles and tells him thank you. Aiden nods his head at her. I am so glad she is starting to relax around us all.  It must have been a shock to her, having to stay with three guys she just met, but I am glad she is adjusting to it. If I had it my way, Me and her would be off somewhere alone and safe. But as it is, it is going to be awhile before that happens.

    Thegan clears his throat, jarring me out of my thoughts. "Aiden knows a few Aelmereian shops that are in the next town over.  We can go to them and get what we need. Whenever you all are ready to go, we will leave".

    After all of us agree that we were ready, we head outside to a waiting Suv. Aiden climbed in the driver seat with Thegan on the passenger side. Me and Terra get in the back by ourselves. There is an SUV in front of us and behind us with guards in them. Thegan thought it wise to bring extra security, being we are going somewhere unfamiliar.  Even though they are Aelmereian stores, no one knows who's side they are really on yet.

    It only takes us about forty minutes to reach the first store called Novanes. One of the guards walked up to Thegan’s window, and Thegan motioned for him to go in.  Probably to check the place out and make sure that it is safe.  After a few minutes, he comes back out and stands by the door. I guess that was the sign that the coast was clear.  We all get out of the vehicle and head into the store.

    When we enter an older woman says "Welcome My Lords, My Lady. What can I do for you?" 

    I speak first "We are in need of some items for traveling."  The woman nods her head and takes us to the back of the store where there is an abundance of Aelmereian stock. Clothes, shoes, herbs and remedies, Household items and more.   "Take your time and get whatever you need," The shopkeeper says to us. While the guards are keeping watch, we all start looking for stuff we may need.  I look over at Terra, and she looks lost.  I guess she would be, considering that she is not familiar with Aelmere.

    I walk over to her and ask "Do you need some help picking things out My Lady?" A look of relief on her face.

    "Yes I do, I have no idea what to pick to wear," she says.  I smile at her and take her hand.  We walk over to where the women's clothing is, and she says "it is mostly dresses and little ones at that."

     "Yes in Aelmere most of the women do wear these kinds of clothes, especially in the warmer areas.  We can get you some pants and things as well so pick out what you like ok, anything at all" I say to her.  I watch her as she goes through the clothes feeling the material and holding different pieces up to herself.  I go and grab some clothes as well for myself along with some blankets, and gear bags for us all. Terra comes over with a couple dresses, two pairs of shoes, two shirts and a couple pairs of pants.

    "Is this too much?" I kinda laugh a little at her standing there with a sheepish look on her face.

    "No, My Dear, that is just fine. We need to find you a cloak as well" I say to her. Maybe two. 

    "A cloak, Really, like a cape?" she asks. I nod my head.  "Ok. Whatever you say," she says with a smirk.  I go over and pick her out a long cloak lined with fur to keep her warm since we are going to the snowy frozen part of Aelmere, a white one with embroidery around the hood and hem. And I pick her a thinner green one to wear as well. I think they will look good on her. And serve her well.

    After we gather everything, we need we head to the front of the store. The shopkeeper smiles at us and starts bagging everything up. I ask her "How much do we owe you?"

     "No No No. You do not owe me a thing, consider it a gift," she says back.

    "We have to pay you something madam. We cannot accept all of this for free" Thegan says.  We have got a lot of stuff.

    The woman looks at all of us and says "You can pay me by Healing our home so we all can return someday. That will be payment enough. My Lords, My lady." Bowing to us all.

    "That is very commendable of your madam, we will do our very best to restore our homeland. You have our word" Thegan tells her. With that, we leave the shop.     When we are in the SUV on the way home, I say "I am glad that we could find what we needed at that shop without there being a scene."

    "As am I Brother" he replies. The rest of the ride home was pretty quiet.

    After all of the things, we gathered at the shop are brought up to the loft.  We separate everything out and make a stock of what we have to take on our journey.  "We are taking all of this? How are we going to carry it all?" Terra asks me.  "Aiden has sent word ahead to one of his contacts in Aelmere, there will be horses waiting for us," I say to her. The look she gets is distressing. 'She probably is not experienced in riding' I think to myself. "There is no need to fear my lady, you will be riding with me," I say to her and give her a wink. 

    She smiles faintly and says in a quiet voice meant, only for me to hear "Thank you." I smile back at her and continue with the stock.

    "We are going to need our weapons Brother," Thegan says.  I nod my head and go over to behind the couch. There are loose floor boards there that we hid our weapons under when we first came to this loft.  I pry the boards up and remove the heavy leather-wrapped bundle out from the space.  After putting the boards back, I bring the bundle over to Thegan and set it down.

    Looking over at Terra, I notice she is looking at the clothes she got, and I say to her. "You should go try them on and make sure they fit My lady."  She nods her head and grabs the clothes and heads to the bedroom.  When she has left the room, I ask Thegan "Was you able to find her any armor?" I had asked him before we went to the shop if he could find her some armor since he was better at picking good pieces. I never was good at that sort of thing.

    "Yes, I am sure it will fit her, but to be on the safe side, can you take it to her so she can try it on Brother?" I give him a nod, and he waves his hand towards a linen bag. I grab the sack and head to the bedroom. 

    Knocking on the door, she says come in in a shaky voice. I wonder what's wrong. When I open the door, she is standing there in one of the dresses she picked. She is flushed all over and says "How does it look?"

    She looks amazing, her long thick legs look "Delicious."  Oops, I didn't mean to say that out loud.  She turns another shade redder. "I mean it looks exquisite on you." I try to recover my blunder.

    "Really?" She asked in a shy voice.

    I walk up to her cupping her cheek "Like they were made just for you, My Princess."  It wasn't a lie, the dress fit her like a glove.  Just like they were made especially for her. "You will fit right in when we get to Aelmere My dear," I say.  Then I kiss her on the forehead.  She smiles up at me.  I just about forgot the reason that I came in here, to begin with. "I need you to try something else on for me My Lady," I say to her as I grab the bag.  I set it on the bed and open it to see a shiny silver set of women's armor with delicate engravings on each piece.  Thegan really out did himself this time.

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