Fair Play (11 page)

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Authors: Janna Shay

When Jace handed her a glass of champagne, after ordering some for everyone, she brushed his hand, reveling in the sparks of attraction warming her body. Dipping her finger in the champagne, she placed her finger in her mouth, sucking the taste of the sweet bubbles. She tossed Jace a seductive look, then noticed with glee as his forehead broke out in a sweat.

“Later,” he mouthed and a gush of heat pooled between her thighs. The week without him had been too long. He took the seat opposite her while Julie sat on her other side.

A fist tightened around Dani’s chest as she spotted Arlene. She motioned to Jace, whose face hardened as the woman at the center of their misunderstanding approached their table and plopped down next to Jace without an invitation. Dani felt her blood pressure rise as anger swamped her body.

Julie squeezed her, “Careful, your claws are showing.”

“I’m going to tear that bitch’s hair out at the roots if she doesn’t stay away from Jace.”

Arlene grabbed Jace’s glass. “Ooh champagne, my favorite.” She took a sip from the glass, then tried to put the glass to Jace’s mouth, but Dani leaned across the tabletop and jerked it out of her hand.

“Stay the hell away from Jace, Arlene. He’s taken.” Dani spoke in a low voice, so only those at their table could hear. But there had been no way to disguise the barely controlled anger.

Arlene pouted and stomped her foot. “Jace, are you going to let her talk to me like that?”

“Yeah, I am. I suggest you listen to her because she can be mean.”

After Arlene stomped away, Dani hit Jace’s arm. “Mean? Is that what I am?”

He reached over and drew her mouth to his and gave her a scalding kiss. “Only when you want to be.”

Dani glanced at Julie. “Shall we get the cake and presents now?” They needed to get this show on the road so she could get back to business with Jace.

“Sure, let’s go.”

They were gathering the presents when Dani gave Julie an impulsive hug. “Thank you for helping me. I would’ve lost him if it wasn’t for you.”

Julie winked. “Does this mean you’re staying?”

Dani hugged her. “You know it does. I love you. You’re more than my best friend. You’re the sister I always wished for.”

Julie’s eyes misted. “I love you, too, but don’t get the wrong idea because I’m a straight shooter. I only date men.”

Dani started laughing. “Only you.”

Julie collected the rest of the presents. “Come on, let’s go have some cake and shut this party down so we can go home and get some mind-blowing sex.”

“My thoughts exactly.” Her body warmed at the thought of what the night held in store for her.

Dani held her breath as Jace opened her present, a gold business card holder with his name engraved on it. His gaze warmed as he thanked her. When the last present had been opened and the guests had started mingling again, Jace held his hand out to her. “Are you going to dance with the birthday boy?”

Dani’s eyebrow rose as she followed him out to the dance floor. “So you consider yourself a boy now? Did you get emasculated while we were apart?”

He wrenched her body to his. “I know you’ve felt the proof of my manhood, but if your memory is short, I’d be more than happy to remind you.”

She ran her hand up his arm. “Oh, I know you’re all man. My memory is excellent and I remember every detail. I was just checking to see if everything was still intact.”

“Thank you for the card holder. I really like it.”

“That’s not all I got you.”

He looked confused. “You bought me another present?”

She flashed him her best seductive smile. “Follow me to my place and you’ll find out.”

Desire flared in his eyes. “Consider me there.”

She curled her arm around his neck and placed her face next to his. She breathed out softly next to his ear and felt him shudder with desire as she whispered in his ear, “By the way, I forgot to tell you, I’m not wearing anything under this dress.”

Jace’s blood heated at an alarming rate, jettisoning into the stratosphere at her words. Pictures flashed rapidly through his mind at the thought of undressing her, and what she looked and felt like naked in his arms. Instantly aroused, his heart started racing and he broke out in a sweat. Dani started playing with the hair at his neckline, raking her nails gently in a circular motion, making sensations jolt through his body like electrical shocks. His blood pressure rose at the same startling rate as his erection.

She laughed in a low seductive way that sent vibrations straight to his groin. “You need to save that for later, birthday boy.”

“Have mercy. If you don’t stop this, I’m going to embarrass both you and me on this dance floor and take you right here in front of everyone.”

“I dare you.”

Jace moaned.

“You don’t play fair.”

Dani’s green eyes twinkled. “I never said I played fair. I play to win.” After giving him a scalding kiss, Dani sauntered to the door, her tantalizing sexy hips swinging back and forth. She stopped and turned around, scanning his body from head to toe, then licked her lips before exiting the room.

Jace’s throat became dry. Dani knew damn well he couldn’t leave until most of his guests left. She was deliberately tormenting him. He blew out several deep breaths, trying to get his unruly body under control again.

He wanted her more than ever.

After all his guests had left and he’d finally arrived at Dani’s apartment, he found an envelope taped to the door with his name on it. Heart thudding against his chest, he opened it.

Jace, use your key to open the door. Follow the rose petals. I’m eagerly waiting.
His blood pressure shot up, and the lower part of his body responded to the suggestive tone.

He followed the petals to a bucket of champagne in the living room, where there was another note for him.

Take off your jacket and shoes. You won’t be needing them. Leave your shirt and pants on. I want to remove them from you slowly, touching and kissing you everywhere. Grab the bottle of champagne, turn on the stereo, and follow the petals into the bedroom.
His heart started racing, and he broke out in a sweat.

Jace strode into the bedroom, and immediately started salivating. Dani stood at the foot of the bed wearing a black lacy bra that barely covered her breasts. The garter belt left the tops of her thighs bare, and the black nylons and stiletto heels made her gorgeous legs look like they went on forever. Jace’s breath stuck in his throat as he thought of her wrapping those legs around him. There were candles lit here and there, and rose petals decorated the bed that was turned down invitingly.

Dani crooked her finger at him. “Come here and let me help you undress.”

Jace walked as if in a trance. He couldn’t think; he couldn’t breathe; he couldn’t swallow. His mind had gone totally blank, and the only brain working was the one below his belt. His thoughts focused on touching and tasting her. He crushed her to his body and took her mouth in a savage kiss, pouring all his pent-up desire into her.

She laughed in a low sultry way that vibrated through his body. “Cool your jets, birthday boy, the night’s young.” She untied his tie and kept her eyes on his as she slowly started unbuttoning the top button of his shirt. As each button exposed more of his skin, she kissed and lightly nibbled.

He closed his eyes and moaned as sensations racked his body. His heart thundered in his ears, muting all sound but the intense thudding beat of his heart. Everywhere her mouth touched, his skin seared as if an iron was branding him, putting him through exquisite torture. He’d never felt this consuming passion with anyone but her. She slid down his body, her hands eager, her mouth fervent, making him cross into madness. A growl was wrenched from deep in his throat as his hands tangled in her hair. A film of sweat gleamed on his body as he pulled her up to him.

Her lips melded to his, but it didn’t slake the ravenous hunger tearing at him. Slanting his mouth over hers, he kissed her fiercely, trying to absorb her taste. He became mindless as need erupted, fueling the inferno burning inside him, sending hot, molten desire oozing through his veins. He trembled from the strain as he tried to gain control of his volatile passion. More than he wanted his hunger assuaged, he wanted to give her pleasure.

He softened his kiss and she became pliant in his arms. Bending, he placed her languid body on the silken rose petals as he lay beside her. She opened passion-glazed eyes as he worshipped her. As his hands and mouth skimmed over the silken planes of her body, his gaze traveled over her alabaster skin that shimmered in the candlelight. His desire flared as his tongue lingered over sensitive places that brought pleasure to both of them.

She writhed on the sheets, then she cried out, “Jace, no more, please. I need you now.”

His relentless exploration continued, his need to possess her body and soul urging him on. His heart pounded harder, his blood burned hotter as his hands and mouth greedily glided over her. He rained kisses over every inch of her.

“Take me. I need you,” she moaned.

His mouth fastened on to hers, devouring her lips until his head swam with her taste. Her body quivered with passion, yet he refused to end their torment. His need to merge their hearts overrode his body’s demands. He couldn’t settle for anything less than everything she was.

She moved frantically beneath him, scraping his back with her nails, urging him to finish. With each stroke, he drove them higher and higher until he was crazy with need.

She cried out his name and he followed suit as they soared over the edge.

Afterward, they lay quietly joined as Dani caressed his back, as if still needing to touch him. He kissed her gently as she brushed the damp hair from his forehead.

“Making love to you was always incredible. Tonight transcended anything I have ever felt in my life.”

“I always knew it’d be like this. Why do you think I was so relentless?” He kissed her. “There is only you in my life. There will always be only you.”

A couple hours later, Jace lay on his side, his head cradled on his hand, as he studied the perfection of her face. As his finger lightly traced her delicate features, Dani’s eyes slowly opened.

Raising her hand, she caressed his cheek. “Can’t you sleep?”

“I can’t seem to get enough of you,” he said in awe.

“Or me you. Don’t ever stop wanting me,” she whispered as she wound her arms around him.

Chapter 13

Dani eased out of bed quietly, then grabbed a towel and jumped in the shower. As she stood leaning with her arms on the wall and the warm water sluicing over her body, her thoughts wandered to Jace. Their joining had become something ethereal, changing her forever. Fear of capture would never control her life or dwell in her thoughts again. Jace’s love had taken that fear away. As long as memories of his love remained in her mind, she could endure anything. The day would still come when she’d have to leave, but not because she feared her past. Her stomach quivered as she realized her fear was now for him.

Her mind carried her back into the past as she remembered the reason she’d been forced into this vagabond lifestyle. What had happened could never be changed, but she could make sure that the consequences of her actions would never stain Jace. Whatever it took to prevent that, she was willing to do. Even if it meant giving him up. The truth of her past had to stay hidden, for both their sakes. His, so it couldn’t hurt him, and hers, because she couldn’t live with his hate. Hate that was sure to come once he knew her secret. The shower door opened. “Need help washing?”

She smiled, an attempt to give no indication where her thoughts had strayed, forcing them into the deep recesses of her mind. She threw him the soap. “I need a lot of help. There are so many places I can’t reach. You don’t mind, do you?”

“I aim to please.”

As she was drying off, Jace hugged her from behind. She leaned back, crossing her arms over his. He gave her a quick kiss, then spied her staring at his image in the mirror.

“Is something wrong?”

“No, everything is so right.”

He pulled her to him. “If you keep looking at me like that, I’ll never get to work this morning.”

Dani burrowed her body closer. “Hmm ... sounds great.”

Daylight streamed into the living room as Dani stood in front of the window enjoying a cup of coffee. Jace grabbed her around the waist and sat her on the couch.

“What are you doing? I thought you had to get to work?”

“I do, but I want to talk to you about something first.” He grasped her hands. “I want you to move in with me.”

“I see.” Was it wise to take their relationship up to the next level so quickly? “What about the casino?”

“What about it?”

“You’re still my boss. Living together is a lot different than seeing each other.”

“That’s not a problem. I want you with me, not on another floor of the hotel.”

Her hand drifted to her stomach as it turned upside down. “I think we need to settle a couple of things before we decide.”

“What do we need to settle?”

Nervous, she stood up, then poured herself another cup of coffee. Legs trembling, she leaned against the kitchen doorway and faced him. “We can move in together as long as you’re aware that someday I’ll have to leave. I’m not free to make any lasting commitments.”

He raked his hand through his hair, then stood up. “What exactly do you mean by that? I thought you wanted to have a relationship with me?”

She crossed to him, then framed his face. “What’s between us can only be temporary. I can only hurt you by staying.”

He frowned. “I don’t understand. How can you hurt me?”

She pulled away, then went to the window and watched the city come to life. Maybe she’d been wrong in thinking she could make a life here with him. Why did he have to ask her to live with him? She would have been happy just seeing each other. But would he? She’d hurt him by staying and hurt him by going. He deserved a life with a future, something she couldn’t give him.

She cleared her throat, fighting the tears pricking the backs of her eyes. “Nothing I say will help you understand. There are things about me that you know nothing about. Things that can hurt you. I can’t let that happen.”

He walked over to her and gently turned her. “Talk to me. Don’t throw away our chance at happiness. Tell me what you’re so afraid of?”

Sadness flowed through her body as tears swam in her eyes. “You deserve so much more than I can give. You need to forget me and live your life. It’s best if I leave.” She turned toward the door.

He swung her around. “That’s not an explanation, that’s an excuse. An excuse for you to run again. You can’t go through life running away every time something scares you. I thought you cared about me?”

“I do. If things were different, nothing could tear me away from you. But they’re not.”

Dani cringed. She could almost feel the frustration running through his body.

“You can tell me anything. Whatever you’re afraid of, I’ll help you. But you have to trust me.”

Her nerves jumbled, making her jittery. She paced nervously, then stopped. Her voice rose in fear. “You can’t help me. No one can.” She burst into tears.

He tugged her into his arms and let her cry. Nudging her chin up with his fingers, he said, “Come on, sit with me and talk.” He led her to the couch. “I want you to make a life with me for as long as you can. Will you give me that much at least?”

Dani touched his face. “Won’t it be harder for you if I stay?”

“No. If I can’t have you for forever, then I’ll take whatever time you can give me. At least I’ll have memories.”

“When the time comes, I have to leave. You have to let me go.”

He gave a curt nod.

“There’s one more thing to be resolved. I’m your employee, and my living with you might cause problems. There will be talk.”

“Do you really think I give a damn about that? Let them talk. I refuse to skulk around like we’re doing something wrong. It’s settled. You’re moving in with me.”

“We need to ...”

He covered her mouth with his, kissing her until all thought fled.

“It settled. I’ll meet you for dinner at the steakhouse, then we’ll move your things here.”

“No we ... ”

He kissed her again until she was senseless.

“Jace ... we.”

He kissed her again.

She pushed against his chest. “Are you going to use these underhanded tactics every time I don’t agree with you?”

Jace kissed her deeply, until she responded. Her arms curled around his shoulders as she moved closer to him. Lifting her head, she said, “You don’t play fair.”

He picked her up and laid her on the couch. As he followed her down, he mumbled, “I never said I played fair.”

“How did it go last night?”

Dani jumped. She hadn’t heard Julie walk up.

“Never mind, your face says it all. That good, huh?”

With a huge grin on her face, Dani grabbed Julie in a hug. “Better ... fantastic. You’re going to find out through the grapevine, so I’m telling you first since you’re my best friend. I’m moving in with Jace.”

“Wow, he sure moves fast. Are you sure about that?”

“Yes, I’m sure. We have this connection I’ve never felt with anyone else before.” She paused. “Except maybe you, and I’m a straight shooter.”

They laughed, then Julie nudged her with her shoulder. “I’m happy for you. Don’t forget your best friend in between the times you tangle in the sheets. I still want to hang with you.”

Dani swatted Julie lightly on the arm. “Don’t be silly. Just because I’m with Jace doesn’t mean I’m going to forget you. I still need my home girl.”

“Then it’s all right. Gotta go, don’t want to be late for my shift. See you later.”

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